2020 Presidential Election Voter Fraud in Michigan
– a theVeryRight.com Investigative Report

The 2020 Presidential Election and Covid-19 Testing – a Celebratory Compilation of the First Year of theVeryRight.com

Election 2020: a Pre-programming Guide
– by Geoff Linsley

Anti-Globalism Is Going Mainstream – which Means Engineered Disaster Is About to Strike
– by Brandon Smith

Is the Real Covid Pharmaceutical Bonanza Just Getting Started?: “I Suspect All Pharmaceutical Companies Will Now Share in a Second Covid Profits Bonanza Driven by Medications Prescribed to Deal with the Collective Aftermath of Covid.”
– by Nicholas Williams

Watch: Is Pope Francis Building a New World Religion?
– by Brian Wilson

What Does the Yuanization of the Russian Economy Mean for the Dollar?
– by the Jamestown Foundation

Central Banks Claim to Preserve the Value of Money through Inflation
– by Andreas Granath

Globalist Deep State behind Nordstream 2 Pipeline Attack
– by Geopolitical Expert Joel Skousen and Alex Jones

Deadly Covid Vaccines and the Mysterious Downward Spiral
– by Greg Reese

JCPA ‘Will Allow Big Tech and Liberal Media to Collude’ against ‘Conservative Outlets Like Breitbart’
– by Sen. Tom Cotton

This Shocked Even Me: Officer Dickhead Tiggered by Man on His Own Property
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Attorneys Reveal Who Is Really Profiting from Sandy Hook
– by Vive Frei and Robert Barnes

‘Forever Unusable’: 15 Things We Know about the Mysterious “Explosions” that Severely Damaged the Nord Stream 1 and 2 Pipelines
– by Michael Snyder

Podcast: Systems Vulnerability Expert in Antrim “Vote Flip” Case Jeff Lenberg Responds to Anderson Cooper’s “Slanderous” Hit Piece on Election Investigation Team
– by Jeff Lenberg and CanConn

About the New GOP’s Plan for a Real J6 Investigation and Securing the Southern Border – “Democrats and Biden Are the Party of Death”
– by Rep. Paul Gosar

Bombshell: Exposing the Vaccine Depopulation Agenda and What Comes Next
– by Dr. Judy Mikovits

Battling Pedophiles 20 Years and Counting – Watch
– by Alex Jones

2022-2030: Transformation or Stagnation?
– by Charles Hugh Smith

The Smartphone’s Role in Dumbing Down America
– by Bruce Wilds

“Have They Gone Completely Mad?” They Know That They Are Killing The Economy, but They Are Doing It Anyway
– by Michael Snyder

How Could We Have Been So Naive about Big Tech?
– by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Watch: Beware! The Covid Vaccines Are Killing Thousands & the Government Is Covering It Up
– by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Psychopathic Leftist Intolerance and the Death of Cayler Ellingson
– by Brandon Smith

The Truth about PayPal
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Exclusive: 10 Facts on the Dozens of Federal Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th
– by Jim Hoft

Another Alex Jones Court Response Goes Viral – Calls Judge a ‘Tyrant’ while on the Stand
– by Alex Jones

The Most Effective Speakers and Organizers are Those Targeted by the Establishment
– by Alex Jones and Steve Bannon

‘Uncle Tom II’ ‘Has the Potential to Change Race Relations’ in America
– by Larry Elder

Video: Rand Paul Promises to ‘Find the Paper Trail’ for Lab Leak Covid Origin
– by Rand Paul

Masters of Deceit: the Government’s Propaganda of Fear, Mind Control & Brain Warfare
– by by John & Nisha Whitehead

America’s Open Wound – the CIA Is Not Your Friend
– by Ed Snowden

Central Bankers Are Gaslighting Us about the “Strong Dollar”
– by Ryan McMaken

Key Takeaways from Alex Jones’ TPUSA Speech on the Great Reset
– by Alex Jones at TPUSA

It Ends as It Began: as a Political Ploy
– by Jeffrey A. Tucker

The Coming Deaths from the Covid-19 Shot Will Dwarf What We Have Now
– by Pete Santilli with Dr. Bryan Ardis and Dr. Rashid Buttar

Watch: Blasting Biden as ‘Not in Charge of White House or His Own Wits’
– by Rand Paul

“It’s Not Just a Decline, It’s an Absolute Implosion” – on Biden’s Devastating Housing Numbers Just Released
– by Steve Cortes

“All These Things Were Make-Believe but Yet They Were Marked ‘Top Secret’” – on the Corrupt FBI Classifying Documents to Cover-Up Its Crimes
– by Former DNI John Ratcliffe

Socialism Is Not Groupthink, but Statethink: a Brief Comment on Jordan Peterson
– by Eduard Braun

Biden ‘Worst’ President in My Lifetime, Administration Unrivaled in ‘Evil, Corruption’
– by Michael Savage

The Justice Department Was Dangerous before Trump. It’s out of Control Now – “Trump Has Become the Way They Sell This,” “But It’s Not about Trump. If You Focus on Trump, You’ll Miss How Serious This Is. And It Started a Long Time Ago.” “Go Back to 9/11”
– by Matt Tiabbi

The Fed’s “Full Employment” Mandate Is a Mandate for Inflation
– by Ryan McMaken

Canadian Recounts His Near-Death Experience after His Third Moderna Shot – Suffers Cardiac Arrest, Respiratory/Kidney Failure, Paralysis, Nerve Damage and No Brain Activity
– by Michal

Unpacking the Apparent Trump-Hillary Double Standard: for Her, the FBI Helped Obstruct Its Own Investigation
– by Paul Sperry

Watch: Biden’s Invasion of Southern Border Part of Plan for Global Government
– by Journalist Lara Logan

One Year of Global Waste Visualized
– by Bruno Venditti

Claim: DeSantis to Announce Presidential Run after Midterms
– by Roger Stone

Powell’s Pivot to “Pain” but No Gain: Triggering the Coming Recession
– by Jon Wolfenbarger

Intolerance – Remain Silent or Be Branded an Extremist
– by Bruce Wilds

Former HHS Advisor Compares Covid mRNA Jabs to Bioweapons: Newest Bivalent Covid Vaccine Only Studied on 8 Mice (Some Got Covid) before Launched on the World
– by Dr. Paul E. Alexander and Alex Jones

Illegal Collusion between Government and Big Tech Exposed
– by Dr. Joseph Mercola

FBI Sues Alex Jones to Destroy First Amendment
– by Greg Reese

Anthony Fauci: from AIDS to Covid-19, a Pharma Love Story
– by Lorenzo Puertas

Alex Jones on His Lawsuit, the Great Reset & Cover-Ups
– by Alex Jons on Louder with Crowder

Fear State: Fight or Flight
– by Tucker Calrson and Alex Stein

WatcH: False Flags from 9/11 to the Great Reset – 21 Years of Social Conditioning & Terror
– by World Alternative Media

Biden’s Open Door to Terror – Exclusive Report
– by Jon Bowne

Europe Commits Suicide-by-Sanctions
– by Ron Paul

Alaska Reminds Us Ranked Choice Voting Is a Bad Idea
– by Todd Carney

WatcH: False Flags from 9/11 to the Great Reset – 21 Years of Social Conditioning & Terror
– by World Alternative Media

This Winter, Europe Plunges into “the New Dark Ages”
– by Michael Snyder

“Nothing to Do with Man” – Astrophysicist Says Climate-Cultists “Are on a Gravy Train” to Make Money
– by Piers Corbyn

Watch: Six Years Ago Today Hillary Clinton Dropped Like a Rock and Was Thrown into a Van Like a Side of Beef
– by Cristina Laila

Georgia Elections: System Vulnerabilities Expert Jeff Lenberg Debunks Mainstream Media Hit Pieces
– by Canconn, Apollo and Jeff Lenberg

Watch: State Senators and Frontline Doctor Have All the Evidence to Indict CDC Officials for Violating Federal Law and File Unprecedented Grand Jury Petition — Here’s What The CDC Is Doing to Get Away with Mass Murder
– by Alicia Powe

Watch: the Dark Ugly Past of the Climate Crisis King
– by Greg Reese

A List of 33 Things We Know about the Coming Food Shortages
– by Michael Snyder

Food Banks All over the US Are “Overwhelmed” as Cost of Living Pushes More into Poverty
– by Michael Snyder

Europe Is Facing Energy Disaster and It’s Going to Bleed over into the US
– by Brandon Smith

The FBI Is Hiding Epstein Records: “Ghislaine Maxwell Has Been Convicted and Epstein Is Dead.”
– by Techno Fog

An Asian Bretton Woods?
– by Alasdair Macleod

The Rise of A.I. ‘Art’ Signals the Fall of the Renaissance Man
– by Emma-Jo Morris

Why Did US Torpedo April Ukraine War Negotiated Settlement?
– by Walt Zlotow

Judge Orders Fauci to Cough It Up
– by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Learn How the Elites’ Technocratic Future Will Bring Us Back to the Middle Ages
– by Jay Dyer

The Bretton Woods Institutions and the Accelerated Dystopian Transformation of the Food Industry
– by Birsen Filip

It Appears Money Can Buy Happiness After All…
– by Nick Routley

“America Should Be Appalled” at Fauci Covering His Tracks
– by Rand Paul

Stop Pretending US Is a Functioning Democracy
– by Chris Hedges

Inflation: State-Sponsored Terrorism
– by Jeff Deist

Video: “Elites Are Making Things Worse on Purpose”
– by Tucker Carlson

It’s a Fact that Needs Repeating: the Federal Reserve Is a Suicide Bomber
– by Brandon Smith

Covid-19 in China: Lockdowns of Major Cities Continue
– by Katharina Buchholz

5 Psychological Experiments that Explain the Modern World
– by Kit Knightly

Hats Off to Hillary: Prosecuting Trump in the Shadow of Clinton’s Emails
– by Jonathon Turley

Why Are Leftists Obsessed with Destroying Hero Culture?
– by Brandon Smith

Issuing an Emergency Covid-19 Warning
– by Dr. Peter McCullough and Alex Jones

Watch: WEF Vultures Are Actively Sabotaging Civilization
– by Jon Bowne

Watch: Swarms of Chinese Spy Drones Spotted Worldwide
– by Brian Wilson

Operation Matador: Biden Declares War on Americans
– by Alex Jones

Biden Declares “MAGA Republicans” Enemies of the State
– by Tho Bishop

Kari Lake Annihilates Reporter Who Claimed Questioning 2020 Election Is Dividing The Country
– by Kari Lake

Watch: Laurence Fox, Counterculture Icon: When ‘My Son Hunter’ Star Called Woke BBC Audience Member Racist for Insisting He Has ‘White Privilege’
– by Laurence Fox

Biden Regime Launches Racist Housing Plan that Violates Fair Housing Act
– by Robert Bowes

Watch: Feds ‘Didn’t Find What They Were Looking for’ in Mar-a-Lago Raid
– by Former DNI John Ratcliffe

Watch: I Fully Expect AG Garland to Indict Trump, the Most Corrupt Justice Department in American History
– by Newt Gingrich

Watch: I Don’t Think Trump Should Be Indicted But He Will Be
– by Andrew Napolitano

The “Experts” Still Aren’t Giving Up on Vaccine Mandates
– by Gilbert Berdine

Albanians are Coming to the UK Illegally to Join ‘Criminal Underworld’
– by British Home Secretary Priti Patel

Watch: Dark Brandon
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Private Federal Reserve Paper Admits the Central Bank Can’t Control Inflation; Finger-Points at Federal Government
– by Peter Schiff

Justice Department Opposes Any Special Master and Alleges that “Obstructive Conduct Occurred” at Mar-a-Lago
– by Jonathon Turley

Biden’s IRS Auditor Army Will Disrupt Economic Recovery
– by Julio Gonzalez

The Countries Most in Debt to China
– by Katharina Buchholz

Watch: FBI Was Spying on Rudy Giuliani’s Cloud – They Knew When He Obtained the Laptop from Hell, They Knew The Post Was Going to Write About It
– by Miranda Devine

The Lab-Leak Theory Isn’t Dead: the Mother of All Covid Conspiracy Theories Is True
– by Thomas Fazi

Watch: Top Doctor & Scientist Warns Covid Vaccine Contains Nanotech Matrix
– by Dr. Lee Merrit and Alex Jones

Why Effective Altruists Fear the AI Apocalypse: “How Did You End up a Longtermist? What Sequence of Moral Epiphanies Led You to Dedicate Yourself to Reducing the Probability of a Robot Apocalypse?”
– by Eric Levitz

“Don’t Be Fooled by Recent Strength… a Post-Dollar World Is Coming”
– by Ruchir Sharma

Understanding the Tyrannical Mind and How It Operates
– by Brandon Smith

Video: Warning of “Riots” If Criminal Charges Brought against Trump
– by Lindsey Graham

For Many Americans, Cancel Culture is Self-Inflicted
– by J. D. Tuccille

Biden’s Student Debt Forgiveness Scheme Is Unforgivable
– by Ron Paul

Watch: ‘I Literally Prayed… Don’t Do This’: SNL Was ‘Over’ at This Cringe-Worthy Moment
– by Rob Schneider

Before the October Surprise Comes the August-September Psyop Polls
– by Rajan Laad

Patriot Mom Raided by FBI for Election Integrity Work Explains Importance of Grassroots Activism
– by Sherronna Bishop

Opening up on the Covid Catastrophe, Dr. Tony Fauci, World Economic Forum
– by Dr. Robert Malone, Jim Hoft, Dr. Peter McCullough, Ed Dowd and Dr. Mollie James

Fauci’s Covid Disaster: a Summary
– by Ian Miller

We Were Right about Masks, about Lockdown, We Were Right about All of It, We Were on the Right Side of History
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Middle Class Americans Mock Biden’s Student Loan Bailout in Scathing Ad
– by American Action Network

Watch: MI GOP SOS Candidate Brings Down the House with Epic “Scorched Earth” Speech Challenging “Habitual Liar” SOS Benson to Debate to Prove She’s a “Criminal!”
– by Kristina Karamo

On the Decline of the FBI: “The FBI Is the Government Agency that Pushed for It (Hunter’s Laptop) to Be Censored”
– by Tucker Carlson

The New Peer-Review: Why ‘Unbiased’ Science Is Now Often Misleading
– by Jennifer Margulis

Visualized: The State of Central Bank Digital Currencies
– by Marcus Lu

The Trump Vaccine
– by Greg Reese

The African Slave Trade Wouldn’t Have Been Possible without African Elites
– by Lipton Matthews

The “Great Reset”: a Blueprint for Destroying Freedom, Innovation, and Prosperity
– by J.B. Shurk

Video: Heckler Yells ‘You Stole the Election’ at Biden during Midterm Rally
– by Jamie White

Dividing Up the Corpse of Infowars – Exclusive Report
– by Banned.video

IRS Hiring Spree Is the Biggest Police-State Expansion in US History
– by David Harsanyi

Trump Must Denounce Covid Vax Now Before He Is Blamed for their Failure by the Left
– by Drew Hernandez and Alex Jones

Money Does Matter: the End of the Gold Standard Led to a Lower Standard of Living
– by André Marques

Election Integrity Arizona: Recapping Her Canvass Results, the Audit and Drops a Bomb
– by Liz Harris

Senate Minority Leader “Mitch McConnell Is Not an Opposition Leader, He Is a Pawn for the Democrats”
– by Donald Trump

Trauma Physician Exposes Coordinated Medical Tyranny Operation to Depopulate Humanity
– by Dr. Kelly Victory and Alex Jones

Must Watch – Canadian Trucker Rebellion: the Story of the Coutts Blockade
– by Rebel News

Soros and VP Harris Are ‘Supervillains’ – Slain Policeman’s Widow
– by Ann Dorn

LOL: FL-R Cammack on Mayors Adams, Bowser ‘Complaining’ about Illegal Immigrants — ‘You Play Stupid Games, You Win Stupid Prizes’
– by Kat Cammack

The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks of an Authoritarian Regime
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

Comparing U.S. Federal Spending with Revenue
– by Truman Du

Major Food Crisis Coming in 2023? – “Prices Will Be on Steroids after the Election”
– by Michael Synder

Warns Attorney General Garland: ‘You’re Going to Prison’ When GOP Retakes Power
– by Steve Bannon

Watch Analysis: the Covid Hoax Is Collapsing
– by Steve Kirsch and Alex Jones

Dan Bongino Reveals Why Getting Covid Vaccinated Is ‘The Greatest Regret of My Life’
– by Dan Bongino

Invasion of the IRS!
– by Darrin McBreen

Flashback: Alex Jones Lays Out the Great Reset in 2008
– by Alex Jones

“Food Chain Reaction” War-Game Predicted 2020 Collapse & Food Shortage in Ukraine
– by Deep State Satire

The Mass Culling of Humans Is Now under Way… Here’s Exactly How It’s Being Accomplished to Achieve Mass Extermination
– by Natural News

Untested Bivalent Covid Jab Being Rolled Out
– by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Lynching of an American Hero
– by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

More Billions to Ukraine as America Falls Apart
– by Ron Paul

Comedy Break: “Unknown Cause Is the Leading Cause of Death”
– by JP Sears

Watch: Has America Been Slated for Starvation?
– by Brian Wilson

Alex Jones Lays Out the NWO’s Great Reset Takeover & How to Fight Back
– by Alex Jones

Alex Jones Responds to the Banning of Andrew Tate
– by Alex Jones

China’s Endless Covid Hysteria Is a Dark Experiment in Social Conditioning
– by Zerohedge

Watch: Calling Out the Weaponization of the Justice System and the IRS by a Totalitarian Left
– by Judge Napolitano and Alex Jones

Weaponizing the Bureaucracy: Who Will Protect Us from the Government’s Standing Army?
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

Watch: Joe Biden Sniffs Hair in ‘My Son Hunter’ Teaser
– by Breitbart

Video of Border Patrol Unlocking Gates for Illegals; Rand Paul Says Time for ‘Zero Tolerance Policy’
– by Steve Watson and Rand Paul

Deep State May Have Been After Crossfire Hurricane Documents at Mar-a-Lago
– by Trump Advisor Boris Epshteyn on the War Room

An Inauspicious Anniversary: Nixon Slams Shut the Gold Window
– by Peter Schiff

Trump Must Come Out against the Deadly Covid Vaccine before It’s Too Late
– by Alex Jones

Love Him or Hate Him, the War against Alex Jones Is a War against Us All
– by Revolver

“The Steal: Volume II – the Impossible Occurs” – Book Out Today
– by Joe Hoft

We Are Not the First Civilization to Collapse, but We Will Probably Be the Last
– by Chris Hedges

Goddess Diana Rituals and the Death of Anne Heche
– by Greg Reese

Pink Floyd Co-Founder Roger Waters at Rally in Washington Calls for Freeing Assange
– by Sputnik

Watch: ‘You Need to Teach Yourself to Be Disobedient,’ ‘the Brainwashing Needs to Stop,’ or ‘We Are Going to Be Left with Klaus Schwab and the Tyrants’
– by Human Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas

Joe Biden’s Unwarranted Inflation Victory Lap
– by Peter Schiff

Watch: Roger Stone Responds to Mar-a-Lago Raid and FBI Seizure of his Pardon Documents with Video YouTube Doesn’t Want You to See
– by Roger Stone

The FBI Is Now the Federal Bureau of Intimidation
– by Krank Miele

Inflation Makes People Poorer (and It’s the Government’s Fault)
– by André Marques

Supersized IRS Will Shrink Liberty
– by Ron Paul

Live from Release of “The Pit”: a Vital Strategy Session
– by True the Vote

Official Public Release: “Uninformed Consent” Documentary — an in-Depth Look into the Covid 19 Narrative
– by Matador Films

The Attempt to Prosecute Donald Trump Is Unleashing More Than Our Political System Can Handle
– by William L. Anderson

Artificial Intelligence: a Secular Look at the Digital Antichrist
– by Brandon Smith

Americans Spend Much More on Pharmaceuticals
– by Katharina Buchholz

Watch: Alex Jones on The War Room: “If They’re Able to Silence Me, They’ll Be Able to Silence Everybody”
– by Alex Jones on the War Room

Playbook of the Democrat Party — Cloward and Piven
– by Economic Noise

Deep State Slams Free Speech Pioneer Alex Jones — My Thoughts
– Michael Baxter

Repression, Terror, Fear: the Government Wants to Silence the Opposition
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

FBI Raid Against Trump a ‘Blatant Abuse of Power’
– by Tulsi Gabbard

“Completely Unprecedented,” Warns Trump Raid Is “Deathblow to Democracy”
– by Martin Armstrong

FBI Trump Raid Exposed
– by Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone & Robert Barnes

‘Bulls**t!’: Ballistic over FBI’s Raid against Trump, Says ‘It’s about Jan. 6’
– by Megyn Kelly on FOX News

Why the “New World Order” Is Impossible to Implement without Creating Mass Chaos
– by Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski

History Repeats Itself: Democrats Are Using Tactics of the Marxists of 1917 in Russia – Their Final Assault on America Begins… Tonight
– by Jim Hoft

The Thunder Rolls: Donald Trump Releases Dramatic Political Video after FBI Raid at Mar-a-Lago
– by Donald Trump

FBI Raid Against Trump Signals Deep State Coup Has Begun: Alex Jones & Roger Stone Respond
– by Alex Jones and Roger Stone

Comment on FBI Raids on Mar-a-Lago: “This Is Not About Trump – This is About You and Me”
– by Dr. Gina Loudon

Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip Exposes Foolishness of Interventionism
– by Ron Paul

The American People Will Get the Worst of Both Worlds — Inflation and Recession
– by Peter Schiff and Laura Ingraham

Calling for the People to Back Independent Media Before It’s Too Late
– by Alex Jones and Laura Loomer

Lies, Damned Lies, & The January 6 Committee
– by Paul Sperry

The “Unvaccinated” Question (Revisited)
– by CJ Hopkins

Flashback: the Biometric Prison Planet of Death
– by Alex Jones

The Unstoppable Force of Truth in the Information War
– by Greg Reese

Entertainment Companies Start Dumping Woke Content as Viewership Tumbles
– by Zerohedge

Watch: Political Ad Shows How Real Politicians Should Act
– by Mindy Robinson

The Tyranny of Coronaphobia
– by Ramesh Thakur

Watch: the Federal Reserve Has Usurped the Power of the People and Must Be Ended
– by Steve Bannon at CPAC

Watch: Next President Must ‘Remove Rogue Bureaucrats and Root out the Deep State’
– by Donald Trump at CPAC

Who Relies on Taiwanese Trade?
– by Florian Zandt

Joe Biden’s Open Border Policies a “Crime against Humanity” that Deserves “the Eternal Shame of History”
– by Stephen Miller and Maria Bartiromo

Watch: Harriet Hageman Stars in Best Campaign Video in Wyoming History
– by Harriet Hageman

Supply Chain Problems Will Persist Because the System Is Being Sabotaged
– by Brandon Smith

Human Cannibalism Being Pushed by the New Green Movement
– by Greg Reese

Court Documents Reveal Canada’s Travel Ban Had No Scientific Basis
– by Rupa Subramanya

Paper Money
– by Thomas Paine

The Lockdowns Kicked Off This Depression
– by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Subpoenas to Return ‘Treasure Trove’ of Documents from Biden Administration: Louisiana AG
– by Zachary Stieber

The Three I’s of a Police State Education: Indoctrination, Intimidation & Intolerance
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

Watch: Alex Jones Witch Hunt Trial is a Violation of Basic Civil Rights
– by Alex Jones

Democrats Are “Counting on the Left-wing Base that Thinks the World Is Going to End in 12 Years”
– by Ari Fleischer on FOX News

Graphic Video: Covid Vaccine Genocide 2021-2022
– by Dr. Joseph Mercola

More Mindless Government Fascism to Save the Day: the Mind-Blowing Stupidity behind the $280 Billion ‘Chips for America Act’
– Rob Smith

Watch: Blasting Biden for Bragging about Killing Al Qaeda Head
– by Tucker Carlson

Inflation Reduction Act: Another DC Lie
– by Ron Paul

21st Century Sacrificial Altar – Exclusive Report
– by Jon Bowne

Calling for Investigations into the UN, Biden Regime over Migrant Crisis
– by Marjorie Taylor Greene

We Didn’t Expect Anything More from the Two-Tiered Justice System – One Day the FBI Will Come into Your Home” – Nicole Reffitt’s Emotional Warning to Americans after Her Husband Is Sentenced to 7 Yrs for Protesting Outside US Capitol
– by Nicole Reffitt

Watch: “We’re at War with the Deep State Globalists”
– by Catherine Austin Fitts

How Much Land Does the US Military Control in Each State?
– by Avery Koop

Endgame 1.5 — Advanced Blueprint for Global Enslavement
– by Infowars

No Farmers, No Food, No Life
– by Carla Peeters

The Great Reset Docuseries: the Technological Reset
– by Rebel News

Bizzaro Biden Emerges Juiced to the Gills
– by Jon Bowne

The Environmentalist Trojan Horse of the Depopulation Death Cult
– by Greg Reese

My List of Studies & Government Data from Around World Showing the Covid Vaccine is Dangerous and Deadly, and the Worst Health Care Disaster in World History
– by Wayne Root

Aerospace Engineer and Former State Senator Patrick Colbeck Releases a Must-Read: “The 2020 Coup, What Happened. What We Must Do”
– by Jim Hoft

To Take Back Our Culture We Need to Build Our Own Media Army
– by Brandon Smith

Watch: We Are on the Verge of an NWO Currency
– by Jon Bowne

‘If Biden Was a Dog, You’d Put Him Down’
– by Comedian Rob Schneider

There Won’t Be Any Winners because the Status Quo Is Corrupt Everywhere
– by Charles Hugh Smith

Joe Rogan Warns Americans about TikTok: China Knows ‘Every F—ing Thing You Type’
– by Ariel Zilber

The Phoniest, Most PR-Intensive War of All Time
– by Caitlin Johnstone

FBI Scrambles to Protect Biden Crime Family
– by Jon Bowne

The End of American Justice – Special Report – Alex Jones as the New Precedent
– by Greg Reese

Big Tech’s Blueprint to Stop a Red Wave in 2022
– by Allum Bokhari

Video: Alex Stein Blasts Uvalde City Council – ‘You’re a Direct Reflection of These Cops — They Were Cowards!’
– by Alex Stein

The Fed Just Got Rid of Forward Guidance Because It’s Making It Up as It Goes
– by Ryan MCMaken

Video: The Biggest Crime Ever Committed on Humanity – Covid-19 Vaccines
– by German MP Christine Anderson

A Pandemic of the Triple Vaccinated
– by Ramesh Thakur

Get Ready For The Vaccine Death Apocalypse
– by Bill Gates Is Evil

Ugly Covid Lies
– by Ron Paul

Watch: DNA, the Perfect Weapon
– by Jon Bowne

Alex Jones’ ‘The Great Reset’ Book Rockets to Top of Amazon Charts
– by Steve Watson

Serious Questions Remain after Michigan News Channel and AP Publish Election Results One Week Before Actual Election
– by Jim Hoft

Three Months that Wrecked the World
– by Jeffrey A. Tucker

US Now under a Totalitarian Culture Much Worse than the Soviet Union
– by Noam Chomsky with Russel Brand

“There’s Going to Come a Day of Reckoning”; People Will “Rise Up”
– by Rand Paul

ESG Is A Globalist ‘Scam’ Meant To Usher In ‘One World Government’: James Lindsay
– by Cindy Drukier

Video: Ted Cruz Says His “Pronoun Is Kiss My Ass”
– by Ted Cruz

Where Central Banks Have Issued Digital Currencies
– by Katharina Buchholz

What The J6 Committee Doesn’t Want You to Hear: Patrick Byrne Explains What Trump’s Options Were after the FBI Warned the 2020 Presidential Election Was ‘Hacked’
– by Patrick Byrne

Watch: an Epic Defense of the Second Amendment
– by Indiana Republican Rep. Victoria Spartz

“2023 Will Be a Year from Hell” – Martin Armstrong Warns of Inflation-Driven Civil-Unrest
– by Greg Hunter

Watch: WEF Admits Population Control Is a Top Issue – Promotes Reducing Number to What It Was in the 1500s
– by Owen Shryoer

Learn How Biden is Being Targeted for Removal by the Globalist Establishment
– by Alex Jones

The Climate Change Transition to Mass Starvation and Death
– by Jon Bowne

The Final Stages of Globalist World Domination: “The Ukrainian War Is Not Merely a Money Laundering Operation, It Is a Linchpin to Transfer the Global Economy out of the Money Printing of Central Banks and Directly into the Hands of the Globalists Controlling the IMF.”
– by Jon Bowne

Digital Authoritarianism: AI Surveillance Signals the Death of Privacy
– by John W. & Nisha Whitehead

Fed Fights Inflation Monster It Created while Destroying Dollar, ‘Jekyll Island’ Author Warns
– by G. Edward Griffin and Daniela Cambone

Seven Major Effects of Covid-19 on Parents, Students and Schools
– by Bruno V. Manno

Toleration Does Not Require Calling Evil Good
– by Zachary Yost

This Is What Happened to US Workers – Socialist Democrats Are Paying People to Stay Home while Destroying the Economy
– by Joe Hoft

Climate Change Dictates Are Self Destructive – but Also Part of a Bigger Agenda
– by Zerohedge

The Countries Capable of Launching Space Rockets
– by Katharina Buchholz

Watch: Covid Vaccine Shedding & Blood Clots
– by Framing the World

America Just Bailed Out a Bunch of Pensions at the Taxpayers’ Expense
– by Bruce Wilds

The Real Policy Error Is Expanding Debt and Calling It “Growth”
– by Charles Hugh Smith

How Pfizer Profited from the Pandemic
– by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Scary Truth about Merrick Garland that Should Have the American People Worried
– by the War Room

Explaining the Forces behind Woke Capital: “Perhaps the Most Incompetent Presidency, Vice Presidency and Cabinet in the History of Our Country”
– by David Sokol

Jaap Hanekamp: Dutch Nitrogen Scientist Questions Basis of Government Climate Mandate
– by Nathan Worcester

World War III and the Imminent Collapse of the US Dollar
– by Greg Reese

Ukraine: This Proxy War Has No Exit Strategy
– by Caitlin Johnstone

Watch: The Government “Has Gone from Saying It Was the Most Secure Election in History to Saying the Machines Shouldn’t Be Used” – Exclusive Interview
– by Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne

What Is the “Council for Inclusive Capitalism?” It’s the New World Order
– by Brandon Smith

Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Coming – What Will the Consequences Be?
– by Brandon Smith

New insights on Klaus Schwab’s ‘You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy’: How AI and the Internet of Things Will Control Everything You Do in Life
– by Leo Hohmann

The Inflation Monster that Our Leaders Have Created Is Voraciously Eating away Our Standard of Living: “The Average Worker Has Lost the Equivalent of Almost $3,400 in Annual Income Since Biden Took Office”
– by Michael Snyder

Wake Up! Even The Masks Made You Sick!
– by Jon Bowne

Dutch Farmers Rise Up against Food System ‘Reset’
– by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Putin and Xi Using Western Wokeness as a Weapon: WSJ Op-Ed
– by Zerohedge

Are Democrats Buying Votes By Extending Pandemic Emergency?
– by Zerohedge

Jan. 6 Committee Targets Alex Jones, Falsely Claims He Encouraged Violence At Capitol
– by Alex Jones

Panel of Doctors Warn Covid Vax Is Alternating Your DNA
– by the War Room

Forced Vaccine Is All-Out War on the Human Race
– by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Watch: “I’m Really Frightened… I’m Scared” – 69-Yr-Old Grandma, Drug Counselor and Cancer Patient Joins Greg Kelly before She Is Sent to Prison on Tuesday for Walking inside the US Capitol
– by Pam Hemphill on Newsmax

Save the Babies: a Documentary on CPS Child Trafficking
– by Patrick Hawley and Director Ben DeLaurentis

Watch Live Stream: John Paul Mac Isaac, Computer Expert Who Received Hunter’s Laptop, Discusses the Timeline and Events Surrounding Hunter Biden Laptop
– by John Paul Mac Isaac and Joe Hoft

Rebranding Elitism: Calling the Liberal World Order for What It Is
– by Mark E. Jeftovic

Hunter Biden Phone Hack Proves Biden Working for China
– by Alex Jones

This Won’t Be a Short Shallow Recession
– by Peter Schiff

Watch: the FBI Had Hunter Biden’s Computer Since Dec. 2019 – They Havent “Done Squat with It”
– by Sen. Ron Johnson

Why Economic Collapse is Inevitable
– by Chris Martenson

Biden Corruption Explodes
– by Jon Bowne

Majority of Europeans Unwilling to ‘Pay the Price’ to Defend ‘Democracy’ in Ukraine
– by Zerohedge

Covid ‘More than an Overhyped Public Health Emergency’ — May Have Been the ‘Greatest Crime in History’
– by Tucker Carlson

Report: Arrest of Donald Trump Will Be the Democrats’ October Surprise ahead of Midterms
– by Julie Kelly and Lee Smith

“What Happened in 2020… Is a Crime Scene and the Evidence Is Overwhelming”
– by Former Prosecutor David Clement on the War Room

Dutch Farmers Ignite Worldwide Anti-Globalist Uprising
– by Greg Reese

Watch: These Doctors Risked It All to Saves Lives during the Covid ‘Plandemic’, Now They Are Demanding a ‘Cease Fire’ of ‘Poison Death Shots’
– by the Right Docs of History

Here Are a Few Excellent Questions Regarding the Recent Mass Shootings
– by Joe Hoft

What We’re Facing Today ‘a Lot Worse’ than the Depression, Recent Downturns
– by Ron Paul

America Has Been Flirting with Leftist Disaster – It’s Time to Stop Compromising: “They Revel in the Idea that Deep Down Everyone Else Is Just as Evil as They Are”
– by Brandon Smith

Video: Greenwald Slams Hunter Biden Laptop Coverup as “Biggest Media Fraud” in a Decade
– by Glenn Greenwald on FOX News

New Trailer for Groundbreaking Film ‘These Little Ones,’ Exposing CPS Trafficking, Pedophile Elites
– by the Stew Peters Network

Gaslighting: The Psychology of Shaping Another’s Reality
– by Cynthia Chung

A New Prime Minister without an Election? How Top Job in UK Is Decided by Political Cabal
– by Oliver JJ Lane

China Dominates the Antibiotics Market
– by Martin Armstrong

Watch: Finally Some Covid Comedy! Mocking Covid Vaccine Regret & Mask Mandates
– by Jim Breuer

Welcome to 1984: Central Bank Digital Currencies
– by James Rickards

Revolt against the ‘Liberal World Order’
– by Paul Joseph Watson

“Anyone who Goes against the Narrative Will Be Silenced”
– by Tommy Robinson on the War Room

Watch: The Food Wars Have Begun!
– by Titans of Liberty

How the Media Used Russiagate Conspiracy Theories to Create a News Cartel
– by Daniel Greenfield

Rogue Cops: The Supreme Court Is Turning America into a Constitution-Free Zone
– by John W. & Nisha Whitehead

GOP Representatives Want to Know Why Biden’s DOJ Is Firing Trump Immigration Judges
– by Judge Mathew O’Brian on FOX News

Effects of the Covid Jab – Interview with Dr. Ryan Cole
– by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Biden’s Sanctions Are a Windfall for Russia, Foreign Policy Fail
– by Ron Paul

The People Crafting U.S. Policy Aren’t in America
– by Joseph Solis-Mullen

Flashback: Democrat Sought to Taint Trump 2016 Win, Change Electors’ Pledged Votes
– by Natalia Mittelstadtotes

Darren Beattie: January 6th Committee a Pretext to Justify Labeling Trump Supporters as Domestic Terrorists
– by Ian Schwartz

We Need to Declare Our Independence from the Federal Reserve
– by Joe Moffett

The Economic Growth That Never Was: the World Economy Stopped Growing in 2008 and the Obama Years
– by Tuomous Malinen

Understanding the Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka
– by Zerohedge

Interest Rate Hikes vs. Inflation Rate, by Country
– by Jenna Ross and Nick Routley

Are You Willing to Suffer through a Recession for the Good of “the Liberal World Order”?
– by Michael Snyder

China’s Rise to Economic Superpower
– by Felix Richter

US Under More Tyranny Now Than in 1776, Says Historian
– by Douglas MacKinnon

‘Our Country’s Going to Hell’: WWII Veteran Breaks Down over Collapse of America under Joe Biden
– by Carl Dekel

Author Matt Palumbo Lays Out How George Soros Has Significant Control Over Media Narratives
– by Roman Balmakov

Mapped: a Decade of Population Growth and Decline in U.S. Counties
– by Nick Routley

Dr. Zelenko’s Uplifting Final Public Speech
– by Dr. Zelenko

Dr. Robert Malone – Memorial for Dr. Zelenko
– by the War Room

Ration Cards – “The Other Form of ‘Money’ that Will Be Valuable Isn’t Even Tangible. It’s Called Self-Reliance”
– by Charles Hugh Smith

The Great Reset in Action: Ending Freedom of the Press, Speech and Expression
– by Birsen Filip