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MARCH 31, 2021

From ‘Humanzees’ to Super Viruses – How China Became the Waste Dump for Frankenstein Experiments, as Covid-19 Leak Theory Rages
– by the Sun

Trust in Tech Craters
– by Axios

Officials: over 100 Fully Vaccinated People Contract Covid-19 in Washington State
– by ABC News

Goochland County Man Suffers ‘Rare’ Severe Reaction to Covid-19 Vaccine, Likely a Drug Reaction

Biden Covid Team Considering Using ChiCom-Based Tracking App that Allows Businesses to Deny Unvaccinated Americans
– by Jamie White

YouTube Discusses Removal of Public Dislike Count after White House Channel Receives Series of Embarrassing Ratios
– by Infowars

Video: Virginia Teacher Force Student to Acknowledge Race – in 2021, We Work Hard to Institutionalize Racism where It Did Not Exist
– by Jamie White

Greta Thunberg Statue Unveiled at UK University Labeled “Vanity Project”
– by Paul Joseph Watson

WHO Advisor: Investigation into Covid-19 Origin Was “Entirely Inadequate”
– by Steve Watson

After Being Lectured and Laughed at by CCP, Pathetic US SoS Blinken: China Is Right to Criticise U.S. Human Rights
– by Steve Watson

Matt Gaetz Attacks Sex Trafficking Allegations as Being Part of “Organized Criminal Extortion” Scheme
– by National File

CNN: ‘There Is No Consensus Criteria for Assigning Sex at Birth’
– by Information Liberation

Many ‘Unlikely’ to Face Jail Time for Capitol Riot, ‘Could Embarrass Biden Administration’
– by Breitbart

Joe Scarborough Slams “Idiots” Who Oppose Mandatory Vaccine Passports: “They’re Living in Ignorance and Stupidity”
– by Tyler Durden

Woman Claims ‘Epstein Raped Her in Front of Her Son, Threatened to Feed Her to Alligators’
– by Sputnik

Biden to Nominate First Muslim Federal Judge
– by Axios

GOP Sen. Kennedy: If W.H.O. Won’t Have Full Investigation of Covid-19 Origins, We Should Pull Funding
– by Breitbart

Alabama Governor’s Office Reaffirms End to Mask Mandate on April 9
– by Breitbart

Laura Loomer Blacklisted from Payment Processor Stripe
– by Breitbart

US Evacuates All ‘Non-Emergency’ Embassy Staff & Families from Myanmar as Death Toll Hits 500
– by Tyler Durden

NATO Pushes for Creation of “Democratic Resilience Center” to Help Battle the Truth to Help Fortify Evil Dominion
– by South Front

Virgin Galactic Unveils Next-Generation Spaceship Series
– by Tyler Durden

Report: Biden Describes Filibuster as a ‘Jim Crow Relic’ – Here’s which Side Used It the Most Last Year
– by Western Journal

China Furious as 1st US Ambassador to Visit Taiwan Since 1979 Calls It a “Country”
– by Tyler Durden

Biden Puts Susan Rice in Charge of Effort to Expand Vote by Mail
– by Free Beacon

Former Federal Prosecutor David L. McGee, Accused by Rep. Gaetz of Extortion, Represented Robert Levinson in Kidnapping Case with Iran
– by the Gateway Pundit

Commerce Department Report: Red States Leading US Economic Growth
– by the Gateway Pundit

In Cities Across the US, Like Everett, Washington – Free and Fair Elections Are Becoming a Thing of the Past
– by the Gateway Pundit

The CDC Extends Its Eviction Moratorium for Landlords for Another Three Months through June
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Psaki Defends In-Person Learning For Illegal Aliens in San Diego While Most Schools in Same County Remain Closed
– by the Gateway Pundit

Florida State University Cancels Racist Class Bashing White Women after Push Back
– by the Gateway Pundit

Facebook Is Now Silencing and Removing President Trump’s Voice on Facebook
– by the Gateway Pundit

MARCH 30, 2021

Bill Gates’ CDC Director Warns of “Impending Doom” as Covid-19 Cases Increase: “I’m Scared”
– by Axios

Scientists: New Covid Vaccines Needed Globally within a Year
– by WSJ

Google Faces Class Action for Allegedly “Selling Users’ Data”
– by Vice

New Andrew Cuomo Accuser Sherry Vill Speaks out Alongside Gloria Allred
– by NY Post

Hypnosis Changes How the Brain Processes Information, Suspends Logic
– by Study Finds

Traitor Pence Reemerges, “Lays Groundwork” for 2024 Run
– by AP

Chauvin Defense Team: George Floyd Concealed Meth and Fentanyl Pills from Officers in His Mouth
– by National File

NBC Scanning 17,000 Hours of WWE Content to Look for “Racist” Material
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Students and Parents Fight Back after School Forced Boys to ‘Apologise for Rapes Committed by Their Gender’
– by Steve Watson

24 World Leaders Call for More Globalism in Wake of Pandemic
– by Steve Watson

‘Million Maskless March’ Planned for South Florida to Protest for Face Freedom
– by National File

Flights from South Texas Packed with Illegals Carrying ‘Aid Envelopes’ – Reports
– by News Wars

Biden Urges All Governors to Reimpose Mask Mandates
– by Infowars

Live Report: Biden Building Giant Child Smuggling Center at Texas Border
– by Infowars

Canada Suspends AstraZeneca Vaccine for People under 55 Following Reports of Blood Clots
– by Adan Salazar

“60 Minutes” Reports Covid-19 May Have Leaked from Wuhan Lab, Slams “Curated” WHO Report
– by Tyler Durden

No Hugs Allowed: Cuddling after Lockdown May Cause Mutations, Says Virology “Expert”
– by Breitbart

AstraZeneca Vaccine Suspended Again in Berlin, Munich for Under-60s amid Blood Clot Reports
– by Breitbart

Supreme Court Rejects Efforts to Depose Hillary Clinton over Email Server
– by Breitbart

Special Operations Command Diversity and Inclusion Chief Reassigned Pending Investigation into Anti-Trump Posts
– by Breitbart

CDC Director: Our Data ‘Suggests that Vaccinated People Do Not Carry the Virus’… but Keep Your Slave-indicating Face Diaper On
– by Breitbart

Secretary Pete Buttigieg Walks Back Mileage Tax Plans after Backlash
– by Breitbart

Meet ‘Stretch’ – the Warehouse-Worker Union-Buster from Boston Dynamics
– by Tyler Durden

Ghislaine Maxwell Charged with Sex-Trafficking 14-Year-Old Girl, Grooming to Recruit Other Minors
– by Tyler Durden

Biden to Float $3 Trillion Plan Wednesday as Moderate Dems Push Back on Tax Hikes to Pay for It
– by Tyler Durden

Free States Fared Better than Authoritarian States Run by Tyrannical Leftists – Death Rates Related to Degree of Medical Corruption, Not Institution of Lockdowns
– by the Gateway Pundit

As Democrats Claim Voter ID Is Racist, New Poll Shows 69% of Blacks Support It
– by the Western Journal

President Trump Launches New Website:
– by the Gateway Pundit

Teachers to Be Sent to San Diego Convention Center to Provide In-Person Learning for Migrants; Schools in the Same County Remain Closed
– by the Gateway Pundit

Judge Tosses Junk Terrorism Charges against 3 Defendants in Gov. Whitmer Plot Where Ring Leader Was FBI Informant
– by the Gateway Pundit

CDC: Nearly Twice as Many Vaccine Related Deaths So Far in 2021 (1,755) than All the Vaccine Deaths in the Past Decade (994)
– by the Gateway Pundit

Never Explained: during Nine Times on 2020 Election Night on Live TV, a Total of Nearly 400,000 Votes Disappeared from President Trump’s Column
– by the Gateway Pundit

MARCH 29, 2021

Trump Slams Fauci As ‘Self Promoter’, ‘Media Creation’: He Did ‘the Opposite of What He Was Saying’ When Pressuring Trump to Wait Years to Start Vaccinating (They Just Wanted the Next Admin to Handle It)
– by National File

They Want Our Kids Now: Covid-19 Shots for Children Hold Key to Herd Immunity
– by WSJ

NIH Director Panics: We Need to ‘Convince’ Vaccine Skeptics to Get Covid-19 Shot ASAP – 30% (Probably Much More) Won’t Take the Jab
– by Jamie White

Arizona Gov. Lifts Mask Mandates & All Covid-19 Restrictions
– by Infowars

New York Will Soon Introduce the Excelsior Pass – “Proves” You Have Taken a Covid-19 Vaccine or Recent Negative PCR Test
– by RT

‘Correct Mistakes’: China Slaps Reciprocal Sanctions on US and Canada amid Xinjiang Row – Responds to West Pointing out Uyghur Genocide
– by Sputnik

Australian School Forces Young Boys to Collectively Apologize to Female Classmates for ‘Sexism’ and ‘Rape’
– by National File

Bedside Big Brother? Homeworking Employees to Get Mandatory Webcams that Allow AI to Catch Slackers
– by RT

Washington Post ‘Updates’ Headline That Claimed ‘There’s No Migrant Surge’ – Now Claiming It Is Simply a Seasonal Surge while Dismissing the Math
– by National File

List Of Suspects Committing Anti-Asian Hate Crimes in NYC Contains Zero White People
– by National File

Expect Gun Control Executive Orders from Biden – Psaki
– by Ben Warren

Russian Foreign Ministry: Biden’s Press Conference Was ‘Staged’, Discusses War on American Journalists
– by Sputnik

‘Potentially Toxic Face Masks’ Made in Wuhan, China Were Sent to Canadian Daycares, Schools
– by National File

Rare Justice: USA Today Editor Fired after Blaming ‘Angry White Man’ for Boulder Shooting
– by Breitbart

Vatican Cardinal: in a Globalized World, ‘There Are No Borders’
– by Breitbart

Italian Suicide: Social Security Chief Proposes Expanding Basic Income to All Immigrants
– by Breitbart

Ken Blackwell: Corporate Media Legislation Is ‘Bait and Switch to Strangle Conservative Outlets,’ to Form a Monopoly
– by Breitbart

Documents: Amazon Is Aware Drivers Pee in Bottles, Defecate en Route, despite Company Denial
– by the Intercept

Soros Asset Management Is Betting Big on “Crypto Infrastructure”
– by Tyler Durden

77% of Americans Are Worried about Soaring Inflation
– by Tyler Durden

GOP Lawmaker Urges Architects of Digital Dollar to Consider Risks to Civil Liberties
– by the Epoch Times

WHO Wuhan Covid-19 Origins Report Delayed as China ‘Fights Tooth & Nail over Each Sentence’
– by Tyler Durden

It’s Officially an Offence Now to Leave England, Authority Pulled form a Law from 1984
– by Sovereign Man

Rutgers Becomes First US College to Make Covid-19 Jabs Mandatory for Students
– by Tyler Durden

Baltimore Will No Longer Prosecute ‘Low Level Crimes’ Like Prostitution, Trespassing, Urinating in Public and Selling Drugs
– by the Gateway Pundit

Michigan GOP Working to Pass Election Integrity Laws without Democrat Governor Whitmer’s Approval
– by the Gateway Pundit

Former Trump Adviser Stephen Miller Launching Legal Group to Take on Biden’s Radical Agenda
– by the Gateway Pundit

From Europe: 3,964 People Have Died from Adverse Drug Reactions for Covid-19 “Vaccines” – 162,610 Injuries
– by the Gateway Pundit

DHS Chief Fires 32 Members of Advisory Council – including All Trump Appointees – Too White
– by the Daily Mail

Florida State University Holding Racist ‘History of Karen’ Class to Trash White Women
– by the Gateway Pundit

Democrats to Target Patriotic Americans as ‘Domestic Terrorists’ in New Bill – “Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Corey Lewandowski: Trump’s Social Media Platform Will Be Interactive, Will Allow Users to Interact without Fear of Being Canceled
– by the Gateway Pundit

An Alliance of Autocracies? China Wants to Lead a New World Order
– by DNYUZ

WHO Report: Animals Likely Source of Covid-19, despite that Hypothesis Having Been Easily Debunked by CRISPR Gene Analysis Last Spring
– by AP

Covid-19 Waste, Discarded Face Masks and Blind Subservience to Selfish Evil Are Killing Wildlife around the Globe
– by Study Finds

“CCP’s Useful Idiots”: U.S. Rep Slams WHO Covid-19 Origin Whitewash Report
– by Steve Watson

Fauci: Kids Need to Wear Face Masks to Play Together
– by Steve Watson

Government Minister: People Should “Call out” Others for Hugging Their Loved Ones
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Biden White House Working with Companies to Develop “Vaccine Passports” in America
– by Jamie White

Oregon: Antifa Attack Driver Flying American Flag, Police Detain Pepper Sprayed Victim for Pulling Gun in Self-Defense
– by Information Liberation

Sec. of State Blinken Suggests U.S. Won’t Punish China for Unleashing Covid-19 on the World
– by Jamie White

UK Now Considering Digital Face Scanning to Enter Pubs
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Chris Wallace Slams Psaki: ‘You Are Being Less Transparent than the Trump Administration’
– by Infowars

VP Kamala Harris Dodges Anti-Migration Task Set by Joe Biden
– by Breitbart

Oxford University May Scrap Sheet Music for Being Complicit in ‘White Supremacy’
– by Breitbart

Two Teenage Girls Carjack Tase and Kill an Uber Driver, CNN Called It an Accident
– by Sara Carter

Re-Fund the Police? LA County Increases Funding by $36 Million Months after Budget Cuts
– by the Epoch Times

Gun Group at Iowa State University Faces Backlash over Event about 3D-Printed Weapons
– by Tyler Durden

As Junta Kills over 100 in Myanmar, UN Expert Says It Is ‘Past Time for the World to Respond’
– by Common Dreams

Study: U.S. Media’s Covid-19 Coverage Slants Heavily Negative
– by Stark Realities

US Military Launches Task Force to Fight Information War against China
– by Antiwar

Far-Left DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Blames Victim for His Car Getting Jacked after His Brutal Murder by Teenage Black Girls
– by the Gateway Pundit

Ballot Audit in Montana Finds Irregularities Characteristic of Larger Democrat Urban Centers – 6.33% Ballots without Required Envelopes
– by the Gateway Pundit

It Never Ends… UK: People Over 70 to Get a Third Dose of the Covid-19 Vaccine to Try to Tackle Variants
– by the Gateway Pundit

Wall Street Banks Ditch $19 Billion of Stocks in ‘Unprecedented’ Block Trade Selloff
– by RT

Extending the “Community Caretaking” Exception to the Home: Biden Admin Urges SC to Let Cops Enter Homes snd Seize Guns without a Warrant
– by Forbes

Biden Admin Waives Background Checks for Caregivers at Child Migrant Facilities, Back to the Obama Tradition of Delivering Children to Pedophiles
– by the Gateway Pundit

Dr. Birx Claims ‘Covid-19 Death Toll Could Have Been Mitigated’ – If Only She Were in Charge – Wait, She Was
– by the Gateway Pundit

GOP Senator: Gun Reform Bill Requiring Background Checks Could Get Bipartisan Support
– by the Political Insider

Laugh of the Day: Scarborough Claims Biden Was ‘Far More Articulate than Trump Ever Was’ in First Press Conference
– by the Political Insider

MARCH 26, 2021

Biden Meets the Press and the “Pandemic” Disappears, Cancels Trump’s Afghan Troop Withdrawal
– by AP

Pfizer Begins Covid-19 Vaccine Trial on Infants and Young Kids
– by CNBC

Biden’s Press Conference ‘Cheat Sheet’ Contained Names, Photos of Which Reporters to Call on
– by National File

Video: Trump Responds to ‘Outrageous’ Biden Claims during ‘Ridiculous’ First Presser
– by Steve Watson

Study: Chemical that Causes Penises to Shrink, Less Masculine Behavior Found in Face Masks
– by National File

Massive Lawsuit Announced to Challenge Private Federal Reserve Secrecy: Plan to Use FOIA Process to Force Audit of the Fed
– by Infowars

California Approves Ethnic Studies Curriculum that Encourages a ‘Countergenocide’ against Whites
– by Information Liberation

Oakland to Give $500 per Month to ‘BIPOC Families’ to ‘Eliminate Racial Disparities’
– by Breitbart

Sixth Circuit: ATF Cannot Classify Bump Stocks as Machine Guns
– by Breitbart

In Shift, Oil Industry Group Backs Federal Price on Carbon Dioxide Emissions
– by Breitbart

A Cover for a Planned Resignation: Joe Biden Confirms He Will Run for Re-election in 2024
– by Breitbart

Russia Passes Law Allowing Vladimir Putin to Stay in Office through 2036
– by Breitbart

Florida Bill Would Restrict Scholarships for Majors that Don’t Lead to Jobs
– by Breitbart

CDC Director Unqualified to Answer Again: ‘Hard to Put a Number’ on Daily Case Count that Would Mean We’re Turning Corner
– by Breitbart

Joe Biden Says He ‘Admires’ Xi Jinping, Has Spent Lots of Time with Him
– by Breitbart

“Boycott Georgia” – Furious Democrats React as Gov. Kemp Signs “Election Integrity” Bill
– by Tyler Durden

“We Don’t Have the Money”: Argentina Warns It Will Default Again
– by Tyler Durden

The Role of Covid-19 Lockdowns in 2020’s Homicide Surge
– by Mises Wire

Canada’s Supreme Court Upholds Trudeau Climate Tax that Biden Wants to Mimic
– by Tyler Durden

Dominion Voting Systems Sue Fox News for $1.6 Billion over 2020 Elections — Follows Smartmatic Lawsuit
– by the Gateway Pundit

General Mike Flynn’s Family Fights back – Brother Files Suit against CNN
– by the Gateway Pundit

Pelosi: It’s Her “Right” to Seat and Unseat Any Member of Congress – Moves to Unseat Iowa Republican
– by the Gateway Pundit

Biden Handlers Use Covid-19 as Excuse to Shield Old Joe from Reporters During His First Presser, Exaggerate Covid-19 Rules to Drop Attendance
– by the Gateway Pundit

Father of Murdered Boulder Police Officer Lashes out at Liberal Media for Using his Son’s Death to Promote Gun Control
– by the Gateway Pundit

MARCH 25, 2021

Biden: Levine “Will Bring the Steady Leadership and Essential Expertise We Need to Get People through This Pandemic — No Matter Their Zip Code, Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity or Disability”
– by AP

Newborn Baby Wrapped in Plastic Instead of Mother’s Arms because Covid-19
– by Infowars

Biden Blanks out at White House, Handler Tells Press to Leave
– by Jamie White

Gym Responds to Krispy Kreme by Offering Free Memberships to People Who Refuse Covid-19 Vaccine
– by Adan Salazar

Chinese Data: Origin of Covid-19 Outbreak Occurred between Two of China’s Biological Warfare Facilities in Wuhan
– by Infowars

Some Good News: They Took Down the Mad Max Razor Wire Fence at Capitol Hill
– by Steve Watson

Combating ‘Whiteness’, Boulder Has Imported Syrian Refugees Like Ahmad Al-Issa Since 2015
– by National File

Ninth Circuit Rules “No Right” to Carry Firearms, Either Openly or Concealed
– by Kit Daniels

Veteran Investor: Governments Are Planning to Totally Outlaw Bitcoin
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Psaki Tailspins When Asked about Hunter Biden’s $3.5 Million Payment from Moscow Mayor’s Wife
– by Jamie White

Biden: ‘There’s Not a Single Thing a Man Can Do that a Woman Can’t Do as Well or Better. Not a Single Thing’
– by Information Liberation

Report: Team Biden Weighs Declaring Gun Violence a Public Health Emergency in Order to Take Dramatic Executive Action to Tackle Gun Rights
– by Breitbart

Democrat Efforts to Overturn Certified Iowa Election Backfire
– by Breitbart

Joe Biden Puts Kamala Harris in Charge of Migrant Crisis: ‘I Can Think of Nobody Who Is Better Qualified’
– by Breitbart

Hillary Clinton: GOP ‘Doubling Down on Trying to Stop Voters from Voting’ by Saving America from H.R. 1
– by Breitbart

Roy Blunt Resisting H.R. 1: Democrats Passed 100 Laws to Change Voting; Republicans Passed 2
– by Breitbart

Navy Training Materials Urge ‘Duty to Report Suspected or Actual Extremist Behaviors’ within Ranks
– by Breitbart

Biden Administration Urges Supreme Court to Let Cops Enter Homes and Seize Guns without a Warrant
– by Forbes

42 Million People (about 10%) from Latin America Want to Migrate to USA
– by Tyler Durden

Jailed Michigan Restaurant Owner Set Free after Being Forced to Close Her Pizzeria Business and Pay a $15,000 Fine
– by the Gateway Pundit

Former DEA Agent Derek Maltz: Fentanyl Seizures up 361% at US Border – More Seized this Year in 3 months than All of 2020 Combined
– by the Gateway Pundit

Plandemic: Judicial Watch Obtains Emails Showing Fauci’s NIH Accommodated China’s Terms for Confidentiality Surrounding Covid-19 in Feb. 2020
– by the Gateway Pundit

Photo Collage Reveals Who Commits the Mass Shootings in the US Today – Whites Statistically Underrepresented
– by the Gateway Pundit

Taxpayer-Funded NPR Goes after Alex Jones and his Last Channel of Income, Amazon – Want Him Ruined
– by the Gateway Pundit

Green Bay Officials Turn Down Request to Testify Mar. 31 after they Gave Democrat Operatives Access to Voting Room, Internet Network during 2020 Election
– by the Gateway Pundit

Rep. Matt Gaetz Obliterates Fellow Congressmen for Using SPLC and ‘Cancel Culture’ to Attack Members of Our Military
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Democrats Argue Removing Dead People from Voter Rolls Is “Voter Suppression”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Washington Post Lied about Sidney Powell, Her Voter Fraud Court Claims
– by the Gateway Pundit

Cinderella Cancelled because 98% White: in a New Push for Diversity, Chanhasssen Dinner Theatres Changes Plans for Future Programming
– by Twin Cities

Grounds for Impeachment? GAO to Determine Whether Joe Biden Broke the Law by Freezing Money for Border Wall in Violation of Budget Rules
– by the Gateway Pundit

Can’t Get Enough Tucker? Fox Host Announces New Show ‘Tucker Carlson Today
– by the Political Insider

Don Lemon Gets Bad News as Former CNN Producer Demands Network ‘Step in’ and Stop His ‘Dangerous’ Rhetoric
– by the Political Insider

MARCH 24, 2021

Covid-19 Alert: New “Double Mutant Variant” “Detected” in India – Since No One Was Caring about the Mutant Variants
– by the Live Nagpur

Panel: AstraZeneca Used ‘Outdated and Potentially Misleading’ Data that Overstated Effectiveness of Its Vaccine
– by Chron

Trouble with the Ghislaine Maxwell Case?
– by Techno Fog

12,500-year-old Wooden Sculpture Is a ‘Unique and Unparalleled Find’ in Human History
– by the Daily Star

Biden Urges Senate to Immediately Pass House Bills on Gun Reform
– by CNN

Highly Acceptable Democrat Senator Tammy Duckworth: She Won’t Vote for Any White Biden Nominees… Unless They’re Gay
– by Information Liberation

Phthalate Syndrome – Scientist: Plastic Pollution Is Shrinking Penises, Will Make Most Men Infertile by 2045
– by Paul Joseph Watson

CDC: Women Suffer Worse Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects than Men
– by Adan Salazar

Leftist Activist Downplays Identity of Muslim Suspect after First Claiming He Was “Almost Certainly White”
– by Infowars

Facebook Scrubs Page Showing Supermarket Shooter Was Anti-Trump, Pro-Refugee Activist
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Hate Crime? All 10 Victims of Boulder Shooting Suspect Ahmad Al-Issa Are White
– by National File

Boulder Shooter Threatened Fake Hate Crime Charges against Classmates He Attacked
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Blumenthal: Republicans Are ‘Complicit in All These Shootings’
– by Breitbart

Black Family Terrorized by White Suburbanites in Amazon Prime’s Next Level Race Propaganda Series ‘Them’
– by Breitbart

W.H. Covid Adviser Slavitt Complicit: ‘I Have Larger Concerns’ about Covid Spread ‘than What’s Happening at the Border,’ Like Travel
– by Breitbart

For the Old? Or Were We Just Fools? 69% of Parents Worry Children Face Setbacks in Learning Due to Pandemic School Closures
– by Breitbart

More Verification from a New Study: China’s First Covodi-19 Cases May Have Occurred as Early as October 2019
– by Breitbart

Year of Lockdowns Have Cost British Economy £251 Billion
– by Breitbart

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Joe Biden Infrastructure Plan Follows Green New Deal ‘Framework’
– by Breitbart

Marc Morano: ‘Lockdowns’ Are ‘Essentially a Model’ for Green New Deal’s ‘Planned Recession’
– by Breitbart

Migrants Pay $500 for Fake UN Documents to Travel Through Mexico
– by Breitbart

Axios/Ipsos Survey: 80% of Americans Plan to Continue Wearing Masks
– by Breitbart

“I Take Full Responsibility”: Merkel Cancels Draconian Easter Lockdown amid Backlash from Furious Germans, the People Win
– by Tyler Durden

The Great Covid-19 Migration: 31% of Young Adults Relocated during the Pandemic
– by Tyler Durden

Cigna Responds to Claims It Excludes White Men in the Hiring Process
– by PJ Media

Watch: BLM Mob Traps 100 Customers inside Grocery Store: ‘We’re Shutting S*** Down!’
– by the Gateway Pundit

Obama’s FTC Handed Google Its Monopoly after Google Execs Helped Obama Win His Second Re-election
– by the Gateway Pundit

Wisconsin Assembly OKs 2020 Presidential Election Investigation
– by AP

MARCH 23, 2021

Scientists Can Implant False Memories — and Reverse Them
– by Inverse

UK to Make Vaccines Mandatory for Health Workers
– by Steve Watson

Spectacular Failure: Florida Man Sells Homemade ‘1776 Boom Sticks’ Guns at Gun Buyback, City Runs out of Cash in 30 Minutes
– by National File

Human Traffickers Made up to $14 Million Per Day in February Border Rush: Report
– by Tyler Durden

Hundreds Rally for Restaurant Owner Jailed for Defying Covid-19 Lockdown Orders
– by Adan Salazar

No More Good Food for You – You’ll Be Eating Flies: World Economic Forum Claims Bugs Are Our Future in Another Great Reset PSA
– by Infowars

‘Outdated Information’ May Have Skewed Efficacy Data from AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine Trial, US Govt. Health Institute Claims
– by RT

Chicago Suburban City Becomes First in US to Approve Reparations for Black Residents
– by RT

‘More Masks than Jellyfish’: an Estimated 1.56 Billion Covid-19 Masks Polluted Oceans in 2020
– by National File

Can’t Argue with that: IBM Scientists Developing AI Whose Sole Purpose Is to Debate with Humans
– by RT

Biden Bypasses Congress, Cancels Just $1 Billion in Student Loans
– by Campus Reform

Artificial Racial Hatred Paying Off: Seattle’s King County to Spend $5 Million of ‘Covid Relief’ on Fighting Anti-Asian Bias
– by Breitbart

Woke TV: Warner Bros. Teams with Yale Professor to Create Content for Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice
– by Breitbart

Top Chinese Doctor Warns Government Not Vaccinating Enough at Home
– by Breitbart

Reports: Team Biden Planning $3 Trillion Infrastructure, Climate and Welfare Bill
– by Breitbart

Germany Orders Most Restrictive Covid-19 Lockdown Yet over Easter Weekend
– by Tyler Durden

New Jersey Halts Reopening, NYC Asks Cuomo to Do the Same, as Mutant Covid Variant Spreads
– by Tyler Durden

Dozens of Chinese-Owned Factories Have Been Torched by Myanmar Protesters
– by Tyler Durden

Quantum Lunacy: Physics Professor Calls for Abandonment of “Quantum Supremacy” as Anti-Racism Measure, “Similar to White Supremacy”
– by Jonathon Turley

Saudi Arabia Floats Peace Deal to End War in Yemen (Announce Mission Accomplished), Spark Economic Revival
– by Tyler Durden

Watch: FBI and DHS Attempt to Recruit Former Green Beret to Infiltrate and Spy on Oath Keepers, Proud Boys
– by the Gateway Pundit

Boulder, Colorado Killer Identified as Trump-hater, 21-Year-Old Ahmed Al-Issa Charged with 10 Counts of 1st Degree Murder
– by the Gateway Pundit

United Methodist Church Promotes Hateful Propaganda Alleging Trump Supporters are KKK, Confederate-Supporting Racists
– by the Gateway Pundit

Professor: Conservatism May Be ‘Euphemism for White Supremacy’ during ‘Religion of White Rage’ Panel
– by the Gateway Pundit

Leaked Email: ‘Biden White House’ Is out, ‘Biden-Harris’ White House Is in
– by the Gateway Pundit

Newsmax Reporter Emerald Robinson Grills Psaki: ‘Why Are Illegal Aliens Getting Hotel Rooms When National Guard Were Left to Sleep in Parking Garages and Given Contaminated Food?’
– by the Gateway Pundit

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll: Post-inauguration Honeymoon Already Ending
– by Rasmussen

Join Jim and Joe Hoft at Regent U. Election Integrity Conference Starting at Noon Eastern
– by the Gateway Pundit

MARCH 22, 2021

White House: Biden Fell Repeatedly because It Was ‘Pretty Windy Outside’ (14 MPH)
– by National File

“Being Vaccinated Doesn’t Mean You Are Immune. It Means You Have a Better Chance of Protection.” So It’s Not a Vaccine
– by the Atlantic

The Fake Pandemic’s “Unexpected” Privacy Pitfalls
– by Axios

F.B.I. Investigating Whether Cuomo Aides Gave False Data on Nursing Homes
– by DNYUZ

Michigan Restaurant Owner in Jail for Defying Virus Orders
– by AP

Scary: Republican FTC Commissioner Explains Why He Voted against Facebook Antitrust Suit
– by CNBC

YouTube Bans Video of Distinguished Doctor Claiming Ivermectin Is a Miracle Cure
– by Infowars

Researchers Believe It’s Possible to Become Immortal by Downloading Someone
– by Tyler Durden

VP Kamala Harris: ‘Racism Is Real in America, and It Has Always Been,’ Emboldening Anti-White Hate
– by Breitbart

FBI Crime Stats Prove “White Supremacy” Not Responsible for Hate Crime Threat to Asians
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Ford Cancels Shifts, Builds Partially Assembled Vehicles amid Deepening Chip Shortage
– by Steve Watson

UK Police Wake 82-Year-Old Woman in the Night after Someone Tattled She Had Tea with Neighbors
– by Kelen McBreen

“Enough Is Enough” – Flemish Official Calls for ‘Civil Disobedience’ If Belgium Imposes New Curfew
– by Dan Lyman

Teach the Obedient Kids to Have No Sense: Updated CDC School Guidelines ‘Being Driven by Space Concerns, Not by Safety Concerns’
– by Breitbart

March Sadness: NCAA Tournament Players Take a Knee during National Anthem
– by Breitbart

NCAA Apologizes to Women’s Teams for Weight Room Inequities
– by Breitbart

Michigan House Makes Moves to Subpoena Former Gretchen Whitmer Health Director
– by Breitbart

More than 10,000 Suspected Modern Slavery Victims in UK Last Year, 74% Male
– by Breitbart

Saudi Arabia Confirms New ‘Iran-Backed’ Drone Attack on Aramco Facility
– by Tyler Durden

Syrian Oil Minister Accuses US of ‘Pirating’ Oil, Estimates Syria’s Losses at $92 Billion
– by Tyler Durden

Supreme Court Judge Rules New York Times Used ‘Deceptive Disinformation’ to Smear Project Veritas
– by Tyler Durden

Visualizing the World’s Deadliest Pandemics by Population Impact
– by Tyler Durden

UK Prepares Antitrust Probe into Facebook
– by Tyler Durden

German Researchers Link AstraZeneca Jab to Rare Blood Clots
– by Tyler Durden

FBI Director: Atlanta Massage Parlor Murder Spree “Does Not Appear to Be Racially Motivated”
– by Tyler Durden

The Domino Effect: How All Four Cases in the Death of George Floyd Could Collapse With a Chauvin Acquittal
– by Jonathon Turley

Colleges Dump the SAT, the New Admission Standard Is Intellectual Curiosity
– by the Street

Twitter Admits “Error”, Un-Freezes Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Account – Don’t Worry, She Was Just Automatically Removed via Algorithm
– by Tyler Durden

NV: “a Transgender Person Is Now the Reigning Queen” – Biological Male Crowned Miss Silver State USA
– by the Gateway Pundit

Covid-Obsessed Jill Biden Puts Mask on Easter Bunny for White House Easter Eggs
– by the Gateway Pundit

Biden: He Is “Proud” of Secretary of State Blinken for Being Humiliated by Chinese Envoy on American Soil
– by the Gateway Pundit

Trump’s Director of National Intelligence: US Has ‘Secret Evidence of UFOs Breaking Sound Barrier without a Sonic Boom, Performing Moves Humans Don’t Have the Technology for’
– by Daily Mail

Desperately Trying to Make the “Capitol Attack” Prosecution Better than a Total Failure: Now Sedition charges, Departing Chief Says
– by the Washington Post

“We Have a Plan:” New Proud Boys Indictment – Group Leaders Used Radios (Normal) and Encrypted Chats (Like Signal) to Coordinate (despite the Content Being Encrypted) – What a Joke
– by CBS News

Police Detective Divorces His Much More Attractive Wife after Photographed with a Real Man inside the US Capitol Jan. 6th
– by the Daily Mail

Plans for the First Sustainable City on Mars Unveiled
– by Euronews

Biden Awards $86 Million Contract for Hotel Rooms to House 1,200 Illegal Migrants
– by Jamie White

Tyranny Stopped in Virginia: Restaurateur Who Ignored Mask Mandate Beats Government in Court, Will Be Keeping Doors Open
– by National File

Pentagon: ‘Extremism’ Training Needed for Troops Who See ‘Capitol Riot’ and ‘BLM Protests’ as Similar
– by Information Liberation

Trump Adviser: President Soon Returning to Social Media “with His Own Platform”
– by Infowars

Father of Trans Teen Jailed, Denied Bail after Speaking to Press about Resisting Hormone Injections for His Child
– by RT

Former FDA Commissioner: “6-foot Distancing Requirement Has Probably Been the Single Costliest Mitigation Tactic that We’ve Employed in Response to Covid… It Really Wasn’t Based on Clear Science… Should Have Readjucated”
– by Tyler Durden

Israeli Jews Petition International Criminal Court, Say Israel’s Mandatory Covid Vaccines Violate Nuremberg Code
– by National File

Federal Judge Accuses New York Times, Washington Post of ‘Shocking’ Bias against Republicans: Democrats Control Almost All Major News Outlets
– by Kelen McBreen

Trust the Science: Peer Reviewed Study Suggests CDC Inflated Covid-19 Fatalities
– by National File

Poll: Social Justice Activism in Sports Generates Deep Racial Divide among Fans
– by Breitbart

Labour Party Member of Parliament for Coventry South: “Racism Is a Feature of Capitalism” on the UN’s “Anti-Racism Day”
– by Breitbart

Biden Admin Is Spending Millions per Day to Halt Border Wall Construction
– by Breitbart

Some Die from Blood Clots, US Study Shows AstraZeneca Jab Only Purportedly 79% Effective… But It’s Just Smart…
– by Breitbart

Republican Julia Letlow Wins US House Race in Louisiana – Replacing Her Husband Who Suddenly Died after Winning the Race
– by the Gateway Pundit

Meet “Digit,” a Humanoid Robot Testing Package Delivery from Curb to Doorstep
– by Tyler Durden

Estonia: Top NATO Scientist with High-Level Security Clearance Spied for Chinese Intelligence
– by Tyler Durden

Venezuela: Massive Blast Hit Natgas Pipeline in ‘Terrorist Attack’
– by Tyler Durden

Biden Accuser Tara Reade Slams Him and Democrats for Reaction to Cuomo Claims – #BidenToo
– by the Political Insider

“Burn Your Masks!” Massive Anti-Lockdown Protests Rage Worldwide
– by Tyler Durden

Antrim County, MI, Where First System ‘Glitch’ in 2020 Election Was Identified, Decides Not to Use Dominion Voting Machines in Upcoming May Election
– by the Gateway Pundit

24 More Charged in North Carolina Voter-Fraud Probe including Nearly 20 Illegal Aliens Who Voted in National Election
– by the Gateway Pundit

Judicial Watch Sues for Autopsy of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick Who Reportedly Died from a Stroke after Jan. 6 Riot
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Texas Driver Captures Caravan of Buses Carrying Illegal Migrant Children to Dallas for Housing
– by the Gateway Pundit

Biden Admin to Start Flying Illegals from Southern Border to Red States Near Canadian Border on Taxpayer Dime
– by the Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden: “I Wanted to Yield to My Vice President, Who’s Smarter than I Am”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Kamala Harris Is No Longer Highlighted as a Black Female – Now the Asian of the Week
– by the Gateway Pundit

“Definitely Not” – Illegal Alien Tells ABC’s Martha Raddatz He Would Have Never Tried to Cross Border When Donald Trump Was President
– by the Gateway Pundit

Breaks out in Bristol, UK: War against the Police – Vehicles Torched, Station Ransacked, K9s Hit with Mortar
– by the Gateway Pundit

Republicans Finally Notice Hillary’s Attorney behind Nearly Every 2020 Election Lawsuit Has Conflict of Interest in Attempt to Steal Iowa Republican House Seat
– by the Gateway Pundit

Wife Suffers Miscarriage Day after FBI Raids Home over Combat Veteran Husband’s Presence at US Capitol
– by the Gateway Pundit

James O’Keefe and Project Veritas Release More Photos of Kids in Cages at Biden Holding Facilities – 50 with Covid-19
– by the Gateway Pundit

Former DOJ Prosecutor Glenn Kirschner, Connected to the Seth Rich Case, Wants “Every Business in America” to Pledge that the 2020 Election Was “Accurate”
– by the Gateway Pundit

MARCH 19, 2021

Um, What? Scientist behind First Covid-19 Vaccine: Next Target Is Cancer
– by AP

Mainstream Media Is Trying to Turn Asians against Whites in the Name of Racism in the Wake of Atlanta Attacks
– by Reuters

Can Hate-Crime Laws Be Used in Atlanta Shootings? Yes, without Evidence, If “a Protected Class of People”
– by WSJ

Fears of ‘Digital Dictatorship’ as Myanmar Deploys AI
– by Reuters

Why Bands Are Disappearing: ‘Young People Aren’t Excited by Them’
– by the Guardian

Mayor de Blasio Tells NYPD to Pay People Home Visits for “Hurtful” Comments
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Fauci Claims Babies, Toddlers Need to Be Vaccinated for Herd Immunity; Touts 2022 as Viable Timeline
– by Steve Watson

Judge Agrees to Redact ‘Sensational and Impure’ Details about Ghislaine Maxwell from Public Docket
– by RT

‘Biden Is Quite Busy,’ Spokeswoman Says after Putin Challenges to Live, Unscripted Debate amid Deepening Rift
– by RT

Video: UK Announces Vaccine ‘Certificates’, Says They Are Not Vaccine Passports
– by Steve Watson

Video: Only 1000 People Tune in to Biden Vaccine Speech as ‘President Harris’ Lurks in Background
– by Steve Watson

Video: CNN Triggered Red State Voters Don’t Want Covid-19 Vaccine despite Trump Endorsement
– by Kelen McBreen

Not Hate Speech – the Root: ‘Whiteness Is a Pandemic’ – ‘Only Way to Stop It’ Is to ‘Isolate It’ and ‘Kill It’
– by Information Liberation

“Isn’t It Just Theater?” Rand Paul Pummels Fauci over Science behind Multi-Mask Mayhem
– by Tyler Durden

Visitors to California Theme Parks Told to Remain Silent on Roller Coasters to Stop Covid-19
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Shame: NCAA’s ‘March Madness’ Goes Woke
– by Campus Reform

North Korea Confirms It Is Actively Ignoring Biden, No Point in Meeting with Him
– by Breitbart

Pelosi: DACA Illegals Are ‘True and Legitimate Heirs’ of the Founding Fathers
– by Breitbart

N.Y. Nursing Home Admin: I Raised Concerns about Nursing Home Policy While Speaking with State Officials, and Was ‘Shot Down’
– by Breitbart

Jerry Nadler Blames Lawmakers Who ‘Demonized China’ over Covid-19 Origin for Anti-Asian Attacks
– by Breitbart

Joe Biden: Keep Wearing Masks until ‘Vast Majority’ of Americans Vaccinated – Now Just for Bullying the Non-vaccinated
– by Breitbart

Reaction to Xavier Becerra Confirmation: ‘Americans Must Be Prepared for What Is Coming’
– by Breitbart

Judicial Watch Sues for Records of Pelosi Call with Pentagon Chief
– by Breitbart

China Lectures Biden Admin on America’s ‘Long History of Killing Blacks’ despite Not Letting Blacks in China
– by Breitbart

Covid-19 Cases Spiking in a Dozen States with High Vaccination Rates
– by Tyler Durden

On the Verge of a Global Crisis: One Bank Warns of a “Biblical” Surge in Food Prices
– by Tyler Durden

New Chemtrail Tech: the UAE Is Developing ‘Cloud-Shocking’ Drones to Artificially Boost Rainfall
– by Tyler Durden

How the US Military Subverted the Afghan Peace Agreement to Prolong an Unpopular War
– by the Gray Zone

The Ghislaine Maxwell Case and the Ongoing(?) Investigations of Epstein’s Co-conspirators
– by Techno Fog

Twitter Locks Marjorie Taylor Greene out of Her Account on Day Democrats Are Moving to Expel Her from Congress
– by the Gateway Pundit

Regent University to Host Important Election Integrity Conference – Mar. 23rd
– by the Gateway Pundit

Stripe Payment Processor Bans Fundraiser for Mother Who Had Son Taken over Maskless Facebook Photo
– by the Gateway Pundit

Michigan Senate Republicans Set to Approve Whitmer’s Left-Wing Radical as Health Czar
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Democrat Rep. Says It’s Not ‘Appropriate’ for Press to See Inside Child Migrant Facilities at Border
– by the Gateway Pundit

Mexico Plans Massive ‘Crackdown’ on Illegal Immigration after Crisis Erupts because of Biden’s Incentives
– by the Gateway Pundit

Liberal Court Reinstates Conviction of General Flynn’s Former Business Partner Whose Ultimate Crime Was Outing a Terrorist Who Obama Was Protecting in the US
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Joe Biden Slips, Calls Kamala “President Harris” during Covid Speech Yet Again
– by the Gateway Pundit

Confirmed: Biden Admin Opens US Southern Border up to Possible 1.96 Billion Global Citizens under Age 14
– by the Gateway Pundit

North Carolina School District Launches Campaign to ‘Disrupt White Culture,’ Urges Teachers to Subvert White Parents and Families
– by the Gateway Pundit

Governor DeSantis: Florida Won’t Take Part in Vaccine Passports
– by the Political Insider

MARCH 18, 2021

Sketchy Start to the How Was Long Caught Narrative: Spa Shooting Suspect’s Parents Helped Authorities Catch Him via Tracking Device and Called Police?
– by Herald Mail

Pounding in a Race Narrative after Debunked: for Asian-Americans, Atlanta Shooting Sows Fresh Fear after a Year of “Mounting Discrimination”
– by Reuters

Not Being Willfully Ignorant about the Initial Origin of Covid-19 to Blame: Atlanta Spa Shootings Coincide with Rise of Anti-Asian Hate Online
– by the Daily Beast

Russia Recalls Ambassador to US after Biden Said in Interview He Thinks President Vladimir V. Putin Is a Killer
– by France 24

In 2017, Nearly Every Older American Was Prescribed Medications that Could Cause a Fall, up from 57% in 1999
– by Study Finds

A New Law Would Require Employees to Save for Retirement
– by Market Watch

Marvel Reveals First Gay Teen Captain America
– by Hollywood Reporter

Israel Passes Law to Mandate ‘Freedom’ Tracking Bracelets
– by Bloomberg

Washington Examiner: “Irish Americans at Their Best When Serving Others”
– by Information Liberation

CNN Forced to Admit Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Refusal to Lockdown Florida Is “Paying Off”
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Media Outlets Won’t Explain Why Damning Clinton-Epstein Article Was Quietly Deleted
– by National File

‘It’s Good to Be White When Doing Crimes,’ Writes Esquire Pundit about Black Suspect Caught & Released during Capitol Riot
– by RT

Flashback: Biden Told Illegal Immigrants to “Immediately Surge to the Border” If He’s Elected
– by Jamie White

Denmark to Limit ‘Non-Western’ Residents in Neighborhoods to 30%
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Smoking Gun Document: Crimson Contagion Shows Bill Gates Blueprint for “Covid” Launch
– by War Room

Video: Reporters Demand to Know Why They Have Zero Access to Border Crisis
– by Steve Watson

California Governor Gavin Newsom Suggests ‘Racism’ Is Behind Campaign to Recall Him
– by Sputnik

Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Climb despite Reopening
– by Breitbart

Swapping Fair Western Elections for Forced Evil: Netherlands Changes Rules Mid-Election to Allow Rejected Postal Votes
– by Breitbart

‘Incentive Game’: Salvadoran President Says Migration Surge Bad for U.S., Worse for Latin American Nations
– by Breitbart

Norwegian Doctor Claims to Find Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine and Rare Blood Clots: Antibodies Interacting with Blood Cells
– by Tyler Durden

IATA Travel Pass “Successfully” Trialed on First International Flight
– by Tyler Durden

Which Countries Allow Workers to Take Home the Most Money after Taxes?
– by Tyler Durden

EU to Sanction China for First Time in 3 Decades over Uighur ‘Genocide’
– by Tyler Durden

Tesla on Autopilot Plows into Michigan State Trooper’s Patrol Car
– by Tyler Durden

Teachers Plotting against Parents Who Question Racial Curriculum
– by the Gateway Pundit

Former President of Drag Queen Story Hour Foundation and Children’s Court Judge Arrested on Seven Counts of Child Porn
– by the Gateway Pundit

Dan Bongino Will Replace Late Rush Limbaugh’s Time Slot on Westwood One Radio
– by the Gateway Pundit

Illegal Immigrants Given Sheet of Paper with Instructions to Appear in Court and Allowed to Fly Domestic Using the Sheet of Paper as an ID
– by the Gateway Pundit

Biden Kicks off Bilateral Meeting with Prime Minister of Ireland by Talking about Racism against Asian-Americans
– by the Gateway Pundit

Trump Torches Dr. Fauci and Deborah Birx on Early Days of Pandemic: They ‘Made Nothing but Mistakes’
– by the Gateway Pundit

Holland, MI Man Arrested for Posting Threats to Kill Whitmer, Biden and Pelosi
– by the Political Insider

MARCH 17, 2021

Report: Long Did Not Target the Victims Due to Their Ethnicity, Rather He Chose Locations He “Knew Specifically”
– by the Sun

Atlanta Police Chief Rodney Bryant: “Appears that They May Be Asian,” Identities Have Yet to Be Released
– by RT

Massage Parlor Massacres Suspect Criticized for His Life Being “Family and God,” Automatically a Hate Crime because the Victims Weren’t “White”
– by the Daily Beast

France Investigating New Coronavirus Variant Detected in Brittany Not Detected by PCR Tests
– by France 24

Deliberately Stirred up or Just Bullshit? Group: “White Supremacist Propaganda” in U.S. Hit Record in 2020
– by the Reuters

Most of Mars’ Water Still on Mars but Underground
– by Time

Microbes Unknown to Science Discovered on the International Space Station
– by Science Alert

Google’s Nest Adds Sleep Tracking in New Health Tech Foray
– by Bloomberg

Journalist Proclaims She Would “Love to Die” from the AstraZeneca Vaccine If It Helps Others
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Custody Battle: NYC Judge Removes 6-Year-Old from Mother because She Didn’t Wear a Mask While Dropping Her off at School
– by the Gateway Pundit

Biden Believes Putin Is a ‘Killer’: ‘the Price He’s Going to Pay, You’ll See Shortly’
– by Independent

Biden Intel Community Releases Report Claiming China Did Not Try to Influence 2020 Election
– by Jamie White

Sports Are about to Look Like 2019 Again… for Those Brainwashed Enough to Get Vaccinated
– by NY Mag

AI Filter – Biden Holds Fake Talk with Press: Microphones with Biden’s Hand Both under and over Them
– by National File

NY Official Tracey Edwards: Take The Vaccine and Do Not Question What Is In It
– by Information Liberation

Former Top State Dept Investigator: Covid-19 Outbreak May Have Resulted from Bioweapons Research Accident
– by Fox News

Video: Another Big Mistake from Trump as He Follows Fauci’s Advice, Asks Supporters to Take ‘Great’ Covid-19 Vaccine
– by National File

Segregation Is Back: Columbia University to Hold 7 Graduation Ceremonies Divided by Race, Sex & Income Levels
– by Kelen McBreen

The View’s Joy Behar Claims “Fictitious” Antifa “Doesn’t Even Exist”
– by Adan Salazar

Ruining America First: Democrats Block GOP Bill to Test Illegal Immigrants for Covid-19
– by Breitbart

Joe Biden Giving Companies Second Chance at Outsourcing U.S. Jobs, Sabotaging Sane H-1B Visa Restrictions
– by Breitbart

A Study Shows Very Few Capitol Hill Rioters Were QAnon Red-Staters with Ties to ‘Right-Wing’ Groups
– by PJ Media

Russia Reveals the Number of Soldiers Killed in Syria: 112
– by Almasdar News

Desperate U.S. Joins India and China in Ramping Coal Usage to Pre-Pandemic Levels – Only Bad If Trump
– by Tyler Durden

Alaska Republican Party Censures Democrat Wolf in Republican Clothing Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Vows to Primary Her in 2022
– by the Epoch Times

Biden Finally Schedules Press Conference after Psaki Circles Back: Mar. 25th
– by Tyler Durden

Atlanta killer Told Police: He’s a Sex Addict, Wanted to “Eliminate Locations He Saw as ‘Temptations’ for His Sex Addiction” – What Racism!
– by the Gateway Pundit

From Brazil to India to the USA: the EU Is Funding Worldwide George Soros’ Open Society Network with $116 Million 2019
– by the Gateway Pundit

Judge Rules MI Sec. of State Benson Directed City Clerks to Ignore Signature Matching Law on Absentee Ballots in Nov. 2020 Election
– by the Gateway Pundit

Biden’s DHS Chief Announces He Is Opening New Doors for Migrants, Expanding Central American Minors Program as Border Crisis Worsens
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Democrat Senator Caught on Hot Mic Admitting Democrats Will Ram through Trillions in New Spending without GOP Support
– by the Gateway Pundit

California Shut Off Power to Restaurant for Refusing to Comply with Shut Down, So They Are Using Generators to Stay Open, Anyway
– by the Gateway Pundit

MARCH 16, 2021

FBI Facing Allegation that Its 2018 Background Check of Brett Kavanaugh Was ‘Fake’ – Will Be Used as a Gateway for Flipping the SC Seat
– by the Guardian

High Emotional Intelligence (the Inability to Control Emotions) Helps People Recognize “Fake News” (Helps People Fall for Mainstream Media’s Con Jobs)
– by Study Finds

Covid-19 Variant Fear Porn
– by CNN

AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine Now Banned by 20 Countries
– by the Sun

Army Initially Pushed to Deny District’s Request for National Guard before Pelosi Ordered Capitol Security Stand Down
– by the Stamford Advocate

Moderna Is Testing Its Covid-19 Vaccine on Young Children
– by Wall Street Journal

U.S. Army Considers Scrapping ‘Gender Neutral’ Fitness Test as 2/3 of Women Still Prove Incapable
– by Information Liberation

Radio Show Caller Doctor Loses 22 Patients after Covid-19 Vaccine; 7 after the 1st Shot, 14 after the 2nd
– by the Alex Jones Show

Professor Warns Post-Corona Society Is a “National Obedience Contest”
– by Paul Joseph Watson

British Airways Boss Calls for Vaccinated Travelers to Fly without Restrictions
– by Tyler Durden

White House: It’s Trump’s Fault that 4200 Children Are Now Sleeping on Floor of Cages with No Sunlight
– by Steve Watson

Swiss Officials Already Blaming Future ‘Fourth Wave’ of Covid on the Non-Vaccinated
– by Dan Lyman

WaPo Retraction about Trump-Georgia Phone Call Reveals Sec. of State Committed Fraud to Frame Trump
– by Jamie White

Trump Issues Response to WaPo Election Call Hoax; Democrats Cited ‘Find The Fraud’ in Impeachment Brief
– by Tyler Durden

Alexander Vindman Proposes Suing Conservative Media to ‘Deradicalize’ It
– by Breitbart

Gavin Newsom Blames QAnon, ‘Anti-vaxxers,’ ‘Anti-Immigrant Trump Supporters’ for Recall
– by Breitbart

Most of Italy Goes into ‘Red Zone’ Covid-19 Lockdown Restrictions
– by Breitbart

Bokhari: Hearing on Establishment Media Cartel Act Only Deepens Concerns
– by Breitbart

YouTube Demonetizes World Net Daily for Defending Mike Lindell
– by Breitbart

Pre-programming from the Stats Chief: Third UK Coronavirus Wave Could Hit in Autumn
– by Breitbart

Italy Launches Manslaughter Investigation as Teacher Dies Hours after Getting AstraZeneca Jab
– by Tyler Durden

Georgia Judge May Unseal Fulton County Absentee Ballots for Fraud Investigation
– by Tyler Durden

Assad Fights Back against Northern Syria’s “Democratic” Oil Smuggling Business
– by South Front

Denmark Bans Foreign Funding of Mosques to Help Stop Muslim Terror
– by Gatestone Institute

Fresh Rocket Attack Hits Iraqi Base Housing American Troops
– by Tyler Durden

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Inaugurates New Underground Ballistic ‘Missile City’
– by Tyler Durden

Biden Plans Biggest Federal Tax Hike Since 1993 to Fund Infrastructure, Climate Initiatives
– by Tyler Durden

White House Won’t Reveal How Many Illegal Immigrants Entering Texas Have Covid-19: Gov. Abbott – Ruining the Country Takes Precedence over the Country
– by Tyler Durden

Ammon Bundy Arrested after Refusing to Wear a Mask into Courthouse and Not Being Allowed into His Own Trial
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Mike Lindell Announces He Is Filing 2 Cases against Dominion Voting Systems
– by the Gateway Pundit

Feds to Use Dallas Convention Center as Housing for 3,000 Male Migrants amid Border Crisis
– by the Gateway Pundit

Department of Defense Training Manual on Extremism Gives a Pass to Black Lives Matter Extremism
– by the Gateway Pundit

MARCH 15, 2021

New York Reports New Allegations of Inappropriate Behavior by Andrew Cuomo – from 5 Women to 30 Women Overnight
– by NY Mag

Woman Arrested For Resisting, Trespass after Not Wearing Mask inside Texas Bank after Mask Mandate Lift
– by CBS DFW

Mainstream Media Claims Biden’s First Presidential Speech Had More Viewers than Trump’s… because of Mainstream Media Viewing?
– by Deadline

But Only 7,000 Viewers Were on the White House Live Stream?
– by Steve Watson

Rioter Ransom Money: George Floyd’s Family Secures $27 Million Cash Settlement from City of Minneapolis, Includes $500,000 for Neighborhood Harboring “George Floyd Autonomous Zone”
– by National File

New Zealand Prime Minister Admits Using “Sustained Propaganda” to Spread Covid-19 Fear
– by Kelen McBreen

Watch: Antifa Sets Fire to Federal Courthouse in Portland
– by Infowars

Physical Therapist, 28, Dies Two Days after Receiving Covid-19 Vaccine
– by Infowars

‘Largest Investigation in American History’: 100+ People to Be Charged in Storming of US Capitol, Court Filings Say; 300 Already Charged
– by RT

Key ‘Oath Keeper’ Granted Pretrial Release as Prosecutors Find No Evidence of Wide-ranging Conspiracy to Storm Capitol
– by RT

We’re Being Played: Video Shows Covid-19 Vaccine Being Administered with Empty Syringe
– by Infowars

‘No Culture, No Future’: French Actress Strips Naked at Awards Ceremony to Protest Covid-19 Restrictions (Nudity)
– by RT

Poll: Majority Agree $1.9 Trillion Covodi-19 Bill Benefits Blue States ‘at the Expense of Republican-Led’ States – More Behavioral Ransom
– by Breitbart

Democrat Rep. Moulton: We’ll Have ‘Continued Presence’ of Nat’l Guard at Capitol ‘until We Can Reform the Capitol Police’
– by Breitbart

Traitors to Home Countries Pipelined to Become Traitors to American Decency: White-Collar Visa Workers Take 2/3 of New Tech Jobs
– by Breitbart

Wall Street Journal Bans Reporters from Using the Term ‘Illegal Immigrant’
– by Breitbart

Texas Republican Party Defies Gov. Greg Abbott over Free Speech Platform Gab
– by Breitbart

Malaysia Imposes Law against Covid-19 ‘Fake News’
– by Breitbart

YouTube Blacklists 30,000 Videos It Claims Are Covid-19 Vaccine ‘Misinformation’
– by Breitbart

Poll: Majority of Americans Support Restrictions on Unvaccinated People
– by Breitbart

Fentanyl Flowing into United States at Record Volume, Exploding Past 2020 Numbers
– by the Epoch Times

Visualizing the Rising Cost of College in the U.S.
– by Tyler Durden

Behavioral Ransom Crisis to Bloom: NYC Spent Nearly Half a Million Dollars Per Inmate in 2020, Report Says
– by Tyler Durden

Security Experts “Raise Red Flags” on Dubai Airport’s New Iris Scan Technology
– by Tyler Durden

What Was in Ashli Babbitt’s Backpack? A Wool Sweater and a Scarf… but Her Murderer Reportedly Was Worried about Pipe Bombs from Democrat Rumors
– by the Gateway Pundit

DHS Chief Orders FEMA to Address Border Crisis Created by Joe Biden’s Disastrous Policies: 729% of Legal capacity, Unaccompanied Children Going Hungry, Showering Once a Week
– by the Gateway Pundit

Father Faces Arrest and Jail Time for Trying to Stop Doctors from Transitioning His Middle School Daughter to a Boy
– by the Gateway Pundit

Case Falls Apart: Capitol Hill Investigators Ask for 60-Day Delay to Build a Case Against Jan. 6 Protesters After FBI-Media Conspiracies Implode
– by the Gateway Pundit

The Witch Hunt Never Ends: US Army Targeting Gen. Flynn over Phony “Emoluments” Clause
– by the Gateway Pundit

Marjorie Taylor Greene Stands up to Biden – Introduces “Protect America First Act” to End Biden’s Border Crisis
– by the Gateway Pundit

“Insane,” “Totally Unacceptable”: Governor DeSantis Rips Biden for Threatening More Lockdowns
– by the Gateway Pundit

Democrat Oregon State Senators Introduce Bill to Pay Black People $123,000 in Reparations
– by the Gateway Pundit

Cuomo’s Greatest Crime – Creating Policies So His Assistant’s Family and Donors Could Make Millions from Covid-19 Patients in Elderly Homes
– by the Gateway Pundit

New Report on 2020 Election Shows Nearly Impossible “Statistical Contrasts” that “Merit Closer Investigation”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 83 Cases Total, 18 Still Active – Trump/GOP Prevailed in 14/21 Cases Decided on Merits
– by the Gateway Pundit

Biden Eyes First Major Tax Hike Since 1993 in Next Economic Plan
– by Bloomberg

AI ‘Mayflower’ to Make Groundbreaking Crew-less Crossing of Atlantic Powered by Solar
– by Daily Mail

Video: Fauci and Chuck Todd Say More Pandemics Coming because of Climate Change
– by Steve Watson

Pelosi: Climate Change Responsible for Crisis on Border (a Temporary Latin American Drought)
– by Infowars

Virginia: Republican Attorney General Candidate Promises to Declare Democrat Gun Laws Unconstitutional
– by National File

London Mayor Savaged for Plan to Cut Numbers of ‘White Men’ in Science and Engineering
– by RT

World Boxing Champ Marvelous Marvin Hagler Executed by Covid-19 Vaccine
– by Infowars

Mexican President: Biden Is ‘Migrant President’, Trying to ‘Incentivize Migration’
– by National File

Pope Francis Calls for ‘New World Order’ after the Pandemic, Reiterates Case for a Great Reset
– by Breitbart

Grammys: ‘I Can’t Breathe,’ Inspired by Degenerate Overdoser George Floyd, Wins ‘Song of the Year’
– by Breitbart

Coca-Cola: Company Will Only Hire Law Firms that Meet at Least 30% Diversity Quotas
– by Breitbart

“We Are Hungry” – Violent Protests Erupt as Lebanon ‘Hyperinflation’ Accelerates
– by Tyler Durden

‘Defend Yourselves’: Myanmar Civilian Leader Urges Armed Uprising against Junta
– by Tyler Durden

“Virtually Every Indicator” Shows Pandemic Sets Back Childhood Development: UNICEF
– by Tyler Durden

Explained: the 3 Major Covid-19 Variants
– by Tyler Durden

“Roadable Aircraft” Could Finally Get Off the Ground in New Hampshire
– by Tyler Durden

Newt Gingrich Locked Out of Twitter for Criticizing Biden Immigration Policy
– by Sara Carter

Germany, Netherlands Latest to Suspend AstraZeneca Jab as “European Nightmare” Worsens
– by Tyler Durden

The U.S. Keeps Losing Every Simulated War Game against China
– by South Front

Retired Army Sgt. Kenneth Harrelson Arrested for Attending Jan. 6 Protests – Family’s Bank Account Locked Down, Wife Lost Job
– by the Gateway Pundit

Man in Collier County Arrested by Heavily Armed Feds with Tanker Trucks in Connection with Capitol Riot
– by the Gateway Pundit

MARCH 12, 2021

Pentagon Press Sec. Kirby after Announcing Agenda to Womanize High Ranks: “What We Absolutely Won’t Do Is Take Personnel Advice from a Talk Show Host or the Chinese Military”
– by

Justice Department Seeks to Build Large Conspiracy Case against Oath Keepers for Capitol Riot
– by Seattle Time

Global Warming: US Had Its Coldest February in More than 30 years, NOAA Reports
– by Fox 5

Two-Thirds of Italians Set for Lockdown as Pandemic Worsens
– by Bloomberg

For Some, Wearing a Mask Is Liberating: “I Love Wearing a Mask. I Want to Do This Forever. It Has Helped My Social Anxiety So Much… Really Letting Me Be Ugly in Peace”
– by Washington Post

Biden Delivers First Address: Americans Will Have Their 4th of July Held Hostage by the Non-vaccinated
– by Steve Watson

Fox Host Accuses Pentagon of ‘Declaring War’ on His Show after DOD Attacks His Comments about 2nd Trimester Paratroopers
– by RT

Biden Executive Order Forces Taxpayers to Cover Cost of Military Transgender Surgeries
– by Kelen McBreen

Feinstein Promises Assault Weapons Ban Hours after House Passes Background Check Bill
– by Tyler Durden

Trump Warns America: We Have to Stop HR 1, Democrats Trying to Rig Every Election Going Forward
– by Kelen McBreen

Reporter Exposes How Democrats Defied National Guard Chief to Keep DC under Military Occupation
– by Steve Watson

Warp Speed to Liberal Veins – Poll: Almost Half of Trump Supporters Will Not Take Covid-19 Vaccine
– by Steve Watson

Pelosi: ‘of Course’ Democrat House Could Overturn Election Results to Let Democrat Win Months after Losing Election
– by National File

Congress Wants to Give Fake News Establishment Media a Massive Handout, Special Workaround Antitrust Laws
– by Breitbart

Universities Make out Like Bandits with Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Covid-19 Package
– by Campus Reform

Earth-sized Exoplanet May Have Lost Its Original Atmosphere, but Gained a Second through Volcanism
– by

Begging for Degentrification: Chicago Suburb to Pay Black Residents Reparations Due to ‘Wealth and Opportunity Gaps’
– by Tyler Durden

Amazon Vows to Continue Censoring Books Questioning Transgenderism
– by Breitbart

Gov. DeSantis Cancels Local Covid-19 Fines in Florida: ‘We Want to Make Sure Folks Are Protected’
– by Breitbart

Knowing the Economy Must Now Collapse, Buttigieg Floats Pegging Gas Tax to Inflation to Finance Infrastructure Spending
– by Breitbart

Norway Investigates whether AstraZeneca Vaccine Caused Deadly Blood Clots
– by Tyler Durden

Muslim Girl Admits She Lied about French Teacher Who Was Branded an Islamophobe and Beheaded
– by Information Liberation

SOCOM Fields Killer Robots “for Immediate Force Protection”
– by Tyler Durden

New York Democrats Launch Impeachment Inquiry into Cuomo
– by Tyler Durden

Biden Sends Warship into Taiwan Strait after US Admiral Said China to Invade “within 6 Years”
– by Tyler Durden

Iranian Container Ship Hit by “Explosives” in Mediterranean
– by Tyler Durden

US Intelligence Reveals Israel Has Bombed “Dozens” of Iranian Oil Tankers
– by Tyler Durden

Iran-Backed Militia Publishes Video of New Attack on US Convoy in Iraq
– by Tyler Durden

Canadian Doctors Speak out: Top Reasons Why Not to be Afraid of Covid
– by the Gateway Pundit

New Video Shows Men Dressed in All Black at US Capitol Bashing Windows… Then Flip Off Trump Supporters Chanting “F—k Antifa!”
– by the Gateway Pundit

OANN Confirms: Shredded Arizona Ballots Found over the Weekend in the Dumpster Were from 2020 Election
– by the Gateway Pundit

GOP Governor Kevin Stitt: Oklahoma to End Covid-19 Restrictions
– by the Political Insider

MARCH 11, 2021

Average People Smarter than Big Tech: at Least 10 Hacking Groups Using Microsoft Software Flaw – Researchers
– by Reuters

Suit: Company Built ‘Most Dangerous’ Facial Recognition AI Database in Nation
– by Fox 5

License-Plate Scans Aid Crime-Solving but Spur Little Privacy Debate
– by Wall Street Journal

Massive Camera Hack Exposes the Growing Reach and Intimacy of U.S. Surveillance
– by News Times

Americans Have Started Leaving Home Even More than before the Pandemic, Cellphone Data Shows
– by Chron

Trust in the Military Dropping Significantly under Biden, New Survey Suggests
– by Military Times

Feel the Beat: Amazon Alexa Could Monitor Your Heartbeat without Even Touching You ‘Using Invisible Sound Waves’
– by the Sun

Parler Blocked on Apple’s App Store after Capitol Riot Review
– by Bloomberg

Stanford Medical Professor: Lockdowns “Worst Public Health Mistake in Last 100 Years”
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Video: Fauci Admits There Is No ‘Science’ behind Continued Lockdown for the Purportedly Inoculated
– by Steve Watson

Disgusting Traitor Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Smears Gab as an ‘Anti-Semitic Platform’: It Has ‘No Place in Texas’
– by Information Liberation

Utah Mom, 39, Dies Days after Receiving Second Dose of Moderna Vaccine
– by Daily Mail

Doctors Issue Dire Warnings about Covid-19 Vaccine Dangers
– by Kelen McBreen

More Countries Adopt Vaccine Passports to ‘Boost Tourism’
– by Tyler Durden

Hill Reporter Suggests Democrats Could Use Hologram to Handle Biden’s Public Speeches
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Newsom on Lockdowns: “Not Going Back to Normal… because Normal Accepts Inequity”
– by Jamie White

Mainstream Web Traffic Slumped after Trump Left White House
– by Paul Joseph Watson

NAACP Chief: Hold Insurrectionists Accountable Like ‘al-Qaida or Osama bin Laden’
– by Breitbart

Caruzo: the Socialist Revolution Expects Venezuela’s Elderly to Live Off $0.63 a Month
– by Breitbart

GOP Rep. Waltz: Covid-19 Bill ‘Largest Expansion of the Welfare State’ Since LBJ in the 60s
– by Breitbart

Psak Puppet: Biden Will Push to Make Some Social Safety Net Provisions of Covid-19 Bill Permanent
– by Breitbart

Michigan Democrat Admits Gretchen Whitmer Secret Payments to Robert Gordon, Others ‘Concerning’ – $250K of Taxpayer Money
– by Breitbart

Joe Biden’s DHS Chief Pushes ‘All of Society Effort’ to Help Deported Migrants
– by Breitbart

Judge Reinstates 3rd-Degree Murder Charge against Derek Chauvin, Conviction Unlikely because the Degenerate Actually Overdosed on Fentanyl
– by Tyler Durden

Mexican President: Biden Border Policies ‘Encouraging Illegal Immigration’ and Enriching Cartels
– by Tyler Durden

Happy Days at the Gas Pump Are Over as Prices Soar
– by Tyler Durden

Abandoning Meritocracy for White Traitorism: UC-Berkeley Unveils Plan for Racial Quota
– by Tyler Durden

Democrats Include $3.5 Billion in Massive Covid-19 Bill for the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria – a Fund Connected to Bill Gates
– by the Gateway Pundit

NH House Election Law Committee Passes Forensic Audit for Windham NH Voting Machines 20-0
– by the Gateway Pundit

Psaki Laughs Awkwardly When Asked Why Border Facilities for Migrant Children Are Fully Open but US Schools Aren’t
– by the Gateway Pundit

Sen. Tuberville: Pelosi Is Providing ‘Black SUVs with Secret Service’ to Democratic Congressmen but Not Republicans
– by the Gateway Pundit

America’s Frontline Doctors Call on the Government and the Commercial Airline Industry to Abandon Requiring Covid-19 Vaccines
– by the Gateway Pundit

MARCH 10, 2021

#6: Cuomo Faces New Sexual Harassment Allegation, This Time at Executive Mansion
– by Tyler Durden

Entire Staff of Nevada Democrat Party Quits after Democratic Socialist Slate Won Every Seat (but Surely There Was No Fraud)
– by the Intercept

Disney+ Pulls Iconic Movies Dumbo, The Aristocats and Peter Pan from Kids Section for ‘Racist’ Stereotypes
– by the Sun

Covid’s Curse: 42% of Americans Now Consider Themselves Germaphobes because of Pandemic – a Gateway Insanity toward Anti-humanism
– by Study Finds

People Who Often Fool Others Most Likely to Get Duped Themselves – They Assimilate into Con Games while Continuing to Get Conned
– by Study Finds

Who Is the President? Kamala Harris Takes Another Call With a Foreign Leader
– by Steve Watson

“This Was a Bloodbath” – Liberal Journalists Outraged after Huffington Post Fires 1/3rd of Its Staff
– by Tyler Durden

Over 500 Dead after Gov. Cuomo Sent Covid-19 Patients to Disabled Group Homes, in Addition to the Nursing Home Scandal
– by Kelen McBreen

Air Traffic Controller Warns Face Masks Posing Serious Flight Safety Risks
– by News Wars

School Canceled after Numerous Teachers Experience Side Effects from Moderna Vaccine
– by Adan Salazar

After Democrats Deliberately Committed Civil Suicide, Democrats Are Bailing out Bankrupt Blue Cities & States with ‘Covid Stimulus’
– by Kit Daniels

Brian Williams on Concerns Terrorists Could Exploit Border: ‘Will They Be Terrorists as Effective’ as Jan. 6 Capitol Attackers?
– by Breitbart

Boris Says Vaccine Passports for International Travel Will Be ‘Feature of Our Life in the Future’
– by Breitbart

Investigation: Soros-Funded District Attorneys Help Criminal Illegal Aliens Escape Deportation
– by Breitbart

Hackers Infiltrate Thousands of Security Cameras inside Jails, Hospitals & Tesla
– by Tyler Durden

Report: US Preparing Cyberattack against Russia over SolarWinds Hack
– by Antiwar

Covid-19 Outbreak Confirmed at Nursing Home Despite Staff, Patients Being Vaccinated
– by Tyler Durden

Lincoln Project Exposed: Founders Made Millions in “Most Obvious & Glaring Fraud in Modern History”
– by Tyler Durden

Special Investigation: Infiltrating the WI Presidential Election
– by Wisconsin Spotlight

WI Lawmakers to Hold General Election Review Hearing Today Following News that Democrat Operative Given Keys to Absentee Ballot Counting Room – 10 AM Central
– by the Gateway Pundit

New Poll Finds Only 36% of US Adults Believe George Floyd Was Murdered by Minneapolis Police Officer, 60% Last Year
– by the Gateway Pundit

Now or Never! The “Windham Incident!” – If You Want Forensic Audits… It’s up to You
– by Granite Grok

Biden DOJ Nominee Vanita Gupta Backtracks as She’s Confronted about Her Anti-GOP Comments – ‘I Apologize’
– by the Political Insider

Trump Sends Warning to GOP – He Will Not Endorse ‘RINOS,’ Sends ‘Cease and Desist’ Order
– by the Political Insider

MARCH 9, 2021

Supreme Court Tosses Trump’s Last Election Appeals – Courts Brazenly Refuse to See Evidence
– by Tyler Durden

Democrat Congressman Vicente Gonzalez Reports Thousands in Questionable Interest Income from Bank of China Account
– by Breitbart

CNN Admittance: First Independent Report into Xinjiang Genocide Allegations Claims Evidence of Beijing’s ‘Intent to Destroy’ Uyghur People
– by CNN

New Covid Rules: Fully Vaccinated Americans Must Cover Faces in Public
– by the Sun

Why Would Someone Fully Vaccinated Still Catch Covid-19? Blames the “5% Ineffective Rate” for the Vaccines Not Actually Working
– by Jerusalem Post

Philippines Coral Reef Covered with Face Masks
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Top Professor: New “Surge of Coronavirus” to Return Later This Year
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Wyoming Governor Ends Mask Mandate, Opening Businesses
– by Breitbart

Mozilla Releases Firefox Extension to Shield Women from ‘Hate Speech’ (Truth)
– by Information Liberation

Creepy CNN Anchor Raises Eyebrows after Revealing Video of Him Not Wearing Pants during Live Appearance
– by RT

91-Year-Old Man Nearly Dies after 2 Doses of Covid-19 Vaccine in 4 Hours Send Body into Shock, Unvaccinated Family Forbidden from Seeing
– by Kelen McBreen

Cuomo Impeachment Resolution Drafted by NY Lawmakers but Will Require a Lot of Democrats
– by RT

Psak Puppet: Biden to “Commemorate” 1-Year Anniversary of Covid-19 Shutdown
– by Infowars

Football Official Was Suspended for Season, Ordered to Undergo Re-Education after Referring to a Black Guy as a “Black Guy”
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Harris Reportedly Taking Bigger Role in Forming Biden’s Foreign, National Security Policies
– by Sputnik

Democrat Panel Recommends Permanent Military “Quick Reaction Force” for Capitol
– by Steve Watson

Donald Trump: ‘No More Money for RINOs’ – Funnel RNC Donations into Trump’s Save America PAC
– by Breitbart

US, China to Hold Top-Level “Reset” Meeting in Alaska
– by Tyler Durden

Georgia Senate Passes Election Reform Bill that Would End No-Excuse Absentee Voting, Adds Other Integrity Solutions
– by Epoch Times

Venezuela Issues Million-Bolivar-Bill Worth 50 Cents as Hyperinflation Rages
– by Tyler Durden

“The System Is Compromised” – Baltimore Man Receives 18 Unemployment Debit Cards
– by Tyler Durden

Biden Sued by 12 States over Climate Executive Order
– by Tyler Durden

Biden: Military Will Focus on Making “Maternity Flight Suits” — So Pregnant Women Can Drop into Enemy Territory during Wartime
– by the Gateway Pundit

Twitter Sues Texas Attorney General after He Opened Investigation on Tech Giant Alleged Collusion to Take Down and Eliminate Competitor Parler
– by the Gateway Pundit

Democrats’ ‘Covid Stimulus Bill’ Erases SF’s Debt for Pelosi, Eliminates NY’s Fiscal Year Budget Deficit for Senate Leader Schumer
– by the Gateway Pundit

Macomb County Prosecutor: Criminal Charges against Governor Whitmer Possible over Nursing Home Deaths, Maximizing Death Toll
– by the Gateway Pundit

Gab Hacked Again – Group Apparently Linked to Angry Trans Activist and DDoSecrets
– by the Gateway Pundit

Bill Gates Collaborated with China Firm BGI Genomics that Was Caught Mining Americans’ Data
– by the Gateway Pundit

MARCH 8, 2021

Europe Staggers as Infectious Variants Power Virus Surge
– by AP

Enemy of the System, Anti-Virus Pioneer John McAfee Charged over $13M Cryptocurrency ‘Scam’ after ‘Luring Victims on Twitter’
– by the Sun

Pentagon ‘Assessing Systems’ after Tens of Thousands of Servers Compromised in Global Microsoft hack… Blamed on ‘Chinese Hackers’
– by RT

Senate Rejects Ted Cruz’s Effort to Block Stimulus Checks for Illegal Aliens
– by Jamie White

BLM Backfire? US Public Opinion Shifts on George Floyd’s Death, Law & Order, as Racial Divide Widens after Summer of Riots – Poll
– by RT

Ballin’: Gab’s Torba Looking into ‘Buying Our Own Bank’ after 4th Bank Ban in 4 Weeks
– by National File

Video: Families Burn Masks Outside State Capitol to Protest Lockdowns — Liberals Melt Down
– by National File

Trump Supporters Clash with Antifa in Manhattan after Unfurling a Huge Flag of Demon Pelosi outside Trump Tower
– by Daily Mail

Supreme Court Sides With Biden, Dismisses Trump Administration’s Pending ‘Sanctuary City’ Cases
– by National File

Goldman, Bank of America Made Hundreds of Millions from Texas Blackouts
– by Tyler Durden

Study: US Traffic Deaths Spike 8% despite Decreased Travel during Covid-19 Pandemic
– by Sputnik

Aides to New York Gov. Cuomo Hid Covid-19 Nursing Home Deaths from Public – Media Reports
– by RT

Brave Is Launching a Privacy-Focused Search Engine to Compete with Google
– by Breitbart

100K Migrants Apprehended at U.S.-Mexico Border in February
– by Breitbart

China Unveils Plan to Increase Pollution for at Least Nine Years
– by Breitbart

Senate Passes $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Package; Here Are the Differences from House Version
– by Tyler Durden

Kroger Opens Fully-Automated Ohio Fulfillment Center as Fears Mount of Rising Technological Unemployment
– by Tyler Durden

Radioactive Dust Is Sweeping over Parts of Europe from the Sahara
– by Tyler Durden

First-Ever “Space Hotel” Begins Construction in 2025, Operational by 2027
– by Tyler Durden

88% of Covid-19 Deaths Occurred in Countries Where over Half of Population Overweight – an Illusion Based on Existing Medical Ailments
– by Tyler Durden

Biden Says He’ll Agree to Curb War Powers amid Bipartisan Anger over Syria Strikes
– by Tyler Durden

NH SoS Gardner Agrees to Forensic Audit of Windham’s Voting Machines and Ballots
– by the Gateway Pundit

Ballots in AZ’s Maricopa County Found Shredded and in Dumpster Days before Senate Audit to Begin
– by the Gateway Pundit

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey Reopens Restaurants, Gyms, Theaters and Water Parks at Full Capacity
– by the Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden Makes History! First President in 100 Years Not to Hold Press Conference in First 30 Days, First to Open Borders During Pandemic
– by the Gateway Pundit

Antrim County Clerk and Material Witness, Sheryl Guy, Dismissed Election Fraud Case – Judge Overrules Her Decision, Reinstates Case
– by the Gateway Pundit

Deep State Rod Rosenstein Now Admits He Talked with Andrew McCabe about Recording President Trump — after Lying during Senate Testimony
– by the Gateway Pundit

No Wonder Democrats Are Delaying Everything Related to the 2020 Election – Irregular Ballots from in AZ Can be Destroyed 6 Months after the Election
– by the Gateway Pundit

State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins Calls for Cuomo to Resign
– by NY Post

Two More Women Accuse Gov. Andrew Cuomo of Inappropriate Behavior
– by NY Post

Could Elon Musk’s Neuralink Brain Chips Make Us All as Smart as He Is? Superhero or Supervillain?
– by NY Post

The Spiritual Problem at the Heart of Christian Vaccine Refusal – Claims the Evangelicals Responsible for the American Revolution to Blame for Pandemic Spread
– by the Dispatch

Stunning Revelation, Game Over: Numbers in the New CDC Report Destroy the Case for Mask Mandates, <2% Benefit
– by National File

‘Demonic’: Twitter Bans Lauren Witzke for Criticizing Trans Woman Who Says ‘Little Girls’ Are ‘Kinky’
– by National File

FDA Approves Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 Vaccine Trials on Infants
– by National File

Georgia Has Failed to Produce Chain of Custody for 404,000 Absentee Ballots Months after Contested Election
– by National File

N.J. Gov. Murphy Defends Putting Covid-19 Patients into Nursing Homes: “That Was the Right Course to Take”
– by Infowars

UK Takes on Big Tech with Potential Global ‘Amazon Tax’
– by Breitbart

Joe Biden’s Executive Order on Voting, Similar to H.R. 1, Tells Agencies to Push Vote-by-Mail, ‘Combat Misinformation’
– by Breitbart

California Recall Campaign: We Have the Signatures to Recall Gavin Newsom
– by Breitbart

Watch: Gaetz Asks If ‘Transition to Harris Has Already Begun’ — ‘Biden’s Had More Nap Time Than He’s Had Questions from Reporters’
– by Breitbart

Swiss People Vote for ‘Burqa Ban’ in National Referendum due to Its Facilitation to Terrorism
– by Breitbart

Robocop? Las Vegas Apartment Complex Deploys Human-Sized Robot to Fight Crime
– by Tyler Durden

Biden Approves Release of $3 Billion of Iran’s Funds in Iraq, Oman, South Korea
– by the Gateway Pundit

Texas Gov. Announces “Operation Lone Star” to Secure Border against Human and Drug Smuggling in Response to Biden’s Open Border Policies
– by the Gateway Pundit

Latest Released Texts Show Corrupt and Dishonest Senior FBI Agents Reminding Each Other to Try to Come across as the Good Guys to Americans
– by the Gateway Pundit

Antifa Sets Fire to Portland Public School Headquarters and Torches Vehicles in a Series of Malicious Terrorist Attacks
– by the Gateway Pundit

“That’s What Happens in Socialist Countries”: Former DNI John Ratcliffe Comes Clean — Discusses Last Minute Democrat Rules Change that Corrupted 2020 Election
– by the Gateway Pundit

Australian ABC Reporters Told Not to Use the Term Pedophile to Describe Child Sex Abusers… because ‘Not All Pedophiles Molest Children’
– by the Gateway Pundit

Last Week the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Unilaterally Loaded Ballots onto Trucks, Stored Them in the Open in a Warehouse Ignoring Proper Safeguarding Controls
– by the Gateway Pundit

Prosecutor: Pro-Trump “Shaman” Jacob Chansley Should Not Be Released because He Might ‘Push False Claims of Election Fraud” Once Released
– by the Gateway Pundit

Cuomo Defiant as Top Democrats Call on Him to Resign: You’ll Have to Impeach Me
– by the Political Insider

MARCH 5, 2021

Newsom Urges Double-Masking for All Californians, Will Not Make “Terrible Mistake” Like Texas
– by Tyler Durden

Japanese Supercomputer Shows Doubling Masks Offers Little Help Preventing Viral Spread, Just a Stupid Act of Cowardice
– by Reuters

Those Covid-19 Fever Scanners Used to Control You Weren’t Functional: Can Be Wildly Inaccurate, Researchers Say
– by Washington Post

Europe Fears Creating Covid-19 Vaccine ‘Passports’ Could Lead to Medical Discrimination, Division
– by Los Angeles Times

WarnerMedia CEO: Coronavirus ‘Really Good for Ratings’
– by Free Beacon

QAnon and Other Conspiracy Theories “Are Taking Hold in Churches” – Mainstream Media Is Trying to QAnon Tie to Christianity
– by Adan Salazar

North Dakota Republicans Eject Anti-Mask Rep from House for Trumped-Up Harassment Charges
– by National File

Video: Visibly Shaken Fauci Gets Emotional over States’ Decision to Reject His Guidelines, End Mask Mandates
– by National File

YouTube Blacklists Donald Trump’s CPAC Speech, Suspends Right Side Broadcast Network for 2 Weeks for Covering It
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Mammograms Find Lumps in Women’s Breasts Following Covid-19 Shot
– by Adan Salazar

Listen: Judge Rips Kids away from Moms Who Get Caught Not Wearing Masks
– by National File

Eric Swalwell Sues Donald Trump and Allies over Capital Riots
– by Breitbart

China’s ‘Sharp Eyes’ Program Aims to Surveil 100% of Public Space
– by Dave Gershgorn

Migrant Youth Pipeline to U.S. Surges Nearly 600% Since Trump
– by Breitbart

Report: China Was Only Major Economic Power to Increase Pollution in 2020
– by Breitbart

Interpol Warns of Vaccine Fraud after China, South Africa Seize Thousands of Fake Doses
– by Breitbart

Study: Beijing Health Workers Trust China’s Coronavirus Vaccines the Least Nationwide
– by Breitbart

Pelosi Praises H.R. 1 as Means to Curb ‘Misinformation’ on Climate Change, Gun Control
– by Breitbart

37 Things to Know about H.R. 1, ‘for the People Act’ – Would Completely Ruin Elections in Favor of Democrats
– by Breitbart

Hillary Clinton: Democrats’ Election Transformation Bill H.R. 1 Is ‘Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity’
– by Breitbart

Senate GOP Forces All 628 Pages Covid-19 Bill to Be Read Before Vote
– by Breitbart

Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starship Explodes at End of Test Launch
– by Breitbart

“It’s Un-American, Un-Texan and Soon Will Be Illegal” – Texas Governor Abbott Announces Bill Prohibiting Tech Giants from Censoring Viewpoints
– by the Gateway Pundit

Ashli Babbitt’s Legal Team Releases First Official Press Release, Not Allowed to Be Informed of Who Chose to Murder Her
– by the Gateway Pundit

ABC Desperately Tries to Drum Up Controversy after 4 Trump Supporters Show Up to ‘Planned March 4th Insurrection’ at US Capitol
– by the Gateway Pundit

Two Paterson City, NJ Council Democrats Indicted on Voter Fraud Charges after Using Mail-In Ballots to Steal Election
– by the Gateway Pundit

Cuomo Admin Accused of ‘Criminal Conspiracy’ – Bombshell Report: They ‘Stripped’ Data from Report on Nursing Home Deaths, Halved Actual Statistic
– by the Political Insider

Pelosi’s Riot Task Force Recommends 24/7 Year-Round ‘Quick Reaction Force’ to Protect Capitol
– by the Political Insider

MARCH 4, 2021

Killing Your Purchasing Power: U.S. Inflation Expectations Hit Decade High as Yields Resurge
– by Bloomberg

Climate Lockdowns: Guardian Promotes ‘Global Lockdown’ Every Two Years to Combat Climate Change, Meet Paris CO2 Goals
– by Steve Watson

New York Tests Vaccine Passports at MSG Rangers Game
– by Steve Watson

Democrat Lawmaker Opposes AZ Bill that Raises Sentences for Pedophiles because It Would Hurt ‘People of Color’
– by National File

Family Fined, Kicked off Their Own Land for Living in RV
– by Jamie White

150 Missing Children Recovered via Tennessee Bureau of Investigations Human Trafficking Op
– by Adan Salazar

New Normal: ‘Liberal’ Western Leaders Unite to Criminalize and Jail Their Right-Wing Opposition
– by Information Liberation

Fauci Frequented Gay Bathhouses & Bars to Study AIDS in the 80s
– by Kelen McBreen

11 Million at Risk of Losing Their Homes once Covid-19 Protections Expire
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Reestablishing Dependency, Children of the State: Congress on Track to Recreate 1970s Welfare Policies
– by Breitbart

Texas Gives the Boot to ERCOT CEO Managing Electrical Grid after Winter Storm Failures
– by Breitbart

UK Govt Planning to Force Healthcare Workers to Take Vaccine: Report
– by Breitbart

Georgia House Passes Omnibus Election Reform Bill “to Restore Voters’ Confidence”
– by the Epoch Times

China Mandates Anal Swab Covid-19 Tests for All Visitors, despite “Psychological Pain,” Says the Anal Raping of US Diplomats Never Happened
– by Adan Salazar

Covid-19 Relief Showers States with 600% of Lost Tax Revenues – Federal Handouts to Lockdown Advocates at the Expense of the Decent and Intelligent
– by Tyler Durden

Senate Lowers Cutoff for Covid Stimulus Checks to $80,000
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Afghanistan: the U.S. Wasted Billions on Buildings & Vehicles
– by Tyler Durden

MS Judge Orders Election Do-Over after 78% of Mail-in Ballots Proven Fraudulent — Notary Arrested
– by the Gateway Pundit

Attack on Women’s Sports Continues as NFL Team Ditches Cheerleaders for Gender Inclusive Dancers by Adding Trannies
– by the Gateway Pundit

Federal Agent Suspended, Stripped of Security Clearance “because of His Presence” outside the Capitol during Trump Rally
– by the Gateway Pundit

No Guns during Capitol “Riot?” Antifa Caught with Gun at Jan. 6th Protests, Arrested, Released
– by the Gateway Pundit

British Government Study Confirms Covid-19 Vaccine Risk: Infections Increase in Fortnight after Jab
– by the Gateway Pundit

The End of Traditional Elections: House Passes Sweeping Bill Making it Easier for Democrats to Steal, Opening Door Weeks after to Change the Results Again
– by the Gateway Pundit

More Insanity: House Shuts down Thursday Session over Garbage Claims of Pro-Trump Militia Attack
– by the Gateway Pundit

MARCH 3, 2021

Expert Group Chaired by Eric Schmidt to Biden Admin: U.S. Is ‘Not Prepared to Defend or Compete in the A.I. Era,’ 2030 Expiration Date
– by CNBC

Cuomo Avoids Public amid Outcry over Harassment Allegations
– by AP

Covid-19 1 Year: ‘Long Haulers’ Still on Long Road to Recovery, ‘a Complete Lifestyle Change’ – Is It Not Covid-19 Causing Symptoms?
– by the Hill

Military May Revisit Making Covid-19 Vaccines Mandatory after FDA Grants Approval
– by

High Alert as New QAnon Date Approaches Thursday
– by the Hill

Security at Capitol Increased Following Warning of Militia ‘Plot’ – High-ranking Military Is Cooperating with the QAnon Psy-op to Hurt Freedom
– by Steve Watson

Report: Border Crossers Released into U.S. by Biden Officials Test Positive for Covid-19
– by Breitbart

Biden Admin Planning for Influx of 117,000 Illegal Youths to US this Year, an Exponential Increase
– by Steve Watson

Harvard/Harris Poll: Americans More Concerned over Summer Violence than January 6 Riot
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Dr. Seuss Book Prices Skyrocket up to $5,000 after They’re Canceled for Racism
– by National File

AZ Dept. of Education Teaches Babies Are Racist; White Kids Must Form ‘Antiracist White Identity’
– by Information Liberation

“Complete Loss of Trust”: Half of French Home Health Workers Say They’ll Resist Taking Vaccine
– by Tyler Durden

South Korea Launches Investigation into Deaths of 2 People Days after Receiving AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine
– by RT

Triggered! Democrats Furious after Texas Gov. Lifts Mask Mandate
– by Adan Salazar

Following Texas, Mississippi Drops Covid-19 Mask Mandate
– by Kit Daniels

China Created More Billionaires than Every Other Country Combined during Pandemic
– by Paul Joseph Watson

U.N. Chief Guterres Orders Cancellation of All Global Coal Projects
– by Breitbart

Top British Scientists Helped China Develop Nuclear Weapons Technology: Report
– by Breitbart

N.Y. Legislature Agrees to Remove Gov. Cuomo’s Emergency Powers, Will Expire in 30 Days
– by Breitbart

FNC’s Dean: Cuomo Will Fall Because of ‘Convenient’ #MeToo Reasons, Not the ‘Criminal’ Nursing Home Conduct
– by Breitbart

Media’s MeTooing of Andrew Cuomo Is Really about Protecting Four Democrat Governors
– by Breitbart

Dr. Anthony Fauci: I Do Not Think We’ll Be Back to Normal by March 2022 due to Mutant Variants of Covid-19
– by Breitbart

Supreme Court Appears Favorable to Arizona Election Integrity Laws
– by the Epoch Times

Biden Promises Vaccines for All Americans by End of May, Return to Normal in a Year
– by Tyler Durden

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist to Sue Michigan Gov. Whitmer for Release of Covid-19 Nursing Home Data
– by the Gateway Pundit

Biden Administration Bans Reporters from Touring Child Detention Buildings due to ‘Covid-19’
– by the Gateway Pundit

Democrats Introduce ‘the Background Check Expansion Act’ Gun Control Bill
– by the Gateway Pundit

Cuomo Lawyers up: Executive Chamber Hires Criminal Defense Attorney Who Represented Harvey Weinstein
– by the Political Insider

MARCH 2, 2021

Fell into… a Punch? Mitt Romney Seen with Black Eye and Stitches, Knocked Unconscious after ‘Fall,’ Jokes Injury Was from ‘Going to CPAC’
– by the Sun

Cities Are Starting to Ban New Gas Stations
– by Axios

Report: First Case against Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination Filed in New Mexico
– by the Hill

6 Dr. Seuss Books Won’t Be Published for Racist Images
– by AP

‘Freedom Bracelet’ Tracking Device Launched as Alternative to Quarantine
– by Steve Watson

Third Woman Comes Forward on Andrew Cuomo
– by Breitbart

LA Schools to Launch Microsoft Covid-Tracking App So Children Can Attend Classes
– by Tyler Durden

A Highly Resistant New Covid-19 Variant that Originated in Brazil Is Being Compared to “an Atomic Bomb”
– by Michael Snyder

Puppet Gate! Daily Mail Claims Howard Stern Puppet Is Alex Jones, Now Used in Court Case to Get His Kids
– by Infowars

Ex-CIA Chief Brennan Says He’s “Embarrassed” to Be a “White Male,” Says the Republican Traitors are the Only Good Ones
– by Infowars

Wales Man Arrested, Claims He Was Strip Searched for Going for a Walk too Far from Home
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Japan Asks China to Stop Performing Anal Swabs on Its Citizens
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Michigan Begins Passing Election Integrity Bills: ‘a Lot of Things We Need to Change’
– by Breitbart

Two-Thirds of Austrians Say Covid-19 Restrictions Are Worse than the Virus
– by Breitbart

Report: Gretchen Whitmer Uses $155,506 in Taxpayer Funds to Buy Former Health Director’s Silence
– by Breitbart

NSSF: ‘Charleston Loophole’ Gun Control Could Come Next Week
– by Breitbart

Supreme Court to Hear Landmark Ballot Harvesting, Polling Location Case, Ruling Expected This Summer
– by Tyler Durden

‘Unwelcoming’ Food Inflation Outpaces Incomes with Destabilization Risks for Emerging Markets
– by Tyler Durden

Biden to Impose Navalny & SolarWinds Related Sanctions on Russia This Week
– by Tyler Durden

Supreme Court Rejects Sidney Powell’s Lawsuits Challenging Election Results in Wisconsin, Arizona
– by the Epoch Times

4 Arrested in Texas on 150 Counts of Voter Fraud
– by the Epoch Times

FBI Director Chris Wray Testifies There Is No Evidence of “Fake Trump Supporters” at US Capitol during Riot
– by the Gateway Pundit

The U.S. Scientific Establishment Conducted De Facto Covid-19 Briefings for the Chinese Military in May 2020
– by the Gateway Pundit

After Bogus Voter Records Uncovered Last Week by Steven Crowder, NV Secretly Updates Voter Rolls (outside of State Policies)
– by the Gateway Pundit

Biden DHS Secretary: ‘Loving Parents’ Send Their Kids across Mexico Alone
– by the Gateway Pundit

Why Is Biden First President Since 1981 to Not Give First SOTU Speech by the End Of Feb.? Will Kamala Have to Step in?
– by the Gateway Pundit

Democrat Senator Hirono Blames Trump Rhetoric for Alleged Rise in Anti-Asian Hate Crimes – It’s Racism to Notice We’re under Attack
– by the Political Insider

Powell Responds: “SC’s Failure – Completes the Implosion of Each of the Three Branches of Government”
– by the Gateway Pundit

MARCH 1, 2021

Treasury: US Drops Key Obstacle to Global Digital Tax
– by AFP

After America Bent over to the Fake Covid-19 Pandemic, White House Orders Enhanced Airport Screenings for Ebola
– by Yahoo News

DOJ Opens the Door to Seeking New Domestic Terror Powers
– by the Daily Beast

Plunging Demand for Covid-19 Tests in the US
– by AP

The Real Reason Why Bill Gates Is Now the US’ Biggest Farmland Owner
– by NY Post

Judge Rules Maricopa County, AZ Must Hand over Ballots and Voting Equipment to State Senate for Audit
– by National File

New Zealand PM Ardern Plunges Auckland into 2nd Lockdown in a Month after New Covid-19 Case Detected
– by RT

University of Oklahoma Athletes Will Wear ‘Sooners for Humanity & BLM’ Patch
– by Campus Reform

House Dems Pass Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Covid-19 Relief Package around 2 AM Saturday
– by Tyler Durden

New Study Suggests Supermassive Black Holes Could Form from Dark Matter
– by

Danish PM: Covid-19 Is Part of ‘New Reality’, Vaccinations Will Be Needed ‘Over and Over Again’
– by Sputnik News

Is She OK? Viral Fainting Vax Nurse Makes Cryptic Instagram Post after Two Months of Silence
– by Infowars

China OKs Labeling Homosexuality a ‘Psychological Disorder’ in Textbook, Treats as a Natural Abomination
– by Breitbart

CDC Covid-19 Order to Quickly Return Migrants to Mexico May End within Two Weeks
– by Breitbart

California Dedicating $28 Million for ‘Tens of Thousands’ Asylum Seekers Biden Is Letting in
– by Breitbart

CPAC Speakers: GOP ‘Civil War’ Won by Trump
– by Breitbart

‘The Governor Wanted to Sleep with Me’: Cuomo Accused of Sexually Harassing Second Former Aide
– by Tyler Durden

Propaganda Crash: World Economic Forum Tweets “Lockdowns Improving Cities,” Then Deletes Admitting It Was Wrong
– by Reason

Tech-stupid Judge “Disturbed” to Learn Google Tracks ‘Incognito’ Users, Demands Answers, Trying to Go Wild with $5K Fines
– by Tyler Durden

7 States Are “on the Verge of Herd Immunity”
– by Tyler Durden

“Letting a Murderer Walk”: Democrats Outraged Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Got ‘Free Pass’ from Biden
– by Tyler Durden

New CDC Director Raises Alarm on “New Variants”… despite Finding Virtually No Household Asymptomatic Spread
– by Tyler Durden

“A New World Altogether” – Global Airlines Set to “Go Live in March” with Covid-19 ‘Passports’
– by Tyler Durden

Federal Judge Rules Nationwide Eviction Ban Is Unconstitutional
– by the Epoch Times

Israeli Ship Targeted in Gulf of Oman Blast as Officials Point Finger at Iran
– by Tyler Durden

US Dr. Ralph Baric Was Reviewing Moderna’s and Dr. Fauci’s Covid-19 Vaccine in Dec. 2019
– by the Gateway Pundit

Top WHO Official Caught on Video in Dec. 2019 Revealing Coronavirus Manipulation at Wuhan Lab Before Pandemic
– by the Gateway Pundit

Wikipedia Co-Founder Launching Competitor Due to Wikipedia’s Left-Wing Bias
– by the Gateway Pundit

Michigan Republicans Call for Investigation into Gov. Whitmer over Covid-19 Nursing Home Deaths
– by the Gateway Pundit

Billboard in Albany Calls for Disgraced New York Governor Cuomo to Be Impeached
– by the Gateway Pundit

VA School District Cancels Dr. Seuss Themed ‘Read across America Day’ for ‘Racial Overtones’: Rife with “Orientalism, Anti-blackness, and White Supremacy”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Better than Stupid Is White Supremacy: Boston Public Schools Remove Advanced Programs because They Weren’t Diverse Enough
– by the Gateway Pundit

Cyber CEO: Next War Will Hit Regular Americans Online
– by Axios

Biden Adviser Cedric Richmond Sees First-term Progress on Reparations to Blacks for Things that Never Happened to Them
– by Axios

Watch: NY Gov. Cuomo Pressuring Female Reporter to ‘Eat the Whole Sausage’ in ‘Creepy’ Video
– by NY Post

Beijing Accused of Using Covid-19 Pandemic to Control Journalists – Foreign Media Group Report
– by RT

We Are Witnessing a Last Minute Mass Exodus Before the Final Collapse of Our Major Cities
– by Michael Snyder

Gab Hacked; Group Promises ‘Gold Mine’ of Info on ‘Militias, Neo-Nazis, QAnon’
– by Steve Watson

Foreign Doctors Caught Prescribing Sex Change Drugs to UK Children Online: Investigation
– by Breitbart

Trump’s Taking Credit for CV Vaccine May Come Back to Haunt Him
– by Information Liberation

Watch: Psaki Struggles to Explain Why 1/3 of $1.9 Trillion Covid-19 Relief Package Will Be Spent over Next Decade
– by Infowars

Minneapolis Spends $1.2 Million to Hire Black, Somali Influencers to Spread Propaganda about George Floyd Death Trial
– by National File

US ‘Mysteriously’ Sees Lowest Flu Season on Record during Covid-19 Pandemic
– by Tyler Durden

What Is the Truth about Covid-19 Deaths? Loved Ones Believe Wrongly Certified as Virus Victims
– by Daily Mail

Non-scientific, Fear-mongering Pope Francis Warns of Second ‘Great Flood’ from Global Warming
– by Breitbart

‘Cornerstone of Our Democracy’? UK Govt Plots to Extend Protest Restrictions after the Lockdown
– by Breitbart

Donald Trump Dismisses Idea of Starting a Third Party as ‘Fake News’
– by Breitbart

China Buys Western Academics
– by Gatestone Institute

Seattle Homeless Shelter Gives “Booty Injection” Kits to Addicts
– by Tyler Durden

Biden Admits He Won’t Sanction MbS Simply because Saudis Remain “Our Allies”
– by Tyler Durden

Covid-19 Fact-Check #10: Why “New Cases” Are Plummeting
– by Off Guardian

GOP Lawmakers in Swing States Move to Prevent Democrat Fraud and Return Voting Systems to Pre-2020 Rules
– by the Gateway Pundit

New Evidence Suggests U.S. Government and the American Scientific Establishment Involved in Cover up of Covid-19’s Origin
– by the Gateway Pundit

AZ Rep. Finchem Is Suing AZ Democrats for Malice after Accusing Him of Treason for Reporting on Suspected Election Fraud
– by the Gateway Pundit

President Trump Lays out What Must Be Done to Ensure Election Integrity in US Elections Going Forward
– by the Gateway Pundit

Sidney Powell: “There Is More than Enough Evidence in the Public Now to More than Reverse the Election in at Least 5 States”
– by the Gateway Pundit