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JUNE 30, 2021

The Reason to Lock Everyone Down Again This Fall? Spread of Delta Variant Prompts New Restrictions Worldwide
– by the Washington Post

Ireland Limits Indoor Dining to Fully Vaccinated over Delta Variant Fears: Need to Get Inducted into the Medical System by Officially Having Covid-19 Previously or Getting Vaccinated for Covid-19
– by France 24

L.A. County Urging Everyone to Wear Masks in Public Indoor Places as Delta Variant Spreads
– by KTLA 5

Heart Inflammation after Covid-19 Shots Higher-than-expected in Study of U.S. Military, Still Downplays Threat
– by Reuters

Web Warnings: Google Will Warn You about ‘Fake News’ Websites before You Click on Them
– by the Sun

Poll – Support for Biden Erodes among Democrats as U.S. Looks Past Pandemic
– by Reuters

Senator Rand Paul Slams Delta Variant ‘Fearmongers’
– by Steve Watson

Israel Sees Explosion of Cases in Vaccinated Patients Caused by “Delta” Variant
– by Tyler Durden

Footage Shows French Politicians Quickly Mask up after Realizing Cameras On
– by Infowars

World Economic Forum Makes Censorship Pledge to “Tackle Harmful Content and Conduct Online” – a Big Tech-government Coalition to Control What People See
– by Reclaim the Net

BLM Rioter Who Smashed Car Window in a Toddler’s Face Avoids Jail after Lawyer Says it Was an “Emotional Time”
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Navy Unit Forced to Take Part in Mandatory ‘Diversity Hike’ Waving LGBT Flags
– by Jamie White

German Mayor Responds to Islamist Terror Attack by Expressing Concern about Refugees
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Abu Dhabi Bans Unvaccinated Adults from Shopping Malls, Restaurants & Colleges
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Video: House Subcommittee Hears Chinese Military Ran Wuhan Lab; Experts Warn It’s ‘Highly Likely’ Covid-19 Leaked
– by Steve Watson

University Offers $1,200 Stipends to Learn How ‘Whiteness Is Normalized’ and How It Can Be ‘Eradicated’
– by the College Fix

Transgender: White House to Denounce GOP Child-Protection Laws
– by Breitbart

NYC Officials Withdraw Democratic Mayoral Primary Vote Count; 135,000 Test Ballots Included by Mistake
– by Breitbart

Report: Biden Allies Launch New Group to Promote Far-Left Agenda
– by Breitbart

Joe Biden Attempting to ‘Destroy’ Suburbs with Infrastructure Package, Proving Trump’s Prediction Correct
– by Breitbart

Ohio Legislature Passes Bill to Ban Covid-19 Vaccine Requirements
– by Breitbart

Microsoft, Google Abandon “Truce” as Tech Giants Turn on Each Other amid Anti-Monopoly Push
– by Tyler Durden

NSA Claims No Spying on Tucker Carlson in Broadly-Worded Denial
– by Tyler Durden

MLB’s ‘Trump Won’ Flag Dropper Banned from All Stadiums and Facilities – He’s Not Done
– by the Gateway Pundit

Deep State FISA Judge Boasberg – the Obama Judge Who Let Klinesmith off with Probation – Dismissed the Govt Case against Facebook
– by the Gateway Pundit

MI Rep Daire Rendon (R): “I Am in Receipt of Evidence Reflecting Systemic Election Fraud in MI that Occurred in the November 2020 Election”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Newsom Changes Timing of His Own Recall Election in Attempt to Suppress Votes against Him
– by the Gateway Pundit

“Woke” Hypocrites at Google Flash Gay Logo in US on YouTube During Pride Month but Not in Turkey and China
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 29, 2021

The Pandemic Is Over, Says 57 Percent of Republicans — and 4 Percent of Democrats
– by Mediaite

Roger Stone Urges Trump to Dump “Weak-kneed” Lawyers in the Face of Likely Indictment
– by Salon

Judge Dismisses FTC and State Antitrust Complaints against Facebook
– by CNBC

Pittsburgh Man Dies after 2nd Moderna Dose, Doctors Say, in First Known Blood Clotting Case Linked to the Vaccine
– by RT

Mom-of-3 “Excited about Getting Vaccine” Dies from Blood Clot in Brain Following Astrazeneca Jab
– by Adan Salazar

“Absolutely Shameless”: WH Press Secretary Blames Republicans for Defunding Police
– by Steve Watson

Tucker Carlson ‘Confirms’ Biden Administration ‘Spying’ on His Communications, Getting Info to Leak in Order to Take Off Air
– by Jamie White

WikiLeaks Draws Liberal Ire after Comparing Tucker Carlson to Assange as Fox Host Accuses NSA of Spying on Him
– by RT

Hunter Biden Investment Firm Financially Tied to Wuhan Lab & EcoHealth Alliance
– by Kelen McBreen

Abu Dhabi Begins Using Facial Recognition Cameras at Shopping Malls, in Residential Areas to “Detect Covid-19”
– by Paul Joseph Watson

‘Fact Checking’ Virologist Who Worked at Wuhan Lab Is Suddenly Open to Lab-Leak Hypothesis
– by Tyler Durden

Canada Health Chief: Covid-19 Lockdowns Are Actually for Preventing Spread of “False Information”
– by Jamie White

NFL Releases Pride Month Video Saying, ‘Football Is Gay’
– by Breitbart

Adviser to Pentagon Counter-Extremism Group Warns of Protected Speech Crackdown
– by Breitbart

Lawsuit: Silicon Valley Billionaire Recruited Election Officials to Accept Grants from Zuckerberg
– by Breitbart

Nolte: CNN’s Jake Tapper Lost 75% of His Audience in Just Six Months
– by Breitbart

Epic: Rep. Mo Brooks Slams CNN’s Jim Acosta
– by Infowars

New Study Finds Covid-19 ‘Very Well Adapted’ to Specifically Infect Humans
– by the Daily Telegraph

McCarthy Reveals Republican ‘Framework’ to Go to War Against Big Tech Censorship – Main Target: Google
– by the Political Insider

RaBtCoV/4991: Scientists Obfuscated Source of Covid-19-like Virus Stored at Wuhan Lab
– by the Epoch Times

Watch Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Mother with Disabled 12-Year Old Daughter Breaks down Crying While Sharing How Covid-19 Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life
– by the Gateway Pundit

Dirty Doctor: Fauci Lied to Congress on Why Trump Canceled Wuhan Lab Funding that He Kept Funding Anyway
– by the Gateway Pundit

FBI Arrests 69-Year-Old LA Woman for Entering US Capitol “without Lawful Authority” but Post Photo in Her Case Packet of Capitol Police Holding the Door for Her
– by the Gateway Pundit

Another Jan. 6th Setup: the Secret Service Offered to Escort Roger Stone to the Front of the Capitol March and into the Capitol – Stone Declined
– by the Gateway Pundit

Georgia’s Fulton County Election Board Likely Not Happy with Election Audit Moving Forward – because Judge Added Them to the Case
– by the Gateway Pundit

Maricopa County Auditor Bob Hughes Shares How They Are Using High Tech Forensic Digital Cameras and OCR to Validate Ballots
– by the Gateway Pundit

Maricopa County Announces They Will No Longer Use the 2020 Voting Machines – GOP Senator Wendy Rogers Chimes in: “Ban ALL Fraud Machines!”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch Georgia State Rep. Brandon Beach: “I Think We Can Ask for Our 16 Electoral College Votes Back and Park Em Here…”
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 28, 2021

Trump Returns to Campaign-style Rallies
– by McClatchy

Supreme Court Rules No Right to Sue for Some Wrongly Labeled as Terrorists by Credit Agency
– by Los Angeles Times

Homeland Security ‘Highly Concerned’ Theory Trump Will Be Reinstated in August Will Spark Violence: Top Counterrorism Official Tells Congress Staff Have Ramped up Monitoring of ‘Extremist’ Online Communities
– by Daily Mail

Theory Floating: John McAfee’s Death Sparks Conspiracies Tech Guru Has Activated ‘Dead Man’s Switch’ to Expose the Government
– by the Sun

Government Releases Perfectly Lukewarm UFO Report: Can’t Explain UFOs, but Offers No Evidence of Aliens, Can’t Confirm Anything
– by Politico

Laid to Waste: Taliban Seizes 1/3 of Afghanistan in Blitz Offensive after US Wastes Nearly $1 Trillion in ‘Pointless’ 20-year War
– by the Sun

Massive Human Head in Chinese Well Forces Scientists to Rethink Evolution
– by the Guardian

The Cryonics Industry Would Like to Give You the Past Year, and Many More, Back
– by DNYUZ

Hungary Told to Repeal Law Banning LGBT Promotion to Children “or Else Leave EU”
– by Tyler Durden

Latest UK Data: Vaccinated People 3-Times More Likely to Die from Delta Variant than Unvaccinated
– by Kelen McBreen

Derek Chauvin Sentenced to 22.5 Years for Floyd Killing
– by Tyler Durden

San Francisco Authorities to Mandate Covid-19 Vaccinations for Every Municipal Worker
– by Sputnik

Reports: Biden Subjecting Migrant Youth to Rampant Disease, Sexual Abuse at Shelters, Lice Outbreaks, Lack of Clean Clothes, Hungry Children Served Undercooked Meat
– by Breitbart

Gov. Ron DeSantis Forces Tuition Refunds for Jobless Grads, Expands Vocational Training
– by Breitbart

Robert Bork Jr.: ‘Revolutionary’ FTC Chair Lina Khan Will Use Antitrust to Impose ‘Woke Standards’ into ‘Corporate Management’
– by Breitbart

Michigan Lockdown: 23% of Detroit Kids Considered Suicide, Mental Health Orgs ‘Unable to Keep Up with Demand’
– by Breitbart

Facebook Rejects Talks with Australia Publisher, May Test Online Law Forcing Big Tech to Pay for News
– by Reuters

Microsoft Confirms New Cyberattack by Group Linked to SolarWinds Hack
– by the Epoch Times

How an Obscure App Turned Millions into Unwitting Spies for the US Military: “Helped Inform Government Policy Makers on How to Best Deal with Vaccine Hesitancy, Susceptibility to Foreign Interference and Misinformation in Elections
– by Tyler Durden

Bank Guard in India Shoots Patron for Entering without Face Mask
– by Tyler Durden

Washington State Forces Nearly Everyone to Buy Long-Term Health Care
– by Mish Talk

Surgeon Fired by College of Medicine for Voicing Safety Concerns about Covid-19 Shots for Children
– by Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms

Covid Delta Variant: Sydney Lockdown Extended as Delta Outbreak Grows
– by BBC

Facebook Can Be Held Liable for Not Protecting against Underage Sex Trafficking, Court Rules
– by the Gateway Pundit

Virginia Library Invites Preschoolers, Babies and Toddlers to Drag Queen Story Hour to Celebrate Pride Month
– by the Gateway Pundit

Biden Admin Is Paying Contractors Not to Build Wall But to Sit and Watch Piles of Steel Beams and Sections of Wall from Being Stolen
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: John McAfee’s Wife Speaks out: “I Blame the US Authorities – He Would Never Quit This Way. He Would Never Take His Life”
– by the Gateway Pundit

US Fake-News Media Ranks Dead Last in 46 Country Survey on Media Trust — Meanwhile Trust in TGP Soars
– by the Gateway Pundit

Indian Bar Association Sues WHO for Lying about Ivermectin and Killing Indians — Will Fauci and CDC Be Next?
– by the Gateway Pundit

Vaccines: Reasons for Concern – More Vaccine Troubles in Young than from Covid-19
– by Alex Berenson

Crazy Biden Admin Issues Order Mandating Race Training at Every Level of the Federal Government
– by the Gateway Pundit

Massive London Protests against Lockdowns — “Enough Is Enough”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Eye Witness Outlines Probable Criminal Activity in the Georgia 2020 Election Related to a Stacey Abrams’ Happy Face Temp Employee
– by the Gateway Pundit

Deeply Planned: New Findings Show Coordination and Collusion between PA and GA in 2020 Election Steal
– by the Gateway Pundit

Huge AZ Audit Preliminary Report Expected Monday When True Number of Ballot Totals Announced
– by the Gateway Pundit

Arizona Audit Vacates Coliseum – Prepares to Return Ballots to Maricopa County with Chain of Custody
– by the Gateway Pundit

Big Brother: How Our Daily Lives Are Tracked by Phones, Laptops & Even Doorbells – Do You Know How Your Data Is Being Collected?
– by the Sun

Narrative for Covering up Inflation: during Covid-19, Most Americans Got Richer—Especially the Rich
– by WSJ

The Adulterer in the Room
– by William D. Cohan

National Archives’ Racism Task Force: Own Rotunda, which Houses the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights Example of ‘Structural Racism,’ Knocks Founding Fathers
– by Fox News

FDA Adds Warning about Heart Inflammation to Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines
– by the Epoch Times

John McAfee’s Lawyer Claims No Indication of Suicide, in Constant Contact
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Nunes: Communist Chinese Influence Has Infected Nearly Every Sector of Corporate America
– by Infowars

Facebook Accused of Helping to ‘Brainwash’ Children as Young as 5 with Math Lessons that Teach Pupils to Use ‘Correct’ Pronouns for ‘Non-binary’ People
– by Daily Mail

Snowden Declares ‘End of Case against Julian Assange’ after Newspaper Reveals Lies by Key Witness in US Extradition Case
– by RT

Czech President Zeman Calls Transgender People ‘Disgusting,’ Says Heterosexuals Should Hold Their Own Pride March in Prague
– by RT

BBC’s Andrew Marr: Caught Covid-19 after Vaccine
– by RT

‘Biggest Mistake and Regret of My Life’: NXIVM (Linked to Rothschilds and Clintons) Acolyte, Former Smallville Actress, Allison Mack Speaks out
– by Jamie White

Joe Biden Orders Airstrikes: Bombs Syria Again
– by Breitbart

A Worldwide Evil Operation: U.N. Rights Chief Calls for End to ‘Systemic Racism’ – Seeks Reparations, Funding of Black Lives Matter
– by Breitbart

Barrasso: Biden Is Making Country ‘Much More Vulnerable to Enemies from within’
– by Breitbart

Peter Schiff: Political Hypocrisy Provides Cover for Fed on Inflation, Democrats Trying to Downplay
– by Peter Schiff

Green Party Implodes in Germany
– by Mish Talk

WHO Recommends Masks and Social Distancing for Everyone – Vaccinated and Unvaccinated – Due to Covid-19 “Delta” Variant
– by the Gateway Pundit

Flip that Unfavorable Script: Fox News Hack Chris Wallace Suggests It’s Republicans Who Are Defunding Police
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch Stephen Miller: Kamala Harris’s Objective Is to Destroy the Border, Eliminate Border Security and Facilitate Mass Entry of Illegal Aliens
– by the Gateway Pundit

Senator Karen Fann Tells Reporters She Will NOT Be Releasing Audit Counts on Monday
– by the Gateway Pundit

Texas AG Paxton: 500 Election Fraud Cases Pending
– by OAN

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s Election Fraud Unit Makes Arrest Related to Multiple Counts of Election Fraud
– by Texas Attorney General

Watch Sidney Powell on How Election Can Be Overturned: State Legislators “Have the Power to Recall the Electors for Fraud”
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 25, 2021

Rudy Giuliani’s Law License Suspended over ‘Demonstrably False’ Statements – He Claimed There Existed Less Usage of Mail-in Ballot Fraud than Now Admitted…
– by Mediaite

Exclusive: Hacker Reveals Smart Meters Are Spilling Secrets about the Texas Snowstorm
– by Daily Dot

Widow: Antivirus Pioneer John McAfee Was Not Suicidal
– by AP

Groundbreaking ‘Superhero’ Vaccine Based on Olympic Athlete DNA Could Transform Society
– by Study Finds

New Prehistoric Human Unknown to Science Discovered in Israel
– by the Jerusalem Post

Microsoft Exemption from Antitrust Bill Followed Company Donation to Top Democrat
– by the Washington Free Beacon

Chauvin Could Face Decades-long Sentence in Floyd’s Death
– by AP

Another New Scientific Study Concludes Covid-19 Originated in November 2019, before Wet Market Cases and the Exact Same Day Lab Workers Got Sick
– by Steve Watson

Portland Police Reassure Antifa that Man Shot by Police Was White to Avoid Riot
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Election Meddling: Emails Show Biden Campaign Pressured Facebook to Censor Trump before the Election
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Covid-19: Wuhan Institute of Virology Shortlisted for ‘Outstanding Science Achievement’ Prize
– by New Zealand Herald

Lockdowns “Did Not Lead to Reductions in Excess Deaths” – Study
– by Lockdown Skeptics

Make-A-Wish CEO: Certain Wishes Will Only Be Granted for Fully-Vaccinated Wish Kids
– by Adan Salazar

Backfire! NYT Senior VP Tries to Intimidate Project Veritas Lawyers, Gets Exposed Instead
– by Kelen McBreen

‘Creepier Than Creepy’: Biden Trends on Twitter after Engaging in Bizarre ‘Whispering’ Press Session
– by Breitbart

Joe Biden’s BLM Nominee Pushed Population Control, Defined American Children as ‘Environmental Hazard’
– by Breitbart

Nancy Pelosi Announces Partisan January 6 Investigation, Resists Probes into Covid-19 Origins
– by Breitbart

Watch Live: Justice Department Suing Georgia over New Voting Law
– by Tyler Durden

Watch: 73-Year-Old Pastor and Purple Heart Veteran Arrested for Being at Capitol, His Son Also Arrested in Front of 3-Year-Old Daughter
– by the Gateway Pundit

‘Stop Talking Right Now’: University of Oklahoma Training Shows Instructors How to Censor, Indoctrinate Students
– by the Fire

Fulton County Hires Criminal Attorneys to Stop Election Audit
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: President Trump Cheers Huge Court Win in Georgia – Calls Out “No Good” Michigan RINOs, “They’ll Be Overthrown”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Arizona Audit Daily Update: Paper Analysis Is Finishing up – So What’s Next!?
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Rudy Giuliani on Suspension of Law License in NY State: “You Tell Me If This Would Have Happened If I Was Representing Hillary Clinton?”
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 24, 2021

Tattoo Warning – John McAfee Had ‘WHACKD’ Tattoo and Once Said If He Was Ever Found Dead in ‘Suicide,’ He ‘Didn’t Kill Himself’
– by the Sun

Snowden: after McAfee’s Death by Suicide that ‘Assange Could Be Next’
– by Sputnik

Side Effects: Covid-19 Vaccines Linked to Four Different Skin Reaction Types – from Hives to Swelling – Mostly Reported by Whites
– by the Sun

In Landmark Free Speech Decision, SCOTUS Rules that Schools May Not Police Social Media Posts Made Off Campus
– by Campus Reform

VA Gov. Northam Makes Undocumented Students Eligible for In-state Tuition, Assistance Programs
– by Campus Reform

US Warns of Illness Caused by Hand Sanitizers in Latest Covid-19 Update
– by Sputnik

Leaked Cable: Hillary Clinton Privately Warned France that Wuhan P4 Lab May Lead to Bioweapon Research
– by Human Events

Archived Blood Samples Don’t Lie: Scientist Recovers Deleted Genetic Data Proving Covid-19 Virus Was Likely Circulating in Wuhan before Wet Market Cases
– by Steve Watson

UK MP: ‘Important People’ Shouldn’t Need to Quarantine under Covid-19 Rules
– by Infowars

Biden Calls for More Gun Control, Arguing Americans Don’t Have the Firepower to Overthrow the Government Anyways
– by Kelen McBreen

Doctoral Candidate Who Sought to Prove Justice System Was ‘Racist Against Blacks’ Stabbed to Death by Black Male in Chicago
– by Information Liberation

Inventor of MRNA vaccines: ‘The Government Is Not Being Transparent about the Risks,’ Should Not Be Forced to Take Experimental Covid-19 Vaccines
– by the Daily Mail

Fact-Checker Tells News Not to Report Crime because It’s Racist
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Exclusive: Teen Who Had Heart Attack after Pfizer Vaccine: ‘I’d Rather Have Covid’
– by Children’s Health Defense

New Law Requires Florida Students to Be Taught about ‘the Evils of Communism’
– by the Epoch Times

Is HAARP Firing up Again? FAA Issues Warning about “Electromagnetic Radiation” Near HAARP
– by Tyler Durden

First Oath Keeper to Plead Guilty in Jan 6 Charges, Including “Document Tampering” for the Lawful Act of Deleting Facebook Account
– by the Gateway Pundit

We May Now Know Why Biggest Farmland Owner in the US Creepy Bill Gates Invested in All of that Farmland – It Likely Ties in With Lab-Grown Meat
– by the Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden May Have ‘Accidentally’ Paid for Hunter’s Wild Night at Chateau Marmont, Including $25,000 to Russian Hooker
– by the Gateway Pundit

It Begins… Miami Road Sign Hacked to Read “Arrest Fauci”
– by Breitbart

Citizens Against Political Persecution to Hold Protest for January 6 Prisoners in New York
– by the Gateway Pundit

Garland Favorito: Georgia Officials Including Raffensperger Concealed Ballot Tampering from Judge – “We Are Discussing What to Do With It”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers: Senate Will Hold Hearings and Investigate Audit Results Regardless of Sine Die
– by the Gateway Pundit

Biden’s Troubling Nominee to Head the Office of Civil Rights
– by the Political Insider

JUNE 23, 2021

U.S. Blocks Websites Linked to Iranian Disinformation
– by Reuters

US Takes Down 33 Iran-linked News Sites, Alleges Disinformation
– by AP

Iran: ‘Sabotage Attack’ on Civilian Nuclear Center Thwarted
– by AP

Satire Entertainer Attacked by Federal Government – He Was Preparing for ‘a Coming Civil War,’ Feds Say. Now He Faces up to 30 Years in Prison.
– by the Washington Post

GOP Filibuster Blocks Democrats’ Big Voting Desecration Bill
– by AP

Fake Covid-19 Pandemic Perpetuated by Most Media Has Increased Trust in Media: Report
– by AFP

Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP): Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Linked to Rare Blood Disease – Israeli Study
– by the Jerusalem Post

England Set to Drop Face Mask Rules after Huge Economic Impact Revealed
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Video: Kamala Encourages Leftists to Knock on Doors, Harass People to Get Vaccinated
– by Steve Watson

WHO Official: Mask Mandates & Social Distancing Should Continue Indefinitely
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Parents Protesting Critical Race Theory and Transgenderism Violently Arrested at School Board Meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia
– by Information Liberation

Left Goes Berserk over Australian Billionaire Distributing Anti-Covid-19 Vaccine Flyers across Nation
– by Infowars

Florida Bill “Banning Vaccine Passports” Actually Allows State to “Use Any Means Necessary to Vaccinate” Citizens
– by Kelen McBreen

Leaked Iowa School CRT Docs Show Teachers Forced to Classify ‘Make America Great Again’ as ‘Covert White Supremacy’
– by Jamie White

WEF-Linked Bioethicist Called for Genetically Modifying Humans to Induce Meat Intolerance
– by Jamie White

Clinical Trial to Test Mixing & Matching Covid-19 Vaccines
– by Adam Salazar

Philippines President Duterte Threatens to Jail Those Refusing Covid-19 Shots and ‘Inject Vaccine in Their Butts’
– by RT

Infants Given Soy Formula Had up to 22,000x More Estrogen than Breastfed Babies, Equivalent of 5 Birth Control Pills in Shocking Study
– by Herculean Strength

4x as Many US Soldiers and Vets Died by Suicide than in Combat Since 9/11 War on Terror – Study
– by RT

Violent Crime Surges 25 percent in 2021 with Democrats in Washington
– by Breitbart

FL Gov. Ron DeSantis Signs Civics Bill Requiring Students to Learn Evils of ‘Communism, Totalitarian Ideologies’
– by Breitbart

Mayor Muriel Bowser Claims D.C. Saw ‘One Night of Rioting’ Last Summer
– by Breitbart

New Harvard Data (Accidentally) Reveal How Lockdowns Crushed the Working Class while Leaving Elites Unscathed
– by FEE

John McAfee May Die in Prison after Spain Approves US Extradition for Tax Charges
– by Tyler Durden

Biden Admin Launches ‘Firearms Trafficking Strike Forces’ in Liberal Cities
– by the Epoch Times

Warren Buffett Resigns from Gates Foundation Board
– by Tyler Durden

‘Casedemic’ Over? Wealthy Nations Focus on Hospitalizations as Covid-19 Becomes “Endemic” Like the Flu
– by Tyler Durden

Georgia Conducting Secret 2020 Ballot Review — Keeping Plaintiffs in the Dark
– by Real Clear Investigations

WHO Stealth Edits Page Warning against Vaccinating Children
– by Tyler Durden

White Illinois Farmers Sue over Race-Based Farm Loan Relief Program
– by the Epoch Times

Iran Accuses U.S. of Meddling in Presidential Election
– by Breitbart

Grandmother of 5 from Indiana Is First “Insurrectionist” to Be Sentenced in Jan. 6 Protests — for Walking inside US Capitol
– by the Gateway Pundit

To No One’s Surprise – Judge Declares Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC Show Is Not News
– by the Gateway Pundit

Leaked Emails Expose Executive Board of National Psychologist Org Hatred of ‘Narcissistic,’ ‘Paranoid,’ ‘Delusional’ Untreatable Conservative Americans
– by the Gateway Pundit

Far Left Activists Infiltrated Jan. 6 Protests Dressed as Conservatives with OAN Microphone – Breached Capitol Grounds, Gave FBI Tips on How to Infiltrate Trump Rallies
– by the Gateway Pundit

Hillary Clinton Campaign Official and Founder of Org to End Sexual Violence against Children Is Arrested on Child Rape Charges – Sentenced to 13 Yrs in Prison
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Project Veritas Releases Video of CBS 62 Insider April Moss Detailing Network’s Corruption
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Psaki Says Biden Admin Partnering with Private Sector to Bribe Kids with Xboxes to Get Vaccinated
– by the Gateway Pundit

The ACLU Hired 255 Workers for Georgia’s Fulton County to Be Deputy Registrars and Gave Them Full Internet and Voter Roll Access – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
– by the Gateway Pundit

Did Stacey Abrams’ Firm Hire a Weak Uninspired Temporary Workforce to Hide Election Fraud with Process Nightmares?
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 22, 2021

Trump Organization Sues New York City for Wrongful Termination of Contracts
– by ABC News

Chip Shortages Are Starting to Hit Consumers – Higher Prices Are Likely
– by WSJ

Google Faces EU Antitrust Probe of Alleged Ad-Tech Abuses
– by WSJ

Report: UK Government Signs Contract with Tech Firm Who Suggested Deploying Covid Passports as National ID System
– by Steve Watson

Google Accused of ‘Force-installing’ Covid-19 Tracking App on Phones
– by Steve Watson

Schools Warned that Promoting Concept of “White Privilege” Is Harming Disadvantaged White Students
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Brave CBS Reporter Announces on Air She Will Blow Whistle on Network to Project Veritas over “Discrimination” Forced upon Employees
– by Jamie White

Aunt Claims Healthy 13-Year-Old Nephew Died 3 Days after Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine
– by Kelen McBreen

Daszak Finally Fired from Commission Investigating Covid-19 Origins
– by Steve Watson

Pre-programming – Utopia 2013: Eugenicists Channel Georgia Guidestones for Depopulation
– by Infowars

Pre-programming – Amazon Show Plot Featured Fake Virus, Global Vaccine Program to Sterilize World Population
– by Infowars

Obama Pushes Federal Election Takeover Bill because Jan. 6th, despite Self-Made ‘Policy’ Not to Weigh in on ‘Day to Day Scrum’
– by Breitbart

United Nations Applauds Biden Bringing 4X More Refugees to U.S. as Trump
– by Breitbart

Twitter ‘Mistakenly’ Censors National File for Report on 13-Year-Old Dying 3 Days after Covid-19 Vaccine
– by Breitbart

New Study Links Ivermectin to ‘Large Reductions’ in Covid-19 Deaths
– by the Epoch Times

World Health Organization Says Do Not Give Children Experimental Covid-19 Vaccine Shots
– by Adam Dick

Almost 4,000 Fully Vaccinated People in Massachusetts Alone Have Tested Positive for Covid-19
– by Fox News

Survey: Students Are Ashamed of Being American after College Education
– by the Gateway Pundit

Australian Senate Bans Marxist Critical Race Theory from Aussie Classrooms
– by the Gateway Pundit

Fauci Once Again Claims that People Criticizing Him Are ‘Actually Criticizing Science’
– by the Political Insider

Krysten Sinema Defends Filibuster, Argues Democrats Are Hypocrites after Using It Repeatedly
– by the Political Insider

Arizona Secretary of State Hobbs Refuses to Accept 24,000 Signatures for Speaker Bowers Recall
– by the Gateway Pundit

Arizona Senate to Adjourn BEFORE Arizona Audit Results Released – Not Scheduled to Reconvene until 2022
– by the Gateway Pundit

Miracle: Georgia Fulton County’s Richard Barron Reportedly Finds 1,500 Chain of Custody Forms after Reporting All Were Missing for Months
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 21, 2021

California Unveils System to Provide Digital Covid-19 Vaccine Records
– by Press Democrat

‘Woke up Sweating’: Texas Power Companies Remotely Raise Temperatures on People Using Their Smart Thermostats
– by Daily Dot

‘Literally Killing Us’ Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Declares Racism a Public Health Crisis – $9,600,000 of Covid-19 Money from the CDC to Set up “Healthy Chicago Equity Zones”
– by the Sun

Mike Pence Gets Heckled at Faith & Freedom Coalition Summit with Boos and Cries of ‘Traitor!’
– by Mediaite

Poll: 30% of GOP Voters Believe Trump Will ‘Likely’ Be Reinstated This Year
– by the Hill

Hard-line Judiciary Head Wins Iran Presidency as Turnout Low
– by AP

‘Woke’ University Doctors Call for New Laws to Protect Animals from Hate Speech
– by the Sun

Religion ‘Isn’t the Secret to Happiness’: Global Study Claims Atheists Are Just as Happy as Those with a Faith
– by Daily Mail

Wuhan’s Bat Lady Found ‘All Genes’ Required to Genetically Engineer SARS-Like Coronavirus: 2017 Report
– by Tyler Durden

Fauci on Covid-19 Variant: ‘I’m Not Concerned about the People Who Are Vaccinated’
– by Breitbart

Video: Gretchen Whitmer Health Dept Plots to Use Covid-19 Testing School Funds for ‘Whole-of-Child’ Programs
– by Breitbart

Axios Claims Trump’s Migration Reforms Created ‘Worker Shortage’ Rather than Biden Paying Unemployment while Employers Are Begging for Workers
– by Breitbart

Watch: L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti Launches Reparations Effort with Other Mayors
– by Breitbart

White House Denies Report that Biden Froze Military Aid to Ukraine
– by Antiwar

IRS Denies Tax Exemption to Texas Religious Group Because Prayer, Bible Reading Boost the Republican Party
– by the Epoch Times

Amazing New Website Confirms YouTube Is Suppressing Dislikes on Joe Biden Videos, Shows the Suppression Attempt Statistics
– by the Gateway Pundit

Obama/Biden Chief Diversity Officer Who Compared President Trump to Hitler Is Reinstated after Investigation Finds No Issue with His Tweets
– by the Gateway Pundit

Rhode Island Teachers Busted Offering Students Bonus Points to Defend Critical Race Theory at School Board Meetings
– by the Gateway Pundit

Rhodes College in Tennessee to Charge Unvaccinated Students $1,500 Per Semester
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch Boris Epshteyn: Subpoenas Are Being Prepared in Pennsylvania for Another Audit
– by the Gateway Pundit

Maricopa Audit Liaison Says They Need to Investigate Anomalies — Like 52 Ballots Submitted from a Two-Bedroom Home
– by the Gateway Pundit

Twitter Subpoenaed in Georgia Lawsuit Involving Fulton County Elections Supervisor Wandrea Shaye Moss
– by the Gateway Pundit

How Many Dead Voters Voted in Georgia?! Raffensperger Cleans 100K Voters off Rolls after Fraudulent Election
– by the Gateway Pundit

A Real Estate Mogul Has a $100 Million Plan to Save the Internet Involving Opening the Door to Move Friends to Different Platforms
– by Bloomberg

Residents of More than 20 US Cities Are Receiving $500 a Month Universal Basic Income Payments as Popularity of Andrew Yang’s Proposal Grows
– by the Daily Mail

What Quitters Understand About the Job Market – 5% of Workers in Hotels, Restaurants, Bars and Retailers Quit Last Month Largely because of Insufficient Pay
– by the Atlantic

Trump Supporter Sues Town for $25M after Ordered to Remove MAGA Flags from His Car
– by the Sun

‘Heavier Bleeding’ Vaccine Watchdog ‘Closely Monitoring’ 4,000 Women Reporting Period Problems after Getting Their Jab
– by the Sun

Bombshell: Google Funded Wuhan Lab Collaborator’s Research for over a Decade
– by Jamie White

Female Athletes Urged to Boycott Tokyo Olympics as New Zealand Accused of ‘Cheating’ after Trans Weightlifter Selected for Games
– by RT

Georgia Secretary of State Finally Admits 2020 Election Foul Play in Atlanta
– by Sputnik

BBC Bans Whites from Applying for £18,000 Trainee Job on Springwatch and The One Show: “Positive Discrimination” Is Unlawful under the Equality Act 2010, but ‘Positive Action’ Is Allowed for Trainee and Internship Roles in Areas Where There is “Under-representation”
– by Daily Mail

Georgia Secretary of State Outlines 100,000 Names to Be Cut from Voter Rolls
– by the Epoch Times

“Furious” Parents Slam NYC’s “Woke” $57K Spence School after It Shows Video Calling White Women “Entitled” and “Annoying”
– by Tyler Durden

University of Florida Lab Finds Dangerous Pathogens on Children’s Face Masks
– by the Epoch Times

Swiss Reject Climate Change with Zoomers and Millennials Leading the Way
– by Mish Talk

New Book Alleges Mike Pence Praised Trump Aide for Unloading on Trump over Charlottesville Response
– by the Gateway Pundit

CDC Senior Scientist: ‘We Trashed Data Showing Vaccine-autism Link in African-American Boys’
– by Sharyl Attkisson

Ghoulish: Bodies of Confederate General and His Wife Dug up and Moved from Memphis Grave
– by the Gateway Pundit

Bogus Fact-Check Site Used by Google Lists All Conservative Outlets as “Low Credibility” – but Lists All Far Left and Liberal Mainstream Outlets as High Credibility
– by the Gateway Pundit

Feds Accused of Seizing $85 Million from LA Safe Deposit Boxes without ‘Any Legal Basis’
– by Just the News

Watch: Defense Agency (DARPA) Displays Counter-Drone Technology that Shoots down Drones
– by the Gateway Pundit

California University to Hold Segregated ‘Cultural Graduation’ Ceremonies Based on Race and Identity
– by the Gateway Pundit

Interview with Green Beret Jeremy Brown: “Scores of Guys” Have Written and Told Me They Were Contacted by FBI to Spy on Patriot Groups
– by the Gateway Pundit

Maxine Waters Claims She’s Been ‘Told’ Organizing for Capitol Riot Happened in Trump Campaign
– by the Political Insider

It Was a Voter Fraud Factory: 2nd Carter Jones Report Describes Complete Breakdown of GA Election Systems
– by the Gateway Pundit

“This Is Just the Beginning!” – 20 States to Date Tour the Arizona Audit Center Floor
– by the Gateway Pundit

Happening Now — Live-stream: Georgia Hearing on Fulton County Absentee Ballot Audit with Judge Amero
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 18, 2021

Atlantic City to Use Sirens to Mark 10 PM Juvenile Curfew
– by Fox 5 NY

UK Virus Shots Surge Even as 8 in 10 Have Received Covid-19 Vaccinations
– by Live Mint

More QAnon Propaganda from Mainstream Media: This QAnon Militia of Ex-Cops and Soldiers Is Training ‘Patriots’ for Revolution
– by Vice

Google Searches for New Measure of Skin Tones to Curb Bias in Products
– by Reuters

With Juneteenth, Federal Employees Now Get 44 Paid Days off Each Year
– by Forbes

Chinese Defector’s Identity Confirmed, Was Top Counterintelligence Official, Covid Lab Study Details
– by Red State

Entire Portland Rapid Response Unit Dealing with Protest Violence Resigns after Member Indicted
– by RT

St. Louis Couple Charged over Confronting Black Lives Matter Protesters Plead Guilty, Forfeit Guns
– by RT

Trump: Covid-19 Vaccine for Young People “Unnecessary”
– by Adan Salazar

Manchester Arena Bombing Inquiry Finds Fears of Security Guards Being Called “Racist” Prevented Jihadist from Being Stopped
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Report: Scientists Admit Lab Leak Theory Was Dismissed Due to Fear of ‘Racism’ Accusations
– by Steve Watson

Huge George Floyd Statue Unveiled in Newark
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Joe Down: Poll Shows Biden’s Approval Rating Dives as Democrats Despair at Course of Nation, 6% Since April
– by Breitbart

White House: We’re Extracting Migrants from Central America
– by Breitbart

London University to Let Non-White Students Defer Essays for ‘Racial Trauma’ without Evidence
– by Breitbart

Levin: Biden, Military Leaders ‘Promoting the Enemy’ with Critical Race Theory
– by Breitbart

Poll: Plurality of Voters Say Critical Race Theory Will Make Race Relations ‘Worse’
– by Breitbart

BofA’s New Inflation Meter Shows Transitory Hyperinflation
– by Tyler Durden

Protester in MAGA Hat Spotted Next to Antifa’s John Sullivan on Jan. 5 Urged Protesters to Storm US Capitol on 6th Identified – Informant?
– by the Gateway Pundit

Amazon Deletes America’s Frontline Doctor’s Website from the Internet – Doctors Scramble to Salvage Site
– by the Gateway Pundit

Developing: Georgia Investigator’s 29 Page Elections Report Discovered and Released – Reveals Massive Election Integrity Problems
– by the Gateway Pundit

Election Worker Ralph Jones Is Now Second Worker Caught Double-Counting Ballots at the State Farm Center on Election Night
– by the Gateway Pundit

Michigan SOS Candidate Kristina Karamo Delivers +7,500 Affidavits Demanding Forensic Audit to Dishonest Jocelyn Benson – but Her Office Won’t Accept Them
– by the Gateway Pundit

NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in “Improper Surveillance” of 16,000 Americans
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 17, 2021

“Freedom Pass” Vaccine Passports Launch in the UK
– by the Sun

Ghislaine Maxwell’s Jail Cell Flooded with Raw Sewage, Filing Says
– by Daily News

Facebook “Overwhelmingly” Being Used for Online Recruitment in Active Sex Trafficking Cases
– by Tyler Durden

Texas Allows Residents to Possess Handguns with No License after Gov. Abbott Signs Controversial ‘Constitutional Carry’ Bill
– by RT

China’s AI Fighter Pilots Are ‘Better than Humans’ and Have Defeated Them in Test Flights
– by the Daily Mail

Green New Deal: California to Cut off Water Supply over Drought — after Dumping Trillions of Gallons of Freshwater into the Ocean
– by Jamie White

Biden-Putin Summit: Putin Calls out BLM Riots, Ashli Babbitt Death — Biden Flops, Mistakes Putin for Trump
– by Jamie White

Shock Footage: UK Airport Mandatory “Quarantine Hotels” Are Covid-19 Prison Camps
– by Kelen McBreen

Charles Barkley to Retire from “Inside the NBA” in a Few Years – Cites Cancel Culture & Censorship
– by Kelen McBreen

Study Finds Lockdown Curfew May Have Increased Spread of Covid-19 in Greece, Just Concentrated Store Attendance
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Poll: 58% of Americans Hold ‘Unfavorable’ View of Critical Race Theory, 38% ‘Favorable’
– by Breitbart

Supreme Court Rejects Obamacare (Built for Medical Tyranny) Challenge over Standing Issues, 7-2; Alito: “Clearly Unconstitutional”
– by Breitbart

Biden Says He Gave Putin a ‘List’ of Critical Infrastructure, Warning Russians Not to Hack… I Guess Everything Else Is Fair Game?
– by Breitbart

New Obstacle to EU Vaccine Rollout Emerges: CureVac Jab Misses Target, Remarkably Low Efficacy of 47%
– by Tyler Durden

A Record Benefits Cliff Is Coming Thanks to Democrats’ American Rescue Plan
– by Real Clear Policy

Study: Americans Are Fleeing CA, NY, PA and MI for FL and TX
– by the Epoch Times

Trump Wanted Supreme Court to Order New Election in Key Swing States, Emails Show
– by the Epoch Times

Congress Is Empowering FTC’s Lina Khan to Start Breaking up Big Tech
– by Tyler Durden

Attorney Ty Clevenger Trying to Get to the Bottom of Seth Rich Murder Receives FOIA Response from FBI Stating It Will Take Decades to Provide All the Related Documents
– by the Gateway Pundit

Biden’s Flash Cards in England Were to Remind Himself to Lie and Blame Everything on Trump
– by the Gateway Pundit

Panic Sets in: Last-Standing Dem in Trio of Tyrannical Governors Makes Announcement on Crippling Covid-19 Restrictions
– by the Gateway Pundit

South Dakota Gov. Noem Blasts ‘Hypocrite’ Biden over White House Fireworks Plans after Closing Mt. Rushmore Show
– by the Political Insider

Georgia Audit Documents Expose Significant Election Failures in State’s Largest County
– by Just the News

CNN’s Jeff Zeleny: We Haven’t Seen Joe Biden Answer Questions “without His Aides Screaming at Him to Stop”
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 16, 2021

More Evidence Suggests Covid-19 Was in US by Christmas 2019
– by AP

AP Will No Longer Name Suspects, Publish Mugshots in Minor Crime Stories
– by the Hill

Task Force Concludes Cuomo’s Nursing Home Policy Did Lead to More Nursing Home Deaths
– by the Political Insider

Report: Perspex Screens Installed to Stop Covid-19 May Have Actually Increased Its Spread, Just Redirect Air Causing Acceleration
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Fox 26 Reporter Ivory Hecker Releases Tape of Network Bosses — Sounds Alarm on ‘Corruption’ & ‘Censorship’
– by Jamie White and Project Veritas

Massive Bombshell: “Unexplained” Deaths Skyrocketed during Covid-19 Vaccine Push, Falling Since Fewer People Have Been Getting Vaccinated
– by Infowars

Video: Rand Paul Demands Exclusion of Wuhan Lab Funders from Investigations
– by Steve Watson

Video: Former CDC Head Doubles Down, Says Covid-19 Came from Wuhan Lab
– by Steve Watson

Oil & Gas Industry Planning to Replace Vaccinated Personnel?
– by Greg Reese

Pakistani Immigrant Family Forced to Flee Washington to Avoid State ‘Transitioning Their Autistic Son into Their Daughter’
– by Information Liberation

Mask Nazis Spark Violent Fistfight at a Seattle Hardware Store – Video
– by Kelen McBreen

J&J Covid-19 Vaccine Killed 32-Year-Old Son, Grieving Parents Warn
– by Kelen McBreen

Hungary Passes Law Banning Showing Children Material on Homosexuality or Transgenderism
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Hunter Biden Invested Millions in Chinese Nuclear Plant Operator that Vented Dangerous Buildup of Gasses
– by Tyler Durden

Judge Orders Harvey Weinstein Extradition to L.A. on Sexual Assault Charges
– by Breitbart

Smart IoT Devices Can Be Weaponized by Hackers to Launch Even Larger DDoS Attacks
– by Tyler Durden

899 Patients Given Expired Jabs at Times Square Vaccination Site
– by the Epoch Times

Feds Investigating Chinese Spies’ Return to US ahead of Covid-19 Travel Ban
– by the Washington Free Beacon

Pfizer, Moderna Jabs Cause Heart Inflammation in Some Young Men, CDC Finds
– by Tyler Durden

Georgia to Investigate after Fulton County Official Says Chain of Custody Election Forms Are ‘Missing’
– by the Epoch Times

Fox 26 Reporter Who Announced She Went to Project Veritas Live on Air Has Been Suspended — Posts Audio of the Call
– by the Gateway Pundit

Biden Administration Asks Americans to Report ‘Potentially’ Radicalized Friends and Family
– by Breitbart

Trump-Appointed Judge Halts Biden’s Pause on New Oil and Gas Leasing on Public Lands
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch AG Merrick Garland: Domestic Terrorists Fighting for the “Superiority of the White Race” Are the Greatest Threat to the US
– by the Gateway Pundit

Video: Rep. Mo Brooks Unloads on Media Hack Defending Chinese Communists during Presser on Fire Fauci Act
– by the Gateway Pundit

The Arizona Mirror – The Far-Left Outlet that Creates Far-Left Narratives in Arizona Is Connected to Dark Money
– by the Gateway Pundit

Yes, SQL Found on Voting Machines in PA and MI Indicates Election Data Could Be Read and/or Manipulated
– by the Gateway Pundit

AZ Handcount Is Completed – Paper Ballot Examination Continues – 100,000 Ballots Inspected per Day
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 15, 2021

Netanyahu Plots Comeback Even before New Government Sworn in
– by Bloomberg

First on CNN: FBI Warns Lawmakers that QAnon ‘Digital Soldiers’ May Become More Violent
– by CNN Politics

GA Cashier Slaughtered in Supermarket for Telling Man to Wear a Mask
– by NY Post

College Student Abruptly Dies Two Weeks after Receiving Second Moderna Shot
– by Jamie White

Canadian PM Told Staff, ‘Kamala Will Be President by 2022’
– by Infowars

Indefinitely-Detained Jan 6 Capitol Protesters ‘Put On Lockdown in Retaliation for Fox News Show’ Exposing How They’re Being Tortured
– by Information Liberation

UK Researchers Warn Government: “Covid-19 Vaccines Unsafe for Use in Humans”
– by Kelen McBreen

First Autopsy of Covid-19 Vaccinated Patient Found Spike Proteins in Every Organ of Body
– by Jamie White

Rep. Lauren Boebert Links “Suicide” of Author to “Clinton Crime Syndicate”
– by Adan Salazar

Watch: Jon Stewart Hijacks Colbert Show with Lab-Leak Rant, Liberal Twitter Explodes
– by Tyler Durden

Husband of Ashli Babbitt’s Attorney Ties Capitol Police Officer Who Shot Babbitt to Same Officer Who Left Firearm in Bathroom Unattended
– by Breitbart

ABC: One Scientist Who Signed Lancet Letter Dismissing Lab Leak Theory Now Thinks Lab Leak Is More Likely, ‘Several’ Now Uncertain
– by Breitbart

Vast Majority of Democrats Support Employers Forcing Workers to Get Covid-19 Jab, New Poll Finds
– by Tyler Durden

Italy Is Turning away from the Chinese Communist Regime
– by the Epoch Times

Wisconsin Student Accused of Arson in Hoax Hate Crime, Wanted Attention
– by Jonathon Turley

Black Suspect Accused of Two Day Long Shooting Spree Was Targeting White Males, According to Police
– by the Gateway Pundit

New Book Publisher Caters to Conservative Voices It Says Are Being Silenced
– by WSJ

Arizona St.: New Covid-19 Pseudo-Science Policies Discriminate against Unvaccinated Students
– by the Gateway Pundit

House Republicans Move to Censure Ilhan Omar and the ‘Squad’ for ‘Defending Foreign Terrorist Organizations’
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: 2018 Video Shows Wuhan Lab Partner Scheming on How to Make Money from a Pandemic
– by the Gateway Pundit

Florida Judges Declare Mask Mandate Unconstitutional
– by the Gateway Pundit

Arizona Sheriff’s Office Issues Odd Public Statement on Rumors of Canvassers Asking Residents How They Voted in Prescott, AZ
– by the Gateway Pundit

DOJ’s Top National Security Official Resigns after Revelations Agency Investigated House Dems, Subpoenaed Apple Data
– by the Gateway Pundit

AZ Audit: Hand Recount Should be Complete Today – Senate President Karen Fann and Wyoming Officials Tour Floor – Rumblings of Future State Audits
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 14, 2021

Apple Tightens Rules – Dilutes Transparency – after “Justice Department Targeted U.S. Lawmakers”
– by Reuters

Barr Distances Himself from Trump-era Subpoenas of Democratic Lawmakers
– by Politico

No Jab, No Phone: Unvaccinated to Have SIM Cards Blocked, Pakistan’s Punjab Govt. Says
– by RT

Report: Police in Rural India Force Unvaccinated to Wear Skull and Crossbones Signs
– by Breitbart

Bombshell: Defector Shows Evidence that Chinese Military Orchestrated Creation of Covid-19 & Lab Leak
– by Infowars

Mexican Program Accidentally Proves Covid-19 Vaccine Magnet Theory while Attempting to Debunk It
– by Infowars

Tucker Carlson: Wall Street Buying up Homes Nationwide to Create Serf Class of Renters
– by Infowars

Biden DOJ Announces War on Election Audits as Arizona Set to Expose Fraud
– by Kelen McBreen

Tony Blair Suggests Unvaccinated Should Remain under Lockdown Restrictions
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Covid-19 Leads to Brain Changes & Alzheimer’s-like Dementia, New AI-powered Study Finds
– by RT

YouTube Suspends Senator Ron Johnson for Covid-19 ‘Misinformation’
– by RT

Epic: Angry Mom Blasts School Teaching 5-year-olds about Anal Sex, Masturbation
– by Infowars

Biden Starts Dropping Iran Sanctions
– by Breitbart

Utah’s 29 Sheriffs Pledge to Protect Second Amendment Rights from Federal Gun Controls
– by Breitbart

Boris to G7: We Must ‘Build Back Better’ in a ‘More Gender-Neutral, More Feminine Way’
– by Breitbart

College Enrollment Numbers Show ‘Dramatic’ Drop in Spring
– by Breitbart

Baltimore City Responds after Dozens of Businesses Threaten Not to Pay Taxes because the Government Is Useless
– by Tyler Durden

Shocking Jump in Vaccine Deaths Reported This Week at CDC-Linked VAERS Tracking Website
– by the Gateway Pundit

Missouri Governor to Sign Bill Nullifying Federal Gun Laws
– by the Gateway Pundit

Biden Admin Closes Federal Division that Assists Victims of Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens
– by the Gateway Pundit

Michigan Supreme Court: Elections Panel Must Certify Petition to Repeal Emergency Law
– by Detroit Free Press

The Printing Companies that Supplied Ballots in the 2020 Election May Be as Guilty as Voting Machine Companies in Potentially Altering the 2020 Election Results
– by the Gateway Pundit

Arizona Lawmaker Responds to AG Garland: “You Will Not Touch Arizona Ballots or Machines Unless You Want to Spend Time in Arizona Prison”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Massive Grassroots Victory in Newsom Recall, Less than 50 Names Rescinded
– by the Gateway Pundit

Israel’s New Government Gets to Work after Netanyahu Ouster
– by AP

Covid-19: Boris Johnson Set to Delay Lockdown Easing by Four Weeks – as Fears Expressed about ‘Devastating’ Freedom Day Postponement
– by Sky News

Proof Humans Can Reproduce on Mars as Scientists Discover Sperm Survives in Space
– by the Daily Star

Covid-19 ‘Alarm’ that Can Smell If Someone Has Infection: Ceiling-mounted Device Can Detect If Someone in a Room Has Virus in 15 minutes by Picking up Their ‘Odour’
– by the Daily Mail

AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 Jab Should Be Halted for People over 60: EMA
– by Tyler Durden

Video: Sen. Cotton Reveals Details of “Anti-American Indoctrination” in U.S. Military
– by Steve Watson

Reporter Who Broke Story on Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Found Dead
– by Washington Examiner

China Scoffs at G7’s ‘International System,’ Says Days When World Was Controlled by a ‘Small Group’ Are over
– by RT

Austin Paper Refuses to Release Police’s Description of Black Male Mass Shooting Suspect to avoid ‘Perpetuating Stereotypes’
– by Information Liberation

YouTube Censors Dr. Noorchashm, a Retired Cardiac Surgeon with a Ph.D. in Immunology, for “Misinformation”
– by Reclaim the Net

Sitting on ‘Time Bomb’: Deutsche Bank Issues Grim Post-pandemic Warning for US Economy
– by RT

Judge Tosses Texas Hospital Workers’ Vaccine Lawsuit
– by Tyler Durden

Election Assessment in Pennsylvania County Uncovers Five ‘Issues of Note’
– by the Epoch Times

Hackers Stole Nearly 26 Million User Login Credentials for Sites Like Amazon, Google, Facebook
– by the Epoch Times

UK Charity Teaches Staff ‘White Women Reporting Rape by Black Men Support White Supremacy’
– by Tyler Durden

Sen. Ron Johnson’s Staff Looking through 14,000 Hours of Jan. 6th Video Footage – 38% of 800 Protesters Were Waved in West Terrace Door by Capitol Police
– by the Gateway Pundit

Lying Hack Gets Promotion: Biden’s Pick for Top Pentagon Post Is Former Aide Who Pushed Garbage Steele Dossier to Damage Trump
– by the Gateway Pundit

Eco-Terrorist Letter Received by Forest Service Was Sent by Biden’s Bureau of Land Management Nominee
– by the Gateway Pundit

US Apprehensions of Migrants Crossing Border Continue to Soar, 8x Higher than Last May
– by the Gateway Pundit

Judge Suspends Anti-white Debt Relief Program for Farmers of Color after Conservative Law Firm, White Farmers Sue Biden
– by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Joel Kallman: 54-year-old Oracle APEX Software Developer Who Designed CDC Vaccine Tracking System, Dead 2 Months after First Experimental mRNA Shot
– by the Covid Blog

Developing: the Same Suspicious SQL Software Discovered in MI Dominion Voting Machines Was Just Found in PA Dominion Voting Machines
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: AOC Says the Quiet Part out Loud on H.R.1: “We Cannot Rely Solely on a Wish of Winning Elections”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Kelli Ward: 13 States Have Visited the AZ Audit – WA, GA, VA, PA, NV, UT, CO, WI, OK, AK, MI, SC, MO
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 11, 2021

Oh Ship! Celebrity Millennium – Two Passengers on First Fully Vaccinated Cruise in North America Test Positive for Covid-19
– by the Sun

Netanyahu’s Trump-style Campaign to Stop Israel’s Transfer of Power
– by Axios

House Antitrust Panel Expected to Introduce Five Anti-Big Tech Bills
– by Washington Examiner

New Details of Torture, Cover-ups in China’s Internment Camps Revealed in Amnesty International Report
– by NBC News

Half of Pandemic Unemployment Funds May Have Been Stolen: Axios
– by Tyler Durden

Stanford Study: Most Mass Shooters Have Undiagnosed Psychiatric Illnesses
– by Steve Watson

Governor Abbot: Texas Will Build Its Own Border Walls
– by Steve Watson

Instagram Is Forcing Users to Remove Satirical Posts about Fauci Emails
– by Reclaim the Net

Florida Urologist Finds Signs of Infertility & Prostate Cancer in Men Jabbed with Covid-19 Vaccines
– by Kelen McBreen

At G7, Joe Biden and Boris Johnson Sign Charter Committing to Defend against “Disinformation”
– by Reclaim the Net

What’s in Your Happy Meal? Some of McDonald’s Signature French Fries Come from Potatoes Grown on Bill Gates’ Farmland – Reports
– by RT

Michigan House Committee Asks Auditor General to Investigate Nursing Home Deaths Report
– by Breitbart

CBSViacom’s Child-Grooming Campaign (via Nickelodeon) Isn’t Going So Well for Ratings
– by Breitbart

Pope Rejects German Cardinal’s Resignation over Sex Abuse Scandal, Simply Urges Reform
– by Breitbart

Facebook Gets DoJ Lawsuit for Discriminating against Job Seeking Americans over Job Seeking Foreigners
– by Breitbart

Rand Paul: Dr. Fauci ‘Unwise, Naive, and in All Likelihood Has Been Lying to Us’
– by Breitbart

GOP Bill Would Sanction Foreign Officials Who Suppress, Distort Information about the Coronavirus
– by Breitbart

Federal Appeals Court: Fleeing Violence Is Not a Valid Claim for Asylum in U.S.
– by Breitbart

The Hangover Arrives: Explosive Inflation Leads to Record Collapse in Home, Car Purchase Plans
– by Tyler Durden

Hunter Biden Facilitated Deal for Democratic Consultants Now under Federal Investigation
– by the Washington Free Beacon

Germany Rolls out First Digital EU “Vaccine Passport”
– by Tyler Durden

Washington Moves to Make Sensitive Private Data Available for “Minority Report” – Style AI Research
– by Tyler Durden

Banks Are So Stuffed with Cash They Tell Companies: No More Deposits
– by Mish Talk

DOJ and Corrupt Politicians Are Refusing to Release Thousands of Hours of Video of Jan 6 at the Capital – Is This Short Video the Reason Why?
– by the Gateway Pundit

Democrats Bring in Bill Nye the Science Guy to Talk about Climate Change in Front of Congress
– by the Gateway Pundit

Feds Obtain Conspiracy Indictment against Six Men Affiliated with “California Patriots” over Jan. 6 Riot – Only One Went inside Capitol Building
– by the Gateway Pundit

AZ Ballot Prototype Is Released — Are Watermarked Ballots the Future?
– by the Gateway Pundit

9 States Will Visit AZ Audit Center Today – Only 1 Pallet Left to Count
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 10, 2021

Common Cold Making A Comeback As More People Venture Beyond Their Bubbles (Hospitals Are Settling for Standard Pay Rather than Huge Covid-19 Patient Premiums after PCR Test Turned down to 28x)
– by CBS NY

New Study Finds Slightly Elevated Risk of Bleeding Disorders after AstraZeneca Vaccine
– by WSJ

Have an Echo Device? Amazon May Help Itself to Your Wi-Fi
– by US News

China Returns to Its Strict Covid Restrictions to Fight a New Outbreak
– by NY Times

Study: “Individuals Who Have Had SARS-CoV-2 Infection Are Unlikely to Benefit from Covid-19 Vaccination”
– by Adan Salazar

UK Government Adviser: Mask Mandates Should Continue “Forever”
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Professor: Historians Will Look Back on Lockdowns as ‘Most Catastrophic Event of All Human History’
– by Steve Watson

Watch: Fauci Declares Himself the Supreme Authority; ‘Attacking Me Is Attacking Science’
– by Steve Watson

Watch Rand Paul: “Elitist” Fauci Believes Americans Too Stupid to See through “Pseudoscience”
– by Steve Watson

UK Nightclub Owners: They’re Prepared to Break the Law to Defy Lockdown Restrictions
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Americans Could Be Cut Off from the Internet over Copyright Claims
– by Reclaim the Net

Biden’s Military Puts West Point Cadets in Solitary Confinement If They Refuse Covid-19 Vaccine
– by National File

CVS Pharmacists Using Bar Codes on Right Hand: Mark of the Beast!
– by Infowars

Inflation Nation: Consumer Prices Jump 5%, Fastest Pace Since 2008
– by Breitbart

Zuckerberg-Funded Nonprofits Spent $51 Million on Elections in Georgia
– by Breitbart

Ohio AG Dave Yost Files Lawsuit to Declare Google a Public Utility
– by Breitbart

Iowa Governor Signs Bill to Ban ‘Discriminatory Indoctrination’ of Critical Race Theory
– by Breitbart

Joe Biden Plans to Surrender Protections for American Steel and Aluminum
– by Breitbart

EU Calls for Unfettered Investigation into Origins of Covid-19
– by the Epoch Times

China’s White Collar Workers Face Invasive Surveillance by ‘Big Tech’ Overlords
– by Tyler Durden

Mongolia Reports Fresh Covid-19 Outbreak despite High Vaccination Rates
– by Tyler Durden

CNN and MSNBC Still Mention Trump More Than Biden
– by Real Clear Politics

The Places That Rich People Are Leaving
– by Tyler Durden

Horowitz: Contagious lies: CDC Claims Hospitalization Rising among Unvaccinated Teens — Contrary to Its Own Data
– by the Blaze

JUNE 9, 2021

Covid-19: France Resumes Indoor Dining, Launches Health Pass as Next Phase of Easing Lockdown Begins
– by France 24

Exclusive: Border Surge Sends Prices Soaring; Smugglers Can Earn $200,000
– by the Washington Post

UFOs Repeatedly ‘Took Offline’ US Nuclear Capabilities, Ex-Chief of Pentagon Secret Unit Says
– by Sputnik

President of Oxford College Backs Students Who Removed Queen’s Photo ‘Representing Colonial History’
– by Sputnik

Obama: ‘White Americans’ Need to Reconcile With Their ‘Terrible’ History
– by Information Liberation

Comedian Speaks out after He Was Refused Gig for Being ‘White, Straight Able-bodied Male’
– by Steve Watson

Trump Calls on Nations to Ban Facebook, Twitter: ‘All Voices Should Be Heard’
– by Infowars

Watch: Experts Call for Nuremberg 2.0 Following Covid-19 Crimes against Humanity
– by Greg Reese

One Bank Goes Apocalyptic: Inflation Is about to Explode “Leaving Global Economies Sitting on a Time Bomb”
– by Tyler Durden

Cotton: Make China Pay for Covid-19 Now by Revoking Visas, Most-Favored-Nation Status
– by Breitbart

George Soros Gave Billions to Left-wing Causes in Years He Paid No Federal Income Tax
– by Breitbart

Over 170 Houston Hospital Workers Suspended for Refusing Vaccine, Fired in Two Weeks if Unresolved
– by Breitbart

Oakland, California Begins Guaranteed Income Program: ‘Invest in Justice,’ ‘Change the System’
– by Breitbart

Poll: Democrats Twice as Likely as Republicans to End Friendship over Political Disagreements, Especially Liberal Women Just Disconnect from Reality
– by Breitbart

Study: Gretchen Whitmer’s Michigan Suffering Slowest Coronavirus Recovery; Iowa Quickest Bounceback
– by Breitbart

Socialist Candidate Who Vows to Nationalize Mineral Resources Pulls ahead in Peru Presidential Election
– by Tyler Durden

Judge Orders Chicago Mayor’s Attorneys to Clarify Policy on Denying Interviews to White Reporters
– by the Epoch Times

Watch: Explosive, Unearthed Video Shows Peter Daszak Describing ‘Chinese Colleagues’ Developing ‘Killer’ Coronaviruses
– by the National Pulse

Biden to Revamp Trump’s TikTok Executive Order amid Biometric Data Controversy
– by Tyler Durden

Hackers Expose 8.4 Billion Passwords Post them Online in Possibly Largest Dump of Passwords Ever
– by the Gateway Pundit

Why a Judge Has Georgia Vote Fraud on His Mind: ‘Pristine’ Biden Ballots That Looked Xeroxed
– by Real Clear Investigations

Antrim County Attorney DePerno Releases Report – Claims County Voting Machines Were Remotely Logged into
– by the Gateway Pundit

GA Update: Attorneys back in Court on June 21 after Fulton County Officials Block Audit of Ballots — Attorney Requests Video Footage from Unsecured Building
– by the Gateway Pundit

AZ Audit Update: via Rep. Mark Finchem: 6 States Have Visited the Audit – “All States Need to Come Here”
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 8, 2021

The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax
– by ProPublica

Amazon Is About to Share Your Internet Connection with Neighbors. Here’s How to Turn It Off.
– by the Washington Post

Another Ransomware Attack: 60 Members of Congress from Both Parties Are Left Unable to Access Data for Weeks in Latest Cyber Hack
– by the Daily Mail

Trump Believed Democrats Would Switch Biden for Clinton, Obama as 2020 Presidential Nominee, Claims Book
– by Sputnik

Video: W.H.O. Advisor: China Engaged in “Massive Cover-up” of Covid-19 Outbreak
– by Steve Watson

US Government Lab Report from May 2020 Concluded that Wuhan Leak Needed Investigating
– by Steve Watson

Report: a Different Virus Leaked from Another Chinese Bio-Facility at the Same Time as Covid-19
– by Steve Watson

Cricketing Authorities Considering Exposing Another Player for Tweets He Posted When He Was 15
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Burger King Donating to Pro-Child Sex-Change Group with Every New Chicken Sandwich Sold
– by Information Liberation

Left Extremists Topple and Behead Statue of Canadian Education Pioneer
– by Breitbart

Poll: 78% of Unvaccinated Americans to Stay that Way, Unlikely to Change Their Mind
– by Breitbart

China Will Use “Coercive Power” to Force Digital Yuan on Population
– by Tyler Durden

Trump Planned to Haul Fauci, Daszak in Front of US Presidential Commission, Demand China Reparations
– by Tyler Durden

Watch: President Macron Slapped in the Face During Tour of Southeastern France
– by the Gateway Pundit

In 2020 Indian Scientists Discovered Covid-19 Was Engineered with AIDS-Like Insertions – Emails Show Fauci Called It “Outlandish” which Led to the Withdrawal of the Published Study
– by the Gateway Pundit

Supreme Court Rules against Granting Amnesty to Illegal Aliens with Temporary Protected Status
– by the Gateway Pundit

GA: Ruby Freeman Who Jammed Suspect Ballots into Voting Machines Multiple Times on Election Night Is Subpoenaed
– by the Gateway Pundit

A Concerned Citizen in Massachusetts Uncovers Election Discrepancies
– by the Gateway Pundit

Update: Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 87 Total Cases – Trump and/or GOP Won 71% of Cases Where Merits Were Heard
– by the Gateway Pundit

80% Counted – Watch AZ’s Ken Bennett: “Several Weeks” before Auditors will Confirm or Deny Biden’s Win
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 7, 2021

TikTok Quietly Changes Rules to Harvest Scans of Your Face and Voice in Creepy ‘Biometric Collection’
– by the Sun

FBI Demands USA Today Hand over Details of Everyone Who Read Online Story about FBI Agents Killed during Florida Child Porn Raid, but USA Today Refused because of a 1st Amendment ‘Violation’
– by Daily Mail

Justice Dept. Says It’ll No Longer Seize Reporters’ Records
– by AP

Pentagon UFO Report ‘May Be Cover for Hypersonic Weapon Cold War’ between US and China
– by Daily Star

Ashville, NC Police Dept. Stops Responding to Certain Non-emergency Crimes amid ‘Staffing Crisis’
– by Fox News

Federal Judge Overturns California’s Ban on Assault Weapons, Likens AR-15 to a Swiss Army Knife
– by CNN

Putin Warns U.S. May Regret Using Dollar as Sanctions Weapon
– by Bloomberg

Big Pharma Now Taking out Big Tech: Oracle VP Dies of “Covid-19” after Receiving Second Vaccine Injection
– by Natural News

Karma? Mark Zuckerberg Blasts Whistleblowers Who Expose Facebook’s ‘Censorship’… in Leaked Video
– by Sputnik

World Economic Forum Pushes MIT Program that Automatically Detects “Disinformation Narratives” Online
– by Reclaim the Net

EU Looked at ‘Importing 70 Million Africans’ by 2035, Says German MEP Gunnar Beck, Denouncing ‘Disastrous’ New Migration Pact
– by RT

‘Difficult Decision’: UK Tightens Screws on Travel Rules amid Fears over Nepali Mutation of Covid-19
– by Sputnik

School Principal & Mobile Vaccine Bus Served with Notice of Liability for Pushing Covid-19 Shot on Students
– by Jamie White

Jim Banks: Schumer China Bill a ‘Massive Boondoggle that’s Going to Help the Chinese’ and Hurt Americans
– by Breitbart

Rep. Chip Roy Floats Criminal Investigation into Fauci
– by Breitbart

Report: Joe Biden May Allow Foreign Nationals to Secure U.S. Citizenship without Standard FBI Vetting
– by Breitbart

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Deploys Mobile App for Foreign Nationals to Quickly Be Released into U.S.
– by Breitbart

Watch: Futuristic Backpack Helicopter ‘CopterPack’ Takes Flight for First Time
– by Tyler Durden

Cargill Backs Cow Masks to Trap Methane Burps
– by Bloomberg

New IRS Data Reveals which States Won and Lost the Competition for People and Their Wealth in 2019 – Wirepoints 50-state Survey
– by Wirepoints

Federal Government Funneled $123 Million and Pentagon Funneled $39 Million to Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance – Group that Funded Coronavirus Research in Wuhan
– by the Gateway Pundit

Governor Newsom Will Not Lift State of Emergency in California on June 15 as Promised
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Laura Loomer Crashes Jack Dorsey’s Speech at Bitcoin Conference, Blasts Him for Election Meddling
– by the Gateway Pundit

Multiple New England States Have Outsourced the Programming of Voting Machines to One Company – LHS Associates
– by the Gateway Pundit

Exclusive: “This Is a Shot across the Bow, We Want the Machines Opened Up”, North Carolina House Members Request Inspection of Voting Machines
– by the Gateway Pundit

Every State Should Be Audited – In California 3,000 Votes Were Recorded from an Empty Dorm Building
– by the Gateway Pundit

UN, US, Facebook and Smartmatic Executives Conspired Together before the 2020 Election, Many of Same Officials Now Trying to Stop or Derail 2020 Election Audits
– by the Gateway Pundit

Trump Breaking Video: We’re Going to Take Back the Senate, Take Back the House – the White House – Sooner Than You Think”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Google to Change Global Advertising Practices in Landmark Antitrust Deal
– by Reuters

Malaysian Police Use Heat Drones to Check Temperatures from above
– by Paul Joseph Watson

England Cricketer Gets International Ban for Edgy Tweets He Posted When He Was a Teenager a Decade Ago
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Yet Another Scientific Study Concludes Covid-19 Is Likely Lab Engineered
– by Steve Watson

Twitter Bans Naomi Wolf
– by Reclaim the Net

Fauci Reportedly Briefed Health Leaders in 2020 of Potential ‘Lab Leak’ of ‘Unusual’ Covid Strain
– by Sputnik

Fauci’s NIH Funded Wuhan Military Scientist Who Died Mysteriously after Filing Covid-19 Vaccine Patent
– by Tyler Durden

Video: Rand Paul Says He’s Getting Daily Death Threats for Questioning Fauci
– by Steve Watson

Report: Bush Foundation Bankrolled by Chinese Communist Party-Linked Firm
– by Breitbart

Joe Manchin Reaffirms Opposition to Democrat Election Takeover Legislation, Any Changes to Filibuster
– by Breitbart

Benjamin Netanyahu Calls New Israeli Government ‘Biggest Election Scam, Maybe, in History’
– by Breitbart

Joe Biden’s Rollout Falling Short of Goal to Vaccinate 70% by July 4
– by Breitbart

Georgia GOP Censures Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger for ‘Dereliction of His Constitutional Duty’
– by Breitbart

‘Breaking the News’: How Pro-China Corporate Media and Left-Wing Activists Gutted Reporting on Covid-19
– by Breitbart

FNC’s Wallace to Lewandowski: ‘Come On Corey’ — You Are Blaming Trump’s Covid-19 Inaction on Fauci
– by Breitbart

China to Build over Two Dozen Bio Labs Like Wuhan Institute in Next 5 Years
– by the Post Millennial

California County Covid-19 Death Toll Lowered by 25% after Counting Method Change, Removal of Deaths Already Known to Not Be a “Direct Result” of the Disease
– by the Epoch Times

US Gave More Money to Chinese Lab for Bat Research than Fauci Claimed: Documents
– by the Epoch Times

Julian Assange’s Family Begins US Tour to Demand His Freedom
– by Tyler Durden

AI ‘Smart Potty’ Spy Potty Monitors Bowel Health for Gastro Issues
– by Tyler Durden

Fauci and Top US Doctors Caught! They Conspired to Disqualify Hydroxychloroquine as Covid-19 Treatment
– by the Gateway Pundit

Reports: Chinese Defector Was Shielded from FBI, CIA and Other Agencies because of Concerns They Have on Staff Chinese Spies
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch President Trump: Fauci Was in the Pocket of China
– by the Gateway Pundit

Snowflake Grabs Microphone, Proceeds to Attack Gen. Flynn at Conservative Conference – Gets Body-Slammed
– by the Gateway Pundit

StopHate Documentary on Jan. 6 Protests — What Really Happened? Why Did Police Start Shooting? Exclusive Footage of Police Pushing Protester Off of 2-Story Ledge
– by the Gateway Pundit

Virologist Who Told Dr. Fauci Coronavirus Was Likely Engineered and Got Paid after Backtracking on Claims – Just Deleted 5,000 Tweets, Account
– by the Gateway Pundit

Shocking Speech by Thierry Baudet about 2010 Document Allegedly Exposes Rockefeller Foundation and Globalist Scheme
– by the Gateway Pundit

Ted Cruz: Facebook’s Actions and Correspondence with Fauci Shows Big Tech Operating as Extension of Government – Opens Them Up to Legal Liability
– by the Gateway Pundit

China’s Bioweapons Hatchery Included Numerous Chinese Research Centers Like Those in Wuhan and U.S. Collaborators as Well
– by the Gateway Pundit

Arizona Has 2X the Undocumented “Federal Only Voters” than Biden Won By
– by the Gateway Pundit

Ruby Freeman’s Daughter Election Supervisor Wandrea Shaye Moss Is Subpoenaed for Deposition in Fulton County, GA
– by the Gateway Pundit

Soros Backed Sheriff Penzone and the Maricopa County Board Wouldn’t Turn Over Router Data to AZ Senate Audit – He’s Now Likely Facing Contempt Charges in Another Case
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 4, 2021

EU, U.K. Open First Antitrust Probe into Facebook
– by Bloomberg

FBI Investigating Postmaster General Louis DeJoy in Connection with His Political Fundraising (because it’s Pro-Trump)
– by the Stamford Advocate

FBI Director Compares Ransomware Challenge to 9/11
– by WSJ

Optimally Milktoast Bait: U.S. Finds No Evidence of Alien Technology in Flying Objects, but Can’t Rule It Out, Either
– by NY Times

German Study Finds Lockdown ‘Had No Effect’ on Stopping Spread of Coronavirus
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Scientist at Center of Lab Leak Controversy Put in Charge of the Lancet’s Task Force to Investigate Virus Origin
– by Steve Watson

Poll: Majority Of Americans Believe Covid-19 Came from Wuhan Lab; a Quarter Believe It Was ‘Released on Purpose’
– by Steve Watson

West Virginia Offers Gun, Trucks, & Piles of Cash to Encourage Vaccinations
– by Tyler Durden

NIH Director: Lab Theory Didn’t Get Attention It Maybe Should Have, but It Was on Mind of Me and Fauci, Defends Weaponization of Viruses
– by Breitbart

Texas Gov. Announces Plan to Arrest Illegal Aliens
– by Adan Salazar

Jarome Bell: after Fauci Email Revelations, It’s to Time Investigate ‘Virus Hunter’ Ralph Baric, ‘Gain of Function’ Research at UNC
– by National File

President Trump Blasts Fauci for Wuhan ‘Gain of Function’ Research, Devastating Emails in New Statement
– by National File

Prosecutor Claims Capitol Riot Caused $1,500,000 in Damages; BLM Riots Caused $2,000,000,000
– by Information Liberation

NYPD Operates over 15,000 Facial Recognition Cameras as Part of ‘Orwellian’ Surveillance Network – Report
– by RT

‘New World Order’ Being Formed before Our Eyes, Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Tells RT ahead of Key Moscow Security Conference
– by RT

Axios Attributes Low Covid-19 Levels to Vaccines after WHO Lowers PCR Test Magnification from 35x to 28x and Calls Any Magnification Higher a Fake Test
– by Breitbart

Facebook Will No Longer Exempt Politicians from Facebook Content Moderation
– by Breitbart

Vermont Republican Governor Seeks to Give Non-Citizens Voting Rights in Local Elections
– by Breitbart

Donald Trump Demands China Pay Ten Trillion in Reparations to USA for Covid-19 Deaths, Destruction
– by Breitbart

Gretchen Whitmer Administration Acknowledges Nursing Home Deaths ‘Could Be’ Undercounted, Double
– by Breitbart

Biden Signals ‘Major Changes’ to Tax Proposal to Win GOP Support, Corporate Tax Increase Falls Apart
– by Tyler Durden

“Make Money While Parked” – Canada’s Daymak Unveils World’s First Crypto-Mining EV
– by Tyler Durden

Sources: Democrat Lobbying Firm Connected to Hunter Biden under Federal Investigation for Burisma Work
– by Politico

Former CDC Chief Robert Redfield Got Death Threats from Scientists for Saying He Suspected Covid-19 Originated in a China Lab
– by the Gateway Pundit

North Carolina County Bans Coca-Cola Machines to Fight back against the Culture War
– by the Gateway Pundit

Republicans Are Finally Taking Action to Stop Doing Presidential Debates with Biased Moderators Like Chris Wallace
– by the Gateway Pundit

Mike Lindell Files Fed Lawsuit against Dominion and Smartmatic for “Weaponizing the Court System” to Silence Lindell and Others about Election Fraud
– by the Gateway Pundit

Democrat Non-Profits and Secret State Election Groups Met with the UN to Discuss 2020 Election Cybersecurity – Now Same Groups Are Working against State Audits
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 3, 2021

Lapid Tells Rivlin: I Have Succeeded in Forming Coalition with Bennett, Prepared to Replace Netanyahu
– by the Jerusalem Post

Drug Cartels Attack Enemies, Spread Terror with Weaponized Drones in US and Mexico
– by Yahoo Finance

Russia Cuts Dollar Holdings from $119 Billion Wealth Fund amid Sanctions
– by Bloomberg

King County, WA Becomes the First in the Country to Ban Facial Recognition Software
– by Komo News

Day #2 of Mainstream Media Trying to Report on the Audits of the 2020 Presidential Election by Trying to Lie and Contain the Stories
– by SF Gate

Microwave Weapons that Could Cause Havana Syndrome Exist, Experts Say
– by the Guardian

Biden Privately Tells Lawmakers Not to Expect Much on Reparations Legislation
– by Politico

Email: Fauci Promised He’d Make Trump Pressure DeSantis to Shut Down Gyms, Bars and Beaches
– by National File

Fauci Recommended Canceling Religious ‘Services’ — but Approved Campaign Rallies & Cruises Days Later
– by Infowars

Too Long; Didn’t Read: Fauci’s Response to Physicist Who Warned China Was Covering up Covid-19
– by Paul Joseph Watson

MSNBC Host Says Fauci Emails Make Him “Look Good” during Pathetic Softball Interview
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Fauci’s New Book Gets Pulled from Amazon, Barnes and Noble after Damning Email Revelations
– by National File

‘More Chaos than Diversity’: Norway’s First School Course in Drag Sparks Uproar
– by Sputnik

Twitter Scrubs Nigerian President’s Post & Suspends Account for ‘Abusive Behavior’ after Tweeting Warning to Rebels
– by RT

Danish Authorities Shut down Access to Bitchute over “Dangerous” Covid-19 Information
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Poll: 58% Believe ‘Definitely or Probably True’ Covid-19 Originated in Wuhan Lab
– by Breitbart

Report: White House Actively Looking to Dump Anthony Fauci amid Revealed Emails and Flip-Flopping
– by Breitbart

The Senate Parliamentarian Just Ripped the Heart out of the Democrats’ Agenda
– by Tyler Durden

Landlords Hosed after Appeals Court Tosses Bid to Resume Evictions
– by Tyler Durden

Fed’s Beige Book Freaks out over Unprecedented Nationwide Shortages of Everything
– by Tyler Durden

New Analysis Finds Open Immigration Advocates Are Wrong, Population Growth Doesn’t Fuel Income Growth
– by the Epoch Times

Fauci Was Informed of Hydroxychloroquine Success in Early 2020 but Lied to Public Instead despite the Science #FauciEmails
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Joe Biden Thinks He Was Sworn into Office 15 Months Ago, When Democrats Deployed the Fake Covid-19 Pandemic
– by the Gateway Pundit

Report: Hacking Group Linked to Chinese Government Penetrated New York Transit Agency’s Computer Systems
– by the Gateway Pundit

FBI “Identifies” Hackers Behind Ransomware Attack on World’s Largest Meat Supplier… Russians
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Woman Shot in the Leg on Jan. 6 by Capitol Police without Warning!
– by the Gateway Pundit

Man Who Took a Selfie in Senate Chamber on January 6 Pleads Guilty to One Charge, Faces up to 20 Years in Prison
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: “If We Do an Audit in PA – This Is the Model” – Senator Doug Mastriano Speaks Out after Arizona Audit Tour
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 2, 2021

World’s Biggest Meat Supplier JBS Hit by Cyberattack that Shuts down Plants in Australia and Canada – Pays $50 Million Ransom
– by Daily Mail

1/5 of Supply Disappeared, JBS Moves to Reopen ‘Vast Majority’ of Plants after Cyberattack
– by Yahoo Finance

Trump is Reportedly Telling People He Will Be Reinstated as President by August
– by Mediaite

California Launches Slavery Reparations Task Force, Biden “Commemorated” Blacks Killed by a White Mob in an African-American Community in Tulsa
– by Washington Times

Email: Researcher Who Funded Wuhan Lab, Admitted to Manipulating Coronaviruses Thanked Fauci for Dismissing Lab Leak Theory, Calls the Lie “Brave”
– by Steve Watson

In February 2020 Email, Fauci Wrote Face Masks “Not Effective in Keeping out Virus”
– by Paul Joseph Watson

17-Year-Old Suffers Rare Heart Condition Following 2nd Pfizer Jab, CDC “Investigating”
– by Adan Salazar

Boldly Inaccurate Warning from Biden: ‘Terrorism From White Supremacy the Most Lethal Threat to the Homeland’
– by Infowars

Exposed: China Paid American Media Outlets Millions to Publish Propaganda: Time, the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune and Foreign Policy Magazine
– by Kelen McBreen

UK Records Zero Covid-19 Deaths, Pro-Lockdown Adviser Told to “Shut up”
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Obama’s 3rd Term? Barack Admits Biden Presidency “Finishing the Job” He Started
– by Kelen McBreen

Pennsylvania Sends Delegation of Legislators to Tour AZ Audit Facility
– by Infowars

Liberties Groups Warn People Being Convicted without Trial for Lockdown Breaches
– by Steve Watson

EU Launches “Digital Wallet” in Latest Step toward ‘Cashless Society’
– by Tyler Durden

Watch: Biden Wanders Away from Podium to Promise Two Small Girls He’ll Give Them ‘Ice Cream’ Later
– by National File

Ministry of Truth: Facebook Posts Deemed ‘Fake Vaccine Theories’ May Be Referred to Australian Police
– by Breitbart

Israel Spots Probable Link between Pfizer Vaccine, Myocarditis
– by Tyler Durden

‘So Sue Us’: Amazon Responds to 75,000 Customers Who Say Alexa Spied on Them
– by Tyler Durden

Mothers of Tamir Rice, Breonna Taylor Criticize Black Lives Matter: “Benefitting Off the Blood of Our Loved Ones”
– by the Epoch Times

New Email Shows Dr. Fauci Was Told in Jan. 2020 Covid-19 “Looked Engineered” #FauciEmails
– by the Gateway Pundit

How the University of Minnesota May Have Contributed to China’s Biowarfare Program
– by Dr. Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen

Email Shows Dr. Fauci Knew in March 2020 that 99% of Italian Covid-19 Fatalities Had Other Illnesses — Ignored This During His Hundreds of Interviews #FauciEmails
– by the Gateway Pundit

Audio: Dr. McCullough Sounds the Alarm on Covid Jabs: All Covid-19 Vaccines Produce the Dangerous Wuhan Spike Protein
– by the Gateway Pundit

China State Media: Country Must Prepare for Nuclear War after Biden Agrees to Watered-down Covid-19 Probe
– by the Gateway Pundit

Obama Says Covid-19 Was a ‘Teachable Moment’ about Spending Trillions: Economic Discipline = Bad
– by the Political Insider

Biden to Direct Race-based $100 Billion to ‘Disadvantaged’ Businesses to Help Close ‘Racial Wealth Gap’
– by the Political Insider

Joe Biden Appoints Kamala Harris to Lead White House Efforts on Voting Rights – Making it Easier for Democrats to Steal Elections
– by the Gateway Pundit

Louisiana SoS Kyle Ardoin Needs to be Stopped – He Wants to Change Law So that He Alone Can Authorize Purchase $100 Million in Voting Machine Equipment
– by the Gateway Pundit

JUNE 1, 2021

Covid-19 Variants to Be Given Greek Alphabet Names to Avoid Stigma
– by the Guardian

Meat Is Latest Cyber Victim as Hackers Hit Top Supplier JBS
– by Yahoo Finance

How the World Ran Out of Everything
– by DNYUZ

One Way Companies Are Concealing Higher Prices: Smaller Packages
– by Greenwich Times

South Carolina Jury Find Black Man Who Confessed to Killing White Man Not Guilty of Murder, Spend Less Than 2 Hrs in Deliberations
– by Information Liberation

Heart Inflammation, Blood Clots & Other Dangerous Side Effects Occur from Covid-19 Vaccine, Says Study – Spike Proteins Leading to Brain Inflammation
– by Infowars

Japanese Researchers Use Soybean Compound to Turn Male Fish into Females
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Former FDA Commissioner: China Should Have Blood Samples from Sick Wuhan Lab Workers, Where Are They?
– by Steve Watson

UVA Lets Illegal Immigrant Students Skip out on Enrollment Deposit
– by Campus Reform

GOP Bill Aims to Ban Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+ Flags at US Embassies
– by Sputnik

Knicks to Refuse Admission to Unvaccinated Fans If They Advance in Playoffs
– by Breitbart

Alex Marlow on Rubin Report: UFO Talk ‘Seems Like a Head Fake by the Government,’ Distraction from Real Problems… It’s Fun, but It’s Stupid Hour”
– by Bretibart

Court Documents: Google Makes It Almost Impossible for Users to Keep Their Location Private
– by Breitbart

Rep. McCaul Calls Covid-19 Virus Origin “Worst Cover-up in Human History”
– by the Epoch Times

Biden Imports Oil from Iran after Shutting down Keystone Pipeline and Putting US Oil Workers out of Work
– by the Gateway Pundit

Denver BLM Leader and School Board Member under Investigation on Multiple Sex Abuse Allegations, Including 62 High School DACA Students
– by the Gateway Pundit

In 2016, a Chinese Military Officer, Key to Covid-19’s Origin, Mapped Virus Spread to the U.S.
– by the Gateway Pundit

AZ Sen. Wendy Rogers Lists Takeaways from AZ Audit Tour: “The Media have Served to Fragment and Erode Our Confidence”
– by the Gateway Pundit

President Trump Releases Statement on Georgia Ballot Alarm Incident – Calls on Republicans and Patriots to Help Protect the Storage Facility
– by the Gateway Pundit

PA Patriots Demand SB 528 Be Passed on June 7th by Senate State Government Committee to Launch Forensic Audit of 2020 Election — Sign the Petition!
– by the Gateway Pundit