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MAY 31, 2021

Danes Present Digital Covid-19 Passport for Travel Abroad
– by AP

Vietnam Identifies New, Highly Transmissible Variant of Covid-19
– by the Hill

FDA Document Reveals 86% of Children Who Participated in Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Trial Experienced Adverse Reactions
– by Natural News

Senate Republicans Block Commission on January 6 Capitol Riot
– by Jamie White

CNN President’s Longtime Wife Was Photographed Repeatedly with Ghislaine Maxwell
– by National File

Report Suggests Dr. Anthony Fauci Believed Experimenting on Contagious Viruses Worth the Risk of a Lab Accident
– by Breitbart

Fauci: I Trust Scientists in China to Be Truthful and Forthcoming on Covid-19 Origins
– by Breitbart

Creepy Joe Biden Flirts with Young Girl during Speech: Looks 19 “with Her Legs Crossed”
– by Infowars

Drag Queen Hosts Pride Parade in ‘Blue’s Clues’ Segment
– by Infowars

Judge Delays Absentee Ballot Audit as Fulton County, Georgia Requests Dismissal of Lawsuit
– by Breitbart

Wisconsin State Assembly Speaker Expands Investigation into Zuckerberg-Funded CTCL
– by Breitbart

Baltimore Schools Pass Students with Failing Grades to ‘Avoid Punitive Approach’
– by Bretibart

Florida Concert to Charge $18 for Vaccinated, $999 for Unvaccinated
– by Breitbart

Conservative Grassroots Activists, Heritage Action Oppose Nevada Bill They Say Will ‘Weaken Election Integrity Laws’
– by Breitbart

Report: Chinese Hackers Posing as U.N. Launch Cyber Attacks on Uyghurs
– by Breitbart

Senate Democrats Introduce Bill Calling College Athletes ‘Employees’
– by Bretibart

Radical Soros-Backed Group Supporting Legal Bail Fund for Violent Pro-Palestinian ‘Activists’
– by Breitbart

Report: China Could Use Huawei Cloud to Blackmail Global Economies
– by Breitbart

China Boasts of Using Video Game Addiction for Communist Indoctrination
– by Breitbart

Johnson & Johnson Janssen: UK Approves Fourth Coronavirus Vaccine for Use
– by Breitbart

China Warns Global Financial Bubble Could Burst
– by Tyler Durden

China Reveals “God of War” Stealth Bomber
– by Tyler Durden

Federal Government Gives Employers Green Light to “Incentivize” Workers to Get Vaccinated
– by Tyler Durden

Non Profits, Full of Radical Leftists, Are Setting National Sex Ed Standards
– by the Gateway Pundit

‘Border Czar’ Kamala Harris Encourages US Businesses to Outsource Investment From US to Central America
– by the Gateway Pundit

Professor Admits Critical Race Theory Is to Build the ‘Church of Marxism’
– by the Gateway Pundit

California Restaurant Charges Patrons Extra Money If They Wear a Face Mask, Brag about Their Vaccine Status
– by the Gateway Pundit

1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Join Together and File Lawsuit to Prosecute the “2nd Nuremburg Tribunal” against Corona Fraud Scandal
– by the Gateway Pundit

5 More Oregon Counties Join Movement to Leave State and Become Part of Idaho
– by the Gateway Pundit

Capitol Police Reportedly Started Shooting at Peaceful Trump Crowd on Jan. 6 — Fired Flash Grenades and Rubber Bullets on Peaceful Protesters, Children
– by the Gateway Pundit

Observer at Windham, NH ‘Audit’ Identifies Auditors Backdating Voting Machines and Performing Additional Suspicious Actions
– by the Gateway Pundit

GOP Senator Ron Johnson: He Was “Set Up” by FBI Agents to Stop Him from Talking about Crackhead Hunter Biden
– by the Gateway Pundit

Arizona Senate Considering Another Audit of Maricopa County 2020 Election: Report
– by Washington Examiner

Why is Auditor Harry Hursti, Who Uncovered the Fatal Flaws in Diebold Memory Cards in 2005, Hiding These Flaws in the Windham, NH Audit This Week?
– by the Gateway Pundit

Virtue Signalling Aimed at the Suicide Cult Political Left: Uptick in Covid-19 Cases Prompts Chinese City to Lock Down Neighborhood
– by Fox NY 5

Netanyahu Could Lose PM Job as Rivals Attempt to Join Forces
– by AP

‘Silicon Six’ Tech Giants Accused of Inflating Tax Payments by Almost $100bn
– by the Guardian

Former State Dept. Lead Investigator Reveals Wife of Wuhan Lab Researcher Died from Covid-19 in December 2019
– by Steve Watson

German Judge Declares Mask Mandates Illegal and Harmful to Children
– by the Epoch Times

China Millionaires to Double by 2025 as America Fades into Darkness
– by Tyler Durden

US Military Plans to Harvest Solar Energy in Space, Beam It to Earth
– by Tyler Durden

Founder of Black Lives Matter Chapter Quits, Says BLM Doesn’t Actually Care about Black People
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Hillary Clinton Spreads Fake News: ‘Angry Mob’ at the Capitol ‘Killed a Policeman’
– by Breitbart

Arizona: Trump Hating Ducey Vetoes Election Integrity, Anti-Critical Race Theory Bills, 20 Others, Cites Budget Concerns
– by National File

117 Employees Sue Houston Hospital Network over Vaccination Mandate, Say They Don’t Want to Be ‘Guinea Pigs’
– by RT

Democrat Rep. Crow Pre-programming for a False Flag against Decency: We Have ‘Growing Violent Extremism Movement’ Spreading the ‘Big Lie’ that Trump Won
– by Breitbart

European Covid-19 Cases Plummeting ahead of Summertime, after PCR Test Threshold Lowered to 28 Cycles and Higher Cycle Tests Declared Fake
– by Breitbart

Texas Democrats Walk out of House Chamber to Block Voting Law
– by the Epoch Times

Currency Wars Return: China Hikes FX Reserve Ratio for First Time in 14 Years in Bid to Weaken Yuan
– by Tyler Durden

China Allows Families to Have up to 3 Children amid Dramatic Drop in Birth Rates
– by Tyler Durden

“We Are Going to Expose You”: Crenshaw, Cotton Create Military Whistleblower Site to Combat ‘Woke Ideology’
– by the Epoch Times

Space Plane Startup Promises Los Angeles to Tokyo in One Hour
– by Tyler Durden

7,300 People Tune in to WH YouTube Channel to Watch “81 Million Vote Recipient” Joe Biden Deliver Memorial Day Service Remarks
– by the Gateway Pundit

Court Rules Gretchen Whitmer Recall Petitions Can Proceed
– by the Washington Examiner

“That’s a Lie – He’s Misleading the American People on Purpose” – Former DHS Secretary Calls for Current DHS Secretary Mayorkas to be Held Accountable for Constant Lying to American Public
– by the Gateway Pundit

SICK: Parents Outraged after New York Private School Shows 1st Graders Video about Masturbation
– by the Gateway Pundit

Not Fictitious Racism – Armed Black Supremacists in Tulsa: ‘There Will Come a Time When We Will Kill Everything White in Sight’
– by the Gateway Pundit

Milestone: AZ Audit Officials Announce 1 Million Ballots Hand Counted and Analyzed
– by the Gateway Pundit

Alarm Went off at Secure Building in Fulton County Georgia Where Ballots Are Kept – Building Found Wide Open
– by the Gateway Pundit

“It Should Be that He Is Simply Reinstated, That a New Inauguration Day Is Set” – Sidney Powell Speaks in TX on What Happens After the Fraud Is Exposed
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 28, 2021

Nearly Half of Covid-19 Patients Leave Hospitals in ‘Worse Condition’ Than They Arrived
– by Study Finds

Lisa Shaw: BBC presenter, 44, Died from Blood Clot after Having AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine, Her Family Say
– by the Sun

SolarWinds Hackers Are at It Again, Targeting 150 Organizations, Microsoft Warns, Reportedly Trolling with 2020 Election Fraud Details
– by NBC News

Killer AI Drones ‘Hunted down Humans without Being Told to’ Warns UN report
– by the Daily Star

Israel’s Operation against Hamas Was the World’s First AI War
– by the Jerusalem Post

China Could Soon Outgun the U.S, by the End of Biden’s Term
– by Politico

YouTube Censors President Bolsonaro and CNN Brazil over Videos about Hydroxychloroquine
– by Reclaim the Net

Facebook Data Technician Morgan Kahmann Goes on Record Following Suspension as a Result of Secret Internal ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ Documents Leak
– by Project Veritas

Survey: 83% of Employers Will Not Mandate Covid-19 Vaccines, Only 4% Will
– by Reclaim the Net

New U. of Louisville Study Concludes Masks Did Not Slow Covid-19 Spread in US
– by Kelen McBreen

Fauci and Gates Are Both in a Downward Spiral as Their Misdeeds Come to Light – Lab Funding
– by National File

U.S. Intel Sitting on Large Amount of Evidence Concerning Lab Leak Theory
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Senate Passes Josh Hawley, Mike Braun Bill Requiring Biden to Declassify Intelligence on Covid-19’s Origin, to House
– by Breitbart

Former State Department Official: Idea Covid-19 Emerged Naturally Is “Ridiculous”
– by Paul Joseph Watson

More Scientists Demand Lab Leak Investigation; Claim They Were Ostracised for Presenting Research Backing the Scenario
– by Steve Watson

BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Resigns amid Multi-Mansion Controversy
– by National File

UFO Whistleblower Accuses Pentagon of Concerted Effort to Discredit Him & Hide ‘Truth’ from Americans
– by RT

Vaccinated Nevada Lawmaker Denied Access to House Chamber without Vaccine Passport
– by Breitbart

Sheriff Cuts Ties with Biden’s DHS to Prevent Illegal Aliens from Being Freed into Southwest Ohio
– by Breitbart

German Scientist Discovers What Causes Rare Blood Clots In Some AstraZeneca Jab Recipients: Fragments of Viral Chains Made and Let Loose in the Bloodstream
– by Tyler Durden

“Vax for the Win” – Governor Newsom Offers $116.5 Million Giveaway for Vaccinated Californians
– by the Gateway Pundit

Racist Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Sued by Judicial Watch for Denying Reporter Interview for Being White
– by the Gateway Pundit

Florida Gov. DeSantis: ‘The Crazy People Are the Ones that Are Vaccinated Still Wearing Six Masks’
– by the Political Insider

Career Racial Agitator Obama Claims ‘Institutional Constraints’ Prevented Him from Speaking out on Killing of Black Americans
– by the Political Insider

Fulton County Election Officials Hire Top Georgia Defense Attorneys, Filed Official Court Request to Dismiss the Election Fraud Case
– by the Gateway Pundit

Skunk Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos Hires Three Retired Cops to Look at Election Integrity?… but Won’t Launch Forensic Audit despite Late Night Ballot Dump
– by the Gateway Pundit

Dishonest MI SOS Warns County Boards They Have No Authority to Conduct Election Audits… Dominion Warns: Do Not Transfer Voting Machines to “Unaccredited” Auditors
– by the Gateway Pundit

Huge “Trump Won” Banner Lowered in Yankee Stadium at Thursday Night’s Game
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 27, 2021

Australia’s Victoria State to Enter Covid-19 Lockdown after Fresh Outbreak
– by Reuters

Lockheed Martin Put Executives through Training to Unlearn ‘White Male Privilege’: Report
– by National File

Microsoft President: Orwell’s 1984 Could Happen in 2024
– by BBC

Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Recruiters, Lovers and Pals Set to Testify against Ghislaine Maxwell in Her Sex Trafficking Trial’
– by the Sun

Narrative Pushers Are Now Blaming the South African Variant on the Most Vaccinated Country in the World Seychelles Uptick in Covid-19 Cases
– by Bloomberg

Chile Introducing a “Mobility Pass” Utilizing a QR code to Give the Vaccinated First Class Freedoms
– by Reuters

Mexico: Eighty-eight Politicians Have Been Murdered Since the Start of the Electoral Process in Sep. 2020
– by Telesur

Even Monkeys Adopt ‘Accent’ of Other Species When in Shared Territory – Study
– by the Guardian

Twitter Bans “Detransitioner” Sinead Watson
– by Reclaim the Net

Biden Lied: VP Joe Met with Hunter Biden’s Shady Business Partners, Laptop Reveals
– by Infowars

Facebook Reverses Ban on Claims Covid-19 Was “Man-Made” Months after Asserting It Was “Debunked”
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Rand Paul: ‘Fauci Cannot Investigate Himself; Get Him under Oath’
– by Steve Watson

Maine Democrat House Speaker Strips Republicans of Committee Assignments over Mask Rules
– by Breitbart

San Francisco Allows Children to ‘Consent’ to Covid-19 Vaccines without Parents Knowing
– by National File

Sweden Goes from Being One of the Safest Countries in Europe to the Second Most Dangerous
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Hungary Reports Tripling of Illegal Migration
– by Dan Lyman

AirBnb Suspends Montana Cabin Listing that Banned Vaccinated Guests over Shedding Fears
– by Jamie White

Canadian Soldier Charged with ‘Mutiny’ after Calling on Troops Not to Distribute ‘Killer’ Covid-19 Vaccine
– by RT

‘Reparative Justice Project’: Bristol to Spend £290,000 in Taxpayer Money to Atone for the Slave Trade
– by Breitbart

Former Attorney General Bill Barr: Indoctrination in State-Run Schools May Be Unconstitutional
– by Breitbart

Canadians Overwhelmingly Support Leaving US Border Closed until September
– by Tyler Durden

Biden Panics after CNN Reveals He Canceled Covid-19 Origins Investigation, Orders 90-Day “Report” From US Intel Agencies
– by Tyler Durden

US Pending Home Sales Unexpectedly Plunged in April “Due to Lack of Affordable Homes”
– by Tyler Durden

Hunter Biden Admits on Audio He Smoked Crack with DC Mayor Marion Barry – Intel Agencies Covered This up
– by the Gateway Pundit

Clinton Administration Invited the Chinese Army into Sensitive U.S. Military Biodefense Centers
– by the Gateway Pundit

Sen. John Kennedy Grills Dr. Fauci on Trusting Chinese Researchers, Fauci’s Boss Reveals Bombshell Effort to Vaccinate People against Meth and Fentanyl
– by the Gateway Pundit

Another Hoax Exposed: Whistleblower’s Claims She Was Directed to Delete Covid-19 Cases and Deaths From Florida’s Data Unsupported by Evidence
– by the Gateway Pundit

Report: Trump and Newt Gingrich Teaming up for New ‘Contract with America’
– by the Political Insider

Biden ATF Nominee Says He Supports AR-15 Ban in Train Wreck Senate Appearance
– by the Political Insider

A Shocking Turn – Raffensperger Supports Fulton County Forensic Audit after Lying about Trump Phone Call and Ignoring Fraud Allegations in 2020 Election
– by the Gateway Pundit

The Windham, NH 2020 Election Audit Was Over before It Started – Two of Three Auditors Have Conflicts with Pelosi and Schumer
– by the Gateway Pundit

One of Three Auditors Exits Windham, NH Election Audit – Law Requires a Team of Three Auditors
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 26, 2021

Google Strikes Deal with Hospital Chain to Develop Healthcare Algorithms
– by WSJ

You Can Live to 150? Scientists Create App that Shows Human Lifespan Could Nearly Double
– by Study Finds

Biden: George Floyd’s 7-Year-Old Hugged Him, Wanted to Sit in His Lap, Ate His Ice Cream: ‘My Wife Would Kill Me’
– by National File

European Court of Human Rights Rules Mass Spying Was Illegal; Snowden Vindicated
– by Steve Watson

Rand Paul: Fauci “Absolutely” Committed Perjury over Wuhan Funding Denial
– by Infowars

First Man to Receive Covid-19 Vaccine Dies
– by Adan Salazar

Model Dies Days after Receiving AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine
– by Adan Salazar

Soylent Green 2021: Dozens of US States Liquefy Dead & Spray Biosludge on Crops, Parks, Playgrounds
– by Kelen McBreen

Video: News Reporter Talks about “Police Reform” as Gunshots Ring out at George Floyd Square
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Rubio Opposes Media Cartel Bill: ‘Opens the Door to Greater Collusion Between Big Media and Big Tech’
– by Breitbart

After Sodomized by Democrats, NBA Social Justice Coalition Urges Congress to Pass ‘George Floyd Justice in Policing’ Bill
– by Breitbart

Awkward Exchange: Netanyahu Trashes US Nuclear Talks with Iran in Front of Blinken
– by Tyler Durden

DC Attorney General Files Antitrust Lawsuit against Amazon
– by Tyler Durden

China Expands Influence in Africa by Building Government Facilities, West Starting to Counter
– by the Epoch Times

Fusion GPS Is Losing the Fight to Keep Its Records Secret – What Will Fusion’s Internal E-mails Reveal?
– by Technofog

America’s Frontline Doctors Sue the Federal Government to Prevent Forcing Experimental Covid-19 Vaccines on US Children
– by the Gateway Pundit

Another Hate Hoax: Vandals Target Black-Owned Auto Repair Shop with Racist Graffiti, Smash up Cars – Security Footage Shows It’s Two Blacks
– by the Gateway Pundit

Talk Show Host Wendy Williams Leaves Dr. Oz Stuttering When She Repeatedly Says She Will Not Be Getting the Covid-19 Vaccine
– by Tyler Durden

GOP Rep. Buddy Carter’s Bill Would Bar Federal Funds from States that Give Assistance to Illegal Immigrants
– by the Political Insider

Senate Breaks out in Cheers after Paul Amendment Passes that Bans Gain-of-Function Research in China
– by the Political Insider

Watch: Trump Protesters Encircle Michigan GOP HQ, Demand Resignation of NeverTrump Executive Director Jason Roe
– by the Gateway Pundit

After Continual Trashing of Senate Audit – Republican Led Committee Strips Democrat Katie Hobbs from Hearing any Audit-Related Lawsuits until 2023
– by the Gateway Pundit

Dominion Blames “Human Error” for Voting Machines Mislabeling Republican Ballots in PA County
– by the Gateway Pundit

A Sample of 950 Military Ballots Were Recently Audited in Georgia and All Went for Joe Biden
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 25, 2021

White House Expects US to Reach 50% Adults Fully Vaccinated on Tuesday after Offering Lotto Tickets for Vaccinations across America
– by CNN Politics

Rand Paul Receives Chilling Death Threat as White Powder and Pic of Him with Rifle to His Head Sent to Senator’s Home
– by the Sun

In Apple Antitrust Trial, Judge Signals Interest in Railroad, Credit-Card Monopoly Cases
– by WSJ

Vox Stealth Edits March 2020 Article “Debunking” Lab Origin of Covid-19
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Hoist the Black (Lives Matter) Flag! US Embassies to Champion ‘Global Racial Justice’ on George Floyd Anniversary – Leaked Memo
– by RT

Video: Biden White House Refuses to Investigate Covid-19 Origin; Warns Americans Off Lab Leak Theory
– by Steve Watson

“Decided to Divide” – Chicago Segregates Restaurants for Un-Vaxx’d
– by Tyler Durden

Florida Gov. DeSantis Signs Bill Allowing Floridians to Sue Big Tech Platforms for Monetary Damages
– by Infowars

Public Debt Got a Lot Worse from the Great Recession to the Great Lockdown
– by Mises Wire

Pope Francis Calls for ‘Green Economics,’ ‘Green Education,’ ‘Green Spirituality’
– by Breitbart

‘Breaking the News’ Reveals: Amazon’s Black Lives Matter Donation Tied to Convicted Terrorist
– by Breitbart

DHS Mayorkas Ending Bristol County, MA Program to Arrest Illegal Alien Child Rapists, Attempted Murderers
– by Breitbart

Judicial Watch Sues Pentagon and Park Police over Jan. 6 Capitol Deployment
– by Breitbart

American Economic Confidence Fell Back to Negative in May
– by Breitbart

Pompeo: Fauci Had the Same Information I Had When He Dismissed Lab Leak Theory
– by Breitbart

Report: One-Third of California’s Restaurants Permanently Closed Because of Pandemic
– by Breitbart

Russia May Cripple Google Services over Failure to Remove ‘Illegal Content’
– by Tyler Durden

Facebook Whistleblowers Reveal Campaign to Censor Vaccine Hesitancy
– by Tyler Durden

“Time to Move on” – Bipartisan Pork Package Disguised as Infrastructure on Life Support
– by Tyler Durden

Wisconsin Police Tell Residents “Do Not Call 911” When Starlink Satellite Train Passes by
– by Tyler Durden

‘Devout Catholic’ Biden Bails on Notre Dame Commencement after 1000s Sign Petition Demanding No Invite, Blames on a ‘Scheduling Conflict’
– by Tyler Durden

Democrat-incited New Hampshire Election Audit: Ballot “Fold” Issue, Only 28% of GOP Votes Counted in One Machine
– by the Epoch Times

Windham, NH Elections Investigation Reveals Several Local Communities with Bizarre Date and Time Stamps
– by the Gateway Pundit

Six Affidavits from Georgia Election Witnesses Allege 30,000 Ballots are Fake – GA Sen. Burt Jones May Ask Governor to Call Special Session to Consider Decertifying Nov. Election if Proven
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 24, 2021

Epstein Guards to Skirt Jail Time in Deal with Prosecutors
– by AP

Matt Gaetz’s Ex-girlfriend to Cooperate with Federal Authorities in Sex Trafficking Investigation’
– by CNN Politics

Canadian Government Lures Children with Ice Cream to Take Covid-19 Vaccine without Parental Consent
– by Jamie White

Teach the Children They Are Slaves! Teachers Union Prez: CDC Should Issue Guidance that Kids under 12 Must Mask, Distance in School
– by Infowars

Fauci Flip-Flops, Says He’s “Not Convinced” Covid-19 Developed Naturally
– by Infowars

Tulsi Gabbard Calls for Mayor Lightfoot to Resign over Her ‘Blatant Anti-White Racism’
– by Information Liberation

India Demands Social Media Networks Remove References to “Indian Variant” of Covid-19
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Domino #3: Judge Orders Georgia County to Unseal Nearly 150k Ballots for 4TH Recount after Lawsuit Claims Fraud in 2020 Presidential Race
– by RT

More Pandemic Profiteers: Covid-19 Vaccines Have Minted at Least Nine New Pharma Billionaires
– by Daily Mail

America’s Frontline Doctors Files Motion for Restraining Order against Child Covid-19 Vaccinations
– by National File

Google Docs Gets Social Justice Update, Autocorrecting to Gender Neutral and Politically Correct Language
– by Reclaim the Net

Former FBI Director Freeh Gave $100K to a Trust for VP Biden’s Grandkids in 2016 while Exploring ‘Future Work Options’

Watchdog Group Claims Stanford Broke Funding Laws with Experiment Involving Aborted Babies and Mice
– by Campus Reform

Giroir: ‘Circumstantial Evidence Is Overwhelming’ that Coronavirus Originated from Lab
– by Breitbart

‘Breaking the News’ Reveals: Secret Service Records Show Hunter Biden Took at Least 23 Flights through Joint Base Andrews, Home of Air Force One and Two
– by Breitbart

Report: One-Third of California’s Restaurants Permanently Closed Because of Pandemic
– by Breitbart

60% of U.S. Colleges Nix Testing Requirement for Admission because White People Are Smarter
– by Breitbart

Spain Sends 6,600 Migrants Who Entered Ceuta Back to Morocco
– by Breitbart

Germany Bans Non-Essential Travel from UK over Indian Variant ‘Concern’, as Strain Cases Spike in London
– by Breitbart

California: Vaccination or Negative Covid-19 Test Required for Large Indoor Events
– by Breitbart

Former HHS Assistant Secretary Giroir: Gain of Function Research Probably Still Happening in China with U.S. Funding
– by Breitbart

Arizona Secretary of State Says Maricopa County Election Machines May Be Decertified, Loss of Chain of Custody
– by Breitbart

How the CDC is Manipulating Data to Prop-up “Vaccine Effectiveness” – It’s Now Down to 28x PCR Test Magnification
– by Off Guardian

DOJ Seizes $90K after Given $90K by MSM for Only Capitol Footage Used During Second Trump Impeachment, Charges BLM Agitator John Earle Sullivan Who ‘Stormed Capitol’ and Sold the Footage
– by Tyler Durden

Oregon Is Bribing Its Residents into Getting Vaccinated With a $1 Million Lottery, 1 in Each County $10K in Prizes
– by Tyler Durden

Safety for ME, Not for You: Mayor Vowed to Take “Illegal Guns Off the Street” – Police Just Found One in Her Home
– by Bearing Arms

Handful Of Black “Covid Survivors” Experience Massively Enlarged Tongues
– by Tyler Durden

Texas Judge Finds Biden Administration Engaged in Racial and Gender Discrimination in Pandemic Relief Program
– by Jonathon Turley

Chicago Police Union Issues Vote of No Confidence in Anti-White Racist Mayor Lori Lightfoot
– by the Gateway Pundit

Liberal Academia Is Losing – Colleges Cut Prices by 53% to Attract Students
– by the Gateway Pundit

Colorado Professor Claims that ‘White Supremacy’ Is Causing Black People to Attack Asians
– by the Gateway Pundit

Inflammation: Family of George Floyd to Visit White House on Anniversary of His Death
– by the Gateway Pundit

Obama/Biden to Release Three Terrorist Killers from Gitmo but Will Leave Hundreds American Patriots from Jan. 6th in Jail
– by the Gateway Pundit

New Jersey Democrat Lawmaker Secretly Made $1 Million Investing in Medical Companies that Had a Stake in Covid-19 Response
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Joe Scarborough Suffers Complete Meltdown over Arizona Audit — Tells Americans to Leave the Country and Be Replaced by Migrants
– by the Gateway Pundit

Maricopa County Is Now Intimidating the Senate and Its Auditors with Possible Lawsuit Should They Complete Their Legal and Proper Audit
– by the Gateway Pundit

New “Fold Effect” Finding in New Hampshire — Could Impact Entire State Results in New Hampshire and Possibly Three Other States
– by the Gateway Pundit

Obama-Appointed Judge Sides with Biden, Rules Private Christian College Must Allow Biological Men to Shower with Women
– by the Gateway Pundit

Project Blue Beam Psych Warfare Preparation: How UFO Sightings Went from Joke to National Security Worry in Washington
– by the Washington Post

Intelligence on Sick Staff at Wuhan Lab Fuels Debate on Covid-19 Origin
– by WSJ

US Submarines Detect Mysterious Speeding Crafts Underwater ahead of Pentagon UFO Report
– by UK Express

Replacing Quarantines with Handing over Your Freedom to a Dog – Study: Dogs Can Detect Covid-positive Arrivals
– by Information Liberation

CDC Investigating Heart Problems in Teens & Young Adults Who Took Second Dose of Covid-19 Vaccine
– by Infowars

OSHA Pulls Guidance Stating Employers May Be Held Liable for ‘Adverse Reactions’ If They Mandate the Vaccine
– by Information Liberation

Bombshell: Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine Is ‘Creating Variants’
– by RAIR Foundation

Senator Rand Paul: ‘I’m Not Getting Vaccinated’
– by Infowars

Oxford Secretly Used Cell Phone Data to Track Millions as Part of Government-ordered Vaccination Study – Media
– by RT

Report: ‘Devastating Cancer Crisis’ Has Been Caused by Stay at Home Orders
– by Steve Watson

UK Health Secretary Suggests Critics of Vaccine Passports Are “Crazies”
– by Paul Joseph Watson

CA Lawmaker Mocked after Finding “Semi-Automatic” Glock Packaging — for BB Gun
– by Tyler Durden

Exclusive Photo: Gretchen Whitmer Violates Own Covid-19 Orders at Dive Bar
– by Breitbart

Red States Lead the Charge in Lowest Unemployment Rates
– by the Epoch Times

Fauci Finally Admits Covid-19 May Have Come from Wuhan Lab, ‘Not Convinced’ of Natural Origin
– by Tyler Durden

Lithuania Withdraws from China’s “17+1” Cooperation Platform, Cites Forced Organ Harvesting
– by the Epoch Times

Trump’s 1776 Commission to Reassemble, Tackle Critical Race Theory in History Education
– by the Epoch Times

Rebel News Reporter Fined $1440 for Reporting on Freedom Rally in Ontario and “Shaking Hands” with Attendees
– by the Gateway Pundit

China Has Infiltrated the U.S. Military Biodefense Program at Fort Detrick
– by the Gateway Pundit

Far Left Terorist, Former CIA Director John Brennan, Concerned about Far-Left Democrats and Antifa Violence
– by the Political Insider

Watch: US Capitol Doors on Jan. 6 Were Magnetically Locked – Someone Inside Capitol Security Had to Release the Lock to Open the Doors
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Secretary of State Blinken Says Joe Biden Is Working to Lift Sanctions on Iran Even though Iran Funds Terror
– by the Gateway Pundit

Biden Won’t Be Speaking at Notre Dame Commencement after 4,300 Students and Alumni Demand He Not Be Invited
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: “I Think by This Summer We’re Going to Have a Final Conclusion on Durham” – Papadopoulos on the Release of the Durham Report
– by the Gateway Pundit

Video Evidence Proves CNN and Politifact Hacks Are Lying about Cyber Ninjas and the Missing Database Directory
– by the Gateway Pundit

Arizona Election Auditors Move Back into Coliseum – Greatly Increase the Number of Tables for Ballot Counting and Inspection – Will Begin Again Today
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 21, 2021

Washington Is Rushing to Regulate Crypto. It’s a Mess.
– by Protocol

New Type of Coronavirus Originating in Dogs Found – Study; at Bottom of Article: ‘It Was Possible It Was Merely “Carried” in the Patient’s Airways without Causing Disease’
– by Reuters

US Seeing Wave of ‘Textbook Anti-Semitism’ amid Israel-Gaza Tensions
– by Fox News

Survey: 43% of Millennials ‘Don’t Know, Care, or Believe God Exists’
– by Breitbart

Powerful Video: Rep. Jordan Exposes Democrats’ Efforts to Stifle Covid-19 Origin Investigation
– by Steve Watson

Report: Oregon to Demand Proof of Vaccination to Enter Businesses, Churches without a Mask – Coming for Most States
– by Steve Watson

Tom Cotton Introduces ‘SECURE CAMPUS Act’ to Stop Chinese Spying at Universities
– by Campus Reform

NYC PBS Airs Children’s Show Where “Drag Queens in Training” Learn to Swish Their Hips
– by Kelen McBreen

FreeWorldNews.TV Launches in the Face of Globalist Censorship Tyranny, Blocking of
– by Infowars

Utah Lawmakers Pass Resolution against Teaching Critical Race Theory in Schools
– by Breitbart

Biden Hollows out Trump-Era Covid-19 Protections at the Border, Making “Safety” Purely a Political Choice
– by the Washington Free Beacon

Pentagon Marches towards AI Taking the Kill Shot
– by Tyler Durden

Cuomo’s “Vax & Scratch”: New York Will Now Reward Vaccinations with Scratch-off Lotto Tickets, 1 in 9 Will Win at Least $20
– by Tyler Durden

Former WH Covid-19 Adviser Dr. Scott Atlas: Lockdowns Not Only a ‘Heinous Abuse’ of Power, They Also Failed to Protect the Elderly
– by the Epoch Times

Dominion Responds after Pennsylvania Election Officials Report ‘Coding Error’ with Voting Machines
– by the Epoch Times

California County Requires Businesses to Submit Covid-19 Vaccination Status of All Employees
– by the Gateway Pundit

Man on Video Dismantles BLM ‘Autonomous Zone’ Barricades Blocking Street at ‘George Floyd Square’
– by the Gateway Pundit

More Video: Capitol Police Clearly Ordered to Wave Protesters to Capitol Steps, Moving Barricades aside
– by the Gateway Pundit

Fauci: ‘We Will Almost Certainly’ Require a COVID-19 Booster Shot within a Year
– by the Political Insider

Watch: “How Do You Govern When You Lost?” – President Trump Weighs in on Arizona Audit Findings and Future State Audits
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 20, 2021

‘Undervalued & Underpaid’ – Microsoft’s ‘Toxic Culture’ Flowed from the top after Bill Gates ‘Picked out Women to Fulfill Himself’, Ex-employee Says
– by the Sun

Nearly 200 People in Two German Tower Blocks Quarantined after Confirmed Local Case of Indian Covid-19 Strain
– by RT

Canadian Man Loses over Six Feet of Intestine after Blood Clot Caused by AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine
– by National File

UK Government to Send Private Security to Homes of Returning Holidaymakers to Enforce Quarantine
– by Steve Watson

Privacy Watchdog: UK Covid Passport Small Print Says It WILL Be Used Domestically
– by Steve Watson

Biden’s CDC Director: Lab Origin of Covid-19 a “Possibility”
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Santa Clara University Encourages Students to Call Cops on Each Other for Breaking Covid-19 Guidelines
– by Campus Reform

Biden Calls Coast Guard Grads “a Really Dull Class” after No One Claps for Him
– by Infowars

The ‘New Soros’: Marlow Media Exposé Reveals Immense Secret Power of Tech Heiress Laurene Powell Jobs
– by Breitbart

Democrats Ready to Ditch Whitmer over a Strawman Issue Rather than Nursing Homes? Florida Private Jet Scandal Threatens Gretchen Whitmer’s Political Future
– by Breitbart

Democrat Rep. Porter: ‘What We’re Doing Here Is Not an Infrastructure Bill’
– by Breitbart

Saudi Arabia to Require Coronavirus Vaccines to Enter Indoor Spaces Starting Aug. 1st, Electronic Passports
– by Breitbart

Top GOP on House Armed Services Committee to Take on Political Bias in Military against Conservatives
– by Breitbart

‘Rush Limbaugh Day’ Removed from Missouri Senate Bill
– by Breitbart

Report: Bill Gates Thought Jeffrey Epstein Was His Ticket to a Nobel Prize
– by Breitbart

Five Oregon Counties Vote to Secede and Join Idaho, First Step
– by Breitbart

Netanyahu: “Conquering” Gaza an Option, Touted ‘Imminent’ Ceasefire in Doubt
– by Tyler Durden

US Army Reveals Range of New Hypersonic Weapon
– by Tyler Durden

Border Officials Seize $685,000 in Counterfeit Currency from China
– by the Epoch Times

Walgreens Closes 17 San Francisco Stores Due to “Out of Control” Shoplifting
– by Tyler Durden

Trump Responds after New York Goes after Trump Org, Launches Criminal Investigation
– by Tyler Durden

GOP House Intel: ‘Overwhelming Circumstantial Evidence’ Points to Wuhan Lab as Covid-19 Origin
– by Washington Examiner

Democrats and Their Accomplices Are Worried about the Presidential Election in Arizona, but the Senate Is on the Line As Well
– by the Gateway Pundit

We Know Covid-19 Was Created in a Laboratory – New Revelations from inside China Indicate Actual Location of its Military Origin
– by the Gateway Pundit

Utah Passes Bill Banning Mandatory Masks in Public Schools and Universities
– by the Gateway Pundit

In Aug. 2020, the CDC That Only 6% of All Covid-19 Deaths Were Caused Exclusively by the Covid-19 Virus – Today It’s Down to under 5%
– by the Gateway Pundit

AZ GOP Chair Dr. Kelli Ward: Forensic Audit Should Be Finished by End of June — Hints That There Are Numerous Duplicated Ballots without Originals
– by the Gateway Pundit

Michael Patrick Leahy: Thousands of Georgia Ballots Were Delivered before They Were Picked up from Drop Boxes in Georgia on Election Night
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 19, 2021

E.U. to Reopen Borders to Those with Accepted Vaccines
– by the Washington Post

Video: Communist Professor Declares that U.S. Was Defeated in ‘Biological War’ with China
– by Steve Watson

Stockton University Students Must Now Take Two Antiracism Courses to Graduate, Costing up to $6700
– by Campus Reform

71% of French Say ‘We’re Full’: No More Immigration
– by Paul Joseph Watson

World Economic Forum Urges Companies to Fire Unvaccinated Employees as Part of ‘Jobs Reset,’ Deletes Tweet after Backlash
– by National File

Texas Governor Bans Mask Mandates
– by Steve Watson

Connecticut Govt. Secretly Tells Health Care Workers Covid-19 Vaccines Are Deadly, but Withholds the Information from the Public
– by Natural News

Fauci Admits He Only Wears a Mask Because of Optics after Telling Rand Paul It’s Science
– by National File

Ex-Space Force Commander: Dept. of Defense Teaching that ‘Whites Are Inherently Evil’
– by Information Liberation

Cotton: We Might Have to Hold up Defense Funding to Pass Ban on Critical Race Theory in Military
– by Breitbart

Completely Acceptable: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot to Grant Interviews Only to Black, Brown Journalists
– by Tyler Durden

Report: FBI Investigates Alleged Illegal Donations to Susan Collins’ Campaign
– by Breitbart

Israel Accuses China of ‘Blatant anti-Semitism’ after State TV Says ‘Wealthy Jews’ Control U.S. Foreign Policy
– by Breitbart

Andrew Lloyd Webber: ‘Selfish’ People Who Decline Vaccines Are Like Deadly Drunk Drivers
– by Breitbart

Tesla “Strikes” Service Patrol Truck Early Wednesday, Causing I-95 Gridlock in South Florida
– by Tyler Durden

Verified by the Auditor: Results Information Deleted from Maricopa County Election Machine Has Been Recovered
– by the Epoch Times

Poll: Democrats Blame Israel – Not Hamas Terrorists – for Violence in Middle East
– by the Gateway Pundit

America Last: Biden Shuts Down Keystone Pipeline in US — But Waives Sanctions for Putin’s Pipeline to Germany
– by the Gateway Pundit

After Trump’s Historic Peace Deals Between Israel and Several Arab States, Biden Admin Says: “We Don’t Believe They Did Anything Constructive Really”
– by the Gateway Pundit

America First Nonprofit Announces Lawsuit Against Ohio’s Stark County Board of Elections over Dominion Contract Vote
– by the Gateway Pundit

Voting Machines in Fayette County PA Are Not Counting GOP Votes – Fayette County Uses Dominion Voting Machines
– by the Gateway Pundit

MI Judge Makes Stunning Decision on Antrim Co. Voter Fraud Case
– by the Gateway Pundit

Interview: Antrim Co. Attorney Matthew DePerno Will Appeal Judge’s Decision to Dismiss Voter Fraud Case… Investigation Isn’t Limited to MI
– by the Gateway Pundit

Vernon Jones Schedules Press Conference Tomorrow in Atlanta to Call for a Full Forensic Audit of Georgia’s 2020 Election Results
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 18, 2021

House Consumed by Tension over Capitol Riot as Vote on Investigation Nears to Find What Led to the Violence, Necessary Security and Whether to Spend Nearly $2 Billion on Police Backpay
– by the Washington Post

Maricopa County Officials Who Boldly Defied Court Subpeonas Decry 2020 Recount as a Sham, Call on Arizona Republicans to End the Process
– by the Washington Post

The World Held Hostage by the Existence of the World – WHO: Pandemic Is Far from over Despite High Vaccination Rates in Some Countries
– by CNBC

Watch: PBS Journalist Implies to Psak Puppet that Ending Mask Mandates Is Racist
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Tel Aviv Thanks Biden Admin for Blocking UN Statement Calling for Ceasefire
– by RT

Tx State Senator on Covid-19 Vaccines: “the American People Are Now the Guinea Pigs”
– by Kelen McBreen

Texas Celebrates Zero Covid Daily Deaths – Two Months after Biden Called Reopening ‘Neanderthal Thinking’
– by Infowars

Mind Control: Scientists Engineer ‘Magneto’ Protein Capable of Remotely Controlling Brain & Behavior
– by Jamie White

Maricopa County ‘Will Not Be Responding to Any More Requests’ Regarding Audit, Openly Invites Legal Action
– by National File

Video: Biden Threatens “Those Who Are Not Vaccinated Will End up Paying the Price” – an Omen of Targeting Individual States with New Strains?
– by Steve Watson

Sweden Records More than 30K Cases of Side Effects Tied to Covid-19 Jabs
– by Tyler Durden

Head of Contact Tracing Hillary Clinton: ‘Get Your Life Back’ with a Vaccine
– by Breitbart

Universal Income Is Here: 88% of Kids Covered by Monthly Payments Starting in July
– by Breitbart

Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Voters Still Aligned with Trump Policies
– by Breitbart

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker to End Mask Mandate, All Coronavirus Restrictions May 29th
– by Breitbart

Poll: 42% Still Believe in Wearing Masks outside despite CDC Update
– by Breitbart

Report: Sierra Leone Sells Rainforest to World’s Worst Polluter China, Robs Farmers
– by Breitbart

Germany: Poll-Topping Green Party Pledge to Make Air Travel More Expensive
– by Breitbart

Peru: Police Open Investigation into Communist Presidential Frontrunner
– by Breitbart

Colonial Pipeline Shippers: Communications System Is Now Down
– by Tyler Durden

Spanish Politician Banned from Twitter for “Hate Speech” after Saying “a Man Cannot Get Pregnant”
– by Tyler Durden

“Blood on Your Hands”: Erdogan Issues Worst Rebuke to Biden Since Taking Office
– by Tyler Durden

World Economic Forum Cancels Annual Meeting because Covid after Moving It to Singapore
– by the Epoch Times

Supreme Court Unanimously Rebuffs Biden Administration on Warrantless Searches for Handguns
– by Tyler Durden

Chile Assets Dive after Radicals Win Election Mandate to Overhaul ‘Free Market Friendly’ Constitution
– by Tyler Durden

Space Force Officer’s Book on Marxism in the Military Reaches No. 1 on Amazon after Being Fired
– by the Epoch Times

AZ GOP Chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward: Maricopa County Supervisors Are Going to Ignore Legislative Subpoenas – Will Be in Contempt of AZ Senate’s Authority
– by the Gateway Pundit

Report: China’s Military Weapon Covid-19 Was Constructed Completely under the Command and Control of the Chinese Military
– by the Gateway Pundit

Gretchen Whitmer Orders Canadian Company to Shut down Oil Pipeline despite Widespread Fuel Shortages due to Illegitimate Concern about a Potential Spill
– by the Washington Times

FAA: Company that Flew Whitmer to Florida Not Authorized to Operate Charter Flights
– by Detroit Free Press

Pelosi Unilaterally Extends Unconstitutional Proxy Voting Scheme through July 3
– by the Gateway Pundit

Windham Audit Team Will Look at New Hampshire US Senate Race This Week — after Finding Local GOP Candidates Consistently Shorted Votes
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 17, 2021

Terror Alert, Renewed and Extended – US Warns Extremists May Strike as Virus Restrictions Ease
– by AP

Cuomo Accusers Are Subpoenaed as State Inquiry Enters a Critical Phase
– by DNYUZ

Teacher Placed on Leave after Bullying Student for Not Wearing Mask during Lunch
– by National File

Poll Finds over a Quarter of American Men Think They’d Lose a Fight with a House Cat
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Texas Gun Rights: Republicans Are Caving to Pressure from Liberal Unions, May Block Constitutional Carry
– by National File

Watch: Fauci Admits Only “a Little More Than Half” of NIAID, FDA & CDC Employees Took Covid-19 Jab
– by Kelen McBreen

Watch Gohmert: Biden Needs to Realize There Have Been Worse Things than Unarmed Election Protesters ‘Coming into a Building’
– by National File

Ireland Shuts Down Health IT System after Ransomware Attack, US Blindly Blames Russia
– by DW

Abbott: Amount of Fentanyl Caught at Border up Nearly 800% April over April 2020
– by Breitbart

Lie from NIH Director: We Never Approved Support for Gain of Function on Coronavirus… but ‘Can’t Absolutely Prevent’ Someone Who Wants to Deceive
– by Breitbart

Lie: White House Says It Was Surprised by Inflation Jump, Highest Since 2008
– by Breitbart

After Hesitance, U.S. Backs U.N. Security Council Emergency Meeting on Israel
– by Breitbart

Elon Musk Calls for Carbon Tax
– by Breitbart

Army Releases Recruitment Ads Highlighting Minorities, Immigrants, LGBT Community
– by Breitbart

Consumer Sentiment Unexpectedly Crashes on Rising Inflation Fears, Weakening Income Expectations
– by Breitbart

Indiana AG Rokita Investigating Al Sharpton, Big Tech Companies for Alleged Meeting about Censorship
– by Breitbart

Vermont Gov. Scott Eases Covid-19 Restrictions, Mask Mandate
– by Breitbart

Colorado Lifts Mask Mandate, Ends Most Coronavirus Restrictions
– by Breitbart

Minnesota Executive Council Ends Statewide Mask Mandate
– by Breitbart

Poll: 97% of Independents and Republicans Believe Facebook and Instagram Should Not Have Banned Donald Trump
– by Breitbart

‘Colonial on Steroids’: Refinery Reveals Economic Catastrophe If Gretchen Whitmer Kills Michigan Pipeline
– by Breitbart

Israeli Airstrike Destroys Gaza Media HQ Building that Housed AP & Al Jazeera
– by Tyler Durden

78% of UK Businesses Have No Plan to Require Vaccine Certificates, Survey
– by the Epoch Times

Trudeau Begins Planning to Reopen US-Canada Border after More than a Year
– by Tyler Durden

EXC: Fauci-Funded Researchers Headlined 2017 Wuhan Lab ‘Gain of Function’ Conference
– by National Pulse

Biden Admin Sued over Alleged Discrimination against White and Male Bar and Restaurant Owners
– by the Epoch Times

DarkSide Hackers Reportedly Closing Down after Retaliation Routs Their Infrastructure
– by Tyler Durden

American Medical Association Embraces Critical Race Theory, Rejects Meritocracy
– by Tyler Durden

Psaki: Teaching “1619 Project” Critical Race Theory in College Is “Responsible”
– by the Epoch Times

Flaws Found in Australian Electronic Voting Software
– by the Epoch Times

Federal Judge Signals He May End Twitter’s Immunity in Dr. Shiva Case – Speech Police in Panic — Hearing Live May 20
– by the Gateway Pundit

Illegal Border Crosser Bought Property Where He Crossed – Now Allows Illegal Migrants to Enter U.S. through It
– by the Gateway Pundit

Michigan School Punishing Unvaccinated Students by Charging Them to Go to Prom, Vaccinated Get in Free
– by the Gateway Pundit

New York School District: Students Must Show Proof of Vaccination or Negative Covid-19 Test to Attend Prom and Graduation
– by the Gateway Pundit

Nashville Gas Station Puts Meme of Hunter Biden on Their Sign, ‘Hope Gas Prices Don’t Get Too High’
– by the Gateway Pundit

Virginia Little League Coaches Forced to Attend $1K-$10K ‘Anti Racist’ Training
– by the Gateway Pundit

Maxine Waters Accused of Abusing Privilege of Federal Air Marshals on Flight to Minneapolis Protest
– by the Gateway Pundit

Biden Admin Revokes Trump’s Executive Orders to Protect Monuments and Combat Online Censorship
– by the Gateway Pundit

Dominion Announces They Willingly Gave Passwords to Maricopa County Auditors in Feb. but Refuse to Give Passwords to State Senate Audit Team
– by the Gateway Pundit

Maricopa County Ballot Audit Takes a Pause for a Week for Graduations, Massive Irregularities Already Found With Only about 25% Counted
– by the Gateway Pundit

Bill Gates Left Microsoft Board amid Probe into Prior Relationship with Staffer
– by WSJ

Getting #METooed: Long before Divorce, Bill Gates Had Reputation for Questionable Behavior
– by Baltimore Sun

Commander Kicked out of Space Force after Describing How Marxists Are Taking over the US Military
– by Daily Mail

Israel’s Turmoil Hands Political Lifeline to Embattled Prime Minister Netanyahu
– by WSJ

Lockdown-sceptic Rock Star Eric Clapton Blasts Vaccine Safety ‘Propaganda,’ Had a ‘Disastrous Reaction’ to AstraZeneca Covid-19 Jab
– by Daily Mail

They’re Vaccinated and Keeping Their Masks on, Maybe Forever
– by DNYUZ

AT&T Announces $43 Billion Deal to Merge WarnerMedia with Discovery
– by CNBC

Following the ‘Science’? CDC Shifts from “Impending Doom” to ‘You’re Free’ in 6 Weeks
– by Tyler Durden

Bizarre: CDC Director Says ‘the Last Two Weeks’ Have Shown Covid-19 Vaccine’s Effectiveness
– by Infowars

Princess of Kent Reportedly Develops Blood Clots after Getting AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 Jab
– by Sputnik

Report: Government Scientific Advisors Admit They Used ‘Totalitarian’ Fear Tactics to Control People during Pandemic
– by Steve Watson

Joe Biden Diverts Healthcare Cash to Help Illegal Migrants
– by Breitbart

Wisconsin Officially Launches Audit of 2020 Election
– by National File

GOP Chair Elise Stefanik: Biden DOJ’s Attempt to Block Arizona Election Audit ‘Unconstitutional’
– by Infowars

GOP Reps Demand Intel Update from Biden on Wuhan Lab Leak Possibility
– by Steve Watson

Polish-Canadian Pastor Arrested for Holding Church: Someone Tried to Burn His House down
– by National File

Video: Fauci Declares Pandemic Has Highlighted How Racist America Is
– by Steve Watson

Pompeo: Evidence of Coronavirus Cover-Up Efforts by Chinese Communist Party ‘Staggering’
– by Breitbart

FBI Reclassifies Congressional Baseball Shooter at Republican Function Who Shot Steve Scalise as ‘Domestic Violent Extremist’
– by Breitbart

University of California System Will No Longer Consider SAT and ACT Scores for Admissions because Assessing How Worthwhile a Student Is Is Inherently Racism
– by the Epoch Times

Toronto Cancels Entire Summer of Events Despite 1.6 Million of City’s 3 Million Residents Being Vaccinated
– by Tyler Durden

CDC Director Finally Admits that Covid-19 Cases Are Hugely Over-Counted — Just as Gateway Pundit, Donald Trump and Reported Last Summer
– by the Gateway Pundit

After Years Harassing the President of the US, Fake-News NY Times Finally Admits: the Steele Dossier Was a Lie that “Never Materialized or Has Been Proved False”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Maria Bartiromo and Devin Nunes on Covid-19 Related Dr. Peter Daszak, Involved in the Origins, Is the Only American in the WHO’s Investigating Team
– by the Gateway Pundit

New Video Shows U.S. Capitol Police Gave Protesters OK to Enter on Jan. 6
– by the Gateway Pundit

VIMEO Cancels Mike Lindell’s My Pillow Account: “This Is Worse than What Twitter Did to Me and My Company!”; How You Can Help
– by the Gateway Pundit

‘Comedian’ Chelsea Handler: She Feels Sick and Went ‘Deaf in One Ear’ after Getting Second Moderna Jab
– by the Gateway Pundit

Internet Sleuths Find Joe Biden’s Secret Venmo Account in Less Than 10 Minutes – Causing Potential National Security Issue
– by the Gateway Pundit

Windham, NH Audit Results Show Ample Evidence that Voting Machines Favored Democrats, Are Not Reliable and Cannot be Trusted
– by the Gateway Pundit

Data Files Reportedly Deleted in Arizona Before Providing Machines to Senate Auditors May Have Been Recovered by the Audit Team
– by the Gateway Pundit

Michigan Voter Fraud Atty. Matt DePerno’s Office Broken into – Then VFW Hall Cancels DePerno Presser after Threats
– by the Gateway Pundit

Windham Recount Update: Vast Difference in Audit Totals between GOP and Dem Candidates Is Enough Evidence to Scrap the Voting Machines
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 14, 2021

Fully Vaccinated? You Can Ditch the Mask, CDC Says
– by NBC News

As Arab World Rallies around Palestinians and Bloodshed Mounts, Trump-era Peace Deals Fade from View
– by Stamford Advocate

Ford Wants Billboards to Beam Distracting Ads to Screens inside Your Car
– by Vice

Florida Residents Prosecuted for Not Wearing Covid-19 Face Masks Will Be Pardoned by Governor DeSantis
– by the Sun

‘Significant Discrepancies’ Discovered in Arizona Audit, Ballots off 5% to 17.5%, ‘Likely Joe Biden Did Not Win’
– by National File

Stacey Abrams: AZ Recount ‘a Continuation of the Insurrection
– by Breitbart

World’s Leading Scientists: WHO Has Failed to Make ‘Balanced Consideration’ on Possibility Covid-19 Leaked from Chinese Lab
– by Steve Watson

Poll Shows 27% of European Adults Likely to Refuse Vaccine in Latest Threat to Growth Outlook
– by Tyler Durden

Mass Vaccination Sites Sit Empty throughout America
– by Information Liberation

Hackers Target Freight Trailer Maker with Ransomware Attack
– by Kit Daniels

Furious Parents Read Vulgar Material Assigned by Public School – “She Sucked My D*ck!”
– by Kelen McBreen

Colonial Pipeline Paid a $5M Ransom—and Kept a Vicious Cycle Turning
– by Wired

AZ State Senate President Asks Maricopa County to Address Deleted Data Bases, Chain of Custody, Non-Compliance with Subpoenas
– by Breitbart

Study: Chinese Influence on Worldwide Media Surged during Pandemic
– by Breitbart

Scientists Question Need for Covid-19 ‘Booster Shots’ as Vaccine Makers Lock in Sales: “There Is Zero Evidence”
– by Breitbart

Marjorie Taylor Greene Responds to Pelosi – Calls for Investigation on Crazed Speaker for Refusing National Guard at US Capitol on Jan. 6
– by the Gateway Pundit

Uncovered – a Direct Link Between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center
– by the Gateway Pundit

Dominion Voting Systems Releases Statement – Slams Arizona Forensic Audit and States Company Will Not Release Passwords to Maricopa Voting Machines
– by the Gateway Pundit

Maricopa IT Advisors Have a Detroit Connection and Other Troubling Revelations
– by the Gateway Pundit

The Data Drives Deleted by the Maricopa County Included Adjudicated Files (Where Votes Were Changed)
– by the Gateway Pundit

Maricopa County Officials Release Statement Following Emergency Meeting, Smear Senators and Audit Team for “Causing Agitation,” May Consider Legal Advice
– by the Gateway Pundit

Maricopa County Supervisors Call Emergency Meeting Following Release of Explosive Letter Revealing Databases Erased from Voting Machines
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: America’s Audit Director Ken Bennett Says Close to 500,000 Ballots Have Been Counted and Examined by Audit Team in Arizona
– by the Gateway Pundit

Trump Releases Statement on ‘Deleted Database’ and Irregularities Uncovered in Maricopa Election Audit
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 13, 2021

Colonial Pipeline Has No Plan to Pay Ransom to Hackers – Sources
– by Reuters

Blood Expert Claims to Have Found Why Some Covid-19 Vaccines Trigger Rare Clots
– by WSJ

Government’s ‘Online Safety’ Bill Will Limit Free Speech, Lead to Massive ‘State-backed Censorship’ Warn Watchdogs
– by Steve Watson

Merriam-Webster Expands Definition of ‘Anti-Vaxxer’ to Include Those Who Oppose Forced Jabs
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Oregon Gov Threatens She Won’t Lift Oppressive Lockdown until 70% of Residents Are Vaxxed
– by Information Liberation

Ohio Governor Launches Multi-Million Dollar Vaccine Lotto to Coerce Desperate Poor People into Getting Shots
– by Information Liberation

Moderna Chief Medical Officer Confirms mRNA Injection for Covid-19 Can Change Your Genetic Code
– by Infowars

Covid-19 Vaccines May Lead to Prion-Linked Brain Degeneration Similar to Mad Cow Disease
– by National File

Over 30,000 Vaccine Side Effects Reported in Sweden, with AstraZeneca Undisputed Leader
– by Sputnik

Army Chief of Staff Calls on French Military Who Warned of “Civil War” to Resign
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Kevin McCarthy: Nobody Questions ‘Legitimacy of the Presidential Election’, Says He’ll Be House Speaker in 2023
– by National File

Democrats Move to De-Industrialize US by Shutting Down a Third Pipeline: Line 5 in Michigan
– by Infowars

Pipeline Inspector Calls in to the Alex Jones Show: “It’s 100% a Manufactured Collapse”
– by Infowars

Former MSNBC Host Justifies Death of White Man Punched by Black Teen after Racial Slur at Dunkin’ Donuts
– by RT

New California AG Announces Formation of Racial Justice Bureau to Root out Racism
– by Breitbart

Ohio Rep. Warren Davidson Proposes Bill to Fire Anthony Fauci
– by Breitbart

Inflation Nation: Producer Prices Soar By Most on Record (Record Keeping Started 12 Years Ago)
– by Breitbart

Watch: DeSantis to Pardon Gym Owners, Others Resisting Covid-19 ‘Rules’
– by Breitbart

Epoch Times Reporter Suffers Baseball Bat Attack in Hong Kong
– by Breitbart

After Pressure from Local Residents & Politicians, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to “Resume” Border Wall Construction
– by Tyler Durden

“I’m Not At All Excited”: China’s Digital Yuan Is a Yawn, Turning into a Giant Flop
– by Tyler Durden

120 Retired Generals, Military Officers Sign Letter Warning of Conflict Between Marxism and “Constitutional Freedom”
– by Tyler Durden

CDC Credibility ‘Eroding’ According to Ex-Obama Official Dr. Kavita Patel
– by Tyler Durden

Watch: Ted Cruz Slams Democrat Voting Bill: ‘Designed to Ensure Democrats Never Lose Another Election’
– by the Gateway Pundit

Maricopa County Elections Officials Deleted Entire Database from Voting Machines – Including “All Election Information” from Main Database — with Copy of Senate Letter
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch AZ GOP Chair Dr. Kelli Ward: Legal Action Is Imminent — Breach of Voter Identification Information Occurred Last Election Cycle
– by the Gateway Pundit

Commanding General at Fort Campbell Issues New Guidelines – Unvaccinated Soldiers Cannot Take Pass or Leave Base – Considered Non-Deployable
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch Senator Rand Paul: “Dr. Fauci Could Be Culpable for the Entire Pandemic”
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 12, 2021

Anti-Biden Billboard Angers Local Residents Who Are Calling for ‘Vulgar’ Sign to Be Removed
– by Washington Examiner

Watch: Rand Paul Completely Destroys Complicit, Arrogant Asshole Fauci over His Propagation of Covid-19 in the Wuhan Lab with NIH Funding
– by Mediaite

Ransomware Gang: D.C. Police Won’t Pay $4 Million Demand, Has Begun Leaking Files
– by Daily Dot

Vaccinated People Are Comparing Adverse Reactions in a Reddit Subgroup
– by Adan Salazar

Fascist Corporatism to the Rescue: Biden White House Partners with McDonald’s to Promote Covid-19 Vaccine as ‘Hesitancy Grows’
– by Infowars

Labor Shortage Sets off “Inflationary Time Bomb” McDonalds Franchises Warn, Fearing Big Mac Price Hike
– by Tyler Durden

President Trump Slams Biden over Middle East Chaos as Israel Barraged with Rocketfire
– by Jamie White

Over 40 US Attorneys General Urge Facebook to Abandon Instagram for Kids Plans
– by Sputnik

Panel: WHO Could Have Saved over 3 Million Lives by Recommending Border Controls Earlier… but Trump Racist…
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Video: CNN’s Cooper Accuses Rand Paul of ‘Disrespecting Medical Science’ for Questioning the Human Named Fauci
– by Steve Watson

DHS to Scan Social Media Posts Looking for “Domestic Terrorists” after Capitol Breach
– by Reclaim the Net

Liz Cheney, Mad Trump Is Talking about ‘Stolen’ 2020 Election, Now Says HE Tried to Steal It from Biden
– by National File

Participation Trophy: New 25-Foot Statue Unveiled at Rockefeller Center to ‘Honor African Culture’
– by Information Liberation

Smoking Gun Video: Fauci Project Manager Confesses to Creating Covid-19
– by Alex Jones

Donald Trump Celebrates Ouster of ‘Bitter, Horrible Human Being’ Liz Cheney
– by Breitbart

Inflation Nation: Consumer Prices Jump 4.2 Percent
– by Breitbart

Canadian Mayor Claims Anti-Lockdown Protests Are ‘Thinly Veiled White Nationalist Supremacist’ Activities
– by Breitbart

Joe Biden Releases More than 8.3K ‘Remain in Mexico’ Migrants into U.S.
– by Breitbart

Migrant Encounters at Southwest Border Jump 944 Percent over April 2020
– by Breitbart

New Military Letter Warning of Civil War in France Gains 160,000+ Signatures
– by South Front

Professor Explains Flaw in Many Models Used for Covid-19 Lockdown Policies, “Tended to Over-estimate the Benefits and Under-estimate the Costs”
– by the Epoch Times

Watch FOX News Anchor Bret Baier: Liz Cheney Probably Got Support Based on this Move, 100 GOP Lawmakers May Form New Party to Suicide the Right
– by the Gateway Pundit

CDC Uses Faulty Covid-19 Transmission Data to Push for the Plausible Deniability of a Trump Win due to Mail-in Voting
– by the Gateway Pundit

More Evidence Dr. Fauci Is Funding China’s People’s Liberation Army in Virus Research Used in Biological Warfare
– by the Gateway Pundit

Bombshell Report Reveals CDC Risk of Covid Transmission Outdoors Greatly Exaggerated, Nearly Negligible
– by the Gateway Pundit

MI County GOP Chair and Lawyer Haider Kazim Withdraws from Antrim Co. Voter Fraud Case after Fighting Yesterday to Stop It
– by the Gateway Pundit

Windham, New Hampshire Ballot Audit Begins — Local and State Elites Ignore Will of the People and Choose Questionable Audit Team
– by the Gateway Pundit

Gretchen Whitmer Sued by Michigan Restaurant for Covid-19 Penalties
– by the Political Insider

MAY 11, 2021

CDC Limits Review of the Covid-19 Vaccinated but Now Covid-19 Infected; Draws Concern
– by Bloomberg

Covid’s “Return” to Taiwan after Reportedly Defeating It, Singapore Warns of Ever-Present Risks
– by Yahoo Finance

The Far Right Is Ready for a Slice of Real Power in Sweden, the Left Is Framing It as a Surge of Intolerance to Migrants
– by Bloomberg Quint

Unhinged Leftist Bette Middler Threatens to Kill Unvaccinated Kids by Bringing Peanut Butter into Schools
– by Steve Watson

Norway’s Institute of Public Health Recommends Government Ban J&J, AstraZeneca Vaccines Due to Side Effects
– by National File

Lightning Speed: FDA Approves Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine for Children 12-15
– by Infowars

Terror Wins – Biden Admin: Paying Ransom to Cybercriminals Who Hacked Colonial Pipeline a “Private Sector Decision”
– by Jamie White

Shock Video: Woman Faints, Convulses on Floor at Covid-19 Vaccine Site
– by Infowars

Quick, They’re Catching on: No Evidence ‘People Being Paid to Stay Home Rather Than Go to Work’
– by Jamie White

GOP Governors Slash Unemployment Benefits as Businesses Plead for Workers
– by the Epoch Times

Poll Shows 80% Who Refuse Vaccine Will Never Change Their Minds
– by Infowars

Watch: LAPD Station Firebombed
– by Tyler Durden

Vaccine Passports Banned in Wyoming
– by Steve Watson

Chelsea Clinton Calls for Global Crackdown on “Anti-Vax” Social Media Posts
– by Tyler Durden

‘Mob Rule’: Texas Man Faces Assault Charge for Confronting BLM Mob Blocking Traffic in Plano, Missed Slap
– by the Information Liberation

Australian Woman Dies from Blood Clots Days after Getting AstraZeneca Vaccine
– by Natural News

Poll: Almost Two-Thirds of Americans Say Social Media Is Ripping Country Apart
– by Breitbart

“Border Czar” Kamala Harris Got Up and Walked Out of First Meeting with Mexican President on Border Security, Had “Other Business” – Obrador Accuses Biden Admin of Orchestrating Coup
– by Breitbart

“This Is Not Transitory”: Hyperinflation Fears Are Soaring across America
– by Tyler Durden

“We’re In A Raging Mania” – Druckenmiller Warns “Fed Is Endangering Dollar Reserve Status”
– by Tyler Durden

Quid-Pro-Cuomo? Sexual Harassment Investigators Looking at Whether Governor’s Office Traded Vaccine Access for Political Support
– by Tyler Durden

French Laundering: CA Gov Newsom to Turn Tax Revenues, Federal Bailouts into Cash Giveaway ahead of Election
– by the Gateway Pundit

Indian Covid-19 Strain Declared “Global Concern” as Data Show It’s Vaccine-Resistant
– by Tyler Durden

CNN Legal Analyst and Toxic Russian Collusion Truther to Join Justice Department’s National Security Division
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch GOP Chair Dr. Kelli Ward: Election Should Not Have Been Certified If Maricopa County Election Routers Were Shared with Law Enforcement
– by the Gateway Pundit

AZ Elections Witness Testifies that Private Company Was Scanning Ballots Offsite, Not Election Workers, Then Delivering Them to Counting Center
– by the Gateway Pundit

Maricopa County Claimed the Two Vendors They Chose to Rubber Stamp Their 2020 Election Results Were Certified
– by the Gateway Pundit

Michigan Grand Traverse GOP Leader Files Joint Motion with Far Left Assistant AG to Shut Down Antrim Co. Voter Fraud Case
– by the Daily Star

MAY 10, 2021

Andrew Cuomo Investigation Expands as State Attorney General Looks at Aide’s Calls
– by WSJ

Scientists Train Bees to Identify Covid-19 Infection
– by the Hill

Cyberattack Forces Shutdown of Largest Gasoline Pipeline in United States
– by Tyler Durden

Bizarre: Pharmacist Inspects J&J Covid Vaccine Insert — Finds out It’s Completely Blank!
– by Infowars

‘They’re Coming to Kill Us’: Canada’s Rebel News Cancelled by PayPal without Notice, Founder Says
– by RT

Montana Is First State to Cancel Unemployment Benefits in Response to Unprecedented Worker Shortage
– by Tyler Durden

Vaccine Passports in Michigan: Schools, Sports Orgs Require Proof for Testing Opt-Out
– by Breitbart

Report: Hunter Biden’s Connected to ‘Chief Spy of China’ through His Chinese-American Secretary
– by Breitbart

Biden Chief of Staff’s Daughter Asked DOJ to Deploy Federal Monitors for Arizona Audit
– by Breitbart

GOP Senators Ask Finance Committee to Investigate NY Gov. Cuomo’s Handling of Nursing Homes during Pandemic
– by Breitbart

Twitter Claims It Suspended Rep. Elise Stefanik’s Comms Director in ‘Error’
– by Breitbart

Texas Senate Approves Permitless Carry of Handguns
– by the Epoch Times

Johns Hopkins Doctor Dismisses CDC Director Walensky’s Fear-Mongering: ‘Most Of The Country Is At Herd Immunity,’ the Rest Will Arrive “Later This Month”
– by Townhall

White House Press Secretary Admits Team Tells Biden Not to Answer Non-Preapproved Questions from Reporters
– by the Epoch Times

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Holds Emergency Meeting after AZ Senate Threatens Legal Action for Not Providing Passwords and Routers
– by the Gateway Pundit

Calgary Pastor Artur Pawlowski Swarmed by Police and Arrested after Holding “Illegal” Church Service
– by the Gateway Pundit

Department of Education Facing Much Needed Resistance as Stephen Miller Files Lawsuit to Protect US History and the Truth
– by Breitbart

“Border Czar” Kamala Harris Got Up and Walked Out of First Meeting with Mexican President on Border Security, Had “Other Business” – Obrador Accuses Biden Admin of Orchestrating Coup
– by the Gateway Pundit

President Trump Responds to FEC Dropping Investigation of His 2016 Campaign
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: Biden’s CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Admits She Changed School Guidance to Give Toxic Teachers Unions “What They Need”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Michigan Attorney DePerno Files New Findings – Alleges 1,061 “Phantom” Ballots Found in Antrim County 2020 Election
– by the Gateway Pundit

French Police Find 78% of Unaccompanied Migrant “Children” Are Actually Adults
– by the Gateway Pundit

Smoking Gun Emails Reveal How Milwaukee Shared Government Election Data with Far Left Groups – Prove Existence of Massive Ballot Harvesting Operation
– by the Gateway Pundit

Newsmax Host Emerald Robinson Grills Dumbfounded Psaki on Biden’s Light Schedule, then Turns to Dr. Fauci’s Suspicious Funding of Wuhan Lab
– by the Gateway Pundit

The Democrat-BLM War on Police and War on Civil Society Resulted in 25% More US Homicides in 2020
– by the Gateway Pundit

Missouri House Approves Annual “Rush Limbaugh Day” to Honor Medal of Freedom Winner
– by the Gateway Pundit

Swiss Diplomat Who Represented Biden Admin Interests in Iran Is Found Dead after Falling from 17th Floor Balcony in Tehran
– by the Gateway Pundit

“Experts”: Humans to Live in Connected Underground Homes with Robot Servants in 20 Years
– by the Daily Star

‘Mind Control’ Warning as Smartphone Apps Will Be Used to Shape World Views, Say “Experts”
– by the Daily Star

Smart Speakers Go beyond Waiting to Be Asked
– by WSJ

End of Cash: Cryptocurrency Is Now Worth More than All US Currency in Circulation
– by Futurism

Melinda Gates Trashes Bill Gates over Ties to Jeffrey Epstein
– by Information Liberation

California Rolls out Scannable Vaccine Card Wristbands, Vaccinated Actually Buying Them
– by Jamie White

Watch: Klaus Schwab Calls for Global Health Pass Based on Implantable Microchip
– by Infowars

Chinese Military Discussed Weaponizing Covid in 2015 ‘to Cause Enemy’s Medical System to Collapse’
– by Tyler Durden

Black Man ‘Carried out Dozens of Burglaries’ in White Face throughout Southern California
– by Information Liberation

Fauci: ‘Quite Possible’ Seasonal Mask Wearing Will Become Permanent in America
– by Breitbart

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Justifies ‘White Male Supremacy’, Claims Woke University
– by Breitbart

Merit, Schmerit: Pending Illinois Law Will Change ‘Affirmative Action’ to ‘Positive Action’ and Cover, Well, Everything!
– by Wirepoints

Critical Race Theory Training in Workplace Could Lead to Increased Bullying, Anxiety, Expert Says
– by the Epoch Times

Justice Dept. Proposes New Rule to Serialize “Ghost Gun” Kits
– by Tyler Durden

Watch: Maricopa County Elections Witness Testifies that Dominion Ran Entire Election – County Officials and Observers Never Had Access or Passwords
– by the Gateway Pundit

Citizens Group in Arizona Drops a MOAB – Sues State for Invalid 2018, 2019 and 2020 Elections, Not in Compliance with Arizona Law
– by the Gateway Pundit

Census Reveals Weird Anomaly: Shows Millions Less Voted in the 2020 Election than Official Tally
– by the Election Wizard

MAY 7, 2021

Humans Could ‘Erase’ Unhappy Memories with Ground-breaking New Neurotechnology
– by Daily Star

AP: Federal Grand Jury Charges 4 Former Minneapolis Cops with Violating George Floyd’s Civil Rights
– by CNBC

New Submarine Threat: Top U.S. General Says China Pursuing Atlantic Naval Base
– by Washington Times

Melinda Gates Warned Bill about Jeffrey Epstein
– by the Daily Beast

Scientists Create Record-Breaking Laser with Mind Blowing Power – the Sun Concentrated to 10 Microns Width
– by Vice

Maricopa County Officials Refuse to Turn over Subpoenaed Devices Used in 2020 Election
– by National File

German Parliament Approves Bill on Freedoms for Covid-19 Vaccinated People
– by DW

900k Covid-19 Deaths in America? Gates-backed Institute Claims Global Covid-19 Toll More than Double the “Official” Number
– by RT

Lancaster, CA Bribes High School Students into Getting Covid Shot with $10K Raffle
– by Infowars

Meet Bishop Garrison: the Pentagon’s Hatchet Man in Charge of Purging MAGA Patriots and Installing Race Theory in the Military
– by Revolver

Canada Approves Pfizer Vaccine for Children Aged 12-15 after Trial Shows 100% Efficacy in Young Teenagers
– by RT

China “Indefinitely” Suspends Economic Dialogue with Australia as Relations Continue to Deteriorate
– by Tyler Durden

UT Bioweapons Dept. Study: Do Not Take the Covid-19 Shots
– by Infowars

ACAB: Terrorist Mobs Burn Police Alive in Colombia
– by Tyler Durden

SF Mayor Announces $3.75 Million Redirected from Law Enforcement to Black Businesses
– by Breitbart

Biden May Give Amnesty, Reparations to Deported Illegal Aliens under Trump
– by Breitbart

Report: China’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Now Exceed All Other Developed Nations Combined
– by Breitbart

Space Force Chief Scientist: Developing Augmented ‘Super Soldiers’ Is “Imperative”
– by Antiwar

Psaki Out Next Year: White House Spox Signals She’ll Step Down
– by Tyler Durden

Social Unrest Fears Mount as World Food Prices Soar in April
– by Tyler Durden

AZ Audit Director Ken Bennett: Dominion Refuses to Comply with Subpoena and Turn over Password to Their Maricopa County Machines
– by the Gateway Pundit

Fed’s “We Build the Wall” Case Is Falling Apart So They Charge Brian Kolfage with Bogus Tax Charges – Kolfage Responds
– by the Gateway Pundit

After Only a Few Days in Jail, Hunter Biden’s Pimp Suddenly, Mysteriously Released to a Treatment Center Rather Than Serving Years in Prison
– by the Gateway Pundit

South Carolina State House Votes to Include Firing Squad to Execution Methods
– by the Gateway Pundit

Fundraiser Launched by Citizens of Windham to Raise Funds to Hire Their Own Auditor Jovan Pulitzer to City Audit
– by the Gateway Pundit

The Entity Behind the Effort to Stop the Maricopa Audit Revealed – the National Task Force on Election Crisis
– by the Gateway Pundit

Twitter Bans Trump’s ‘From the Desk’ Account Less than 24 Hours after Launch
– by the Gateway Pundit

Protest Today on Pitt Campus: Rally against Campus Researchers Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies to Grow Fur on Rats
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 6, 2021

Scientists See Path for Coronavirus to Invade the Brain – Are We Just Now Learning about Viruses’ Effects on the Brain?
– by Los Angeles Times

Canada’s Alberta Confirms First Death Linked to AstraZeneca Vaccine
– by Reuters

Democrats Settle Lawsuit over Maricopa Audit with 9 Days to Go, Experts Will Cease Signature Matching
– by National File

Woman, 35, Dies of Brain Hemorrhage Days after Receiving J&J Vaccine
– by Adan Salazar

Chinese State Media: Lockdowns Have Had “Positive Effect” on Mental Health
– by Jamie White

Dr. Jim Crow – New York Yankees & Mets to Segregate Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Fans
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Twitter to Warn If You’re about to Tweet Something ‘Potentially Harmful or Offensive’ – Says 34% of Users Won’t Post after Warning
– by RT

CNN Host: People Who Don’t Take the Vaccine Should Be Socially Ostracized by Friends & Family
– by Paul Joseph Watson

John Kennedy Compares Big Tech to ‘Bolsheviks’ — ‘We Need to Regulate Them’
– by Breitbart

DHS Chief: We Should Not See Borders as ‘Lines that Mark National Boundaries and Divide Us’
– by Breitbart

Gov. Ron DeSantis: ‘Latest CDC Guidance Is a Joke’ – Vaccine Passports for Cruise Ships
– by Breitbart

White House: Biden Will Announce ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Strategy within Weeks – Expect a New False Flag Terror Attack against Whites and Decency to Help Wet His Whistle
– by Breitbart

Parents, School Boards, Unions Clash over Classroom Masks across Country: ‘Unmask Our Kids Now!’
– by Breitbart

Watch: Starship SN15 Preforms High-Altitude Flight Test
– by Tyler Durden

Soros-Backed Prosecutor, MO Senate Candidate Faces Disciplinary Hearings, Could Lose Law License
– by Tyler Durden

US Space Command Closely Tracking Large Chinese Rocket’s Out-of-Control Fall to Earth
– by Tyler Durden

LiveLeak Bites the Digital Dust
– by Tyler Durden

‘External Devices’ with Up-to-Date Vote Totals Were Taken Offsite Nightly during the Election by Maricopa County or Dominion Employees
– by the Gateway Pundit

Philip Stark Chosen as Third and Final Member for Windham, NH Forensic Audit — a California Mathematician Who Made Headlines after Resigning from Verified Voting
– by the Gateway Pundit

Democrat Official Who Used Racist Slur against Tim Scott Resigns but Democrats Reject His Resignation
– by American Lookout

Biden DOJ to Interfere with State of Arizona Forensic Audit of Maricopa County Ballots… Update: with DOJ Letter
– by the Gateway Pundit

Arizona GOP Party Chair Dr. Kelli Ward Weighs in on Biden DOJ Interference in AZ Senate Forensic Audit
– by the Gateway Pundit

Kansas Legislature Rallies around Election Integrity Reforms, Overrides Democrat Governor’s Veto
– by the Gateway Pundit

Black Lives Matter Marxists Release New List of Demands – Includes Complete Defunding of Police and Banning Trump from Future Office, Just Because
– by the Gateway Pundit

USA Today Targets Chinese-Americans for Supporting Proud Boys
– by the Gateway Pundit

Restaurants Owned by White Men Are Last in Line for Relief Under Biden’s ‘Restaurants Revitalization Fund’
– by the Gateway Pundit

Police Officer Fired after 20 Years of Service for Properly Labeling Black Lives Matter ‘Terrorists’
– by the Gateway Pundit

Video: Criminal FBI-DOJ Began Secretly Spying on Rudy Giuliani on May 1, 2018 — the Day He Became Trump’s Attorney
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 5, 2021

New ‘6G Chip’ Could Download Netflix Film in ‘Less than a Blink of the Eye’
– by Daily Star

Iran Releases Horrifying Propaganda Video Showing the US Capitol Blow up
– by the Sun

World’s Most Vaccinated Nation Activates Curbs as Cases Rise
– by Bloomberg Quint

Liz Cheney Draws More GOP Fire over Anti-Trump Stance
– by WSJ

44% of Older Millennials Already Have a Chronic Health Condition – Here’s What that Means for Their Futures
– by CNBC

Global Hunger Hits Highest in Years after Pandemic Hurts Incomes
– by Bloomberg

GOP Lawmakers Urge Probe of Amazon’s Pursuit of Pentagon Contract
– by WSJ

CDC: U.S. Birth and Fertility Rates in 2020 Dropped to Another Record Low
– by CNBC

The Liberals Who Can’t Quit Lockdown
– by the Atlantic

The Biden Administration Drops Dozens of Charges Against Violent Protesters in Portland
– by Jonathon Turley

Twitter Censors, Locks out Media Right News for Quoting Antifa in Headline
– by National File

Lawyer for Derek Chauvin Files Motion to Impeach Verdict: “Proceedings Deprived Client of Fair Trial”
– by Infowars

Trump Launches New Blog: ‘From the Desk of Donald J. Trump’
– by National File

Conflict with China a ‘High Likelihood’, Says Top Australian General
– by the Sydney Morning Herald

DC Mayor Bans Dancing, Standing at Weddings
– by Infowars

NY Gov. Cuomo on High Schoolers: “Put Them on a Bus & Bring Them to a Mass Vaccination Site”
– by Infowars

Study Finds Democrats Will Get Vaccinated for $100, Republicans Can Be Bribed with Freedom Incentive
– by Infowars

House Judiciary GOP Sends Letter to FBI Director Wray Demanding Answers on ‘Illegal Spying’
– by Infowars

Le Pen Cleared of Breaking Hate Speech Laws for Posting Images of ISIS Atrocities
– by Paul Joseph Watson

“Summer 2021 Is Going to Be Abnormally Violent” as Murders Continue to Rise
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Institutionalizing Anti-white Racism: Biden Covid-19 Relief Prioritizes Funds for Non-White Business Owners
– by Breitbart

Watch Hawley Grill Zuck: WSJ Warns of Facebook’s ‘Secret Rules’ behind Censorship and Shadow Banning
– by Breitbart

Despite Nursing Home Controversy, Cuomo Warns Unvaccinated Could Kill Grandmas
– by Breitbart

Pure Irony: JFK Library Gives Elderly Killer Gretchen Whitmer ‘Profile in Courage’ Award for Covid-19 Response
– by Breitbart

Joe Biden Details Vaccine Push for ‘Less Eager’ Americans
– by Breitbart

Leaked Documents Expose Chinese Leader Xi Jinping’s Plan to Control the Global Internet
– by the Epoch Times

Texas “Critical Race Theory” Opponents Fight Back, Win School Board Election
– by the Epoch Times

To Promote Equality, California Proposes a Ban on Advanced Math Classes
– by Mish Talk

Facebook Oversight Board Upholds Permanent Trump Ban for Creating “Serious Risk of Violence”
– by Tyler Durden

Never-Before-Seen Drone Footage from Charlottesville 2017 Protests Reveals Enormous Extent of Media Lies and Propaganda
– by the Gateway Pundit

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors at It Again – Won’t Provide Routers Requested by Auditors of County’s 2020 Election Results
– by the Gateway Pundit

White South African Farmer Previously Paralyzed in Violent Attack Is Tied up and Murdered in His Wheelchair
– by the Gateway Pundit

Only Protesters Show Up to Greet “81 Million Vote Recipient” Kamala Harris in Milwaukee
– by the Gateway Pundit

Urgent: Windham Selectman Says He Will Change Vote if Majority of Town Wants Different Audit Team
– by the Gateway Pundit

Computer Programmer Harri Hursti Is Second Investigator Selected for Windham, NH Elections Audit — Who Is Advisory Board Member to Unscrupulous Verified Voting
– by the Gateway Pundit

Judicial Watch: Records Show Iowa State Officials Coordinated with Big Tech to Censor 2020 Election Posts
– by the Gateway Pundit

AZ Audit Director: Shady Democrat Operative Ryan Macias Misrepresented Himself as Media to Get on Audit Floor – Got Caught
– by the Gateway Pundit

Top Election Operative, Ryan Macias, Who Democrats Quietly Inserted into the Maricopa Audit, Is Member of Clandestine ‘National Task Force on Election Crisis’
– by the Gateway Pundit

TGP Reporter Jordan Conradson Explains the Actions of the Pink Shirts – Observers Representing Katie Hobbs SoS Office inside the Maricopa Audit
– by the Gateway Pundit

Antrim County Plaintiffs Introduce New Evidence in 2020 Election Case — Experts Were Able to Compromise Data on Data and Flip Votes
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 4, 2021

Bill Gates Hires Warren Buffett’s 97-year-old Lawyer Pal in $130 Billion Split from Melinda, 3 Kids Ages 25, 21 and 18
– by the Daily Mail

How Three Major News Organizations All Got a Story about Rudy Giuliani Wrong
– by the Washington Post

In Wake of Covid-19, Employers Step up Automation and Use of Robots
– by Los Angeles Times

Australia Walks Back ‘Racist’ India Ban after Backlash
– by AFP

Mindblowing: Advances in Brain Tech Spur Push for ‘Neuro-rights’
– by AFP

Israel’s Netanyahu Has Hours to Form a New Government and No Clear Path to Do It
– by the Washington Post

Food of the Future? EU Nations Put Mealworms on the Menu
– by AP

Media: Biden Administration Wants to Use Third-party ‘Extremism’ Researchers to Spy on Americans
– by RT

Loose Biden Executive Order Strips Americans of Their Rights If They ‘Directly or Indirectly’ Aid Russia
– by Information Liberation

BLM Activist Got on Chauvin Jury after Insisting He Never Attended an Anti-Police Protest after Attending Last Year
– by Information Liberation

Finnish Politician Faces up to 6 Years in Prison for Citing Bible, Criticizing Homosexuality
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Biden Hikes Refugee Admission Cap to 62,500 from 15,000 after Outcry from Progressives
– by Tyler Durden

Biden Team to Outsource Mass Surveillance of “Suspected Domestic Terrorists” to Fascist Private Firms
– by Jamie White

German Police Shut down “Boystown” Child Sex Abuse Platform
– by Infowars

Minneapolis Target Store Ransacked by Rioters Features Mural Celebrating Rioters
– by Summit News

Evidence Reveals that Military Team Collaborated with Lab Where Covid-19 Pandemic Originated
– by the Epoch Times

Can’t Sue, So Patients Stricken by Vaccine Blood Clots Seek Payout from Government Fund
– by Tyler Durden

Watch: Windham Residents Stand with Backs Turned on Board as They Railroad Audit Process, Scream and Chant “Resign”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Irish Police Break into Man’s Home and Remove His Children at 3 AM after He Films Police Barging in and Shutting down a Catholic Mass
– by the Gateway Pundit

Arizona Judge Dan Martin Released the 2020 Election Audit Team’s Security Document to the Public Last Week – Not Good at All
– by the Gateway Pundit

‘Requires Abolishing the Police’ – ‘There’s No Green New Deal without Police Abolition’ – Are You Ready to Join the ‘Abolitionist Climate Movement’
– by Climate Depot

Former Oregon Democrat House Majority Speaker Arrested for Human Sex Trafficking
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch Biden: I Have to Admit, If I Didn’t Have These Positions on Free Education I Would Be Sleeping in a Different Bedroom
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: James O’Keefe Presents “OLIGARCHY” – an Anthem for Everyone Who Has Ever Been Defamed, Launches PV Legal
– by the Gateway Pundit

MAY 3, 2021

May Day across the World: Riot Police Spray Tear Gas, under Attack from Protesters in Paris, Thousands Defying Lockdown Rules Take to the Streets
– by the Daily Mail

The Price of the Stuff that Makes Everything Is Surging
– by Bloomberg

Cowardly: Newsmax Apologizes to Dominion Worker Caught on Films Leading Fraud for Democrats Eric Coomer in Exchange for Being Dropped from Coomer Lawsuit
– by AP

How Much Revenue Tech Giants Like Amazon and Apple Make Per Minute
– by CNBC

First the Experimental mRNA Injection from Pfizer, Now – Modern CEO: We’ll Need Booster Vaccine Shots against Covid-19 Variants ‘Starting This Fall’
– by RT

15-Year-Old Boy Dies of Heart Attack Two Days after Taking Pfizer Vaccine, Had No History of Allergic Reactions
– by National File

Vaccinated Liberals Scared to Remove Masks in Public for Fear of Being Labeled Republican
– by Infowars

Heavily Armed, Embarrassing Idiot FBI Goon Squad Storms Alaska Couple’s House Looking for Pelosi’s Laptop… but Failed to Identify the Right Lady
– by National File

Jamaican/Indian Kamala Harris Reveals White House Plan to Ban Travelers Entering US from India
– by Infowars

College Football Coach Sues School after Being Fired for Calling Stacey Abrams “Fat Albert”
– by Kelen McBreen

Silver/Gold Shop Sales Soar to $1 Million after Banning Masks, Vaccine “Shedders”
– by Adan Salazar

Democrat Joe Manchin Crushes Democrat Dreams of Federal Election Takeover: ‘I’m Not Going to Be Part of It’
– by Breitbart

Pfizer Partner Looking to Mix mRNA Vaccine with Chinese Products
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Ezekiel Emanuel: National Covid-19 Vaccination Database with QR Code ‘Would Have Been the Right Way to Go’
– by Breitbart

Florida Passes Election Integrity Bill Restricting Vote by Mail, Enhancing Voter ID Requirements
– by Breitbart

Report: John Kerry Discloses Millions in Income from Finance, Energy Firms
– by Breitbart

Aussies Trying to Return Home from India Face up to $66,600 in Fines or Five Years Imprisonment
– by Tyler Durden

“Breaking Records!” – NASA Pushes Envelope with Mars Helicopter on Fourth Flight
– by Tyler Durden

For the First Time, Russia Drops under 50% of Exports Sold in U.S. Dollars
– by South Front

US Intelligence Tells Congress China’s Nuclear Arsenal “on Track to Exceed our Previous Projection”
– by Tyler Durden

Farm Robot Zaps Weeds with High-Powered Lasers, Eliminates Need for Toxic Herbicides
– by Tyler Durden

Oklahoma House Votes to Ban Teaching of Critical Race Theory in Public Schools; Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, New Hampshire,and West Virginia Also Aim to
– by the Epoch Times

UK Study Finds Pfizer Vaccine Doesn’t Offer “Full Protection” from Mutant Covid-19 Strains
– by Tyler Durden

WaPo and NYT Retract Smear of Rudy Giuliani that Falsely Claimed FBI Gave Him Defensive Briefings on Russian Influence Ops
– by the Gateway Pundit

Some House Republicans Believe 2020 Census Results Inflated Populations in Left Leaning States
– by the Gateway Pundit

Audio: Teacher Fired for Refusing to Indoctrinate Students Records ‘Woke’ Principal Admitting Curriculum Demonizes White Students
– by the Gateway Pundit

Wait Till the Citizens of Maricopa County Realize Their Board of Supervisors Wasted $100K on Bogus Audits to Help Cover up the Real Results in the County
– by the Gateway Pundit

Photo of Ghislaine Maxwell in Federal Custody with a Black Eye Emerges
– by the Gateway Pundit

Tennessee Will Require Watermarks on Absentee Ballots
– by the Gateway Pundit

AZ Audit Director Ken Bennett: Press Are Taking Photos of License Plates, Faces, Name Badges in Arena Parking Lot – Audit Workers Afraid They Will Be Doxxed by Media
– by the Gateway Pundit

Washington DC Is Paying $1.6 Million in Settlements to Rioters at Trump’s 2017 Inauguration
– by the Gateway Pundit

Today’s Department of In-Justice: on Same Day DOJ Hunts Down Grandma for Walking in US Capitol, They Announce They’ll Seal Records of over 200 BLM and Antifa 2020 Summer Rioters
– by the Gateway Pundit

The Protect Democracy Project – 1 of 3 Groups Who Requested the DOJ Stop the AZ Audit – Is Connected to George Soros and Funds the Mothership of Democrat ‘Non-Profits’
– by the Gateway Pundit

Trump: DeSantis Would ‘Certainly Be Considered’ as 2024 Running Mate
– by the Gateway Pundit

Over Half of New Covid-19 “Cases” from the Vaccinated – Establishment Cover Narrative: “No Suit of Armor Is 100% Effective”
– by Los Angeles Times

Reaching ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Unlikely in the U.S., Experts Now Believe
– by DNYUZ

Covid Vaccinations Are Slowing in the U.S. as Supply Outstrips Demand – How States Are Targeting Who’s Left
– by CNBC

Euphoric Clubbers Hit Dance Floor Again as Spain Trials Digital Covid-19 Pass
– by Reuters

Scientist’s Warning before Robot Beat Human at Chess – AI Could Overtake Us in the 2020s
– by Daily Star

Woke-washing History? BBC Show Will Teach that Early Britons Were ‘Black’ because of Possible Evidence that One African Made It All the Way to Briton
– by RT

CNN Poll Finds 70% of Republicans Don’t Think Biden Legitimately Won Election
– by Infowars

How Costco Is Masking a 14% Price Jump with Shrinkflation
– by Tyler Durden

‘It Just Isn’t Fair’: Caitlyn Jenner Opposes ‘Biological Boys Competing in Girls’ Sports’
– by RT

CNN: Gov’t & Businesses Should “Leverage” Power to Force Americans to Take Covid-19 Shot
– by Infowars

Ron DeSantis to Sign Bill Banning Social Media ‘Deplatforming,’ ‘Shadow Banning,’ ‘Censoring’
– by Breitbart

Police Break up Outdoor Anti-Lockdown Party with Tear Gas, Water Cannon, 132 Arrests
– by Breitbart

Biden Adviser Cecilia Rouse: Americans Will Experience Some Inflation
– by Breitbart

Get Ready for the Most Painful Inflation Since the Jimmy Carter Years of the 1970S
– by Michael Snyder

Powerful Teachers Union Exerted Political Influence over CDC School Reopening Guidelines
– by PJ Media

Richest Americans Add $195 Billion to Net Worth during Biden’s First 100 Days; Biden’s Tax Hikes Will Just Shackle the Poor with Inflation and Joblessness while the Rich Continue to Grow
– by Tyler Durden

Iran Says Biden Paid Billions for Prisoner Exchange and Like Obama in 2016, the Administration Denies the Whole Thing
– by the Gateway Pundit

‘Unlock Michigan’ Sues Michigan Bureau of Elections after State Officials Will Not Accept Petition to Repeal Gretchen Whitmer’s Emergency Lockdowns
– by the Gateway Pundit

President Trump: “The Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020 Will Be, from This Day Forth, Known as the Big Lie!”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Windham Selectmen Get Caught! City Officials Chose Voting Group They Knew Was Known for Providing Cover for Voting Machine Companies and an “Absence of Values”
– by the Gateway Pundit

Leftist Internet Company Shuts down “Truth over Fear” Covid Summit to Silence Health Professionals Concerned about Lockdowns and Experimental Gene Therapy Injections
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: FOX News Covers Election Fraud — TX AG Ken Paxton Describes How Cheating Democrats Almost Stole TX in 2020 Like GA
– by Tyler Durden

The Duties of the Green and Yellow Shirt Workers in Arizona Maricopa County’s Forensic Audit
– by the Gateway Pundit

Watch: “There Is Something Fishy on the Final Census Results – There Should Be an Investigation or Litigation” – TX Gov. Greg Abbott Weighs in on Shocking Census Numbers
– by the Gateway Pundit

US Election Integrity Group Release Another Report – This One Includes Excellent Recommendations for Election Reform
– by the Gateway Pundit

Arizona GOP Leader Kelli Ward Sounds the Alarm – Democrat SoS Hobbs Is Sneaking Democrat Operatives from Biased Orgs into Maricopa County Audit
– by the Gateway Pundit