2020 Presidential Election Voter Fraud in Michigan
– a theVeryRight.com Investigative Report

The 2020 Presidential Election and Covid-19 Testing – a Celebratory Compilation of the First Year of theVeryRight.com

Election 2020: a Pre-programming Guide
– by Geoff Linsley

Watch: Biden Money Laundering and How Nancy Pelosi Gets Rich in “Rigged” Stock Market – “The Edge Is She Knows Key Legislation, and You Know, Maybe Someone Is Whispering in Her Ear… They Want to Be on Her Good Side.”
– by Tucker Carlson and the Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort

The DC Establishment Is Deeply Concerned that Trump May Have Copies of His Declassified Binder
– by Jeff Carlson

Watch Emergency Warning: Southern Border Is Now a UN Invasion Frontier
– by Vivek Ramaswamy and Alex Jones

Watch: New World Order Invades 2024
– by Bowne Report

Whistleblower Documents Expose Key Tactics of the Censorship Industrial Complex: Matt Taibbi
– by Matt Taibbi

Know Your Enemy: Understanding the Globalist Mindset
– by Infowars

Watch: “They’re Openly Telling Us They’re Going to Brainwash the Next Generation of Americans…”
– by Greg Hunter and Alex Newman

A Shrunken Arsenal: the Alarming Decline of U.S. Munitions
– by Joe Buccino

Flashback – Replacement Migration: the Globalist Plan to Destroy the West
– by Alex Jones

This Year, Americans Have Become Hungrier, Lonelier and More Desperate
– by Michael Snyder

The Guardrails that Once Prevented Wars Are Failing
– by Abishur Prakash

Watch: Why Culture War Is a Distraction Engineered by Elites
– by Stand Up Comedian Dave Smith

2024 Will Be a Year of Catastrophic War in the Middle East
– by Michael Snyder

Watch: 2024 Will See Digital IDs Ushered In by Cyber and Terror Attacks
– by Jon Bowne

Watch: Biden Regime’s Goal of ‘Open Borders’ & ‘Global Governance’ Will ‘Destroy Our Country’ – “Bartiromo Pointed Out that Leftist Forces behind the Collapsed Border ‘Want a New World Order.'”
– by Sen. Ron Johnson and Maria Bartiromo

Rocky Mountain High: Why Trump Should Love the Colorado Ruling – “This Is Textbook Election Interference, though of a Kind Rarely, If Ever, Witnessed before.”
– by Joel B. Pollak

Interview with Director of ‘State of Denial: Arizona’ Documentary – Expected to Make Films Exposing Election Fraud in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin
– by Jordan Conradson and Matt Thayer

A Rigged Judicial System from Top to Bottom: “Let What This Laughable, Biased Prosecutor Said Sink in for a Moment. She Admitted that the Honorable Judge Had ‘Ruled in Our Favor’ before the Case Had Gone to Trial.”
– by Donald Jeffries

Flashback – Replacement Migration: the Globalist Plan to Destroy the West
– by Alex Jones

Media Blame Trump after Democrats Pressured Wayne County Canvassers to Change Vote
– by Joel B. Pollak

Has a “Silent Depression” Already Started in the United States? “If the Economy Is in ‘Good Shape’ Why Are Americans Becoming Homeless at the Fastest Pace Ever Recorded?”
– by Michael Snyder

Missouri AG Andrew Bailey and State Auditor Take on Unlawful Excessive Property Tax Assessments Affecting Hundreds of Thousands – Blackrock Owned Firm Involved
– by Joe Hoft and Toni Viens

The Last Time Democrats Took a GOP Candidate Off the Ballot Was in 1860 – They Would Not Allow Abraham Lincoln’s Name on the Ballot in Their Slave States
– by Jim Hoft

Watch: Responding to Colorado Tyrants Removing Trump from 2024 Ballot
– by Roger Stone and Alex Jones

Watch: the Deep State Is Attempting to Establish a Permanent Dictatorship
– by Vivek Ramaswamy and Alex Jones

62% of Americans Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck and the Bottom of the Economic Food Chain Is Already Collapsing
– by Michael Snyder

Listen: after Months of Silence Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes Calls Gateway Pundit – Tells Us the Biden Regime Is Now Sending Prominent J6 Prisoners to Mental Institutions to Keep Them from Talking Like in the Old Soviet Union
– by Stewart Rhodes and Jim Hoft

Watch: Rudy Giuliani Discusses His Ruling and Also the Colorado Supreme Court Ruling
– by Rudy Giuliani and Ivory Hecker

J6 Political Prisoner Ryan Samsel Can’t Walk, Suffers Life Threatening Condition in Solitary Confinment and Judge, Marshals, Guards, Congress Could Not Care Less
– by Alicia Powe

Watch: US Intel Officer Infiltrates Ukraine War Zone
– by Scott Bennet and Alex Jones

Slamming Democrats Waging the ‘Real War on Democracy’: “Donald Trump Has Never Been Found Guilty of Any Crime, Ever. Most Certainly He Has Never Been Convicted of Insurrection. The Real ‘War on Democracy’ Is Being Waged in Colorado.”
– by James Woods

Watch: DHS Whistleblower Exposes Biden Admin Sex-Trafficking Network
– by Carlos Arellano and Alex Jones

Watch: BitChute Executive Exposes the Tyranny of the Big Brother FISA Dragnet
– by Amy Peikoff and Alex Jones

Watch: DHS Intelligence Officer Blows the Whistle on Massive Islamic Terror Invasion
– by Aaron Stevenson and Alex Jones

Watch: EU Officially Comes for Elon Musk
– by Alex Jones

Why the Pentagon Is a Multi-Trillion-Dollar Fraud
– by Scott Ritter

Visualizing $97 Trillion of Global Debt in 2023
– by Niccolo Conte, Dorothy Neufeld and Joyce Ma

How Skeptical Are Europeans about Vaccinations?
– by Anna Fleck

When It Comes to Voter Fraud, It’s Who Counts that Counts
– by James P. Pinkerton

Watch: Letitia James Confesses to Rigging NY Trial against Trump
– by Alex Jones

Watch: End Anti-American FISA & Restore the 4th Amendment
– by Bowne Report

4th Generation Devastation: the West Has Been Targeted in a Cowardly Globalist Mind War
– by Brandon Smith

Watch: “Let My People Go” Film by Professor Clements Out Fri Dec. 15
– by David Clements and Steve Bannon

“The Fed Digital Currency Will Be Used to Cover-up the Failure of End-State Financialization of the Economy.”
– by James Howard Knustler

First Covid, Now Comes “The Great Taking”: “The Entire Financial System Has Been Wired for a Controlled Demolition.”
– by Doug Casey

Watch: Smashing the A.I. Threat Matrix: How Humanity Defeats Skynet
– by Alex Jones and Mike Adams

Watch: EU Crosses Russia’s Red Line and Announces Plan for Ukraine to Join NATO, Accelerating Danger of WWIII
– by Alex Jones

Justice for the Vaccine-Injured: a Ray of Hope?
– by Christopher Dreisbach

In the Name of ‘Fake News,’ NewsGuard Extorts Sites to Follow the Government Narrative
– by Lee Fang

Watch: Rep. Matt Gaetz Interviews Infowars Host Owen Shroyer
– by Matt Gaetz and Owen Shroyer

Watch: “I’m Confident that Everybody on Those Buses Were FBI Assets – We’ve Identified One of the Buses – Senior Officials Deeply Involved” – Rep. Clay Higgins Tells Lara Logan They Have Proof of FBI Involvement in Jan. 6
– by Truth in Media

Ukrainian MP Oleksandr Dubinsky Rumored to be Summoned to Joe Biden’s Impeachment Hearings Is Violently Beaten by Unknown Assailants in Ukrainian Detention Center
– by EU Insiders

Inflation in Real Life Much Worse Than in Government Fantasy World
– by Schiff Gold

Watch: Conservative Influencer Robby Starbuck Sentenced to Death by Google AI
– by Harrison Smith

Watch: Ramaswamy, CNN’s Abby Phillip Spar over Claim Jan. 6 Was an ‘Inside Job’
– by Vivek Ramaswamy

The Awakening: Donors Are Finally Seeing The Radicalization of American Higher Education
– by Jonathon Turley

Is Free Speech a Relic in America?
– by James Bovard

Watch: the FBI’s Role in the 2020 Election Coverup
– by Ivory Hecker and Jim Hoft

We Must Save Ourselves from the Public Health Professionals
– by David Bell

Biden & the Media Are Gaslighting People about Inflation
– by Ron Paul

Jim Grant: We’ve Yet to Feel the Full Consequences of the “Era of Free Money”
– by Schiff Gold

Joe Biden Doesn’t Have Anything to Take Credit for
– by Peter Schiff

The Treason of the Intellectuals
– by Niall Ferguson

Why Does the WHO Make False Claims Regarding Proposals to Seize States’ Sovereignty?
– by David Bell

What in the World Has Happened to Our System of Education? “The Real World Is Not pleasant. It Does Not Hand Out Participation Trophies.”
– by Michael Snyder

Apartment Investment Syndication: a Predictably Unraveling Scheme, Thanks to the Fed
– by Artis Shephard

Watch: Netherlands Spent 60 Years Worth of Oil Profits to House Migrants
– by Harrison Smith

Watch: Alex Jones’s Interview with Elon Musk, Operation Mockingbird & “The War on Conservatives”
– by Mark Dice and Alex Jones

The Venezuela–Guyana Dispute Explained in 3 Maps
– by Bruno Venditti and Nick Routley

Watch: the Deep State Agenda Is “Controlled Demolition of America”
– by Alex Newman and Greg Hunter

Grinding Down into Deflation: the National Debt Disaster No One Is Talking about
– by Brandon Smith

Watch: Putin Told Moon Landing Photos Are Fake – Some of What the Fake Moon Landing Crowd Says
– by Greg Reese

The Pentagon’s Rush to Deploy AI-Enabled Weapons Is Going to Kill Us All
– by Michael T. Klare

Watch Trailer: ‘State of Denial: Arizona’ Documentary Exposes Fraud in Kari Lake and Abe Hamadeh’s Stolen Elections where 60% of Machines Failed
– by Speropictures and Matt Thayer

Watch: “If People Think Things Are Bad Now…” Tucker And Alex Jones Talk Deplatforming, Depopulation, & the NWO
– by Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson

Health Insurance Cost Soared after the Affordable Care Act
– by Political Calculations

Watch: ‘Nobody Pays Millions of Dollars to a Crackhead because Hunter Biden Doesn’t Provide Any Services’
– by Ted Cruz and Rob Finnerty

January 6, 2021 Was a Smoke Screen for the Real Insurrection of November 3, 2020
– by Albin Sadar

Watch: FDR’s Pearl Harbor Stand-Down Exposed
– by Red Pilled TV

Watch: Globalists Using UN COP28 Summit to Push Chinese Lockdown Model on US
– by Alex Newman

COP28: The Globalist Agenda Has Never Been More Obvious
– by Kit Knightly

Watch: New Information on Jan 6 Fedsurrection
– by Truth in Media

Watch: Abolishing the WEF ahead of Global ID Cashless Society Lockdowns
– by Ron Paul and Alex Jones

Watch: New Zealand Covid Lethal Injection Whistleblower Gives First Interview, Drops Huge Truth Bombs
– by Ryan McMaken

Are You Still Middle Class?
– by Charles Hugh Smith

Biden Unfreezing $6B for Iran Funded Proxy Forces Attacking U.S. Ships, Troops
– by Kash Patel

Watch: Israel Stood Down on October 7th and Insider Traders Got Rich
– by Alex Jones

The Money Supply Continues Its Biggest Collapse Since the Great Depression
– by Ryan McMaken

The Federal Government Paid Media Outlets to Promote the Covid Vaccine
– by Rav Arora

Watch: Attorney and Former Prosecutor David Clements’ Documentary “Let My People Go” Trailer Released
– by David Clements

Watch: New Zealand Targets Covid Whistleblower
– by Bowne Report

Listen: Globalists Accelerate Depopulation to ‘Catch Up’ with Rapid AI Advancements that will Replace Humans
– by Mike Adams

How Much Do Americans Trust the Media?
– by Bruno Venditti

FBI Tells Newsweek that Trump Supporters Are Enemies of the State and Must Be Secretly Tracked, Monitored, Investigated
– by Leo Hohmann

Watch: New Zealand Covid Whistleblower
– by Steve Kirsch and Alex Jones

Watch: Tucker Carlson Kicked off Network by Special Interest Groups
– by Greg Gutfeld

The Hotspots of Modern Slavery
– by Florian Zandt

CTIL: the Censorship Began Earlier and Went Further Than We Thought
– by Jeffrey Tucker

Watch: Kissinger Was a Top Agent of the Chinese Communist Party
– by Roger Stone and Alex Jones

Watch: Remembering Henry Kissinger, the Godfather of the New World Order
– by Seamus Bruner

Watch: Federal Whistleblowers Confirm Obama Established Illegal Shadow Government after Trump Election
– by Alex Jones

Watch: Exposing Globalist Carbon Capture Plot to Shut Down America
– by Vivek Ramaswamy and Alex Jones

Watch: Irish Government Targets the Irish People
– by Jon Bowne

The White House Goes Rogue: Secret Surveillance Program Breaks All the Laws
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

Watch Flashback: Obama Bans Free Speech in the Dead of Night
– by Alex Jones

Police Beat the Hell Out of Innocent J6 Protesters and They Face Years in Prison. The Left Riots, Sues Police for ‘Excessive Force’ and Wins Millions.
– by Alicia Powe

CBP Agents No Longer Protect Our Borders – but They Better Protect Feelings of LGBTQIA+ Illegal Aliens
– by Allan Wall

US Spends Hundreds of Billions on Overseas Wars, but Who Really Benefits?
– by Andrew Thornbrooke

Watch: DARPA Created Aerosolized Covid Vaccine before the Release of Covid
– by Thomas Renz and Alex Jones

Separate Big Tech and State
– by Ron Paul

130,000-280,000 Completed Ballots Were Shipped across State Lines from NY to PA in 2020 Election – Never Explained
– by Jim Hoft

Coming Soon: Your Travel Will Be Restricted by Personal Carbon Allowances
– by Mark E. Jeftovic

Three Graphs that Show There Is No ‘Climate Crisis’
– by John Staddon

How the Democratic Party Faked an American Insurrection
– by Robert Bridge

LOL Watch: Comedian Jim Breuer Roasts Woke Liberal with Severe Trump Derangement Syndrome
– by Jim Bruer

American Prepper Culture Spreads to Taiwan amid Fears of Chinese Invasion
– by Zerohedge

Now Big Brother Wants to Control the Gas Pedal in Your Car
– by Bob Unruh

Economist: Bidenomics Is Putting ‘Astonishing Burden’ on American Households
– by Bob Unruh

Where Europe’s Far-Right Has Gained Ground
– by Martin Armstrong

Watch: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Captured by Unknown Forces
– by Greg Reese

The New York Times Finally Admits to the Harm Done to Children
– by Jennifer Sey

Watch: Ray Epps Jan. 6 Investigation Part 3
– by Truth in Media

We Must Demand Justice for the January 6th Protestors
– by Ron Paul

Watch: Moderna Admits Covid Vaccine Causes Cancer – Huge Development as Millions Die from Covid Injections
– by World Alternative Media

Globalist Death Cult’s ‘Trans’-Human Digital Agenda Demands Your Submission, or Else…
– by Leo Hohmann

Watch: New Footage Proves Jan. 6th Was an Inside Job
– by Alex Jones

Watch: Anti-Globalist Javier Milei Wins Argentinian Presidential Race
– by Alex Jones

The Covid Caper Gradually Unravels
– by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Why So Many Countries Followed China’s Lockdown Example: “They Were Told to Do So by the World Health Organization (WHO).”
– by Ron Brown

What’s It Take to Be Middle Class Now? “Only the Top 30% of Households Earn Enough to Afford What Was within Reach of the Top 60% in Decades Past”
– by Charles Hugh Smith

Watch: World Awakens to WEF Plan to Poison Food Supply
– by Alex Jones

Why We Are Sleepwalking into Tyranny
– by Bryce Buchanan

Watch: Ramaswamy Schools Very Stupid CNN Host Abby Phillip on Media Gotcha Questions, Rants about How to Save America
– by Vivek Ramaswamy

Mapped: Food Unaffordability across the World
– by Our World in Data and Pallavi Rao

Watch: the Israel/Gaza War Is a Distraction from the Financial Takeover
– by Alex Jones

The WEF and the Dangers of a Circular Economy
– by John Mac Ghlionn

Watch Transhumanism: the End Game — Epic Speech Lays Out the Globalist Plan for a Post-Human Future
– by Laura Aboli

Watch: Gaza is a Distraction from 20 Million Humans That Have Died Worldwide from Covid Shot
– by Alex Jones

You’re Paying for the Israel War. You’ll Also Pay for the Refugees.
– by Ryan McMaken

Watch: Welcome to CBDC Hell
– by Bowne Report

We the Exploited: the U.S. Government Buys and Sells Its Citizens for Profit and Power – “the U.S. Government Is Selling Us (or Rather, Our Data) to the Highest Bidders”
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

Free Speech Murdered by Commie Campuses
– by Jon Bowne

Europe’s New Digital Identity Wallet: Security or Tyranny?
– by David Thunder

Watch: UN Concentration Camps Confirmed Worldwide
– by Alex Jones

The Globalist Vision: “15 Minute” Prison Cities and the End of Private Property
– by Brandon Smith

Vehicle Kill Switch Mandate Means You Will Be a Prisoner in Your Own Vehicle
– by Mike Adams

Ray Epps Investigative Series Part 2 Digs into Jan. 6th “Fed-Surrection”
– by Truth in Media

Zionist Support of Hamas: “Mainstream Media Reporters Were Allegedly Caught Embedded with Hamas Terrorists during the Raid on Israel.”
– by Greg Reese

“Headlines in Recent Weeks Blared that Crime Is Down, All Based on a New Report from the FBI” – This Crime Data Is Not Real
– by Jeffrey Tucker

Visualizing the Pyramid of Global Wealth Distribution
– by Dorothy Neufeld and Christina Kostandi

Mapped: Recognition of Palestine by Country
– by Bruno Venditti

Watch: January 6 Prisoners Being Brutally Tortured at Facilities across America
– by Alex Jones, Trennis Evans and Norm Pattis

How the Billionaire Elite Manipulates the World: “Six Corporations Control 90% of All U.S. Media.”
– by Raymond Ibrahim

Deep State Censorship Exposed
– by Robet Malone

Three Steps to Solving the US Housing Crisis – Kick Out Illegal Immigrants First – “Keep in Mind, This Is Similar to What Happened during the Great Depression When Major Banks Bought Up Distressed Mortgages on the Cheap as Owners Struggled to Stay above Water. In the End Banks Were Snatching Up Homes for Pennies on the Dollar.”
– by Brandon Smith

The Interest Rate Shock Will Blow Up the Government’s Ponzi Game: “Who Will Buy the Huge Flood of New US Government Bonds Intended to Finance Deficits of around 6 Percent of GDP in the Coming Years?”
– by Simon Elmer

The Great Reset Part 2 – a Camp with No Outside
– by Simon Elmer

Listen: “Let My People Go!” Professor David Clements Talks about his Upcoming Documentary on Jan 6
– by Professor David Clements on The Political Prisoner Podcast

Watch: Red Carpet Interviews from Movie Screening of “Police State” at Mar-a-Lago – Interviews with Rudy Giuliani, Kari Lake, Dinesh D’Souza, More
– by Cara Castronuova

The Great Reset Part 1: the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
– by Simon Elmer

Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck Has Become “the Main Financial Lifestyle” for US Consumers
– by Michael Snyder

Watch: Hezbollah Declares War on the United States
– by Alex Jones

Connecticut Court Overturns Fraudulent Election due to Ballot Box Voter Fraud – Will Michigan Be Next or Will They Allow the Lawlessness to Continue?
– by Jim Hoft

Obama, Hillary and Biden All Shared Emails Illegally outside the US Government’s Systems – None Will Be Held Accountable for These Crimes
– by Joe Hoft

Watch: Trump Issues Emergency Martial Law / Dictatorship Warning
– by Alex Jones

Unraveling The Wuhan Cover-Up: How Fauci Conspired with Virologists to Deceive the Public and Smear Critics
– by Zerohedge

Antisemitism and the Origin of Hate Speech: “from the Holocaust Denial Trials of the 1980s”
– by Greg Reese

MK Ultra Pawns Used to Control the Masses
– by Alex Jones

Big Brother Unchained: UK Government to Abolish Biometrics and Surveillance Safeguards as It Embraces Facial Recognition
– by Nick Corbishley

Authoritarians Drunk on Power: It’s Time to Recalibrate the Government
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

How Did the Corruption of Public Health Happen?
– by David Bell

Watch: Covid Authoritarians Want Forgiveness – Here’s Why They Don’t Deserve It
– by Zerohedge

A Pro-Liberty Speaker
– by Ron Paul

Flashbacks: the Covid Coverup Program — Wars & Terrorist Attacks
– by Alex Jones

The Veil of Silence over Excess Deaths
– by Sonia Elijah

Ranked: The World’s Top 25 Defense Companies by Revenue
– by Marcus Lu and Bhabna Banerjee

Watch Breaking Biden’ Author: Obama Specifically Picked Biden as VP because Joe Was ‘Bad with Money’
– by Alex Marlow

Watch: “Hey Hillary! Why Did Your Husband Visit Epstein Island 26 Times!” – Chaos Erupts as Hillary’s Security Drags Brave Man out of Campaign Event for Demanding Answers Regarding Her Husband’s Relationship with Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein
– by Alex Rosen

Watch: Secret Plan for World Socialist Dictatorship Exposed
– by Jay Dyer

Watch: the Truth about the Maine Mass Shooting
– by Paul Joseph Watson

Flashback: How You Will Go to the FEMA Camps – the Process of Enslavement
– by Alex Jones

Heading toward Another US Government Default
– by James Turk

Can a Demoralized and Lazy People Fight for Liberty?
– by Jeffrey Tucker

Watch: Revealing the Dirty Details behind the Republican Old Guard’s Attempt to Derail Mike Johnson’s Vote for House Speaker
– by Matt Gaetz and Steve Bannon

The Dangers of a “Cashless” Economy
– by Patrick Barron

Derek Chauvin Is Guilty of Manslaughter, not Murder (If Even That)
– by Ryan McMaken

Evil Walks Among Us: Monsters with Human Faces Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

Gag Order against Trump Is the Real Threat to Democracy
– by Christopher Roach

Why the ‘Uniparty’ Sabotaged Jim Jordan
– by Jeffrey Tucker

Listen: The Next Globalist Psyop Has Been Launched – Holy War to Deceive Christians
– by Mike Adams

Divide & Conquer: the NWO Hegelian Dialectic of the Radical Islamic Invasion to Collapse Civilization Exposed
– by Alex Jones

How Living in Your Mom’s Basement Has Replaced the American Dream
– by Robert Bridge

Cutting off the Head of the Snake: Swiss Banker Calls on Swiss Authorities to Arrest People behind the Release of “Bioweapon” Covid-19 Shot in New Documentary
– by Pascal Najadi and Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger

Some Call It Conspiracy Theory – Part 2
– by Iain Davis

Watch: New Trump Ad Shows Inside of Hillary Clinton’s Internment Camps Intended to ‘Deprogram’ MAGA Voters
– by Alex Jones

Watch: Everything You Were Told about George Floyd Was a Lie — Was Not Murdered by Police Officer: “Lawsuit Filed by Prosecutor Amy Sweasy Claims Medical Examiner Who Performed Floyd’s Autopsy Withheld True Cause of Death for Fear of Democrat Retaliation.”
– by Tucker Carlson

Watch: Big Tech Turns Its Back on Legacy News Media
– by Alex Jones

Correlations and the Definition of the Money Supply
– by Frank Shostak

Watch: Responding to October Bankruptcy Ruling
– by Alex Jones

1,000 Days without a Trial: Jan. 6 Prisoner Shares His Story of ‘Endurance, Perseverance, and Hope’
– by Patricia Tolson

What Some Call “Anti-Science” Is Just Anti-authoritarianism
– by Alex Washburne

Thinking outside the State
– by Rowan Parchi

Some Call It Conspiracy Theory – Part 1
– by Iain Davis

Watch: Zionism and the Creation of Israel – Exclusive Report
– by Greg Reese

It’s Time to Overhaul FOIA
– by Curtis Schube & Gary Lawkowski

Watch: BlackRock CEO Desperately Tries to Hide His Real Agenda of Mass Starvation/Depopulation
– by Alex Jones

Postcards from a Police State: 22 Years of Blowback from the USA Patriot Act
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

Watch: “I Am Willing to Go to Jail – If That’s What It Takes for Our Country to Win and Become a Democracy Again!” – President Trump Responds to Obama Judge’s Unconstitutional Gag Order
– by Donald Trump

Hamas’s Victory
– by Ron Paul

Climate Change: No. 1 Problem of No Nation?
– by Katharina Buchholz

Watch: Armageddon Alert: Globalists Plan to Use Israel-Palestine Conflict to Trigger World War 3
– by Alex Jones

Ticking Time-Bomb: Food Inflation Is Crushing Millions of Low Income Americans
– by Zerohedge

The Government Is Lying about Inflation
– by Peter Schiff

Which Countries Receive the Most Foreign Aid from the U.S.? Sub-Saharan Africa Is Held Together by Donations from White Countries
– by Bruno Venditti

Watch: Infowars Caller Brilliantly Lays Out the Truth about Israel-Palestine Conflict
– by The American Journal

The Myth of the Invincible Dollar
– by Michael MaHarrey

Hate from Both Sides of Israel/Palestine Conflict Will Only Lead to More Death & Destruction
– by Kelen McBreen

Watch: ADL Using Anti-Semitism Charges to Attack Free Speech
– by Alex Jones

Leftist Media Call Trump-Supporters ‘Far-Right’… for What?
– by Jack Hellner

Watch: Who Is Really behind the Impending Terror Attacks in the US as Israel/Palestine Faces Apocalyptic Nuclear War
– by Alex Jones

“The War Is Not Meant to Be Won, It Is Meant to Be Continuous. Hierarchical Society Is Only Possible on the Basis of Poverty and Ignorance. In Principle the War Effort Is Always Planned to Keep Society on the Brink of Starvation.”
– by Jim Quinn

Dirty Tricks by Biden DOJ: Why Did a Key Defense Witness Change His Testimony after Talking to DOJ in Jan. 6 Trial of Hero Cop?
– by Cara Castronuova

Watch: Senator Rand Paul Exposes How the US Has Been Funding Terror Groups for Years
– by Owen Shroyer

Watch: the First Casualty of War Is Truth
– by Paul Joseph Watson

CBDCs: Ultimate Tool of Oppression
– by Laura Dodsworth

Watch: Prepare for U.S. Terror Attacks
– by Bowne Report

It’s a Trap! The Wave of Repercussions as the Middle East Fights “the Last War”
– by Brandon Smith

The Societal Effects of Inflation – How You Know Things Are Really Going Badly
– by Brandon Smith

Watch: “Frankly His Boss, Barack Hussein Obama – I Think It’s His Boss!” – Telling New Hampshire Crowd that Obama Is Controlling Biden
– by Donald Trump

Government Is the Hidden Hand Directing the Culture Wars
– by J. W. Rich

‘Breaking Biden‘: Antony Blinken Is the Patron Saint of the Military-Industrial Complex
– by Alex Marlow

The Bottomless Swamp of Regulatory Capture: “The Top 0.1%’s Share of Financial Assets Has Soared 34% Since 2009 while the Bottom 50%’s Share Fell 26% from a Meager 3.1% to a Nearly Invisible Sliver of 2.3%.”
– by Charles Hugh Smith

Dollarization Puts Foreign Economies at the Mercy of the US Regime
– by Ryan McMaken

The Dangers of Investigating Big Pharma
– by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Let’s Examine Some Real Crimes Committed by Presidents
– by Connor O’Keeffe

Watch: Biden’s Iranian Handout Threatens National Security
– by Jon Bowne

World War III Will Be the Excuse for Extreme Food Rationing across America
– by Ethan Huff

Watch: “This Is Election Interference!” “Our Whole System Is Corrupt!” – Unloading on Crooked Marxist Democrats outside NYC Courtroom
– by Donald Trump

Watch: Will President Trump Be Nominated as Next Speaker of the House?
– by Alex Jones

Watch: FNC’s Hannity Claims Effort Underway to ‘Draft’ Trump to Be Speaker
– by Sean Hannity

This Is Not Freedom, America: the Profit Incentives Driving the American Police State
– by John & Nisha Whitehead

Watch: Fox News Gets Brutally Trolled by Conservative YouTuber Mark Dice While Covering Mass Shooting at Historically Black Morgan State University in Baltimore
– by Mark Dice

No Privacy, No Property: the World in 2030 According to the WEF
– by Madge Waggy

The 5 Stages of America: “America Is a Corpse Being Devoured by Maggots. The Democrats Root for the Maggots, the Republicans Root for the Corpse.”
– by Raúl Ilargi Meijer

Which New World Order Are We Talking about?
– by Jeff Thomas

Solutions Are Scary: Part 2 – Economic Rebellion and Black Markets
– by Brandon Smith

How Great Is Our Economy If the Bottom 50%’s Share of the Nation’s Wealth Has Plummeted Since 2009?
– by Charles Hugh Smith

Almost Half of All Young Adults in the US Are Living with Their Parents
– by Michael Snyder

Why Did People Comply?
– by Maximilien Lacour

Watch: Fauci & CIA Collude for Covid Genocide
– by Jon Bowne

WW3 Military Draft? Are We about to Be Conscripted to Fight Russia?
– by World Alternative Media

Charting the Depths: the World of Subsea Cables – “Currently, Rhere Are 552 Active and Planned Submarine Cables”
– by Adam Symington