2020 Presidential Election Voter Fraud in Michigan
– a theVeryRight.com Investigative Report

The 2020 Presidential Election and Covid-19 Testing – a Celebratory Compilation of the First Year of theVeryRight.com

Election 2020: a Pre-programming Guide
– by Geoff Linsley

BRICS Announces New World Reserve Currency as America Commits Economic Suicide
– by Greg Reese

Watch: “I Know You Don’t Believe That Our Election Was Stolen, Karrin.” – Exposing Her RINO Primary Opponent
– AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake

Declare Your Independence from Tyranny, America
– by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

Exposing the Biden DOJ Targeting of Political Dissidents
– by Tucker Carlson

Bombshell Documentary Lays Out How Schools Sexualize Your Children
– by Groomed

How Governments Expropriate Wealth with Inflation and Taxes
– by Daniel Lacalle

How Bad Were Recessions before the Fed? Not as Bad as They Are Now
– by John Kennedy

Economic Winter Has Arrived
– by Doug French

Watch: New ‘Beavis & Butt-Head’ Film Mocks White Privilege
– by Mike Judge

Newspeak in the 21st Century: How to Become a Model Citizen in the New Era of Domestic Warfare
– by Cynthia Chung

Watch: “I Am Really Disappointed in FOX, I Thought You Were Better Than CNN!” Incinerating Bret Baier and FOX News for Pushing Fake Story on AZ Drag Queen
– by Kari Lake on FOX News

Just How Much Federal Pork and Waste Are Your Tax Dollars Funding? Exposing the Continued Fleecing of America
– by Adam Andrzejewski

Watch: “My Body, My Choice” Activists Malfunction When Asked about Vaccine Mandates
– by Alex Stein

Rule of Law Defied: How You Will Still Pay for Murder of Babies
– by Kristi Leigh and Susan Swift

Prison Planet Lockdowns Will Resume
– by Jon Bowne

Durham Played You for a Fool! John Durham and Bill Barr Finally Ran Out of the Clock on Spygate. Why Are You surprised?
– by Emerald Robinson

The Roe Wars Have Begun
– by Dews News

Everybody’s Guilty: to the Police State, We’re All Criminals until We Prove Otherwise
– by John W. & Nisha Whitehead

“I Want to See Justice for a Stolen Election because This Election Had Deadly Consequences”
– by AZ Gov. Candidate Kari Lake

“It’s Not a Turndown… It’s a Takedown”
– by Catherine Austin Fitts

The Spasmodic Chaos of the Post-Lockdown US Economy
– by David Stockman

Covid Vaccine Reactions More Likely to Put You in Hospital than to Prevent Covid Hospitalization, British Medical Journal Reports
– by Alex Jones

FDA Authorizes Deadly Microplastics and Chemicals in Food and Water Supply
– by Alex Jones

Trump DOJ Official Appears on Tucker Carlson to Condemn ‘Stasi-Like’ FBI Raid on Home
– by Tucker Carlson and Jeffrey Clark

Pro-Red Flag GOP Politicians Waging War on American Voters
– by Tucker Carlson

The Return of the Anguish of Central Banking: Why the Fed and Inflation Go Hand in Hand
– by Antony P. Mueller

Who Owns Federal Reserve Losses and How Will they Impact Monetary Policy?
– by Paul H. Kupiec and Alex J. Pollock

At the Military Olympics, October 2019, Wuhan, China, Athletes Caught Covid

by Jeffrey A. Tucker

What Is Your Plan to Make It through the Worst Global Food Crisis in Any of Our Lifetimes? A Checklist
– by Michael Snyder

Kamala Harris Is ‘Honestly Useless’ – US Congresswoman
– by Rep. Mayra Flores

Establishment Loyalists Manipulated into Sacrificing Their Own Children
– by Greg Reese

Here’s Why the System Wants to Keep You in a Cage
– by Kit Daniels

Global 5G Adoption tby Kit Daniel so Hit One Billion in 2022
– by Zerohedge

Billionaire Steve Forbes Says ‘Making People Poor’ Is a Bad Strategy to Correct Record High Inflation
– by Michael Robison

Zuesse: How Did America Become Ruled by Its Military-Industrial Complex?
– by Eric Zuesse

California Plotting to Punish Medical Dissent
– by Aaron Kheriaty

David Icke Warning from 1998 Has Come to Pass
– by David Icke

What Patriotic Americans Can Do to Resist the Destruction of Our Constitutional Republic
– by Lawrence Sellin

Covid Exposed the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Government Complex
– by Mark Oshinskie

New Documentary “Standing in the Gap” Discusses How Our Votes Have Been Stolen and Manipulated for Decades
– by Standing in the Gap

The Great Crash of 2022
– by Kristoffer Mousten Hansen

Watch: Calling Out the History of Racism among Democrats
– by Republican Congressional Candidate Vernon Jones

Watch: Slamming the Washington Post, Calling Their Newsrooms an ‘Unlicensed Daycare Center’
– by Bill Maher

Watch ‘You’re a Globalist!’: Ted Cruz Heckled over Funding Ukraine while U.S. Southern Border Collapses; Also Heckles “Eye Patch McCain” Crenshaw
– by Jamie White

Federal Reserve’s Rate Increases: Too Little Too Late?
– by Ron Paul

In Defense of Defaulting on the National Debt
– by Joseph Solis-Mullen

Americans Either Stand Up Now or Forget about Free and Fair Elections for Generations
– by Joe Hoft

Germany to Make Mask Mandates Permanent Every Winter
– by Paul Joseph Watson

The Engineered Stagflationary Collapse Has Arrived – Here’s What Happens Next
– by Brandon Smith

Torching Joe Biden over ‘Horrifying’ Claims of ‘Showers’ with Sex-Addict Daughter
– by Tucker Carlson

Watch! Caller Drops Massive Truth Bomb on FDA
– by Sam Dodson

Visualizing the Coming Shift in Global Economic Power (2006-2036)
– by Visual Capitalist

Watch: “I Will Be Your Congresswoman!” Approaching Gun-Grabbing Congresswoman Val Demings
– by Laura Loomer

on the New World Order – Part II: “The Family Is Certainly at the Center of the Globalists’ Attack”
– Archbishop Vigano

January 6th Committee Commits Illegal Acts that Could End the Entire Persecution
– by Pete Santilli, Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer

Massive Bio-Structures Found in Bodies of the Covid Vaccinated
– by Greg Reese

The Great Reset: Turning Back the Clock on Civilization
– by Birsen Filip

Game Over, They’re Pulling the Plug – Bill Holter
– by Greg Hunter

Telling Hillary Clinton to ‘STFU and Thank the Lord You are Not in Jail’
– by Curt Schilling

What We Learned From Hating the Unvaccinated
– by Patty McMurray

The Economic Meltdown Has Roots in Lockdown
– by Jeffrey A. Tucker

The Big Swindle of 2020–2022
– by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Video: Local Heroes Drive Vile Drag Queen from Library Story Hour
– by Infowars

Red Flagged Nation: Gun Confiscation Laws Put a Target on the Back of Every American
– by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

The Market Is “on the Edge of a Huge Collapse”
– by QTR Fringe Finance

This Isn’t Weird at All – the Police Were Supposedly Accessing Their Chat Logs due to an Informant
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Out of Desperation, Democrats Resurrect ‘Insurrection’ Theater
– by Ron Paul

The Five Stages of Totalitarianism
– by Walker Larson

Washington Developed a System to Lie to You about Inflation: the Real Inflation Rate Is Much, Much Higher
– by Michael Robison

This is Treason. Time to Admit Our Nation Is Being Run by Domestic Terrorists and Traitors.
– by Wayne Root

Calling Out the FBI over Jan. 6: “What Were They Doing with Plainclothes Informants?”
– by Kash Patel

Retired Marine Reveals Shocking Details about the Afghan Withdrawal
– by Battalion Gunner William J. Callen and Kristi Leigh

From His Prison Cell Oath Keepers Founder Explains Meeting with Enrique Tarrio in DC Garage — Jan. 6 Committee Lied
– by Stewart Rhodes

Visualizing the Global Decline of Fertility Rates
– by Pablo Alvarez

The Benefits of Economic Collapse
– by Jeff Thomas

On Primetime Jan. 6 Hearing: “It Was Unethical… They Doctored their Tape – They Defrauded Viewers – Trump Committed No Crimes!”
– by Attorney Dershowitz on Newsmax

Did Democrats Break The Law, Manipulate Evidence And Commit Perjury During The January 6th Hearings?
– by Pete Santilli and Owen Shroyer

Silicon Valley Corporations Are Taking Control of History
– by Caitlin Johnstone

A Chilling Development in Brazil: War on Disinformation to Cancel Bolsanaro Reelection?
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Breaking Down the True Scale of US Government Debt
– by Kim Dotcom

Leftist Groomers: Keep Your Gender Fluids Away from Children – “In Other Words, the Children Are Being Groomed to Act as Political Slaves for the Rest of Their Lives”
– by Brandon Smith

“A Propaganda Lie”: Summing Up Democrats’ Blockbuster TV Show Trial
– by Tucker Carlson

Witness to Ashley Babbitt’s Murder Ignored By J6 Committee Because He Won’t Lie for Democrats
– by Independent Journalist Tayler Hansen and Owen Shroyer

How to Protect Yourself from Davos Man
– by Mark E. Jeftovic

WHO and WEF Globalists Coordinate Their Global ‘Reset’
– by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Everything Is a Weapon: The U.S. Government Is Waging Psychological Warfare on the Nation
– by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

Slamming Democrats, Media for ‘Ginning up Violent Crazy People’ in Wake of Kavanaugh Assassination Attempt
– by Rand Paul

Report: the 75 Soros-Linked Radical US Prosecutors Who Are Wreaking Havoc in American Cities
– by Jim Hoft

Google Rigged the 2020 Election
– by Blake Masters

The Path to Victory: Methods for Freedom Lovers to Enact Change
– by Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

Watch: Fox Business Analyst Marvels at Nancy Pelosi’s Stock-Picking Acumen
– by Charles Payne

America Has Never Been in a Weaker Position to Fight Inflation
– by Peter Schiff

Are Vulnerabilities in Voting Systems Reported in CISA Report Errors in Design or Intentional?
– by Joe Hoft

Watch: Navarro First Major Interview after FBI Arrest for Defying Liz Cheney and her Kangaroo Committee
– by Peter Navarro Joins Tucker Carlson

Watch: Won’t Make It into Liz Cheney’s Kangaroo Committee Hearing — Raw Footage of Beating of Rosanne Boyland
– by Jan. 6th Political Prisoner Jake Lang

“John Durham’s Prosecution May Have Lost This Battle, But They’re Clearly Winning the War”
– by Former DNI John Ratcliffe on Tucker Carlson

Respect the Fed? No, End the Fed
– by Ron Paul

How Pope Francis is Planning his Resignation and Future “Black” Pope
– by Leo Zagami

Shredding the Biden Admin: ‘They Weaponize Government against the People’
– by Tulsi Gabbard

Introduction of the Covid-19 Vaccines Sees Shocking Rise in Permanent Disabilities
– by Ed Dowd and Steve Bannon

Straight White Males ‘Most Discriminated’ Group in US Deserve Their Own Pride Month
– by Vernon Jones

How Quantitative Tightening Ends
– by MN Gordon

Scientists Knew in 2005 that Spike Protein-Based Coronavirus Vaccines Like Pfizer and Moderna Were Potentially Dangerous
– by Lawrence Sellin

Inflation Will Price Many Americans out of Housing and into Homelessness
– by Brandon Smith

Understanding Deplatforming (I): the Invisibility Machine
– by A4 Sqaured

Red Flag Gun Laws Set the Stage for Selective Disarmament of Conservatives
– by Zerohedge

Watch: Peter Navarro Arrest ‘Dangerous to Democracy’
– by Alan Dershowitz

Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effect Victims Flooding Hospitals at Alarming Rates!
– by Alex Jones

The Handbook for Debt-Soaked Nations: Lie, Print, Inflate & Finger-Point
– by Matthew Piepenburg

A Brief History of the Bilderberg Meetings
– by Jay Dyer

The 2022 Bilderberg Agenda: Disinformation, Deglobalization, & Disruption of the Global Financial System
– by Zerohedge

Watch: Woman Whose Husband Was Murdered in a Gun-Free Zone: “Gun-Free Zones Are a Magnet for Evil”
– by Nikki Goeser on Tucker Carlson

The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty: the End of National Sovereignty and Freedom
– by Birsen Filip

A Look at State Laws that Will Govern Abortion If Roe Is Overturned
– by Michael Robison

The Decline and Fall of Davos Man
– by Mark Leonard

Is “Normalcy Bias” Blinding Us to the Looming Economic Storm?
– by Peter Schiff

Fake Meat, Fake Breastmilk and Food Shortages
– by Dr. Joseph Mercola

‘Brace Yourself’ for an Economic Hurricane Caused by “the Fed and Ukraine War”
– by JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon

Economist Whistleblower Who Predicted Covid Tyranny Breaks Down How to Fight the Next Lockdown
– by Edward Dowd and Alex Jones

The True Evil behind America’s Mass School Shootings
– by Greg Reese

Watch: Devastating Compilation Reveals Biden Admin Repeatedly Lied about Inflation over the Last Year
– by Infowars

Internet Blown Away by Alex Jones Predicting the Coming of Covid Lockdowns in 2012
– by Alex Jones
Uvalde’s Biggest Mistake Was Trusting the Police to “Keep Us Safe”
– by Ryan McMaken

Davos Man Is at It Again: The 2022 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum
– by Michael Rectenwald

A Global ESG System Is Almost Here: We Should Be Worried
– by Jack McPherrin

Watch: True the Vote Destroys Hack Journalists Like Sandra Smith Who Lied to Their Audience About Accuracy of Geospatial Tracking
– by Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips

Internet Blown Away by Alex Jones Predicting the Coming of Covid Lockdowns in 2012
– by Alex Jones

“Our Legal System Is Corrupt” – Trump Responds after Sussman ‘FBI-Russia-Hoax-Lie’ Acquittal
– by Donald Trump

NATO Countries Have Heavily Cut Troop Levels
– by Martin Armstrong

Don’t Trade Real Liberty for Phony Security
– by Ron Paul

11 Statistics that Expose the Reality Facing US Consumers in This Rapidly Deteriorating Economy
– by Michael Snyder

Watch: 2000 Mules Investigator Gregg Phillips to FOX News: “It’s One Thing that You Chose to Stay Silent While 2000 Mules Went Viral – It’s an Entirely Different Matter that You Have Chosen to Lie to the World”… ”Game on Boys and Girls”
– by Gregg Phillips and Patel Patriot

The Covid Vaccine Scam – the Evil Medical Industry and Its Evil Employees
– by Wayne Root

Sussmann Trial Exposes Democrats’ Scandal-Industrial Process
– by Charles Lipson

Shouldn’t Hillary Clinton Be Banned from Twitter Now?
– by Matt Taibbi

Debt vs. Autonomy – Covid-19: “They Are Deeply Indebted Due to the Loans Taken Out to Enable Their Extended and Expensive Education, and Have No Practical Choice Other Than to Comply with the Mandates Imposed on Them”
– by Robert Malone MD, MS

Are All Men Created Equal? “What We Are Witnessing in America Is How True Believers Behave When They Realize the Church at Which They Worship Has Been Erected on a Bright Shining Lie and Reality Must Inevitably Bring It Crashing Down”
– by Patrick J. Buchanan

Watch: Fed Will Start Cutting in 2023 after US Enters Recession Later This Year
– by Kyle Bass

Is This the End of American Sovereignty? Attorney Thomas Renz Reveals What’s Really Happening at the World Health Assembly This Week
– by Thomas Renz and Alicia Powe

Babylon-stradamus: Babylon Bee Publishes List of Nearly 70 Satirical Stories that Recently “Came True”
– by Babylon Bee

Gates Warns of a 30% Death Rate from Smallpox 5 Days before Monkeypox Reports
– by Titans of Liberty

It’s Not Just the USA: the Economic Instability Is Global
– by Paul Tolmachev

The Great Reset Docuseries: Introducing the Reset & the Plan for Global Governance
– by Rebel News

Exposing Bill Gates’ Plan for Next Lockdown & the Truth about Monkeypox
– by Dr. Peter McCullough

The New World Order Prepares Their Final Attack
– by Greg Reese

Monkeypox War Games & Vaccine Side Effects
– by Infowars

Five Warning Signs the End of Dollar Hegemony Is Near… Here’s What Happens Next
– by Nick Giambruno

Comedian Tyler Fischer Alleges Talent Agency Wouldn’t Sign Him Because He’s White
– by Tyler Fischer

Leaked Audio Exposes China’s Plans for Global War
– by Mike Adams and Jeff Nyquist

Learn The Secret of Why Penises Are Shrinking Worldwide
– by Alex Jones

Watch: Warning Americans of Joe Biden’s Plans to Hand Over US Sovereignty to the Globalist WHO
– by Tucker Carlson

Attorney Discusses the 2020 Election Work in New Mexico “Focusing More on the Machine-Driven Aspects of Fraud”
– by David Clements

Stop the Denial: Ukraine Is a Proxy War that Will Lead to Wider World War
– by Brandon Smith

Learn How Bill Gates Knew about the Monkeypox Outbreak and the Next Global Lockdown
– by Infowars

Learn How to Legally Push Back against the Corporate Power Grab of Control over Our Bodies
– by Robert Barnes and Alex Jones

Watch: UN Treaty to Give Power of Global Lockdown to Corporatocracy
– by Alex Jones

Watch: “With All Due Respect Your Answers Are Insulting” – Senator Josh Hawley Destroys Obama’s Energy Secretary Who Denies High Gas Prices Are Due to Biden’s Actions
– by Josh Hawley

Border Patrol Union Leader Warns ‘Complete Control’ by Cartels Once Title 42 Ends
– by Rita Li

Weaponizing the Pursuit of Profit: Rubio Warns of China’s ‘Extraordinary’ Leverage over America
– by Eva Fu and Jan Jekielek

Get Ready to Be Muzzled: the Coming War on So-Called Hate Speech
– by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

Elites Meet to Plan Your Health: the Role of the Council on Foreign Relations
– by Kiley Holliday

A Medical Revolt Is Coming
– by G. Keith Smith, MD

2000 Mules Director Dinesh D’Souza: ‘Our Film Proves Joe Biden Is Not the President’
– by Dinesh D’Souza with Alex Jones

Stand Up Or Get Run Over by the Radical Woke Socialists
– by Roger Stone

Why Would US Give a War Guarantee — to Finland?
– by Patrick J. Buchanan

Alex Jones Explains Why the Feds Didn’t Stop the Buffalo Shooting
– by Alex Jones

“Genetically Edited” Food – The Next Stage of the Great Reset?
– by Kit Knightly

Alex Jones Predicted the “White Supremacist” False Flag Mass Shooting at a Grocery Store before the Election to Stoke Hatred and Chaos in America
– by Alex Jones

On the Jan 6 Capitol Protest: “How About the F*cking FBI Agents Who Were Inciting Violence? They Had People that Were There. For A FACT, We Know That.”
– by Joe Rogan

Flashback: Randy Weaver of Ruby Ridge Speaks About the Waco Massacre
– by Randy Weaver

Are All Court-Created Rights Now in Peril?
– by Patrick J. Buchanan

Proof: We Are in a Pandemic of the Vaccinated
– by the Alex Jones Show

Smoking Gun: CDC Data Exposes Excessive Deaths Following Mass Covid Injections
– by Dr. Richard and Alex Jones

Watch 2000 Mules: the Documentary that Proves the 2020 Election Was Stolen – Alex Jones’s Official Review
– by Alex Jones

The Fed Is Taking the Punch Bowl Away – but the Inflation Crisis Will Continue to Grow
– by Brandon Smith

Citizens’ Log – May 10 – How the Fall of Human Civilization Was Pulled Off through the Deliberate Destruction of the Physical Infrastructure that Keeps Humanity Alive
– by Mike Adams

You’ve Been Flagged as a Threat: Predictive AI Technology Puts a Target on Your Back
– by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

Corporate DNA Harvesting Fuels the Globalist Eugenics Program
– by Alex Jones

How Russia Could Defeat NATO & Launch The Great Reset With Only One Nuke
– by Greg Reese

The Chinese Slowdown: Much More than Covid
– by Daniel Lacalle

Exposing the True History of ‘Q’
– by Alex Jones

MTG Responds to Failed Challenge of Her Eligibility for Office Simply for Questioning ‘Stolen Election’
– by Marjorie Taylor Greene and Alex Jones

Biden’s New Press Secretary Has Storied History of Peddling Fake News & Sowing Discord
– by Infowars

Watch: Forensic Engineer Destroys Mask Mandates Citing Science
– by EES Group, Inc President Stephen Petty

What the Media Still Isn’t Telling You About Russiagate
– by Ray McGovern

How Banks Are Trying to Discredit Bitcoin
– by Emmanuel Awosika

The Delusion Called Fauci
– by Jon Rappoport

African Politicians Must Stop Blaming Others for Africa’s Economic Woes
– by Manuel Tacanho

Biden’s Militarized Executive Agencies
– by Robert A. Bishop

The Psychology of Manipulation: 6 Lessons from the Master of Propaganda
– by Ryan Matters

Bill Gates Launches Corporate Medical Tyranny Takeover with New ‘GERM’ Team
– by Alex Jones

Covid-19 Whistleblower Nurse Goes Head-On with N.W.O.
– by Erin Marie Olszewski

The State of World Press Freedom
– by Katharina Buchholz

Watch: Catherine Engelbrecht Joins Tucker Carlson Following Premier of “2000 Mules”
– by Catherine Engelbrecht on Tucker Carlson

Biden Siphons US Strategic Petroleum Reserves for Europe without Authority
– by Bob Bishop

Obama, Biden Largely To Blame For $1.6 Trillion Student Debt Crisis: Author
– by John Ransom

The Obama Revolution – Exclusive Report
– by Greg Reese

The Disinformation Panic
– by Tiffany Donnelly

Salty Cracker Asks Robert Barnes about Alex Jones. Salty Rant Ensues
– by Viva Clips

Your Face Is Now a Weapon of War
– by Stephanie Hare

The “Great Reset” and the Future of Money… Here’s What You Need to Know
– by Nick Giambruno

Two Weeks to Flatten the GDP
– by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Biden Family Is ‘Corrupt,’ Biden ‘Misused the Office of Vice President’
– by Newt Gingrich

Watch: Dershowitz on Leaked SCOTUS Roe v Wade Opinion: “I Believe this Was Leaked by a Liberal Law Clerk Who Was Trying to Change the Outcome of the Case”
– by Alan Dershowitz

Who Leaked the Supreme Court Opinion?
– by Paul Joseph Watson

The Extinction of Species, Bill Gates, and the US Military
– by Jon Rappoport

Obama behind ‘Ministry of Truth,’ Biden Just a ‘Front Man’
– by Tulsi Gabbard

Big Pharma Set To Control Entire Food Supply
– by Greg Reese

Neoliberalism Collapsing Thanks To Joe Biden
– by Tucker Carlson

Food Shortages in Six Months – the Globalists Are Telling Us What Happens Next
– by Brandon Smith

Queen of Cringe Heads Biden Ministry of Truth
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Fauci “Is a Man That Is against Everything that America Stands for”
– by Rand Paul

Watch: Alex Jones Predicts Open Borders, Cashless Society, Intentional Release of Pathogens with Startling Accuracy
– by Alex Jones

See the Hilarious Reason Alex Jones Was Banned from Twitter
– by Alex Jones

Incoming Carbon Taxes and Worldwide Climate Lockdowns
– by Greg Reese

Family Launches Billboard Campaign – Claims Pfizer Drugs and Wisconsin Hospital Killed Their Daughter Grace
– by the Schara Family

The Illusion of Freedom: We’re Only as Free as the Government Allows
– by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

On the Radical Left’s Attacks on MTG: “It’s a Neat Trick. You Rig an Election and then If You Happen to Notice – You Make It Illegal for Them to Run for Office”
– by Liz Harrington

Media’s Collusion with Executive Branch Destroyed Trust in Public Health
– by Dr. Ben Carson

Marxists Seek to Destabilize American Society through Sexualization of Young People: Expert
– by Hannah Ng and David Zhang

The Ukraine War Is a Racket
– by Ron Paul

“You Should Be Ashamed of Yourself” – Christina Bobb to Jan 6 Attorneys after Spending 6 Hours Addressing Question Why She Tweeted a Picture of Mel Gibson on Jan 6
– by Christina Bobb and Joe Hoft

‘2000 Mules’ Official Trailer: Democrats’ 2020 Election Theft Exposed
– by Dinesh D’Souza

Russia Collusion Hoax a ‘Coordinated Effort’ by Hillary Clinton & Democrat Cronies to ‘Defraud the Government’
– by Former DNI Ratcliffe

The Serial Killers of the Great Reset
– by Jay Dyer

Trashing the Constitution to Seize Russians’ Property
– by Adam Dick

Alex Jones Predicted ‘Covid Weather Reports’ Two Years Ago
– by Alex Jones

Tech Guru Will Pay Millions to Vaccine Pushers for Debate: No Takers
– by Steve Kirsch, Kristi Leigh and Owen Shroyer

Top Doctor: Covid Virus the Greatest Power Grab of All Time
– by Peter Breggin

Watch: Mark Dice Reveals What’s Next after the Collapse of Legacy Media
– by Mark Dice and Alex Jones

Watch: Young People Have Anxiety Problems because They’ve ‘Been Indoctrinated’ on Covid
– by Bill Maher

Power Grid Kill Switch Discovered – Special Report
– by Jon Bowne

MTG Responds to Plan to Ban Her from Congress
– by Marjorie Taylor Greene and Alex Jones

The Great Reset VII: Capitalism for the Rich and Socialism for the Poor
– by Michael Rectenwald

David Icke Releases Secret to Humanity’s Destiny in Explosive New Interview
– by David Icke and Alex Jones

Video: Tucker Carlson Celebrates the Hilarious Death of CNN+
– by Steve Watson

Hospital Horror: Husband Held Hostage over Covid Protocols
– by Kristi Leigh

To Fight Russia, Europe’s Regimes Risk Impoverishment and Recession for Europe
– by Ryan McMaken

Video: Ted Cruz Obliterates Lefty Yale Student Who Accused Him of Being Racist
– by Ted Cruz

New Lockdowns Are Coming: Learn How to Stop It
– by Dr. Lee Merrit and Alex Jones

Compilation: Democrats, Media Allies Push Phony Whitmer Kidnap Plot
– by Infowars

The Monopoly on Your Mind, Part 1: Consolidation Craze & Illusion of Choice
– Six Companies Control 90% of What You Read, Watch, and Hear. Here’s Why That’s Dangerous.
– by Rebecca Strong

Hunter Biden’s China Business Deals Should Raise “Alarm Bells”
– by Frank Fang

Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal Seems Like a ‘Cover-Up’
– by GOP Rep. Biggs on Fox News

Multicultural Sweden Suffers Massive Riots
– by Paul Joseph Watson

On the Pfizer Trials: “This Was a Clinical Trial that They Knew by August 2021 Was Failing – Vaccines Were Not Safe and Effective”
– by Naomi Wolf on the War Room

Watch: Beto Supporters Toss Conservative Activist from Campaign Event
– by Alex Stein

Wake Up! Before We All Starve to Death
– by Jon Bowne

The Plan to Destroy America Was Built around Electing a Brain-dead Sock Puppet Hiding in Basement with Mask and Diapers… and Now Everyone Knows It
– by Wayne Root

China’s Digital Yuan, Biggest Threat to the West, Is Overshadowed by Russian War, Kyle Bass Warns
– by Frank Fang and Jan Jekielek

Inflation to Trigger Food Riots in the US
– by Judge Napolitano and Joe Hoft

Internet Entrepreneur Kim Dotcom: Hunter Biden Will Go To Jail Over Laptop & Joe Will Resign
– by Kelen McBreen

How Dangerous Are Masks for Children
– by Paul Elias Alexander

Basic Solutions to Our Economic Problems that Establishment Elites Won’t Allow
– by Brandon Smith

On the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out on Bail… It Is an American Gulag”
– by Judge Napolitano and Joe Hoft

Visualizing the Distribution of Household Wealth, by Country
– by Tyler Durden

‘We the People’ Are the New, Permanent Underclass in America
– by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

Laying Out Why the Globalists Are Humanity’s #1 Threat
– by Dr. Malone on Kristi Leigh TV

Hunter Biden Likely to Be Charged under FARA… If the Justice Department Applies the Mueller Standard
– by Jonathon Turley

Watch: a Brief History of Criminal FBI Entrapment Operations
– by Greg Reese

The Brooklyn Subway Attack
– by Paul Joseph Watson

The Pimps of War
– by Consortium News

A Study of Cultism Shows Us Why Gatekeeping against Leftists Is a Good Thing
– by Brandon Smith

Why Don’t New York Republican Leaders Allow New York Republicans to Decide Their Candidate for Governor?
– by Roger Stone

Far-Left George Soros-Backed Media Matters Claims to Be a Nonprofit But Acts Like a Biased Far-Left Hit Machine
– by Joe Hoft

Covering for the Big Guy
– by Dinesh D’Souza

Is Deep State Behind Efforts to Release Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Pics to Use Against Those Who Reported Honestly on the Laptop from Hell?
– by Joe Hoft

A Resounding Defeat of Biden at Midterms Will Not Be Allowed, Look for an Impending Emergency to Unfold
– by Tucker Carlson and Naomi Wolf

Video: Warning Shanghai’s Brutal Lockdown Is Coming to America
– by Tucker Carlson

What Are the Effects of America’s Narcissism Epidemic?
– by Ross Pomeroy

Maria Bartiromo Dunks on Lying Hack Chris Wallace Again — and It’s Delicious
– by Maria Bartiromo and Jim Jordan

Scientists Confirm Pfizer & Moderna Covid Gene Therapies Triggering AIDS-Like Syndrome
– by Jon Bowne

Watch: Alabama Governor Kay Ivey Shares the Greatest Campaign Ad of the Season and the Far-Left Goes Crazy
– by Alabama Governor Kay

Biden Immigration Policy ‘Completely Impeachable’
– by Stephen Miller

Watch: Ron Paul Is Not a Fan of Joe Biden’s New World Order Aspiration
– by Ron Paul

Are We Witnessing the Beginning of De-Dollarization?
– by Akhil Ramesh

The New “Rigged” Movie Covers the Zuckerberg Interference in 2020 Election — Here’s What They Missed
– by Joe Hoft

Why the Digital Dollar Will Destroy Free Speech
– by MN Gordon

The “Doomsday Preppers” Were Right
– by Michael Snyder

US Officials Admit They’re Literally Just Lying to the Public about Russia
– by Caitlin Johnstone

Hunter’s Laptop from Hell!
– by Darrin McBreen

The Dark Side of Disney
– by Greg Reese

“Typhoid Nancy”: Roasting Triple-Jabbed Nancy Pelosi for Claiming ‘Vaccines Work as Intended’ after Testing Positive for Covid
– by Tucker Carlson

Attorney Gains More Proof the Federal Government Is Covering Up Death Shots
– by Attorney Tom Renz on Kristi Leigh TV

Revealed: Pandemic of the Vaccinated
– by Deep State Satire

Destroying America to “Save” It? Biden’s Nihilistic Destruction of the Energy Industry
– by William L. Anderson

CNN’s Brian Stelter Called Out Over Network’s Promotion of Fake News
– by Adan Salazar

President Trump Investigated More Than “Billy the Kid, Jesse James, and Al Capone, Combined”
– by Joe Hoft

Rep. Jim Jordan Summarizes Perfectly the Nightmare the Democrats and Elites Created in America
– by Rep. Jim Jordan

Lockdowns, Not the Pandemic, Created Havoc
– by Chris Calton

Revolt in Shanghai Against New Lockdown Madness
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Hunter Becomes the Hunted: Sen. Grassley Warns of National Security Concerns Surrounding Biden Crime Family; Says New Revelations Will Be Presented to Senate This Week
– by Sen. Chuck Grassley on Fox News

Fauci’s United Front Is Collapsing
– by Jeffrey A. Tucker

20 Facts About the Emerging Global Food Shortage that Should Chill You to the Core
– by Michael Synder

The Nano Poisoning of Humanity
– by Framing The World

An Excellent Overview on the New World Order’s Destruction of the Human Being
– by Leo Hohmann

Vaxxed by Machines, Tracked by Machines: Humanity to Be Augmented One Cell at a Time – Moderna’s Co-founder Created a Quantum Dot Tattoo to Track the Vaccinated
– by Joe Allen

On the Hunter Biden Laptop: ‘Media’s Being Caught in a Cover-Up’
– by Ron Johnson on Fox News

Watch: Maria Bartiromo Dunks on Chris Wallace for Hiding Biden Family Crimes from American Public during 2020 Debate
– by Fox News

Watch: Scientific Elite Detail Plan to Kill Everyone
– by Jay Dyer

“The Illegality… Was Obvious”: an Analysis of the Carter Opinion on Jan. 6th
– by Jonathon Turley

Countdown to U.S. Government Default
– by MN Gordon

What Is the “Great Reset” and What Do the Globalists Actually Want?
– by Brandon Smith

Watch: the Hunter Biden Floodgates Have Opened
– by Jon Bowne

The New World Order Is Here: Global Digital Currency / World Govt. Announced amid Global Collapse
– by Alex Jones

If Hunter Biden Were ‘Anybody Else’, He’d Be ‘Indicted Before 2020 Election,’ Claims Ex-Prosecutor
– by Svetlana Ekimenko

‘Once Upon a Time Anthony Fauci Could Tell the Truth’ about Natural Immunity
– by Rand Paul

Watch: “Evidence Against Joe Biden on the Hard Drive is Stronger than Against Hunter Biden”
– by Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon

Blue State Blues: The 2020 Election* Gets a Giant Asterisk over Hunter Biden Laptop
– by Joel B. Pollak

Roger Stone Confirms Madison Cawthorn’s Orgygate Bombshell
– by Banned.video

Censored: Doctors and Researchers Testify to Massive Fraud of the Covid-19 Response
– by Banned.video

Central Banks: Who Needs Them? No One
– by Vibhu Vikramaditya