2020 Presidential Election Voter Fraud in Michigan
– a theVeryRight.com Investigative Report

The 2020 Presidential Election and Covid-19 Testing – a Celebratory Compilation of the First Year of theVeryRight.com

Election 2020: a Pre-programming Guide
– by Geoff Linsley

Time to End the Fed and Its Mismanagement of Our Economy
– by EJ Antoni and Peter St.Onge

Life in America Has Never Been More Unaffordable than It Is Right Now
– by Michael Snyder

10 Numbers which Prove that the US Economy Has Hit a Major Pivot Point
– by Michael Snyder

Watch: UK Journalist Arrested for Reporting on Ukrainian Nazi’s Visit to Parliament Tells All
– by Alex Jones

Globalists Have Another Shock Event Planned in Pursuit of the ‘Four Ds’: Digitization, Dehumanization, Destruction and Depopulation
– by Leo Hohmann

How a CBDC Created Chaos and Poverty in Nigeria
– by Jan M. Fijor

Watch: Trump ‘Found Guilty’ of Fraud by Leftist Judge’s Default Ruling
– by Alex Jones

Watch: CIA Commanded by Fauci & Bill Gates to Spread Covid Disinfo/Hide the Deadly Truth
– by Alex Jones

Watch Legacy Alex Jones: Detail How Intelligence Agencies Covered Up Covid Origins & Vaccine Dangers
– by Alex Jones

The Great Demoralization
– by Jeffrey. A. Tucker

It’s the Beginning of the End of This Whole Phony Economy
– by Peter Schiff

Illegals Exempt from Biden’s New Contact Tracing Program/Covid Shots
– by Alex Jones

U.S. Government: Owen Shroyer Must Turn Himself into Jail by End of October
– by Owen Shroyer

“Have You Heard Dis Information?” – Hilarious Video Exposing Big Pharma and Dr Fauci’s Lies About Vaccine Efficacy and Safety
– by Elon Musk

A Cashless Society – “It’s Not Coming; It’s Already Here”
– by James Rickards

The New Abnormal: Authoritarian Control Freaks Want to Micromanage Our Lives
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

BRICS Will Change the World – Slowly: “Now, If Almost the Entire World Uses a Single Currency – the U.S. Dollar – for Almost All Trading Activities, All Countries Are Obliged to Hold This Currency in Reserve to Pay Their Bills. These Countries Do Not Hold the Reserves in Cash, but Invest Them in American Government Securities to Earn a Return on Their Reserve Holdings. In This Way, the Americans Managed to Create the Largest Bond Market in the World.”
– by Voice from Russia

Pollster Rasmussen Says “Election Fraud Renders Scientific Election Forecasting Worthless” – Will Start Sharing Evidence
– by Joe Hoft

Cash Will Be No Refuge under CBDCs
– by Mark. E. Jeftovic

Beware of Nations, States, Corporations or Groups Offering Benefits that Require Digital ID: You Are Entering a ‘Covenant with Death’
– by Leo Hohmann

Michigan Speech: ‘If Lying Was a Crime, Your Governor Would be in Supermax for Life’
– by Tucker Carlson

The Great Debt Fiasco: How Washington’s ‘Reckless and Opportunistic’ Pandemic Splurge Jeopardized America’s Future – “$57,400 per Household” in Order to Remove Trump
– by Zerohedge

UK Quietly Passes “Online Safety Bill” into law
– by Kit Knightly

FBI Informant Created One of Largest Nazi Groups in American History
– by Ken Silva

Governments Start Calling for Price Controls – Rationing and CBDCs Come Next
– by Brandon Smith

The Covid Narrative Flunked the Critical Thinking Test
– by Bruce W. Davidson

Watch: Biden Admin Attempting to Inflate Fake Covid Numbers – Free “Covid Tests” Soon Mailed Out!
– by Josh Sigurdson

Watch: Revealing Astonishing Death Rates in the UK
– by Dr. Ed Dowd and Dr. Naomi Wolf

The Valorization of the Tyrants
– by Jeffery Tucker

A Comprehensive Timeline of Covid-19 Vaccines and Myocarditis
– by Zachary Steiber

The New Narrative: “Both Political Sides Are Being Probed Now, Supposed to Make Us Think There’s a Sort of Balance, a Neutrality”
– by Raul Ilragi Meijer

Globalism Is the Real Pandemic
– by Martin Enlund

Watch: British Government Behind Deplatforming of Russell Brand! Conspiracy Theory Confirmed
– by Alex Jones

Watch: Confronting the Pfizer VP about Company’s Covid Profits & Manipulation of Viruses
– by James O’Keefe

Watch: Texas AG Paxton after Being Acquitted on All Impeachment Charges
– by Texas AG Paxton and Tucker Carlson

Watch: “I Think He’s Getting Preferential Treatment because I Believe He’s Working with Our Government” – Rep. Eli Crane Reveals Why He Thinks Ray Epps Only Charged with One Misdemeanor after He Was Caught on Video Urging Violence on J6
– by Rep. Eli Crane and Jordan Conradson

Merrick Garland under Fire in House Hearing for Empowering Govt. Corruption & Weaponizing DOJ against American Citizens
– by Owen Shroyer

The F-35 Crash Site Revealed: Is This the 9/11 Pennsylvania Crash Site & Pentagon Plane All over Again?
– by Owen Shroyer

Leftist Election Theft Tactics Exposed: Political Persecution of Anyone Who Supports Trump Goes Nuclear
– Alex Jones

The Receipts: How the WHO, Gates and Blackrock Want to Take Over the World
– by Richard Abelson

Man Ticketed 7 Times for Flying Anti-Biden Flag Scores Huge Victory over Town: “F*** Biden” and “F*** You for Voting for Him.”
– by Johnathon Jones

A Nation of Snitches: DHS Is Grooming Americans to Report on Each Other
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

What Does “Far-Right” Even Mean Anymore? “‘Far Right’ Is Basically Anything that Contests the Establishment Narrative.”
– Mark Jeftovic

World Risk Poll: How Long Can People Survive without Income?
– by Zerohedge

The Coming Collapse of the Global Ponzi Scheme
– by George Ford Smith

Threats against the State: Anarcho-Tyranny, Murder and Legitimacy
– by Ryan Turnipseed

Covid: How Did the Experts Turn Everything Upside Down?
– Bret Swanson

20 Common Functions of American Life the Government Wants to Regulate, Restrict or Outright Ban – Berkey Water Filters Included
– by Leo Hohmann

The Looming Retirement Crisis
– by Anna Fleck

Visualizing Google’s Search Engine Market Share
– by Marcus Lu and Sam Parker

The #1 Warning Sign Capital Controls Are Coming Soon and 4 Ways to Beat Them
– Nick Giambruno

The Religion of Masking
– by Gwendolyn Kull

Disinformation: White House, Democrats, Media Claims of ‘No Evidence’ to Support Biden Impeachment Inquiry Contradicted by Mountains of Evidence
– by Wendell Husebo and Matthew Boyle

The Censorship Industrial Complex Exposes the Kleptocracy’s True Intentions
– by Mitch Nemeth

Owen Shroyer Breaks Down His Plan to Take His Free Speech Case to the Supreme Court
– Owen Shroyer and Alex Jones

DOJ Declares War on 1st Amendment!
– by Darrin McBreen

Watch: “Covid Clots Town Hall” Exposes Deadly Jabs, Provides Platform for Doctors, Victims & Families
– by Sharyl Attkisson

Where the World’s Ultra Wealthy Reside
– by Anna Fleck

Watch All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars: Learn How Central Banks Orchestrate Global Conflict
– by Michael Rivero

Inflation: Government’s Insidious Form of Theft
– by George Ford Smith

The ‘Climate Emergency’ Is a Hoax
– by Robert Williams

Watch: News Host Owen Shroyer Faces Jail for Reporting the News
– by Greg Reese

What If We Had a Functional Media? “Extensive Election Fraud in Michigan during the 2020 Election”
– by Frank Miele

Here’s Why Housing Is Unaffordable for the Bottom 90%
– by Charles Hugh Smith

BankID: New Dystopian Digital ID
– by Peter Sweden

The U.S. States Where Childcare Costs More than College Tuition
– by Baylee Patel

Was 9/11 the Day America Started to Fall?
– by Sean Davis

Flashback: Trump Says Bombs Exploded Inside Buildings during 9/11
– by Donald Trump

Listen: Why all the Systems that Run Modern Society Are Breaking Down
– by Mike Adams

The “Why Not” Culture: Why the Georgia Final Report Should Worry Us All
– by Jonathon Turley

Covid Crisis Drives Global Increase in Learning Poverty
– by Felix Richter

Are Emergency Powers a Test to See What Americans Will Put Up with?
– by Zerohedge

How Much Does It Take to Be Wealthy in America?
– by Dorothy Neufeld

Watch: Google Announces Plan to End Internet Freedom – “a Full-on Attack on Free Speech”
– by Alex Jones

Watch: Building 7
– by Greg Reese

Watch: J6 Witch Hunt Now Targeting Infowars Host Owen Shroyer with Prison Sentence
– by Alex Jones

The New Authoritarian Agenda Revealed (Globalism Rebranded)
– by Brandon Smith

The World behind Bars
– by Florian Zandt

Watch: “This Is Very Suspect and Demands an Investigation from Lawmakers!” Michigan SOS Jocelyn Benson Was Also Caught Sending and Accepting Fraudulent Voter Registrations
– by Jim Hoft and Steve Bannon

Watch: “Fani Willis, I Think She’s the Criminal” – Greg Kelly Reveals Evidence that Exonerates Georgia Electors that Was Ignored by Crooked DA Willis
– by Greg Kelly

The Death of Informed Consent
– by Stella Paul

Let’s Examine Some Real Crimes Committed by Presidents
– by Connor O’Keeffe

The Pentagon Wants to Affirm Your Gender Transition. But Not If You’re Avoiding the Draft
– by Ryan McMaken

Watch: ‘It’s a Crime against Children — We Should Never Put Our Kids Back into Masks’
– by Jesse Waters and Rand Paul

Watch: Fani Willis and the Soros Election Crime Operation Bombshell
– by Bowne Report

‘I Wonder What Obama Knew about His VP’s Corrupt Business Schemes?’
– by Bob Unruh

The Global War on Thought Crime
– by David James

Government Intel & Security Agencies behind NGO Demands for More Censorship by X/Twitter
– by Alex Gutentag and Michael Shellenberger

Newly Discovered 2020 Michigan Election Corruption Parallels Georgia
– by Bob Cushman

Watch: Fed-Controlled Nazis Prepare to Launch American Civil War, Alex Thinks They’ll Be Used to Frame a Biden Assassination
– by Alex Jones

Will BRICS Smash the Dollar?
– by Ron Paul

What the Left Did to Our Country
– by Victor Davis Hanson

Visualized: the Monthly Cost of Buying vs. Renting a House in America
– by Bruno Venditti and Sam Parker

Direct Government Censorship of the Internet Is Here
– by Michael Snyder

Listen: Attorneys Representing Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss Attack TGP – More on FirstNet
– by Jim Hoft and David Clements

Watch: TGP’s Jim Hoft Breaks Report on Secret Facebook Group Discussing Packages of Fraudulent Ballot Registrations from GBI Strategies in 2020 Election
– by Jim Hoft and Natalie Winters

Watch: “They Know That We’re On to Them” – Massive Michigan Voter Registration Scandal
– by Ultra Maga Party

Charted: Youth Unemployment in the OECD and China
– by Pallavi Rao, Niccolo Conte and Bhabna Banerjee

UK: Massive Backlash against Sadiq Khan’s Odious ULEZ Scheme Is Accelerating, with a Quarter of All Spy Cameras Sabotaged or Missing
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Listen: How Marxist Democrats Stole Michigan – “10,000 Fraudulent Registrations at the Muskegon, Michigan County Clerk’s Office”
– by Jim Hoft and More

Watch: ‘The Voter Fraud No One Is Talking about” – on the Greatest Evidence of 2020 Voter Fraud via The Gateway Pundit
– by Mr. Reagan

Video: Pastor Forcibly Removed from School Board Meeting for Reading Aloud Porn Book from Kids’ Library
– by Pastor John K. Amanchukwu Sr.

Why Won’t Covid Lockdown Tyrants Admit They Were Wrong?
– by Stephen Moore

Watch: You Can Stick Your Vaccine Mandates Up Your Ass
– by Greg Reese

Watch: on GBI Strategies – Voter Registration Fraud – and the Democrat Party
– by Jim Hoft and Steve Bannon

The Unwelcome Return of Covid Restrictions and Lockdowns
– by Connor O’Keeffe

Watch: “We Are Speeding towards Assassination” – Tucker Fears for Trump’s Life
– by Tucker Carlson

Consumer Confidence Craters in August
– by Peter Schiff

Claim: Directed Energy Weapon Used against Maui, Blue Substances Reflect the Laser, Found in Rubble
– by Stew Peters and Alex Jones

Choreographed Disaster: Blackrock Failed to Update Powerlines & Trim Back Trees, Blame Climate Change for Maui Inferno
– by Alex Jones

YouTube Hits Matt Orfalea Again, as Censorship Grows Silent but Deadly
– by Matt Taibbi

Covid 2.0: State of California Announces New Lockdown Plan
– by Alex Jones

A New Covid ‘Variant’? Ron Paul Warns “They Want Us to Shut Up while They Do It Again”
– by Ron Paul

We the Targeted: How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

End Game for the American Empire
– by Jim Quinn

Save the Rule of Law by Destroying It?
– by Victor Davis Hanson

From Covid to Climate Change: Vehicles for Global Authoritarianism
– by Brandon Smith

The Hidden Tax of This and That
– by Bruce Wilds

How the Soviets Used Common Criminals to Destroy the Regime’s Enemies
– by Ryan McMaken

The Investigations and Lawsuits against Trump
– by Katharina Buchholz

A Startling Compilation: ‘Neither Safe Nor Effective’
– by Linda Weigenfeld

Watch: Joining Forces to Wargame the New World Order’s Demise & Break the Matrix
– by Andrew Tate and Alex Jones

Watch: Discussion on Trump Arrest, New Covid Lockdowns & More
– by Emerald Robinson and Alex Jones

Watch: Responding to New Covid Lockdown Restrictions & Attempts to Block Budesonide
– by Dr. Richard Bartlett and Alex Jones

Watch: “We’re in 1984/Orwell Territory” – Author Raises Alarm on Government Censorship of Covid Vaccine Side Effects
– by Michael Shellenberger

Why Governments Love Political “Crimes” Like Treason and Sedition
– by Ryan McMaken

Forget CPI: Inflation in Necessities Has Skyrocketed Since 2020 – “Paying 15% More on Average for Everything”
– by Zerohedge

What We Learned from the First Round of Covid Hysteria: Will You Be Fooled Again?
– by Leo Hohmann

Watch: Discussing Massive Election Fraud Coverup
– by Jim Hoft and Naomi Wolf

Watch: on Covid Lockdowns – Elite Waging Psychological Warfare on the Masses
– by Dr. Chris Martenson

Why the Covid Delusion Continues
– by Jeff Thomas

Covid Reboot: Will You Comply?
– by Jeffrey Tucker

The Killing and Destruction Must Stop: It Is Time to End the Ukraine War
– by Connor O’Keeffe

U.S. Corporate Bankruptcies on the Rise
– by Dorothy Neufeld and Sabrina Fortin

Why the Covid Delusion Continues
– by Jeff Thomas

Covid Reboot: Will You Comply?
– by Jeffrey Tucker

Deep State Plans to Kill Trump – Warning the World
– by Stew Peters and Alex Jones

Jonathan Turley Calls Barring Trump from Ballot ‘the Single Most Dangerous Constitutional Theory’ Ever
– by the Daily Caller

Watch: MSM Admits Covid Lockdowns Returning as Infowars Is Proven Right Again
– by Alex Jones

How Much of Today’s ‘Racism’ Is Manufactured?
– by Roger Kimball

On the Return of Covid Measures: “These People Have No Shame”
– by Rand Paul

Watch: Biden’s Behaviour in Maui Was “Just Plain Frightening”
– by Newt Gingrich

Watch: Shredding the Trump Indictments
– by Attorney Robert Barnes, Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris

Covid: We Won’t Be Fooled Again
– by James Howard Kunstler

New Covid Lockdown Propaganda Rolls Out after Infowars Broke the News
– by Alex Jones

“If We Press This with Russia, It Will Reach Us Here in the US” – Why the Ukraine War Must End Now
– by Col. Douglas MacGregor and Tucker Carlson

Growing US Debt Menaces Liberty and Prosperity
– by Ron Paul

We’re All Suspects in a DNA Lineup, Waiting to be Matched with a Crime
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

The Lockdowns Are Coming Back
– by Greg Reese

Uniparty’s Plan to Save ‘Our Democracy™’ Unfolds
– by Roger Kimball

Bad Government, Not Climate to Blame for Maui Wildfire Disaster
– by Steve Milloy

Brace Yourselves, because What They Have Planned Is Going to Absolutely Devastate the US Economy: “As of June, 61% of Adults Are Living Paycheck to Paycheck”
– by Michael Snyder

Dependency on the State Is the Core of the Takeover Plot of Humanity
– by Gary D. Barnett

How Did Big Pharma Buy So Many Governments?
– by Jeffrey Tucker

What If There Had Been No Covid Coup?
– by Debbie Lerman

Watch: Mass Murder & the West Maui Land Grab
– by John Bowne

Watch: Federal Officials Blow the Whistle on Biden’s Plan for New Covid Lockdowns
– by Alex Jones

Understanding the Parasitic Cooperation between Globalists and Leftists
– by Brandon Smith

Watch: This Country Is “on the Cusp of Chaos… in a 1776 Moment”
– by Tucker Carslon and Vivek Ramaswamy

Watch: Fulton County Fraud Stinks Up the Republic
– by John Bowne

Dishonest Money Is Destroying Your Standard of Living
– by Peter Schiff

Watch 1998 Flashback: Discussing Digital Currency, Social Score & Universal Income
– by Alex Jones & Steve Lane

Watch: Trump Indictments Are a ‘Desperate Last-Ditch Effort by Corrupt Machine to Destroy Their Most Dangerous Opponent’
– by Newt Gingrich

Watch: How the 2020 Election Was Stolen from President Trump in the Midwest States
– by Capt. Seth Keshel

Watch: Soros Prosecutor Caught Rigging Trump Indictment in Georgia
– by Alex Jones

Why Is There Such a Frenzy to Buy Up the Properties that Were Just Burned Down during the Fires in Hawaii?
– by Michael Snyder

Thanks to Government, Maui’s Lahaina Fire Became a Deadly Conflagration
– by Connor O’Keeffe

Watch Compilation: Millennials Crushed by Inflation Freak Out over Soaring Cost of Living
– by Jamie White

OK, Since You Asked: Conservatives Provide Biden with List of Failures He Asked for
– by Steve Watson

Watch: Discussing Muskegon, MI Voter Fraud Details
– by Joe Hoft, Natalie Winters and Ben Wetmore

Nearly a Fourth of States Introducing Biometric Digital IDs — and More than Half Are Republican ‘Red’ States
– by Leo Hohmann

Watch: Google Is the Centerpiece of All Evil – Big Tech Election Rigging
– by Roger Stone and Alex Jones

Middle Class Meltdown: Thanks to the Reckless Policies of Our Leaders, ‘Average’ Americans Are in Huge Trouble: “Americans Are Spending $709 More per Month on Everyday Goods and Services than They Did Two Years Ago, According to Moody’s Analytics.”
– by Michael Snyder

Don’t Assume that Experts Know Something You Do Not
– by Eric Hussey

CBDCs: the Ultimate Corruption of Money
– by Joseph Tetek

Watch: Deep State Drops the Ball, Did Soros-Controlled Prosecutor Leak Indictment ahead of Grand Jury Vote?
– by Alex Jones

Watch: It’s Not Left Vs Right Anymore, “It’s Anti-Establishment Versus Pro-Establishment”
– by Glenn Greenwald

Watch: New E.U. Statistics Prove Covid Vaccine Has Killed Millions
– by Dr. John Campbell

Watch: 20 Million People Killed Globally by Covid Vaccines & 2.2 Billion Seriously Hurt
– by Dr. Roger Hodkinson and Alex Jones

Watch: Former FBI Section Chief Lays Bare the Domestic Terror Attacks of the Satanic Deep State
– by FBI Section Chief Ted Gunderson

A “Global Inflationary Depression” Is Very Possible
– by Bruce Wilds

Never Forget: Leftists Showed Their True Authoritarian Colors during Covid
– by Brandon Smith

The Relevance of Milgram’s Experiments in Today’s World
– by Armando Simon

Watch: Voter Fraud in the 2020 Election Is Real
– by Elijah Schaffer

9 Signs that the US Consumer Is about to Break
– by Michael Snyder

Covid: Will They Ever Come Clean about the Damage They Caused?
– by Mark Oshinskie

Should We Fear Worldcoin?
– by Michael Wilkerson

De-Banked: It’s Only a Matter of Time before It Happens to You
– by Nick Giambruno

Indoctrination, Intimidation & Intolerance: What Passes for Education Today
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

America Is Now a Zombie State: Demonic Nihilism Has Infected the Nation
– by Jacob Howland

CBDCs: the Ultimate Tool of Financial Intrusion
– by Jonathon Newman

Watch: Covid Vaccines Contain Cow Protein that Triggers Deadly Meat Allergies
– by Alex Jones and Rob Dew

Why Is America’s ‘Woke Left’ Silent over Blockbuster Child Sex-Trafficking Film?
– by Robert Bridge

Watch: Are Federal Taxes Actually Mandatory?
– by Mike Adams and Peymon Mottahedeh

Watch: Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaccinated & Un-Vaccinated
– by Greg Reese

Animated: Global Debt Projections (2005-2027P)
– by Dorothy Neufeld and Athul Alexander

Was the Covid Response a Coup by the Intelligence Community?
– by Michael Senger

Watch: Exposing Globalist Financial Controllers
– by Patrick Bet-David and Joe Rogan

Watch: “under the Terms and Conditions, Jack Smith Could be Indicted!” – Responding to Latest Federal Charges against Trump
– by Alan Dershowitz

Technocensorship: the Government’s War on So-Called Dangerous Ideas
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

Watch: Plan to Sell/Shutdown Infowars Discovered
– by Alex Jones

Statism and the Unmaking of Reality
– by Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski

‘Facebook Files’ Reveal Despicable Disregard for the Constitution
– by Ron Paul

Watch: Become Ungovernable – UK Weatherman Pays with Cash at Cashless Convenience Store
– by Piers Corbyn

10 Signs that the Mainstream Media Is Not Telling You the Truth about the Economy
– by Michael Snyder

Inflation Adjusted, Men Are Making Less Money Than in 1979, Women Are Doing Better
– by Mish Talk

The CBDCs Are Coming, and the Elite Plan to Use These “Digital Currencies” to Enslave Humanity
– by Michael Snyder

Watch: G7 vs. BRICS by GDP (1992-2028)
– by James Eagle

Story: Decorated Military Veteran J6 Prisoner Stripped of Honorable Military Service – Faces 20 Years in Prison for Walking inside US Capitol
– by Joe Biggs

Where Being Social Is a Priority
– by Anna Fleck

Watch: at the Mercy of the Big Banks
– by Greg Reese

“We Shouldn’t Have Done It”: Facebook Exec Admitted They Censored for Biden Regime
– by Matt Taibbi

Biden’s Break-the-Glass Option: Pardon Hunter and Withdraw from the 2024 Election
– by Jonathon Turley

Worldcoin Isn’t as Bad as It Sounds: It’s Worse – “Played a Dark Game of ‘What Will ppeople Do for Money?’”
– by Andrew M. Bailey and Nick Almond

Private Corporations Don’t Cause Price Inflation. Governments Do.
– by Daniel Lacalle

Watch: Exposing the Deep State J6 Attack on Free Speech – ‘We Would Not Be Silenced’
– by Mike Lindell and Alex Jones

Watch: They’re Hopping Mad about Not Being Able to Debank in Britain
– by Paul Joseph Watson

“Bidenomics” Is a Fraud Based on Deliberately Misrepresented Stats
– by Brandon Smith

Watch: on the “Off-World Alien Invasion”
– by Alex Jones

From “America the Beautiful” to “America Smeared with Feces”
– by Michael Snyder

Watch: Exposing Covid Lockdown as a Trial Run for the Next Engineered Pandemic Crisis
– by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Watch: Powerful Political Ad Exposes Deep State’s Blueprint for Total Control of America
– by The Dilley Meme Team

Making You Poorer to Control You. Honest Money Is the Key to Freedom.
– by Daniel LaCalle

Internet ID Control Grid Must Be Stopped Now! “The Senate Commerce Committee Will Convene on Thursday to Deliberate the Contentious Kids Online Safety Act, a Bill that Would Cause Platforms to Introduce ID Verification for Users and Significantly Reduce Privacy Online.”
– by the Alex Jones Show

Listen: “This Is a Digital Prison… It’s a Global Government” – on the Global Effort to Eliminate Our Freedom, Digital IDs in Europe
– by Michele Bachmann and Jim Hoft

The US Government’s New ‘Ministry of Truth’: the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
– by Peter Schweizer

Watch a Stunning Victory: Nigel Farage and the Right to Banking
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Prediction: “Before Joe Biden Is Impeached He Will Have a Slip, a Fall, or a Medical Emergency. His Administration Will Tearfully Announce Joe Is Stepping Down from Office.”
– by Jim Hoft

Watch: Biden’s Dept. of Prisons Are Breaking All Rules and Precedent to Place J6 Prisoners in with the Violent Prisoners – J6 Prisoner and Model John Strand Tells His Story
– by John Strand and Jim Hoft

Watch: the Origins of Transgenderism Revealed
– by Greg Reese

Eight Important Facts – Not Opinions – that Totally Debunk the Human – Caused Global Warming Hypothesis
– by Lynne Balzer

Watch: Comedian Jim Breuer Trashes Far-Left Media for Attempting to Cancel Country Superstar Jason Aldean
– by Jim Breuer

FedNow Is Live and the Framework Is in Place for CBDCs
– by Daisy Luther

Watch: White House Insider Drops Major Info on Jack Smith and Jan. 6
– by Patrick Byrne and Alex Jones

Watch: Federal Government Has ‘Completely Gone Rogue’ under Biden
– by Kari Lake

The Finders: Human Trafficking, Mind Control and the CIA
– by Greg Reese

Deny, Deflect, Defend: the Censors’ Strategy on Display
– by Brownstone Institute

Watch: Exposing NWO Grifter John Kerry
– by Jon Bowne

Watch Leftist Coup: Soros-Backed AG Weaponizes Elections against Political Opposition
– by Alex Jones

Watch: “We’re Out of Ammo, We’re Out of Money”
– by Rand Paul

Mental Health Round-Ups: The Next Phase of the Government’s War on Thought Crimes
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

Criticizing House Republicans: “Why Aren’t They Impeaching Biden for Receiving Tens of Millions of Dollars? Why Isn’t He under Impeachment?”
– by Donald Trump

Watch: Responding to Trump Jan. 6th Indictment
– by Roger Stone and Alex Jones

Watch: Is Sound of Freedom Being Sabotaged?
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Twitter Files: Who Are the People Claiming RFK Jr. Is “Disinformation”?
– by Paul D. Thacker

Never Forget Disney Refused to Release ‘Sound of Freedom’ “until Angel Studios Finally Acquired It after Years of Wrangling”
– by Jon Nolte

Biden is Calling Up Military Reserves…Are Your Kids Next?
– by Ron Paul

Watch: “No One Is Punished for Lying! You Get Punished for Telling the Truth!”
– by Tucker Carlson

Watch Covidland: the Shot
– by Framing the World Live

The Achilles Heel of the JFK Assassination
– by Jacob G. Hornberger

Globalists Suggest ‘Finance Shock’ and Climate Controls to Launch Their Great Reset
– by Brandon Smith

A Broken Social Elevator?
– by Anna Fleck

Watch: the Weaponized Covid Vaccine Rollout
– by Jon Bowne

Watch: Top Globalist Banker Admits ‘Absolute Control’ to be Exercised with Digital Currency
– by Alex Jones

Watch: Tucker Destroys War Mongering RINOs over Ukraine War Support
– by Tucker Carlson

Angel Studios Directing People to Clinton-Podesta NGOs
– by Greg Reese

Watch: Learn Why Ray Epps Blames Tucker Carlson for Pending Charges over Jan. 6th Protest
– by Alex Jones

Watch: Who’s Behind The ‘Sound of Freedom’ Sabotage in Movie Theaters?
– by Darrin McBreen

Watch: Deep State Planning False Flag Terror Attack on the Power Grid to be Blamed on American Patriots
– by Alex Jones

Targeted for Tyranny: We’re All Suspects under the Government’s Precrime Program
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

The End of the Freedom to Travel
– by Gwendolyn Kull

Elon Does It Again: “Allowing Content Creators to Build a Business Model without the Threat of Deplatforming Eradicating Their Income Overnight Is Why All the Censorship-Industrial Complex Apologists Are Big Mad over Twitter Monetization.”
– by Paul Joseph Watson

The Climate Crisis: Is Breaking the Law Justifiable?
– by Anna Fleck

Democrats Baseless Lies Are Responsible for Today’s Divisiveness: “The Republican Party Is Far from Perfect, but the Democratic Party Is Plain Evil.”
– by Carpe Diem

Conservatives Condemn Tucker Carlson’s 2.5 Hour Interview with Alleged ‘Sex Trafficking Woman Abusing Fraud’ Andrew Tate
– by Charlie Nash

Watch: Bill Gates Released Mosquitos that Spread Malaria in the United States
– by Thomas Renz and Alex Jones

Guess What Is Keeping the US Economy Afloat
– by Paul Firjters, Gigi Foster and Michael Baker

The WHO Is a Real and Present Danger
– by David Bell

The Great Famine Reset: You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Starving
– by Augusto Zimmermann and John Hartnett

Watch: Going Scorched Earth on the Corrupt DOJ – “If We Don’t Break the Back of the DOJ, It Will Destroy This Country”
– by Mark Levin

Biden Seeks to End Cheaper Obamacare Alternatives, Expect Another Supreme Court Smackdown
– by Mish Talk

Federal Court Makes this July 4th a True Independence Day: Judge Doughty’s Free Speech Decision
– by Ron Paul

Bidenomics Spin vs. Economic Reality
– by Andy Puzder

Watch: CIA Was Involved in Funding Wuhan Covid Leak Lab
– by RFK. Jr. and Jesse Waters

Governors of the Mind
– by Jeffrey Tucker

BIS: CBDC Roll-outs May Require Changing the Constitution
– by Mark Jeftiovic

The EU’s Mass Censorship Regime Is Almost Fully Operational. Will It Go Global? – “to Speedily Remove Illegal Content, Hate Speech and So-called Disinformation from Their Platforms”
– by Nick Corbishley

Watch: Nanotech Vaccines, Different Lots of Shots & DNA Altering Injections — Alex Jones Revealed in 2015
– by Alex Jones and Dr. Edward Group

Watch: Tucker Carlson’s First Interview Since Leaving FOX
– by Russel Brand and Tucker Carlson

The Federal Reserve Has Been a Disaster for America
– by Paul Craig Roberts

The Politicization of Banking and the End of Freedom
– by David Thunder

The Private Sector Recession
– by Peter Schiff

Biden’s Endless Gifts to China
– by Robert Williams

Watch: CBDC Global Social Credit Score Control System Has Arrived
– by Alex Jones

Roger Stone Says Trump Told Him the Remaining Classified JFK Assassination Documents Were “So Horrible”
– by Roger Stone and Jack Posobiec

Globalist Elites Fear You
– by James Rickards

Watch: Federal Reserve Launches Phase One of Their CBDC This Month
– by Greg Reese

Visualizing Gold Price and U.S. Debt (1970-2023)
– by Bruno Venditti and Miranda Smith

Watch: How Media & Intel Agencies ‘Rigged’ 2020 Election
– by Joe Rogan

The Hubris of Bending Modernity to Fauci’s Will: a Closer Look at the Fauci-Morens Agenda
– by Justin Hart

The Unraveling of the Censorship Hegemon
– by the Brownstone Institute

Independence from Tyranny: the Fight for Gun Rights in America
– by Gun Owners of America

Declaring Independence from the Parasite Caste
– by Casey Carlisle

UK Covid Inquiry Reveals Just How Vast International Communist Conspiracy May Be – “How Evil Works: the Mass Abdication of Reality in Favor of a Fantasy that Befits One’s Own Personal Comfort and Prurient Self-Interest”
– by Michael Senger

Lockdowns a “Global Policy Failure of Gigantic Proportions”, Say Experts
– by Will Jones

Listen: Reaction to the News that the Government Edited Video to Win Conviction in His Case
– by Oath Keeper Kelly Meggs and Jim Hoft

The Affirmative Aftermath: Schools Now Insist that Race Had a Major Impact in Admissions
– by Johnaton Turley

You Won’t Fix Racism with More Racism: “Let’s Be Honest: the Diversity Hire Does No One Any Good… Least of All the Diversity Hire.”
– by H. P. Smith

“The Real Reason Elon Limited Tweet Views Explains Why His Adversaries Are So Mad.”
– by Paul Joseph Watson

We Need a Serious Conversation about Joe Biden’s Brain
– by Becket Adams

A 19-Point Time Line of Joe Biden’s Infamous Links to the Family Business
– by Wendell Husebø

How Big Is the Market for Crude Oil?
– by Govind Bhutada and Sam Parker

What Will You Use as Money If the Dollar Dies?
– by Jeffrey Tucker

Why the World Is on the Brink of Great Disorder: “When I Looked Back in History, I Saw that the Exact Same Thing Happened on March 5, 1933 When Roosevelt Defaulted on the U.S.’s Promise to Let People Turn in Their Paper Money for Gold and Stocks Went Up.”
– by Ray Dalio

“I Don’t Think We’ll Ever Get to the 2024 Election”: “Step 4: Once Jill Notices These Endless Attacks Have a Private Meeting with Biden Sharing Strategy to Save Face If He Steps Down”
– by Col. Douglas Macgregor

“It Borders on Treason – We Believe This President Is Compromised” – on Joe Biden’s Criminal Deals with China
– by James Comer and Rob Schmitt

The Controlled Demolition of Nation-States
– by J. B Shurk

CISA Was Behind the Attempt to Control Your Thoughts, Speech, and Life
– by Brownstone Institute